Archive for January 26th, 2020

Frankenfoods The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events.


The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events.  As further research is conducted on the long-term effects of this technology, we are seeing increased protest from groups claiming this technology is unnatural, labeling the products of GMOs  Frankenfoods. Alternatively, the use of GMOs is promoted by an equally large group of supporters that insist that the scientific research backs the reliability of genetically modified foods from a health standpoint, while providing significant advantages in addressing our population and food shortage problems. 

After reading the module notes and all supplemental materials, perform an internet search on Genetically Modified Organisms and their role in our food production processes, keeping in mind the guidelines addressed in the Excelsior Library on online research and appropriate sourcing. Then respond to the following:

  • Give a brief background on GMOs. What are they? What role do they play in our food production?
  • What are the Benefits/Drawbacks?
  • Do you think genetic modification experimentation is unnatural or interferes with the balance of nature?
  • Some genetically modified (GM) traits can also be produced by conventional crop breeding. In such a case is the GM crop bad and the conventional one good? 
  • Why do you think the use of GMOs is still such a divisive topic?

Support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited. 

Week 1- Assignment

My Research Topic is  “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)“. 

Focus Topic and References

[WLO:3] [CLO: 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read of the Newman (2016) textbook, view the instructional tutorials embedded in the How to Locate Scholarly Articles quiz (, , , and ), view the tutorial in the Ashford University Library, and read in the . Part of the preparation work for applying the scientific method is to define the research topic and learn what is already known about it, based on previous research.

Using the topic you selected for the Week 1 discussion, go to the Ashford University Library and find three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic. Download the full-text PDF of each article and save them on your computer.

In this paper, you will describe your research topic, identify the articles you found, and discuss what you think each article says about your topic. Upload the PDFs of the articles with your assignment in Waypoint.

For this assignment,

  • Describe the chosen research topic.
  • Identify three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles from the Ashford University Library that directly relate to the topic. Read each with the intent of understanding what it reflects about your topic.
  • Evaluate how each article relates to your topic.
  • Properly cite all articles within your paper. (For assistance see the Ashford Writing Centers )
  • Upload the full text PDFs of the articles with your paper.

The Focus Topic and References paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the s
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
      For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to .
  • Must use at least three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your

What is NAS? What is Native American Expressive Culture?

What is NAS? What is Native American Expressive Culture? 

Write  a 2 page essay discussing what you have learned from the readings,  discussions, activities and lectures from Unit 1 concerning Native  American Studies as a discipline. The essay should discuss methods and  major concepts. This assignment is intended as an exercise to assess  your current understandings of NAS and concepts. The essay assignments  will be graded on three components: use of major concepts from readings,  clarity in communication, and insightfulness. Please see the course  schedule for due dates. All assignments must be turned in via Blackboard  on the Thursday the week the assignment is due by 11:59pm or the paper  will be considered late. Late papers are accepted for a 10% reduction,  but must be turned in a week after being late. This paper should be  formatted with 1 margins, written in Times New Roman font at 12 pt and  double-spaced. Due 1/28

Criminal justice

Write a  brief discussion  about  :When  a victim reports to the authorities that they have been involved in an abusive relationship,  the police always asked if they told anyone? How credibility would it be for a friend or neighbor to report  an incident if the victim was too afraid to  contact police?


Assignment presentation instructions:
The maximum word count for assignment 1 is 2,000 words. The format is not specified however a hybrid between an essay and a short report is preferred with concise analysis being more critical than form.

    You should submit your assignment to Moodle by the deadline as a word.doc(x) file only. Include your student number in the header or footer.
    The usual late penalties apply.
    You must also complete the assignment coversheet once more for this assignment.

Assignment questions
Case Study: CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems

Read the case: CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems and answer the following questions:
1)    Using the information provided in the case and your knowledge, prepare a short description of Toyota successful approach of operations management (Underline the features and/or the characteristics that made the Toyota operations a successful system).
2)    The Toyota Production System is a paradox. On the one hand, every activity, connection, and production flow in a Toyota factory is rigidly scripted. Yet at the same time, Toyota’s operations are enormously flexible and responsive to customer demand. How can that be?
3)    Explain the reasons behind the failure of other organizations to follow and to implement Toyota successful approach of operations management.
4)    Describe and scrutinize the performance learning model developed by Toyota.

Case link:


“Health Informatics” Please respond to the following:

  • With electronic medical records now available, we have tremendous access to large amounts of health care data. Hypothesize two (2) ways todays healthcare informatics can improve health care decision-making and the quality of healthcare delivery. Justify your response by finding a scholarly (peer-reviewed) article from the library that supports your hypothesis. When and where have we been able to improve health care decision-making and care quality? Provide these examples.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

– Describe three philosophical theories regarding ethical decision-making discussed in the lesson.
– Describe a prescriptive approach (Eight Steps Approach) to ethical decision-making.
– Discuss in detail the following questions. You will be assessed based on demonstrated ability to self-reflect and self-examine.
1. What did your learn about yourself from this lesson?
2. What’s important about what you learned?
3. What are you going to do with what you learned? Please be specific and avoid providing a generic response.
4. Your essay for this assignment is to be in the 750 – 1,000 word range. You are expected to demonstrate scholarship including providing a reference section, and where appropriate, in-text citations in accordance with the APA  formatting and style guide.

Multithreaded Chat

We need to program a multithreaded chat programm. I have already started to program it, but the server only processes the first message

Main task: Fix the code so that multiple clients can log on and server receives and sends all messages to all clients or one specific client if message starts with @username.

All other TODOs in the file can be ignored.

Please do not use any code from web as my teacher will check for plagiarism with an MIT software.

What is the relationship between food as a biological necessity, a commodity, and a source of social identity?

Recommended Reading
Atkins, P. & I. Bowler, (2001) Food in Society: Economy, Society, Geography
Belasco, W. (2008) Food: Key Concepts, chapter 1
Flandrin, J-M. & Montanari, M. (1999), eds. Food: A Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present
Fraser, E.D.G. & A. Rimas, Empires of Food: Feast, Famine, and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations
Harding, J. (2010) What Were About to Receive in London Review of Books, Vol. 32, No.9, May available here:
Mintz, S.W. (2008) Time, Sugar and Sweetness in Counihan, C.  & P. van Esterik eds. Food and Culture: A Reader
Pilcher, J.F. (2005) Food in World History

Further Reading
Albritton, R. (2009) Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity
Brillat-Savarin, J-A. (1825) The Physiology of Taste
Bourdieu, P. (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
Clapp, J. (2010) Food
Davidson, A. (1999) The Oxford Companion to Food
Fernndez-Armesto, F. (2002) Food: A History
Fine, B., et al. (1996) Consumption in the Age of Affluence: The World of Food
Goody, J. (1984) Cooking, Cuisine and Class: A Study in Comparative Sociology
Guptill, A. et al. (2013) Food and Society: Principles and Paradoxes
Harris, M. (1986) Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture
Kipel, K.F & Ornelas, K.C. (2000), eds. The Cambridge World History of Food
Lang, T. & M. Heasman (2004) Food Wars: The Battle for Mouths, Minds and Markets
McDonald, B. (2011) Food Security Addressing Challenges from Malnutrition, Food Safety and Environmental Change.
Menzel, P. and DAluisio, F. (2005) Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Miller, J. and J. Deutsch (2009) Food Studies: An Introduction to Research Methods
Nestle, M. (2007) Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, 2nd edition
Patel, R. (2007) Stuffed and Starved: the Hidden Battle for the World Food System
Pollan, M. (2007) In Defense of Food

Unit 8 Assignment: Personality Case Assessment

For this weeks Assignment you will be creating a hypothetical case assessment involving a client with an issue that merits an adult (18 years – 70 years) personality assessment.
Write a minimum 10-page essay incorporating the following elements:

Include the following demographic and personal information: fictional name, age, marital status, number of children, educational level, income level, and relevant medical history. Describe clearly the nature of the clients presenting problem (e.g., consideration of inpatient substance abuse treatment, a candidate for successful completion of a behavior analysis/application program, or a patient with a psychiatric diagnosis, etc.).
Explain the initial problem in sufficient detail to make clear your decisions regarding assessment.
Based on the above, answer the following questions in essay format:

What would be the most appropriate instrument in personality assessment for evaluating the primary presenting problem?
What are the strengths regarding what this instrument can tell us about the client?
Why is this the most appropriate instrument? (Be sure to include appropriate reference to source materials.)
What are the limitations of what this instrument can tell us about the client?
Discuss some of the concerns or issues that might arise in a workplace setting with an individual that has this personality disorder. Elaborate on how this disorder could affect the workplace culture/climate in regards to behavior, interpersonal and group interactions, and productivity.
In your discussion of the assessment process, including administration and interpretation, consider professional competencies that reflect the professional characteristics, culture of a given work setting and how these practices are essential to an effective multicultural competency environment.
Along with the text, and the three articles listed below, locate an additional two peer-reviewed journal articles. (7 total references)

Note: Find a test measuring a construct in your area of interest; do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the websites to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test.

Read the following articles which are accessible through the following Library links:

Meinert, D. (2015). Heads Up! HR Magazine, 60(5), 88. Retrieved from

Fine, S. (2013). Practical guidelines for implementing pre-employment integrity tests. Public Personnel Management, 42(2), 281-292. Retrieved from

Discuss the following in essay format: Address the purpose of pre-employment integrity testing.

Describe the primary purpose many organizations include integrity testing during the hiring process of new employees.
Describe the differences between overt integrity tests and personality-based integrity tests, including when an organization would choose one over the other type.
Discuss the guidance the author provides in regards to fairness and adverse impact from integrity tests.
Garvey, M. J., Momsen, B., & Steinberg, H. (2016). Strategic Customer Service, Cultural Differences, & the Big 5 in Canada, China, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. Allied Academies International Conference: Proceedings of the Academy of Strategic Management (ASM), 15(2), 3236. Retrieved from

Compare and contrast what makes certain countries successful in customer service.
Discuss the masculinity index and how it is used in the hiring/selection process.
Examine the relationship between respect, power, and personality
The assignment should:
Follow assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).
Use correct APA formatting per the current edition of the APA Publication Manual.
Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.
Be a minimum of 10 pages (not including Title Page and Reference List).

Submitting your Assignment
Put your assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location that you will remember and with your full name along with the class number. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.
In the Submit to Basket menu, select Unit 8: Assignment.
In the Comments field, include at least the title of your paper.
Click the Add Attachments button.
Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
You should revisit the Dropbox to view any helpful feedback your instructor has left for you.
Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.