Archive for January 3rd, 2018

The European And Colonial Empires, 1900-1945

The European And Colonial Empires, 1900-1945

  1. Read  The European and colonial empires.
  2.  Select one of the historical events or historic figures that are introduced in this chapter, e.g., Suez Crisis 1956, Khalifat Movement 1919-1923, the French experience in Algeria and Tunisia, Mahatma Fandhi, the Atlantic Charter, etc…, and do a bit of research on the event. You can search for readings at  Google, or watch a documentary on Netflix or Youtube. The choice is yours.
  3. Write about the person or event that you selected. In roughly 750 words tell us:
    1. What or who you selected
    2. Why is this a significant person or event in history?
    3. What you believe are the most important facts that other people should know about this person or event.
    4. Conclusion

Introduction of Child Development program evaluation

HSE 215 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Draft of Introduction

Overview: For this program evaluation, you will identify a community or school-based program in your geographical area or an area of your choice. You will determine the targeted age group of this program, and this will be your focus of study. (If the program targets more than one age group, simply choose one of the groups.) Using this group and the program, you will determine how the interventions provided either address or do not address the developmental needs, risk factors, and resiliency factors of the involved children. After identifying gaps in services, you will research and select an intervention plan to address these gaps, providing justification around the selection. Prompt: For this assignment, you will complete the introduction. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

1. Provide an introduction by describing the purpose of the evaluation and how it will be completed. Do this by stating the purpose and describing the process of the evaluation (generally, the sections of your report).

2. Identify one community or school-based program from your geographical area or the area of your choice. Examples include, but are not limited to, YWCA/YMCA programs, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Early Head Start, Head Start, mental health services, child development services, and after-school programs. Be sure to indicate whether the program is community or school-based.

3. Identify the age group served by the program. Typical age groups include infancy (0–3), early childhood (3–5), middle childhood (5–12), and adolescence (13–18). If the program serves multiple age groups, select and identify one group you will address.

4. Identify the major developmental needs, risk factors, and resiliency factors of your selected age group. Refer to the Definitions document for an explanation of developmental needs, risk factors, and resiliency factors; refer to the text for age-specific developmental needs and risks, and to the assigned web resources for the resiliency factors. This section may be presented in paragraph or bulleted list format.

• Developmental needs include, but are not limited to, learning to walk and run, reading and writing, gaining independence, and making friends. • Risk factors include poor parenting skills, drug use in the household, social isolation, living in a high-crime neighborhood, and others. • Resiliency factors include appropriate parenting, good schools, reading and writing supported in the home, healthy meals, appropriate

developmental supports, high self-esteem, and others. 5. Describe the service or services provided by the program. Your description should provide some detail without overwhelming the reader. Briefly describe

the specific activities provided by the program and their stated purpose, if provided.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your introduction must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited in APA format on a separate references page.



Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction Succinctly and accurately describes

the purpose and process for the evaluation report

Describes the purpose and process for the report but leaves an unclear impression or confusion

Introduction is unintelligible or not included


Program Identification Indicates the name of the agency and specific program, when applicable, to be examined, including whether the program is community or school- based

Agency name, specific program, or base is missing

Agency, program, and base are not identified


Targeted Age Group Indicates the specific age group served by the program

Specific age group is not indicated 15

Developmental Needs and Risk Factors

All major age-specific developmental needs and risk factors are discussed


Most, but not all, major developmental needs and risk factors for the selected age group are discussed

No age-specific developmental needs and risk factors are included


Program Description

Description provides sufficient detail that the reader gains an accurate overview of the program services

Description is vague or unclear regarding the specific activities of the program

Program description is not included


Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%



  • HSE 215 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Paper- For A Counseling Class

Paper- For A Counseling Class

In a 1,000-1,250-word assignment, examine at least two substance abuse prevention programs in the United States.

Refer to the list of useful websites at the end of Chapter 16 to help you successfully complete your paper. Make sure you choose prevention programs and not intervention programs.

Your assignment must include the following for each program:

  1. A description of both the programs (who, what, and where). Make sure to include at least one family-focused treatment model used in the program.
  2. The goals of each program (why)
  3. How each program is funded (how)
  4. Research that indicates the effectiveness of each program including those programs with life skills associated with recovery.
  5. Describe factors that address community and groups at risk for substance use disorders.
  6. An analysis of how government involvement may enhance or hinder each program's effectiveness.
  7. Describe at least one relapse prevention model that would be helpful to support and mentor a substance use client.  
  8. Include at least four scholarly resources in addition to the textbook in your paper. Out of the four, a minimum of one scholarly resource should be referenced for each prevention program.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center

Late Middle Ages Paper

Late Middle Ages–Paper

Write a 1,200-1,800 word essay answering TWO of the following questions with references from the textbook while demonstrating historical analysis. The topics do not have to necessarily have to relate to each other. 

1. Describe the benefits and costs of the Mongol Empire

2. Why is it correct to consider this time an era of exploration and globalization?

3. What caused the rise of national monarchies in England or France or Russia?

4. What was the condition and role of religion and the Church during the period under consideration (think about Avignon papacy, the rise of piety, etc.)?

Part 1: Fiscal Controls

Part 1: Fiscal Controls

Payroll Controls

Describe how internal controls are used to prevent errors or fraudulent acts in the payroll cycle.

· Provide specific examples of the most effective internal controls for each of following parts of the payroll cycle:

o Authorizing and modifying the payroll master file.

o Recording and verifying time worked by employees.

o Preparing paychecks.

o Distributing paychecks.

General Ledger

Describe common general ledger errors and discuss the circumstances under which these errors can occur. Be certain to address each of the following issues related to the general ledger:

· Data integrity of routine journal entry transactions.

· Creation of journal entries by the treasurer for non-routine transactions.

· Data availability.

· Data security for reporting processes.

· Data integrity for decision-making processes.

Part 2: System Evaluation

Analyze the selected company and design for specific internal controls procedure or procedures that would be most effective in preventing the previously identified types of errors in the company's general ledger.

Flow Diagram and Flow Chart

Evaluate business activities and information processing discussed in the YYY scenario. Represent your data using the following:

· A data flow diagram.

· A system flow chart.

Efficiency Improvements

Describe opportunities for efficiency improvement using information technology. Then, design a comprehensive set of control procedures that address potential threats in the following areas:

· Product design.

· Planning and scheduling.

· Production operations.

· Cost accounting.

Support the choices you made in creating your control procedures with relevant resources. Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Your writing should be formatted according to APA style.

Compare a Major American City (Political Wise) To Santa Cruz. Use The Book Leftmost City Of Santa Cruz As A Reference.s

 Compare a Major American City (Political Wise) To Santa Cruz. Use The Book Leftmost City Of Santa Cruz As A Reference.s

    Interest Groups

    • Converse on any issues related to influence or special interests in today's society.

    For this assignment it will be on the subject of : Google 


    300-500 words in APA format with RECENT  REFERENCES

    History Paper

    As you have gone through Unit II you have been introduced to a wonderfully complex cast of characters that are bestowed with this larger than life title "Founding Father." We in the United States have idolized these figures since the American Revolution and one of the primary things I hope you would learn from this Unit is that they were human beings with as many character flaws as amazing talents. I hope you also recognize that the role of Founder was not simply named Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, but included a very large number of other individuals (with names like Madison, Hamilton, Adams, and Jay) and was certainly not exclusively the domain of men. For this discussion, I would like for you to address the following questions in your discussion board posting:

    Your responses should be at least one paragraph in length for EACH of these questions.

    1) Who was the most interesting "Founding Father(s)" for you to learn about?

    2) What made these men so unique and what characteristics made them so "human"?

    3) Who was the most interesting "Founding Mother(s)" for you to learn about? Why is learning the role of colonial women and other minority groups in the Revolution important to understanding the full story of the founding of the United States of America?

    Discussion – Week 8

    Discussion: Final Reflection and Analysis

    Looking back over the past eight weeks, share your observations, insights, and lessons learned as you reflect on:

    • The importance of the pre-requisites for building a project schedule, e.g., what aspects of the scope and schedule planning process did you find most helpful?
    • Defining the WBS and WBS Dictionary before building the schedule
    • Using software to create the Gantt charts and network/PERT diagrams
    • Any other insights you would like to share regarding the process and procedures for successfully creating and controlling project schedules

    Considering the project you chose to develop throughout this course, what opportunities for positive social change could have been included in the project’s scope?

    After posting, read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

    Book Report

    Book Report

    The Third Chimpanzee” by Jared Diamond​ summary