Archive for January 26th, 2020

ism: information management systems

These are 2 different essays so please put the reference in the correct essay. i will also like this essay done on Thursday so that i may provide any corrections and it will at least provide 24 hrs for the writer to provide corrected essay. each essay 400 words, reference in APA format. i will provide the background story from the textbook in the file provided.

Read Case #5 – “Fifteen Million Identity Theft Victims”  then answer the following questions:

You have the responsibility to protect yourself / company from data theft.  Visit the Federal Trade Commissions Information Identity Theft website.
Create a brief document highlighting the actions you can take to protect our identity and ensure our personal information is safe.
Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.  All case studies are found at the end of the chapter in your textbook.

Read Case #6 – “Political Microtargeting: What Data Crunchers Did for Obama”  then answer the following questions:

Explain the importance of high-quality information for political microtargeting.
Review the five common characteristics of high-quality information, and rank them in order of importance for political microtargeting.
Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.  All case studies are found at the end of the chapter in your textbook.

no topic for this one

The cultivation of tobacco was both a blessing and a curse. While it did keep the Chesapeake colonies financially solvent, it created an ever-increasing demand for more land and of course more labor. The British colonists first used indentured servants as the primary labor force, but by the mid-1600s, they turned more and more to using Black slaves. Please discuss the factors behind using white indentured servants and then the reasons you believe that the plantation owners ultimately turned to only using Black slaves.

Research Report – Write a report in which you argue for Students graduating with business degrees should be required to pass a proficiency exam in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Access.

Research Report – Write a report in which you argue for Students graduating with business degrees should be required to pass a proficiency exam in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Access.

Conduct research to provide support for your recommendation.

Complete the following steps:

-Begin by writing a problem statement (a statement of report purpose in light of the topic it is intended to discuss).

-Brainstorm about possible factors to investigate.

-Research the factors identified during the brainstorming phase.

-Consider the pros and cons. You will probably think of additional factors to consider.

-Begin writing a draft of the report.

Avoid overly casual language
Write in the third person without I, we, or you, perspectives
Use section headings
Cite sources using APA format The report should include the following sections: 1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary (not necessary to include on a separate page) 4. Introduction 5. Body Sections Research 6. Conclusion/Recommendation 7. Reference Page

The research report should be at least 4 pages in length (not including the title page, table of contents, and reference page).

criminal gang

Students will select a topic to investigate that pertains to criminal gang activity in a country of their choice that is NOT Canada. While students have discretion on what direction they take with the paper, they must advance an argument that in some way or another addresses not only criminal gang activity in that foreign country but also the anti-gang policies of that country. Terms papers should range between 15 and 20 pages double spaced Times New Roman Font. Papers must strictly adhere to APA style guidelines (not just internal citations and bibliography). More information will be available through the course website.  The late penalty for this assignment is a 1% deduction for each day late (including weekends) off of ones final course grade.
The first learning outcome of this assignment is for students to acquire a better understanding of HOW criminal gang activity works in other countries.
A second learning outcome for this assignment is for students to develop a research project. The parameters for this paper are very broad. Beyond picking a criminal gang activity in another country and exploring it alongside the ANTI-GANG POLICIES of that country, students are open to how they decide they would like to design their research project and paper. That means that students have the opportunity to develop their own RESEARCH QUESTION that they will ultimately answer in the paper.
A third learning outcome for this assignment is for students to hone writing skills essential for all professional careers and post-secondary educational pursuits.
A fourth learning outcome for this assignment is for students to explore, in depth, a topic and/or location that is meaningful and important to them. To this end, students are encouraged to select a topic (i.e. criminal gang activity) that they believe is particularly relevant to their long-term professional career goals, or their personal lives and experiences. They are, furthermore, encouraged to select a country that they have a personal connection to, or that they are particularly interested in or passionate about.
1. Select a criminal gang activity that is taking place in a foreign country and provide an in-depth and detailed description of it.
In the final paper, students must define, describe, and explain the activity in as much depth and detail as possible.
2. Pose a research question about your criminal gang activity.
Students must pose a RESEARCH QUESTION about the criminal gang activity that in some way or other relates it to ANTI-GANG POLICIES within that country.
Students want to ask a question that will allow them to broaden their KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of the criminal gang activity and how it relates to the countrys ANTI-GANG POLICIES. Therefore, students want to ensure that the question they are asking is broad enough so that it allows them to carry out extensive research on their topic.
3. Carry out your research in order to answer your research question.
Students will be expected to draw on a WIDE variety of academic and grey literature resources to learn as much as they can about their criminal gang activity, the country in which it takes place, and the countrys ANTI-GANG POLICIES. The ultimate goal of carrying out this research is in order to answer the research question. 
ACADEMIC sources include PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES and BOOKS that are published by REPUTABLE ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS (i.e. University of Toronto Press, Ashgate, etc.). In terms of books, a good rule of thumb is that if it can be found in UOITs library, and if it is written by academics (not self-help or pop psychology-type books), then it is likely an acceptable scholarly book.
GREY LITERATURE sources can include government documents (parliamentary debates, policy briefs, policy documents), police reports, official websites, and articles from reputable newspapers. However, students are advised to view these sources with a critical eye. They should be used to augment or supplement more rigorous academic sources rather than to replace it. Above all, please avoid sites like Wikipedia, yahoo, and web blogs. These are perfectly fine for starting out (I encourage you to use them initially- and you will find that I draw on them for lectures from time to time) but they are NOT acceptable for the final paper. Please see me if you need clarification with any specific sources.
4. Develop a social scientific argument (THESIS).
After completing their research and learning as much as they can about criminal gang activity in their foreign country, and the ANTI-GANG POLICIES there, students should have broadened their KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING to the point that they can now advance an analytical ARGUMENT. Their argument must similarly address both their criminal gang activity of choice and the ANTI-GANG POLICIES in their chosen country. In the same way that students have wide discretion over what type of research question they ask, they also have wide range of discretion over what type of argument they advance. However, their argument must in some way draw on SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC THEORY. Consequently, students are welcome to draw on course materials (course readings) and/or outside ACADEMIC sources that particularly speak to theories about criminal gangs (which we will be covering extensively in the course). Alternatively, students can draw on broader social scientific theories and APPLY them their criminal gang activity themselves. 
What is a social scientific argument?
It is a REASONED (or logical) CLAIM that is supported by evidence AND is GROUNDED in a SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE. And in the case of this assignment, this social scientific perspective has to encompass THEORY. Your social scientific perspective can ALSO be informed by social scientific paradigms, social scientific models, social scientific themes, and of course social scientific research more generally (that may or may not be theoretical so to speak). To be clear, these paradigms, theories, models, themes and research need NOT be authored by criminologists or justice scholars or only covered in criminology or justice studies courses and texts. Thinking of criminology and justice studies as a distinct category can be quite misleading. Most of what we talk about in criminology and justice studies is interdisciplinary and used in many other fields (i.e. Marxist theory is used in sociology, criminology, political science, economics, philosophy, history, anthropology, etc.). However, the argument must be grounded in a SOCIAL SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE that focusses attention on SOCIETY, SOCIAL RELATIONS, SOCIAL FACTORS, etc. (i.e. politics, media, culture, history, economics, etc.).  For example, if students find themselves paying MORE attention to biology, physical geography, or purely written law and paying LESS attention to the wider society, they probably need to adjust their focus.
Term papers must draw on an appropriate number of sources. Students should be aiming for a minimum of FIFTEEN sources, with no maximum limit.
Term papers must present clear, structured and well written ARGUMENT (THESIS) that draws on social scientific theory as well as social science more generally.
Terms papers should range between 15-20 pages double spaced Times New Roman Font. Strong and well developed papers tend to, but not always, fall between 18 and 20 pages. Papers that exceed 20 pages by more than a page are at risk of having marks deducted for exceeding the page limit, and it is STRONGLY recommended that they do not fall below 15 pages (this is generally a sign that the paper is significantly underdeveloped).
Term papers must strictly adhere to APA style guidelines (not just internal citations and bibliography).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TERM PAPER EVALUATION SCHEME
The following is an overview of the key criteria that will be used to evaluate students term papers. While all components will feature prominently in the evaluation, please be advised that the topic, argumentation, and evidence will be given significant consideration (in particular the argument!).
1. Topic
Students have chosen a suitable topic that meets the requirements of the term paper outlined above. They make sure that they have chosen a specific criminal gang activity from a country other than Canada. They clearly, and in detail, describe the criminal gang activity. Students ensure that the argument and evidence in the paper address not only the criminal gang activity they have chosen but also ANTI-GANG POLICIES that country. 
2. Argument
Students present a clear thesis statement that articulates their argument. They then use their paper to build an argument in which social scientific theories is used. The argument is clearly introduced and presented, and it is strongly supported by evidence. As per the above instructions, students ensure their analytical argument addresses not only the foreign criminal gang activity but also the ANTI-GANG POLICIES in that country.

3. Evidence
Students draw on an adequate number of sources to develop their argument. As stated above, they should be aiming for approximately FIFTEEN sources minimum. Dependent on the topic and analysis, for some papers, FIFTEEN will be sufficient, whereas for others more will be required. Thus, students are being graded here not on how MANY sources they have, but rather, how successfully they have supported their argument with evidence. Therefore, it is both the quantity and quality of sources (not just the quality of articles and books, but far more importantly, the quality of the students use of the research to support their arguments).
4. Structure and Organisation
The paper has a clear introduction and conclusion. A thesis statement is found in the introduction of the paper. The overall argument for the term paper has are clear and logical flow, and is easy for the reader to follow along. Students are strongly encouraged to consult writing guides on how to formally structure a term paper, and they are welcome to contact me for feedback and advice.
5. Writing 
Writing is clear and elegant, sentences are nicely constructed, paragraphs are an appropriate length and are nicely constructed, writing is polished, and spelling and grammar are error free. Spelling and grammar will be taken into serious consideration when grading papers.
6. Citations
Bibliography and internal citations are accurately laid out according to APA style. The paper conforms to term paper instructions in terms of font, size, layout, etc.
7. Format
All aspects of the term paper conform to proper APA formatting style and formal assignment instructions, i.e. title page, margins, heading, font, size, spacing, etc.

ired work; and an inability to communicate.

Nutrition Counseling

Discussion Prompt

Healthy People 2020 identify objectives related to nutrition and food safety. What are your thoughts on MyPlate? How do you think it compares to other versions of daily requirements? Do you think MyPlate  would work in your population? Why? Or why not?

Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Research Report on

Research Report – A report in which you argue for Students graduating with business degrees should be required to pass a proficiency exam in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Access.

Conduct research to provide support for your recommendation.

Complete the following steps:

-Begin by writing a problem statement (a statement of report purpose in light of the topic it is intended to discuss).

-Brainstorm about possible factors to investigate.

-Research the factors identified during the brainstorming phase.

-Consider the pros and cons. You will probably think of additional factors to consider.

-Begin writing a draft of the report.

Avoid overly casual language
Write in the third person without I, we, or you, perspectives
Use section headings
Cite sources using APA format The report should include the following sections: 1. Title 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary (not necessary to include on a separate page) 4. Introduction 5. Body Sections Research 6. Conclusion/Recommendation 7. Reference Page

The research report should be at least 4 pages in length (not including the title page, table of contents, and reference page).

I can write the title page.


The company/school you work for has been receiving criticism and in fact questions regarding the strategic use of information systems within your organization.  After a committee review it was concluded change must begin from the top.  In response to this need a decision was made to perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of Kimballs Restaurant as a case study of a successful strategic information system.

This portion of the analysis is to include an analysis of web enabled commerce, decision support systems, and business intelligence.

Your final paper length will be 7-10 pages, including title page, abstract page, table of contents page, reference page, and appendices pages.

Text should follow APA guidelines and use appropriate language/vocabulary. A minimum of four (4) scholarly references should be used, not including the textbook. Be sure to use the spell-check function before submitting the assignment to check for possible spelling and grammar issues.

Completed Class Action Lawsuit

Class Action Research

Generally, one plaintiff brings suit against one or two defendants.  In class actions, however, a group of plaintiffs with related claims collectively bring suit against one or two defendants.  Some plaintiffs may be unaware of the lawsuit or even unaware they were harmed.

Research to find a news article regarding a completed class action (has either reached judgment or settlement, not pending).

Answer the following questions:
1.    Who are the plaintiffs?
2.    Who are the defendant(s)?
3.    What are the plaintiffs claims (contract, property, tort, product liability, etc.)?
4.    What was the outcome of the case (judgment for what amount, settlement, etc.)?
5.    What are the long-term social consequences of a class action such as this one?

Pinto Fires Case

Determine the issues raised in the readings, and in your personal observation and study, that you will focus on in your case study analysis.
Read the case study carefully, and gather from it information you will need for your analysis.
Submit a 7-8 page paper, (excluding title page and reference page), in APA format, analyzing the case study.
Decide what course of action Ford should have taken. Describe your reasoning that led to your position and conclusion.

The Birds

Read the attached assignment file carefully. Be sure you fully understand the expectations of the assignment before you begin (consult the rubric below for more information).
Type your response in a Word or compatible format and upload it below. Your response should be typed in 12 pt. font, double spaced.