Archive for January 26th, 2020

Type 1 Diabetes

Investigate and describe the biological basis of the disease.

Investigate and describe current, traditional treatments.

Investigate and describe emerging treatment options (even if not yet in the market) and mention why they are proposed to be better.

Identify the publications and papers that best reflect the state of research and the development of new treatments.

Identify what information you have considered key for the understanding of the topic (from papers, press releases, etc).

Identify companies or key researchers behind the new emerging treatments.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each student is to choose one (1) Course Learning Outcome (CLO) listed in the course syllabus. Using your textbook, LIRN-based research,, the Internet, or any other electronic journal database, research a peer-reviewed article that applies to the CLO you selected AND facilitates answering part of your upcoming CLA1 assignment.

Subsequently, you will include in your CLA1 assignment paper, a separate and distinct heading titled “Personalized CLO Applied Learning Assignment. Under this heading, you will provide a minimum of two (2) paragraphs that should contain the following information and/or details:

Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose
How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)
Most important aspects of the article as it directly related to your CLO
Any findings and conclusions
Approximately 250 to 350 words in length (minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article
Include the in-text citation in APA format to properly reference your article
Please be sure to provide justification by citing the article researched, and include the citation in the reference page of your paper.

1. Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts and principles of organizational behavior.

2. Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

3. Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

4. Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

5. Discuss the relevance and application of concepts, principles, and theories used in organizational behavior to contemporary events. Design a methodology to integrate organizational behavior theories into the strategic plan.

6. Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques

describe how a Human Resource department should align the strategies and goals of the organization, to the methods of motivating their workers towards maximum performance. Demonstrate how motivation can be influenced by the elements included within the ov

Your papers should be:

word-processed using Microsofts WORD (extension .doc or .docx)
Your papers should have:

one-inch margins
a font size of 12
a cover page that includes your papers title, your name, the date, and the course identification
an introduction that states the purpose of the paper, and provides a roadmap of the papers contents
paragraphs that develop and support your ideas
section titles or headings, that help to organize your presentation
a conclusion that summarizes the paper
a logical flow
smooth transitions between ideas
in-text citations and a reference (bibliography) page using APA style (no footnotes)
NO grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a discussion and it only has to be 200 to 250 words.

Discuss three different kinds of political issues with regard to religion:  First, there is the question of what exactly the Constitution forbids; second, religious faith often inspires people to throw themselves into political issues; third, religious fervor sometimes fosters a missionary sense in American politics.


I need help writing 1 paragraph each for the 3 questions:

1) compare and contrast the definitions of exercise, physical activity, physical education, physical fitness, and sport.  How are they interrelated and does one supersede another?

2) how an individual who wants to maintain weight, lose weight, or gain weight needs to adjust his/her nutrition and exercise program. 

3)as a professional, do you believe it is important to be a role model?  Why or why not?  Do you have a professional role model?  What qualities does that individual exhibit? 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week you will utilize your understanding of critical thinking and the scientific method to test proverbs. For this assignment, you need to:

identify the theory that underlies the proverb or rule of thumb, and
generate a testable hypothesis, and suggest a possible strategy (descriptive, correlational, or experimental) to test the hypothesis. You need to fully explain your research strategy. If the method is experimental, you should identify independent and dependent variables and specify operational definitions.
Examples of proverbs include:
Birds of a feather flock together.
Opposites attract.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
A letter takes three times as long to write as it does to say.
The more languages you know, the easier it is for you to learn a new one.
Wearing dark clothes on the bottom and light clothes on the top is usually more visually appealing than the reverse.
It takes four hours to come down from your last cup of coffee.
As family income rises, the ratio of womens shoes to mens shoes increases accordingly.
The self-employed are more likely to live to a ripe old age than those who work for others.
The shorter a word, the more meanings it has.
Dont change your first guess on a multiple-choice test when checking over your answers.
You are not limited to this list of proverbs, these are provided to give you some ideas.
no references required

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Produce an essay, which demonstrates an understanding of the fundamentals of current grammar usage, mechanics, and diction.

Write a 200-300 word essay in APA Format.
Use standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Use at least 2 reference to support your decision. All papers will be submitted through Turninit for plagiarism. If your submission has a percentage of 10% of more you will receive a zero for the assignment. I looked forward to reading your papers.

Television, radio, and film have a tremendous effect on Americans. In fact, many people make judgments of other people based on the images portrayed by media.  What common stereotypes do the media present? Cite at least two sources

*This is a college course and I expect each of you to perform on a college level*

History of Sexuality and Censorship in South Asia

Suggested prompts

1. Would you call the Kamasutra a feminist text? If yes, why– and if not, give your reasons.

2. How is censorship both a repressive and generative phenomenon? With reference to Foucault, Bourdieu, Mazzarella and Kaur, and/ or any Bollywood film/song of your choice discuss some of the internal contradictions of ‘censorship’.

What Is Censorship? Who Suffers?

In the second week, we will aim to articulate a working definition of censorship, both theoretically as well as legally. By analyzing two theoretical pieces and two short legal analyses, we will examine those who suffer at the hands of censorship.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be four sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

You have been hired as a scientist for NASA and for your first assignment you have to develop research on how the behavior of Astronauts changes from the period before they launch into space to the period following their return to Earth. Use the Methods of Research to describe how you came to your hypothesis.
Describe three situations: one using the Functionalist Perspective, another other using the Conflict Perspective, and the last using the Interactionist Perspective. Describe how each relates to the six influential sociologists (listed in the overview) and Macrosociology or Microsociology.
Describe the sociological imagination of a current event. How does it play into your personal life?
Imagine it is the Marx Era and your family is wealthy. Your father is a respected doctor. How would Karl Marxs views on how societies develop and the factors on group domination affect your family? Explain your reasoning.

Ethical Leadership

I need a 12 pages to for the research paper
4 pages for topics
4 pages for theory
2 pages for the Recommendations
1 good paragraph for the conclusion
1 page for the abstract.
I have attached the research paper guidelines,

The paper is about how the Navy puts people is leadership positions that are not ready for the leadership positions (does not have leadership traits).

For the organization part of the paper Which is part 1. (intro) add this to the paper
I have done already its attached to help better understand what you are writing about.

Part 2 of the paper or the topic.  1 1 page for each topic.
    Leadership Development
            Leadership Attributes
            Leadership Behavior
            Skills for Development others.

Part 3 of the paper is Theory. 
Each topic needs to have a theory but only used 2 theories.
You choose the theory you can used 2 theories for each topic. (I know on the guidelines said to use 1 theory, but you can use 2

Part 4
You pick the recommendations

I will attached PowerPoint slides for the theories.
Also they will be power point slides for the topics.

Please if you have any questions please contact me.