Archive for January 26th, 2020

Regulating Intercollegiate Athletics

(The Article to be reviewed is in uploaded additional materials below)
Introduction 1 paragraph
a.state the title of the work, the authors name and the date of publication
b.outline main ideas of the article
c.state your own thesis statement and your main idea about the article

Summary 2-3 paragraphs
a. in your on words, summarize the 4 main points of the article, as well as your opinions about its significance, accuracy, and clarity.

Conclusion 1-2 paragraphs
a. in conclusion , what do you feel you’ve learned worth knowing from this article? (Please note: this question is about the article and refers to the quality of information it contains.)

Devise a Recruitment Plan for any ONE type of personnel for a Physician Group Practice

Assume that you work in a physician group practice.  The CEO/your director/or any other individual who supervises you, has called you in and asked you to work on a step by step process to recruit specific personnel.  You can pick any ONE of the types of personnel, such as:

Another physician generalist or specialist;
Another nurse;
Office Manager;
Front desk personnel;
Accounting office;
Lab assistant; etc.

IMPORTANT COMPONENTS for this assignment you need to do at least the following:

Please write a detailed step by step process of how the recruitment plan will be done from the start till the time a person has been hired (HINT Use Chapters 1-5 as a guide);
Create a generic timeline for the recruitment process;
Devise a generic budget/funds allocated for the whole recruitment process (e.g., ad development and posting; dining; site visit; etc.).  Use your imagination for all the expenses that can be incurred in the recruitment process;
Create a list of at least 10 questions that you will ask all the candidates during the interview;
Also, create a list of questions that you or other interviewers should NOT ask the candidates.

Minimum length of the report:          15 pages

Note the book used for the chapters 1-5 is (Physician Practice Management 2nd ed by Lawrence F. Wolper. Publisher: Jones &
Bartlett Publishers.)

Programming in Java – Assignment: Developing a Java Program

Create a Java project in IDE and begin the Project Program by developing a Java Method to print the programming specifications for the project.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to input from the console (keyboard) the first quiz grade. Use a loop to allow the user to continue to enter grades as long as they don’t enter 999 to quit.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to populate the array the student’s quiz grades. The grade is added to a running total, and the count of grades entered is incremented. If the grade entered is the 10th grade, the grade is forced to 999 and the loop ends; otherwise the user enters another quiz grade. When the loop ends count holds the number of grades entered.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code use another loop to print all grades in the array.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to compute the average quiz grade.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to us decision logic to find out the letter grade of the average based on the following grading scale and print to the console.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59

Please see the attachment file for more information.

Modern Parents

English 1A: Introduction to College Composition
Writing Sample: Modern Parents
Please note–
This is just a diagnostic essay; I am asking you to write an academic essay (an introduction, at least 2 body paragraphs, and a conclusion) to the best of your ability.  As long as you provide a good faith effort and write something, you’ll receive full credit on this assignment.  Please spend about an hour but no more than 2 hours on this writing sample.

For your writing sample, please read the background information in the box below and follow the directions below.

Background information for “Modern Parents Writing Sample”
              In a recent editorial essay, Johnson, a working mother of four, laments being made to feel guilty for not “being there” every minute for her children.  She notes, “The school nurse has taken me to task for not being immediately accessible, and my kids–who live in a world where instant gratification has become the norm–complain about my intermittent unreachability.  To which I say, Hey, deal with it!  I’m not cavalier about my mothering responsibilities….  I’m an involved parent.  We modern moms and dads are not only expected to make sure our kids are perfectly nourished, endlessly enriched, and absolutely safe at all times:  now, with cell phones and pagers, we are also supposed to be instantly reachable and immediately responsive….  We cannot and should not orchestrate every moment in our children’s lives for them–partly because the effort turns out to be futile, but more importantly because it prevents our kids from learning skills they need to succeed in the real world.  There are times they need to ad lib.  There are times they need to wait.  There are even times they need to turn to someone else.”

Writing Task:
Please write an essay in which you (1) explain Johnson’s argument and (2) discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with her views.  Support your position by referring to the passage and by providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

You may submit your paper as either a Word Document, Google Docs., or a PDF.  Click on “Uploading Papers into Canvas” for screenshot directions for submitting

Modern Europe

Writing Assignment 1 (Module 2): Science and the European Colonial Empires
Using the relevant textbook passages, documents and commentary provided in class, and research you have done on your own, explain how and why scientific endeavors, such as (but not limited to) cartography and archaeology, influenced the efforts of the European powers to build colonial empires around the world. Your paper will cover the second wave of imperialism that occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The paper will be double-spaced, employ a minimum of ten references to at least five source materials (in footnote form), have a cover sheet and a bibliography (which are not part of the five-to-seven page requirement for length), and will follow the format and style laid out in Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th Edition).

Reference Sheet

Research Topic: mass incarceration and the affect  on families

locate at least 10 scholarly articles published within the past 5 years on your selected topic.
Create a list of 10 citations and briefly explain how you might use this information in your final proposal (one paragraph per citation is sufficient description). Use a proper annotated bibliography format. Keep your sources organized by concept and you will have an easier time when your begin your literature review.

film review

please review the film, and write two pages about the film. Also attached script as well. Make sure references used are not more than 5 years other than video.

link to video

title incase
competent care in a culturally diverse nation

Project 8-2 Person Manager

Project 8-2: Person Manager
Create an application that lets you enter a new customer or a new employee.

Welcome to the Person Manager

Create customer or employee? (c/e):

Error! This entry is required. Try again.

Create customer or employee? (c/e): p

Error! Entry must be ‘c’ or ‘e’. Try again.

Create customer or employee? (c/e): c

First name: Steve

Last name: Trevor

Customer number: M10293

You entered a new Customer:

Name: Steve Trevor

Customer Number: M10293

Continue? (y/n): y

Create customer or employee? (c/e): e

First name: Diana

Last name: Prince

SSN: 111-22-3333

You entered a new Employee:

Name: Diana Prince

SSN: xxx-xx-3333

Continue? (y/n): OK

Error! Entry must be ‘y’ or ‘n’. Try again.

Continue? (y/n): n

Create a class named Person with these constructors and methods:

public Person(String first, String last)

public String getFirstName()

public void setFirstName(String first)

public String getLastName()

public void setLastName()

The Person class should override the toString() method so it returns the first name and last name in this format:

Name: Frank Jones

Create a class named Customer that inherits the Person class and contains these constructors and methods:

public Customer(String first, String last, String number)

public String getCustomerNumber()

public void setCustomerNumber(String number)

The Customer class should override the toString() method so it returns the value returned by the toString() method of the Person class appended with the customer number, like this:

Name: Frank Jones
Customer Number: J54128

Create a class named Employee that inherits the Person class and contains these constructors and methods:

public Employee(String first, String last, String ssn)

public String getSsn()

public void setSsn(String ssn)

The getSsn() method should return a masked version of the social security number that only reveals the last four numbers.

The Employee class should override the toString() method so it returns the value returned by the toString() method of the Person class appended with the social security number, like this:

Name: Frank Jones
SSN: xxx-xx-1111

Use the Console class presented in chapter 7 or an enhanced version of it to get and validate the user’s entries.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    How is being a strong writer and researcher with competent informational/digital literacy knowledge important to  your academic and professional career?
    What has worked well for you as a writer? How do you know?
    When have you struggled as a writer, researcher, and discerning information found on line? How do you know?
    What kind of research projects have you done in the past? What worked well? What will you need to do differently?
    What kind of research will you be asked to do in your academic and professional career? How can you use this knowledge to help you build the skills you will need?
    What kind of standards do you have for yourself when you are examining sources?
    What does your writing process look like? What does your research process look like? Why? How does it need to improve?
    How can you ensure you spend enough time to create quality written research?
    What does it look like when you ask for help with your writing? Who do you ask?
    What kind of feedback will help you improve as a writer and as a researcher?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a well-developed essay, no less than two full pages in length, which addresses the following: (35 points
Summarize your general philosophical approach to government and politics.

* In particular, address what do you believe to be the proper role of government in balancing freedom, order, and equality. Cite examples.

* Briefly summarize the results of the five quizzes you took. Do you agree the results?  To the extent your philosophical approach to government can be labeled — i.e. liberal, conservative, libertarian, socialist, etc. — what would it be?