Archive for January 26th, 2020

media and information

maybe these website can be helped: 1.)
2. )

Punic Wars

You will write a 3-page paper (not including the title page and bibliography) on the causes and origins of the Second Punic War as discussed by the ancient historians Polybius and Livy. The paper must only reference the works by these historians that are included in this module/week’s Reading & Study folder. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, and in current Turabian format (with title page and bibliography).

test question prepare

please help me to prepare the two reading test essay questions.
on page 11, in Dvorak case…. why did the author say all this, which examples did the author give to support his point?

page 13 (top of the page),”to page 16 top of page, and pg17 second paragraph
what information does author give to Dvorak’s childhood, family/education/teacher, and influence?

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory

According to Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory, there are six stages of moral development. Do you agree with Kohlbergs model? If so, in what stage would you place yourself and why? If you disagree with Kohlbergs model, identify the different stages of moral development that you determine to be more relevant. Why should these stages replace Kohlbergs? Where would you place yourself according to the stages you developed?

Add, remove, list friends

C program that can be able to add a friend ship, remove a friendship, and print out the friend(s) for a particular user. You can assume that friendships go both ways, i.e. if A is friends with B, then B is also friends with A.
The input will begin with an integer q (q 500,000), number of queries to your webpage. The next q lines will each contain 1 server query. There are 3 query types. The first query type is the add query. The add query will begin with the word ADD followed by two names, a and b. The word ADD and the names will all be separated by a single space. This query implies the people named a and b have become friends. The second query is the remove query. The remove query
will begin with the word REMOVE followed by two names, a and b. The word REMOVE and the two names will be separated by a single space. The remove query will denote that user a and b are no longer friends. The last query type is the list query. The list query will begin with the word LIST followed by one name, a, representing the user we wish to list the friends of. Each name will be at most 100 lower case characters and will contain no whitespace. No user will become a friend of themselves. No user will remove themselves as a friend. If a friendship is added, it will be between two users that are currently not friends. If a friendship is removed, it will be between two users that are currently friends.
For each list query print out on a line by itself the number of friends the user has. After which print out the names of each friend of the given user (in any order) each on their own line.


The following are the tables and data in the ITCO630_A database:

Using the sample database, write the scripts in a file called ITCO630_P3.SQL to create the following views. Remember to include a USES clause at the top of the script file to use the ITCO630_A database. Also include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and recreated.
Create a view named v_worker showing the student number, assignment number, and start date where the role is “worker.”
Create a view called v_no_points with all the columns of the assignment table except the points column.
Create a view called v_count that shows the number of students working on each assignment. The view should have columns for the assignment number and the count.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Below are the learning exercises for Chapter 4. What is required of you is to pick 5 of the following to talk about? Each one will require a 2 to 3 paragraph informational response. This will be in the form of an essay paper. The 1st page is the Title page, the content pages you will have each section separated with the question you have chosen, the last page will be a reference page. Some may require research. This is an assignment for grading.

What factors should be considered when determining what commissions should be when you are planning an affiliate campaign? How do these differ for revenue sharing campaigns and CPA campaigns?
Describe the role cookies play in affiliate marketing. Why are they important? Could affiliate marketing work if cookies didnt exist? What impact would it have on affiliate marketing?
Do you think there is an advantage to a 999-day cookie? Think of a situation in which you might use one.
What is the difference between a lifetime cookie and a lock-in cookie? How do you think lock-in cookies affect the commission levels offered by merchants?
Compare tracking in affiliate marketing to that of e-mail and online advertising. What are the similarities? The differences?
What impact might cookie deletion have on an affiliate marketing campaign?
A user sees an ad online for ABC Glassware on Site A, an affiliate site, and clicks on it. Even though the ad promoted a great deal, she does not make a purchase at that time. Afterward, she visits several other sites and finds another good deal for the same glassware on Site B, another affiliate site for ABC Glassware. She doesnt make a purchase then, either, as she preferred to think about the purchase overnight. The next day, she goes back to Site A to buy the glassware. Who receives the commission?
How can a merchant try to ensure that its own marketing efforts do not overlap with those of the affiliates? Why would a merchant want to reduce overlap?
Why do you think affiliates promote merchants in so many ways?
Why do you think some affiliates run affiliate programs for their own Web sites?
Why do you think it is important for a merchant to have several different banners and buttons available to affiliates?
Why do you think it is important for merchants to keep in touch with their affiliates?
When do you think it would be best for a merchant to manage an affiliate in-house versus outsource it to an agency?
When do you think its appropriate to run your own affiliate program versus hiring a manager? Versus outsourcing?
Why do you think performing a competitor analysis is important?

Think of a place i enjoy being at

describe a place where i love to be including FANBOYS and/or semicolons.
1.5 page including the 5 senses.Rest of the pages why is this place important to me. 12pt times new roman font.Double spaced 1″ margin.Topic sentence with each body paragraph.Use past or present tense.

Do you agree with this response to this question? Yes or no

Describe three (3) national infrastructures that require interoperability between all hospitals in the United States. Next, suggest two (2) ways that the use of an integrated delivery system improves the quality of patient services. Justify your response in relation to this week’s videos.

Enforcing standards is also a challenge for interoperability measurement. With new interoperability improvement initiatives frequently sprouting up across the industry, federal agencies need a way to measure the progress of these initiatives by assessing the state of health IT interoperability in a consistent way. The framework was designed to evaluate the industrys progress toward implementing interoperability standards and assess the way standards are used to measure interoperability improvements. Quality in healthcare means providing the care the patient needs when the patient needs it, in an affordable, safe, effective manner (Elation Health, 2017). 

Improving measurement standards will assist in tracking progress on a national scale. The framework recommended requiring health IT companies to report the percentage of end-users utilizing a particular standard, the volume of transactions by standard, and the conformance and customization of standards following implementation. By promoting consistent standards measurement nationwide, ONC can inhibit health IT developers, healthcare organizations, and HIEs from applying standards differently. Current ONC efforts and bills in Congress pursue enforcement by authorizing the OIG to investigate and establish deterrents to information blocking researchers concluded. If successful, reducing information blocking will help ensure that data follow patients across provider organizations, which is essential to improving the quality and efficiency of care.

Additionally, while information blocking has not been entirely eradicated, some existing policies have yielded improvements. Increasing transparency of EHR vendor business practices and product performance, stronger financial incentives for providers to share information, and making information blocking illegal were perceived as the most effective policy remedies. We run into instances where the health organizations and other vendors may think this is their data and may use this for competitive reasons, he observed. That mindset isnt good because its not helping the patients (Challenges Achieving Healthcare, 2017).

Me – David W. Skillman

BIO for a web site.

Veteran 8 years Navy – Awarded Navy Expeditionary Medal
“The medal will be awarded, to the officers and enlisted men of the Navy who shall have actually landed on foreign territory and engaged in operations against armed opposition, or operated under circumstances which, after full consideration, shall be deemed to merit special recognition and for which service no campaign medal has been awarded. The Navy Expeditionary Medal is retroactively authorized to February 12, 1874.”

Sea Service Deployment Medal
The Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (NSSDR) is presented to any member of the United States Navy after they complete deployment at sea. Standard deployment is considered 90 consecutive days or two periods of at least 80 days within a 12 month period. Additional awards of the ribbon are represented by wearing a Bronze Star device on the service ribbon.