Archive for November 9th, 2017

how did trump win the election

250 words , choose which three factors do you consider to be the most important in explaining the electoral victory and why I choose this. I choose 
1.supreme court 
2. trump billions 
3.hillary secret email system

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Skills For Success

Review materials under the topic “Researching Tips”

When considering the career goal you identified in Module 1, it is helpful to know where to go to find current information about that career. For this assignment, you will:

Search the Internet to find the salary range for someone on your chosen career path in the area where you plan to live and work.
You will also search the Argosy University Online Library for a journal, or any other periodical, that can help you keep up with the trends in your chosen career.
Explore the Argosy University Center Platform, develop a profile, and complete the Holland Interest Assessment to assess how well your career path matches your interests.
Part I. Internet Search

For your Internet search, you can consider visiting the following links to appropriate websites for information on:

Salary Search
Salary Information
Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your findings from your Internet research using the following guidelines:

Using your Internet browser, do a keyword search using terms that will help you determine the salary range in your chosen career in your region. For example: paralegal salary ranges in PA
Identify the URL of the website(s) providing relevant information.
Describe why you think this is a reliable website. Click here for a checklist about what makes a credible website.
Explain whether the salary information is consistent with the career goal you have set.
Describe whether you can envision being satisfied with this level of salary in your chosen career. What factors may affect your satisfaction, including cost of living in your state, size of your family, debt obligations, housing costs, etc…
List two or three other questions or concerns you still have about your chosen career.
Create a separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, and the URL where you found the information.  Here is an example of a citation for a website.
Gladly, C. (2012, January 4) Earnings have increased for college graduates over  the past 20 years! Retrieved from

Part II. Library Research
Write a one-page Microsoft Word document describing your library research using the following guidelines:

Access the Online Library.
Identify the name of at least one journal that provides articles relevant to your chosen career path.
Describe an article in this journal that contains information you find interesting and explain why you find it interesting.
Explain how this information may relate to your career goals or help in the future.
After reading this article, describe a question or topic you wish the article had pursued further.
On your separate reference page, cite the author, date of publication, article title, publication, volume, and the URL where you found the information. For example:
Author, I. (2013). Three easy steps to becoming a rocket scientist. 
      Journal of reliable career information, 66(13), 5–7. Retrieved from

Part III. The Career Platform and The Holland Interest Assessment

For this part of the assignment, you need to follow the link below to Argosy's online Career Platform. There you will set up your own profile, and complete an interest inventory to explore your areas of interest. Areas of interest are those activities and goals that we find more interesting and satisfying. You will then answer the questions below about the results of your interest inventory.

To Assess the Argosy Career Platform and complete the Holland Interest Assessment:

Go to
Click on "Student Sign In"
Follow the prompts to register by clicking on either "Sign in with LinkedIn" (if you already have a LinkedIn account) OR "Create a New Account".
If you click on "Create a New Account", you will immediately receive an email with a link to return to the Career Platform. Check your e-mail and follow the link.
You will then be directed to complete your profile.
As soon as you complete and SAVE your profile, you will be taken back to the Home Page of the Career Platform. You will see a large green button that says "To complete ASP100 Assignment, Click Here". Click the button and follow the prompts to complete the assessment which takes about 5-10 minutes. As soon as you are finished, your results will appear on the screen. Review your results.

At this point, you can return to your assignment and write your response to the following questions:

What did you learn about your interests after completing the Holland Interest Assessment?
Which occupations were recommended to you, based on your results?
Were you surprised by your results? Do you agree with the results?
Provide your response in a one-page Microsoft Word document.

Submitting Your Assignment
Collate your findings from Part I, Part II, and Part III into a single Microsoft Word document and include a separate page for your title page and references. You are encouraged to use the M5A2 Template provided below to help you organize your assignment.

Use this M5A2 Template to help format your assignment and save it as Lastname_Firstinitial_M5_A2.doc.
Your assignment should include:
Title page in APA format (Click here for guidelines.)
Part I: Internet Research
Part II: Library Research
Part III: The Career Platform and The Holland Interest Assessment
References page in APA format. (Click here for guidelines.)
The following M5A2 Template can help you with formatting your assignment.

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Unit 1 Article Critique

Unit I Article Critique 


Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article you locate in the Waldorf Online Library. The article must be related to explaining how the needs of certain groups of individuals or institutions (e.g., veterans, the elderly, the poor, hospitals, or clinics) can determine how government on the local, state, or federal level spends their money. Using the first few pages of Chapter 1 as a guide, select a specific group of individuals or institutions in our society as part of your search. In your critique, address the following questions/points:   

 What are the main points and arguments of the author(s)?  

 What is your opinion of the article?

 How does the article relate to your experience or current job in the public or nonprofit sector?  

 How can the points and arguments of the author(s) be applied to the public sector in a practical sense?  

 Describe how positive and negative externalities could affect the efficiency with which governments can allocate their resources to provide for the needs of citizens. 


The critique should be roughly 500 words in length (approximately two double-spaced pages). Be sure to cite all borrowed, quoted, and paraphrased material appropriately in APA style. Your professor is most interested in your opinion (the second and third bullet points above). Please view the following resource for assistance when preparing your assignment for submission: How to Write a Critique. 


Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. 

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FD facilities Research Paper

FD facilities Research Paper

Write a 4-5 page APA paper (75 pts) on the topic of firehouse design considerations.

1.  discuss the planning, design, construction phases

2.  diiscuss key design features for the varying needs of career, combination, and volunteer departments

3.  discuss special requirements for offices, public meeting space, maintenance operations, training activities, etc.

4.  discuss flexibility of design, future expansion, construction types, etc

5.  Consider public input on location and design issues.

6.  Dig in to this topic, learn something new!

7.  Also, include a summary of your department's facility resources; firehouses, admin, support, training facility, etc.  What are your department's facility resource needs and how will they be funded?

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Leadership Paper

Students will prepare a paper about leadership dilemma or problem. This may be a real problem that the student is experiencing or may be based on a past experience. Students should decide early in the semester on the topic for this paper and have a quick conversation via phone or email with the instructor to ensure that it is appropriate for this assignment. This paper should include: 

1. Introduction and description of the leadership dilemma or problem

2. The goals or outcomes that the student hopes to achieve or solve 

3. The leadership characteristics, skills, or behaviors that the student needs to engage in solving the problem

4. The activities or plan of action that the student incorporates to solve the problem

5. The tools or resources that may be used to solve the problem (this may include people) 

6. Conclusion

Be sure to include knowledge you have gained this semester to help you analyze the problem and ways to solve it. The paper must be in APA format, 6th edition. Use Times New Roman, 12 font, regular 1” margins.  If you are not familiar with APA, you may visit for more information, purchase the small guide APA: The Easy Way! (2nd ed), or use other websites. There are plenty of sample papers on how to use APA as well. Minimum 7 pages (excluding title page and references). 

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Training And Development And The Role Of The I/O Psychologist

1st-  (info to be used in a mind map) Regarding CRM training program –  explain how the step "Conduct training and Assessment" function at the following levels:

  • Organizational level
  • Job level
  • Personal level

2nd- Write an INTRODUCTION ONLY to a paper covering CRM and the topics covering. 175 WORD MINIMUM  

  • How was the needs assessment conducted? How were the objectives for training set?
  • What training design and delivery method would be most useful for this program? Why?
  • Which training evaluation methods would you recommend to assess the success of this program?

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Assignment 2: Discussion—Ethics in Corporate Settings

Assignment 2: Discussion—Ethics in Corporate Settings

Many companies have incorporated ethic policies to guide their staff. Additionally, almost all professional organizations have ethic policies to guide their professional's behavior.


Using the Argosy University online library resources or the Internet, research the background of ethics policies for companies. Then, respond to the following questions:

  • How do these ethical policies aid the company?
  • How do they guide the behavior of the staff of the various companies?
  • How strict should the company be in applying their policies?

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, in a minimum of 500 words, summarize and post your responses to this Discussion Area. Support your work by citing sources according to APA standards.
  • Through the end of the module, respond to at least two of your classmates' posts and respond by drawing comparisons between their posts and yours.

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

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Law – Criminal

Paper two is a continuation of the work you did on your first paper of this course. As always, pay close attention to the following guidelines. Keep in mind, college-level research and writing is a process that takes time, and you will likely need to write multiple drafts of your work to create a quality paper. Allow yourself ample time to complete this assignment to the best of your ability.

Of the five articles you used for your Paper 1 assignment during Week 2, select three that share a common theme discussed in the first nine chapters of our textbook.

In a well-written paper, provide the following for EACH article: 

A description of the theme as our textbook discusses it.

What the articles you have selected say about the theme. Where do they agree? Where do they disagree?

Now that you have reviewed at least four sources on this theme (our textbook and the three articles), what is your perspective?

The first page of your paper will be a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.

This paper will use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.

The citations for each article MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines. Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function. Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available APA resources.

Excluding the cover page and references, this paper must EXCEED 5 pages of written text.

Only COMPLETE paragraphs consisting of an introductory sentence, a full explanation of key points supported with properly cited sources, and a concluding sentence may be used.

Only use published articles from academic texts, such as those found at or accessed through your Grantham University EBSCO host accounting. The entire paper must be your original work. It may not include quotes, and at no time should text be copied and pasted.

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Assignment 3: Healthcare Quality

Assume that you are a quality officer who is responsible for one (1) of the state’s largest healthcare organizations. You have been told that the quality of patient care has decreased, and you have been assigned a project that is geared toward increasing quality of care for the patients. Your Chief Executive Officer has requested a six to eight page (6-8) summary of your recommended initiatives.

Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Analyze three (3) quality      initiatives for your organization.
Determine the supporting factors      that would aid in the reduction of healthcare cost in your organization      without reducing quality of care for the patients.
Differentiate      between quality in a free market healthcare system and in single-payer      government system with three (3) examples for each.
Specify three (3)      common law quality initiatives that are still found in 21st century      healthcare organizations.
Defend your position on the      importance of healthcare quality for your organization. Provide support      with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position.
Assemble a plan to protect patient      information that complies with all legal requirements.
Use at least three (3) quality      references. Note: Wikipedia and      other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Typed, double      spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all      sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.      Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover      page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the      professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the      reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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Small Groups and Communities

Small Groups and Communities
This assignment will introduce you to the use of small groups to deliver a service. You will also explore how communities are developed and how community influences human behavior.


Using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, explore these concepts and respond to the following:

Identify three types of small groups.
Locate and provide real-life examples of small groups (such as support groups, community groups, education groups, and parent support groups) in your community.
Specifically discuss the purpose and scope of each of the three groups chosen earlier, along with the group structure, the population served, the frequency of group meetings, and the duration of the group.
Define the term "community" and then discuss the influences of the global communication technologies on the nature of communities. You can use the groups identified above as examples to explain your points.
Compare two theoretical approaches to community (for example, contrasting types, spatial arrangements, social systems, social capital, and conflict) in terms of relevance to human services.
 Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 
 Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions


Reference to supporting readings and other materials


Language and grammar


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