Archive for January 26th, 2020

Social Sciences

That outline must be approximately 150 to 250 words long, with an indication of at least three sources (e.g., Internet sites, books, court cases, newspaper stories) you have found and may use. The outline is not graded, but we usually acknowledge its receipt and often also write to the submitting student with advice on how to approach his/her paper and/or with a request that he/she revise his/her outline.

Business Law

That outline must be approximately 150 to 250 words long, with an indication of at least three sources (e.g., Internet sites, books, court cases, newspaper stories) you have found and may use. The outline is not graded, but we usually acknowledge its receipt and often also write to the submitting student with advice on how to approach his/her paper and/or with a request that he/she revise his/her outline.

Compare two jsons

I have a basic code. I want to clean up all the hard coding in this basic code and make it more efficient.
What has to be done?
1) Read a json which has arrays into separate template hash map for each type in the array
2) Without using any hard coding, use the template and compare a new json for new and missing fields.


Which Brain Structures Would You Give Up?
Suppose you were the subject of a diabolical experiment looking at the functions of the various brain areas.  A mad scientist wants to do removal studies in order to isolate these functions.  The mad scientist does have a heart, though- he lets his subjects decide which brain structures theyd like to give up.
This assignment requires an understanding of the various parts of the brain and their role in our daily functioning.

The Assignment:
For this Assignment, complete the following steps:
Step 1:
Review the various parts of the brain and their functions by visiting the 3D Brain website at (opens in a new window). You are only responsible for understanding the parts of the brain that are covered in your textbook.
Step 2:
In a paper, thoroughly discuss the following:
If you were the subject in this heinous (and thankfully fictional) experiment, which three brain structures would you give up? NOTE: You must choose specific parts of the brain, not brain regions.  Students are not permitted to choose any of the four lobes or the cerebral cortex for removal. 
Explain the function of those three structures.  What is the role of each in your daily functioning? Be specific.  DO NOT simply restate textbook information.   
Explain why you chose those structures and describe what your life would be like without them. Again, be specific and DO NOT simply restate textbook information.  For example, if I chose my hippocampus for removal I would experience significant memory impairment.  As a result, it is unlikely that I would be able to work as an instructor (an inability to form new memories means I can’t remember what I just said, much less deliver an entire lecture).  I would also experience confusion about where I am and how I got there (again, removal or severe damage of the hippocampus results in an inability to form new memories meaning I can’t remember what has happened from one moment to the next).  However, it is possible that I would still retain some long-term memories formed years before the “removal”, since those memories may have been moved to another part of the brain.
Citing Sources:  You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission. 
Acceptable Length: Minimum of 1 typed page.
Formatting Requirements:
Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font
Use double line spacing in the document
1-inch margins all around


Part 1
Do research on an area of sport that interests you (eg: community relations, basketball operations, corporate sponsorship, ticket operations, etc.). Then identify a current industry professional that works in that area. Once you have identified these items, you will post up a bio about that individual on our discussion board (include their name, title and current organization). Within your post you will answer the following questions:

Why did I choose this individual?
What impact have they had on the sports industry?
Is this a position you would like in the industry? Why or why not?
A great resource for this assignment is to reference the Sports Business Journal online. You will want to search Plugged In. Most issues of SBJ will focus on an industry professional and the impacts they have had in the industry.

Make sure to properly cite your work.

Part 2
The theme and focus of this journal assignment is to review current articles in Street & Smiths Sports Business Journal. Please pick out a story from the publication and conduct a journal review. You must choose an article (not beyond 6 months old & of at least 2 pages of content) and write a review. Discuss the main points of the article as well as ramifications to the sports industry. You can give your insight, but I encourage you to use secondary sources to back up your comments.

In a 3 paragraph written journal response, address the following points:

What is the article about?
Who does this topic or issue impact in the sports industry?
Are there any future ramifications to the industry based on this article? If so, please give your insight.
Personally reflect on how you can benefit from the information in the article.


Part 1
Do research on an area of sport that interests you (eg: community relations, basketball operations, corporate sponsorship, ticket operations, etc.). Then identify a current industry professional that works in that area. Once you have identified these items, you will post up a bio about that individual on our discussion board (include their name, title and current organization). Within your post you will answer the following questions:

Why did I choose this individual?
What impact have they had on the sports industry?
Is this a position you would like in the industry? Why or why not?
A great resource for this assignment is to reference the Sports Business Journal online. You will want to search Plugged In. Most issues of SBJ will focus on an industry professional and the impacts they have had in the industry.

Make sure to properly cite your work.

Part 2
The theme and focus of this journal assignment is to review current articles in Street & Smiths Sports Business Journal. Please pick out a story from the publication and conduct a journal review. You must choose an article (not beyond 6 months old & of at least 2 pages of content) and write a review. Discuss the main points of the article as well as ramifications to the sports industry. You can give your insight, but I encourage you to use secondary sources to back up your comments.

In a 3-5 paragraph written journal response, address the following points:

What is the article about?
Who does this topic or issue impact in the sports industry?
Are there any future ramifications to the industry based on this article? If so, please give your insight.
Personally reflect on how you can benefit from the information in the article.

Identifying Stakeholders for a New Community Initiative

Identifying Stakeholders for a New Community Initiative
This is a 750-word narrative in which you are to identify stakeholders in a community social problem with the community identified in the assignment in Unit 2, the community social problem identified in the discussion in Unit 5, and you as a human service leader from the organization in the assignment in Unit 4.

(Hey the community that I have to use is the CAC Child Advocacy Center, which is the physically and sexually abused children ). Please refer back to my last paper you completed for me. If you need me to, I can send it to you.

As a human services leader, you are being asked to lead a new initiative. The new initiative will be an interagency collaboration of a task force to address a current community social problem. While individuals will be filling positions to serve on the task force, first you need to identify the stakeholders who have a personal or professional interest in the social problem and how to address it. Utilizing your knowledge of your community context of practice (from the assignment in Unit 2), identify stakeholders and support your choices with literature and theory.


With your proposal and any other research that you conduct, you will need to find resources to support your topic and then reference them in order to give credit where credit is due. Annotated bibliographies are typically used for academic research papers, but they can also be useful tools for professional reports and proposals. In an annotated bibliography, each reference includes an additional summary that describes the content and explains why the source is useful. In your summary explain why the source is included in the bibliography. As you summarize each source, make sure you identify the main idea that will be highlighted. Construct your summary around the meaning and value of each source and establish a connection of the source to the proposal. You must distinguish credible and accurate types of materials to support the main concept of the proposal and recognize the context of your sources.

For your annotated bibliography, include at least five sources, of which two must be from scholarly journals. To locate your sources, you will need to utilize effective search tools within the databases to distinguish relevant academic and professional sources. Use the databases in the library to locate the scholarly resources. The databases can be found in the Library Resources tab.

Section 4: Budgeting and Timeline Tools

As you have been examining this week, budgeting and timeline tools are vital for determining necessary resources and planning for a proposed change. For your Course Project, you use these types of tools to assess resources that may be required for the successful implementation of your strategic plan.

To prepare:
Review the information on budgeting in this weeks Learning Resources. Which tools (e.g., Revenue Projection Model, Capital Budgeting Analysis, Depreciation Calculator, Profit and Loss Projection) would be most useful for developing your strategic plan?
Use one or more budgeting tools to outline the financial resources for your proposed change. Reflect on any challenges that arise as you evaluate the financial resources required for this change now and in the future.
Review the information on PERT and other timeline tools in this weeks Learning Resources, including Dr. Hustons presentation in the media program.
Use PERT or another tool to analyze and represent the activities that need to be completed to successfully plan and implement your proposed change. Be sure to note dependencies (e.g., a task/milestone that must be completed in order to trigger the next step) and realistically assess the minimum time needed to complete the entire project. 

To complete:
Outline the financial resources for your proposed change. Describe the budgeting tool(s) you used to arrive at these determinations. Explain what challenges, if any, you encountered through the budgeting process. Provide documentation (e.g., Excel worksheets) to support your analysis.
Outline the timeline for the implementation of your proposed change using PERT or another timeline tool. Consider how your timeline can allow leeway for variance.




    Ask the user to input the degree of the polynomial.

    Based on the inputted degree, ask the user to input the different polynomial coefficients.

    Generate a range X of values between  100 and 100.

    Calculate polynomial P(x) for all values of range X. These results should be allocated in a vector P.
    Plot the graph of P(x) in a figure titled Graph of Polynomial.

    P(x) should be plotted in blue.
    The title should be in blue, Font Size 16, Font Weight bold.
    The x-axis should be labelled x-axis in red, Font Size 12, Font Weight bold.
    The y-axis should be labelled y-axis in red, Font Size 12, Font Weight bold.
    The figure should display major and minor grid lines.
    x-axis limits should be set between the first and final roots 2.
    y-axis limits should be set between the extrema 2.

    Find in vector P the indices for which P(x)=0 and the indices at which P(x) sign changes. Based on these indices the root will be determined.
The root must not be determined using any embedded Matlab functions such as fzero, roots, poly, polyval, etc.

    The code should return in the command window the number of roots, and the roots value sorted in ascending orders.