Archive for January 26th, 2020



How Do I Become a Leader for the Future

In Quarter 5 and Quarter 6 of the simulation, you will be finalizing your report to the board. One important area of your board report is your plan for the future. This weeks discussion will focus on how leaders need to be thinking and acting in new ways to understand problems and craft long range solutions to potential challenges.

In your readings and videos for this week, it is clear that leaders must learn to think and act differently to be successful in the future. This is not as easy as it sounds and takes practice.

  • Main Response
    • Conduct a search for exercises or methods that will encourage you to start thinking differently, as suggested in the Gladwin video and in your readings. You can use the University Library or any other source you uncover in your research. The Barlow Video in your reading is one example that was found in the Library and you should be supplying at least 2 other sources in addition to this weeks readings and videos.
      • Share at least 3 results of your work in this discussion area for your main post. Select at least one of these exercises or methods and in your post show how you have used it to address an issue that you faced in the simulation
  • Response to Peers
    • In one of your follow up posts, select 1 technique from a post that your classmates have uncovered and work on a problem of your personal choosing to show how it can help you in problem solving and solution generation.
    • Suggest improvements to others in their posts to help improve the quality of the problem solving they have demonstrated.
  • Using your readings, the information from prior courses, including, GB540: Economics for Global Decision Makers, and GB560: Designing, Improving, and Implementing Processes and personal experience will be helpful to you in your Discussion response.

Recommendation letter

Recommendation Letter
Recommender: Graduated PhD who was in the same research group. Currently working for Chevron as a research engineer

I am applying for Data Science Major at Colorado School of Mines. Based on my resume and SOP, write recommendation letter from recommender’s point of view (if that make sense).

Emphasize 1. internship experience which reflects my talents 2. entrepreneurship experience which reflects my leadership and communication and social experience.
3. academic achievements and other highlighting points

Power Point slides – only 2 as per the instruction


Assignment: Motion

As Bryn Campbell (1978, p. 52) wrote:

The illusion of movement can be exaggerated or even created. The progress of an action can be analysed within one or a series of photographs. Finally, there is what one might call the personality of movement-grace, tension, effort and even humour. It is a rich area, both in black and white and colour.

Photography is the art of freezing motion in meaningful and beautiful ways. Capturing movement sometimes requires the photographer to react quickly with exact timing. Motion can be one element of a complex composition, as in the photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson we studied this week, or can be the single dominant element of a composition.

There are two basic ways of capturing movement in a photograph, based on shutter setting. A fast shutter speed will freeze movement at a given point in the frame. A slower shutter speed will record movement as a blur. The choice of what shutter speed to use depends on the meaning, look, or sensation the photographer is trying to convey.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Chapter 7 in your course text, The Photographers Eye.
  • Choose one technique from this weeks reading to apply to your composition of a photograph representing motion.
  • Review the articles in this weeks Learning Resources
  • Apply one technique from this weeks readings to convey a sense of motion in your photograph.
  • Compose and take the photograph.
By Day 7

The Assignment:

  • Create a 2-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

    Slide 1:

    • In one photograph, apply one technique from this weeks reading to the composition of a photograph representing motion.
    • Include a brief description of your photograph (title and subject).
    • Slide 2:
    • Write a 2- to 3-paragraph description of the technique you chose from this weeks reading. Explain how you applied this technique in the composition of your photograph. Include answers to the following:
      • How effective do you think you were at achieving your photographic goal?
      • What might you do differently next time?
  • Be sure to cite at least one example from the course readings to support your writing.

Much Ado About Nothing

1) Identify a character and examine her/his speech and behavior to determine his/her underlying motivations and analyze what we learn about human nature from him/her.  Keep in mind that some characters grow and learn from the events of the play, while others remain static (unchanging), and you’ll want to take this into consideration in your analysis. 


2) Choose one couple (Hero/Claudio or Beatrice/Benedick) and examine their interactions through speech and behavior to determine their underlying motivations and analyze what we learn about falling in love from this couple.  Avoid comparing the two couples; focus on the way their relationship begins, evolves, and concludes.


Your thesis should make a claim about the overarching message (theme) we learn about the human experience from the character or couple.

Your body paragraphs should work to support your thesis, using specific examples from the text.

Be sure to show your reader how each example is connected to your thesis (analysis)


21/2 -4 pages (minimum 750 words)

Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced.

Python Programming Language


Please answer the following questions

Why is Python a great starter language? 

Historically, one of the first programming languages we learn has been some variant of BASIC. This is no longer the case. 

1.  Why was BASIC good in the past? 

2.  Why have we moved to Python? 

3.  Feature-by-feature, how powerful is BASIC vs. Python? 

4.  Which language of the two do you feel would be more valuable in your career?

5.  If there were another language you would choose as your first, what would it be? Why? 

Code Wars: Scripting vs. Programming

6.  What are the differences between scripting and programming? 

7.  Is one harder to learn/apply than the other is? 

8.  Research what code portability is. Are scripted languages easier/more difficult to port than programming languages? Why?

9.  Are there any features or power differences between scripting and programming languages? 

10.  Based upon your research, can/should scriptarians be considered programmers? Why/why not?

Be sure to cite your research according to the guidelines. 

Conference/Continuing Education Write-Up

Write a 2-page paper. The paper should include:
Describing your experience, including what you learned, who you met, general impressions of the learning experience, etc.
Sharing specific ways the speaker you watched spoke like a behavior analyst
Sharing what ABA professional organization you plan to join, and which special interest group you might join
What ethical, cultural, and diversity issues related to the Center for Multicultural and Diversity Studiesmost interested you?

Commercialization Case Studies

Review materials about each of the commercialization case studies and answer the questions. Be sure to present your report in a professional manner.

1. Etak, Inc. – 1980s Car Navigation System
– Read the article and watch the supplied video

– Etak Navigator Tour & Demo

– See attached for pdf

Answer the following questions:
What ultimately doomed Etak, Inc.?
Which products and innovations are influenced to this day by Etak, Inc inventions and innovations?

2. Beats Electronics and Monster Inc
– Read article about Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine, and Beats Electronics

– See attached for pdf


If you were Noel and Kevin Lee at Monster Inc, what would you have done differently to commercialize your head phones idea? Present and discuss at least three things would have done differently.

3. Tesla Motors commercialization of the Electric Vehicle
Tesla Business Model Article Review
Read Article and answer the following questions:

– See attached for pdf

What were the inventions and innovations key to Teslas success so far?
Discuss their market entry and the initial revenue streams?
What were the risks?

Opinion Paper: The Fate of Tesla and Electric Vehicle Commercialization
Read the supplied articles and answer the following questions
Toyota plans to leapfrog Tesla electric cars by 2022 with fast charging solid state batteries

– See attached pdf



How might the existing car manufacturers, new battery technologies, and start up Electric Vehicle (EV) companies impact Teslas competitive advantage?
What are the strengths of Tesla in the EV market?
Where are they vulnerable?
What is contributing to Tesla’s current stock price trend and market value? 
If you were chairman of Teslas board, what would you do with Elon Musk? How might that impact Teslas direction and market value?
What would you do if you were Telsas CEO? Discuss and justify decisions about product and services, maintaining competitive advantage, and improving profit margins?

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

-With the resources specific to the MSN specialization, write a paragraph or make a Nursing Specialty Comparison table, comparing Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner.

-Write a 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying reasons for choosing MSN specialization (Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner)

-Identify the professional organization related to your chosen specialization (Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner) and explain how you can become an active member of this organization.

The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

To Prepare:

-Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
-Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

Planning and requirements definition
Design of the new system
Post-implementation support

Climate Change Impacts

Climate change is a major topic of environmental sustainability. What does climate change mean to you? Profile your community by comparing and contrasting it with another community (anywhere in the world) by considering the potential impacts of climate change on these two communities. Discuss the potential impact of an average annual temperature increase of 2C on each community What would be the potential impact if the average annual temperature increased by 4C? What are possible mitigations and adaptations to climate change in each area?