Archive for January, 2019

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan



This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a marketing plan and sales strategy, and a marketing budget. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment.


For the first six (6) months your company is in business—to give you time to perfect your product and to learn from actual customers—you will start marketing and selling in your own community, a radius of twenty-five (25) miles from where you live.


For most non-alcoholic beverages, marketing (as opposed to the actual product itself) is key to success. Cola drinks, for example, are fairly undifferentiated, as are many energy drinks, juices, bottled water, and the like. Companies producing these types of beverages differentiate themselves and attract market share through marketing and brand awareness—both of which are critical to success.


International Business

Develop a 750 to 1,500 word analysis that, outline any product, promotional message, or distribution considerations that you may need to account for when bringing your product in Jamaica.


Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business

Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business

“Too  often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch  businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to  define a workable strategy that sets them apart from their competition.”  (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 106).


With this  assignment, you have the opportunity to take your creative ideas to the  next step and begin to develop a strategy that will form the foundation  for a successful business.


Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:


Develop an idea for a prospective small business, and select a name for the company.


Identify its key competitors and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of one of the competitors.


Prepare a mission statement that encompasses the purpose of the business and considers its target market.


Identify the ownership form for this business, taking into  consideration tax implications, liability exposure, managerial ability,  and cost of formation.


Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Inappropriate Behavior

Research employment law related to hiring/firing and discrimination, using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Based on the facts of the case and research, write an analytical paper. In the paper, respond to the following questions:


What civil rights laws may prohibit Marwan’s conduct with his fellow co-worker? Do those laws apply to his conduct toward the park guest?  Explain both answers.


Did Marwan commit sexual harassment? If so, what type? Explain your answers and the terms you use.


What is the legal nature of Marwan’s employment?  Explain your answers and the terms you use.


What actions and steps should Studio Five take against Marwan? Explain what actions you considered and why you either recommend them or reject them.


Discuss Marwan’s allegation that he is being discriminated against based on his disability and what response Studio Five may have to that allegation. What would each of them have to prove in court?


If the female employee sues Studio Five Theme Park, what defenses can Studio Five use?   Are they liable for Marwan’s conduct even if they were unaware of and did not approve of Marwan’s actions? Explain your answers and the terms you use. 


If Marwan was a member of a union that had a collective bargaining agreement with Studio Five, would that change any of your previous answers? If so, why?


What types of company policies, procedures, and actions should businesses employ to avoid harassment of their employees?


Write a ten-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work.

Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business

Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business  Due Week 4 and worth 135 points  “Too  often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch  businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to  define a workable strategy that sets them apart from their competition.”  (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 106).  With this  assignment, you have the opportunity to take your creative ideas to the  next step and begin to develop a strategy that will form the foundation  for a successful business.Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:


Develop an idea for a prospective small business, and select a name for the company.


Identify its key competitors and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of one of the competitors.


Prepare a mission statement that encompasses the purpose of the business and considers its target market.


Identify the ownership form for this business, taking into  consideration tax implications, liability exposure, managerial ability,  and cost of formation.


Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.


Assignment 1: Interview a Purchasing and Supply Management Professional

Interview a Purchasing and Supply Management Professional Interview a purchasing and supply management professional in a private or public organization (for example a purchasing and supply associate, a Chief Purchasing Officer, or a business manager in a K-12 school system).


Write a 4-5-page paper that describes:

The line of business, mission, and goals of the organization he/she works for. Describe these briefly.


The description of his/her job functions and job responsibilities, educational background, professional experiences, personal challenges, job achievement, and fulfillment.


The operational and strategic objectives of the supply and purchasing department.


How the above supply objectives align with the organizational mission and goals.

Discussion Question

Discussion Question

Project communication is one of the most important factors in project management. A project manager will spend most of his/her time on communications.


Discuss who the project stakeholders on the District 4 Move project are.


Discuss various types of communications you will need to use on the project, what stakeholder(s) each type would address, and the frequency of each communication type. You may choose to use a table for this information.

Written Assignment

Consider an organization you were/are currently involved with.  After providing a short overview of your organization, reflect on the Seven Levels of an Ethical Organization, found in the Gebler article and slide deck, and write a paper answering the following questions (not more than three pages – format of your choosing):


What are the focus areas of your organization?  For example, is your organization focused solely on the pursuit of a profit, or is it focused on corporate citizenship and stewardship, or somewhere in between?


How do these focus areas relate to the Seven Levels of an Ethical Organization?  What level(s) is your organization operating at?


What challenges or opportunities does this present when leading Project Teams?

Quality Design And Innovation

 The Research & Development Department has developed a revolutionary product that offers revolutionary options and will allow the organization to gain a competitive advantage in the industry. Leadership encourages creativity, but is hesitant to take a leap of faith with the new product. Determine and explain why innovation is important to organizations and what can happen to companies that fail to innovate.

Should be a minimum of 150 words in length 


Design Flaw Paper

This assignment requires you to use the Internet and watch videos then critique them. Below are your instructions. See below the pictures of the thought leaders, along with a video tab for each to watch the corresponding video. 


Watch a minimum of three of the videos (they are relatively short) and write a paper 3 to 5 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) related to our course topic. 


 Provide a brief overview of each thought leaders identified flaws and their recommendation to change. 


 What commonalities were identified in the three video clips you reviewed? 


 Analyze the flaws each thought leader identified. How do they connect? How are they supported in the literature? (Research needed) What is your opinion of the flaws? Agree/disagree? 


 Evaluate the recommendations provided by the thought leaders. How are they similar? How are they supported in the literature? (Research needed) Would you agree with their recommendations? If so why; if not why? Support your ideas with research. 


 Compare and contrast how these flaws and recommendations relate to your organization. 


 Provide a brief conclusion summarizing the information presented in your Design Flaws paper