Archive for January 26th, 2020

Course Project: Developing a Strategic Plan

Section 3: Balanced Scorecard

Managers, like pilots, need instrumentation about many aspects of their environment and performance to monitor the journey toward excellent future outcomes.

Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action

To prepare:
As introduced in Week 8, continue to refine your balanced scorecard. (Refer to Week 8 for the preparatory instructions as necessary.) Your balanced scorecard is one tool you can use to evaluate the effects of your planned change on performance.


To complete:
Create a balanced scorecard that could be used to measure and evaluate the impact of your planned change on performance, and determine if the costs are justified in terms of the outcomes.
Include what you would measure in terms of finances, customers, internal process, and learning and growth.


International Business

1)Name 3 things that Lafarge should have done to better his chances of accomplishing his goals in China. Note: Dont be fooled by what may seem to be a simple answer to this question. Look for a deeper issue(s). Hint: Understand Lafarges corporate goal and start your thought process from the beginning. Imagine you are the CEO of Lafarge.

2) Select one of Gert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and with some research, explain the dimension and give an example or two.

On both questions, at least two references (one for each question) and also give your personal opinion

Professional Development Plan

In a Microsoft Word document of 5 pages formatted in APA style, develop a strategic plan to aid your transition into the role of a professional nurse. In your paper:
    Discuss factors influencing your decision to obtain a BSN degree.
    Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role.
    Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion.
Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages. Give your rationale for that placement. If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage).
    Identify two professional short-term goals.
    Identify two professional long-term goals.
    Expound upon the challenges and barriers you face in pursuit of your short- and long-term goals.
    Identify mentors and support systems to aid you in overcoming challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

***the 5 pages does not include the title page and the reference page***


Plays are meant to be performed rather than read. The purpose of dramatic arts often extends far beyond the words written on a pagestaging, lighting, costumes intonation, expression, and audience experience are all part of the experience of a theatrical production. To help develop your understanding of Othello and the cultural role of the dramatic arts, you will view a production of the play this week and write a two-page reflection to explain your viewing experience. Please make sure you review the Assignment Connection portion of this week’s lesson, as it will provide some additional help.

Below, please find two adaptations of Othello.

Otelo (Links to an external site.) (Spanish version)
Othello (Links to an external site.)
(1981, William Marshall version)

You may also find this short interview helpful:
Is Othello a Racist Play?  (Links to an external site.)

For this assignment, you will view one of the above versions of Othello. You will also find this website (Links to an external site.) valuable in helping you understand how to analyze a play. Once you’ve gone through the website link and watched the play, please complete a reflection that addresses the following.

Identify the performance that you have selected and why you chose that performance.
Describe the staging, lighting, costumes, and characters of the performance. How do these match or revise the written version of the play?
What type of mood and tone does the performance create? How?
What parts of the play are easier to understand through performance? What are some details that stood out through the performance?
What does the performance suggest about the role of theater in contemporary culture? (Please write a strong paragraph that thoughtfully answers this question.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Oxitec case on your textbook ( and be prepared to discuss the following questions in class .

Is it ethical for a company to expose people to products that have not been definitively proven to be safe?  Explain. 
Create a detailed diagram of all of the stakeholders affected by Oxitecs actions. What conclusions can you draw from this analysis? 
Describe the business model of Oxitec, using the Business Model Canvas.  What recommendations might you make for the companys business model going forward? 

Advanced Strategy & Competition

The 8-10 page paper should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document using APA 6th Edition guidelines. The paper must include a title page, an introduction, the body, summary and conclusion paragraph(s), and a reference page. (Note the page limit does not include the title and reference pages). The template provided for the Course Paper will assist you in ensuring that you are meeting APA paper guidelines. Your goal in this Course Paper is to synthesize all your resources learned and demonstrate your knowledge by addressing, discussing, comparing, contrasting, interpreting, and distinguishing the subject matter in your paper.

1. Instructor will select a detailed case study from the text and they will be assigned randomly. Students are to prepare a full case analysis.

2. Your paper must be in APA format and include at least five (5) reference sources (one of which may be the course textbook). Again, the page limit does not include title and reference pages.

3. Submit essay response as detailed on class moodle.

Wellness Strategies Brochure and Reflection

n a separate document, write a 250-500 word reflection that does the following:
Who will be your key audience/target population?  Examples include clients with mood disorders and their families, age groups, or cultural backgrounds.
Why did you select these methods for your agency?
Describe your rationale for why this information is useful in the brochure.
Describe your rationale as to why you designed the brochure the way you did (e.g., photos, key focus areas).
Use at least two scholarly sources to substantiate your rationale. The sources and reflection should be in APA format.

Succession Plan

Succession Planning
Succession planning refers to the process by which new leaders are identified and developed within a given organization to ensure a seamless transition when existing leadership leaves the organization. An effective succession plan is often subtle because the change should be seamless; however, an ineffective succession plan can result in visible consequences as the challenges associated with the change become obvious.

For this assignment around succession planning, select a high-profile change in leadership at a public or nonprofit agency. You may choose an agency that you have worked for or have seen in the headlines or research. Analyze the artifacts of communication around how the change was announced and decide whether the transition was seamless from a public perspective.

In a 5 page narrative, address the following:

Provide a brief background on the chosen public or nonprofit agency.
Explain a recent change in leadership that took place in that organization.
Identify the artifacts of communication that were used around the change in leadership.
Analyze the strategies used with those artifacts to communicate the change in leadership.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the execution of the agency’s succession plan.

Social Media

For this assignment, you will need to identify a topic that is trending on social media. It can be anything of your choice – a brand you follow, a news story, a celebrity or anything else trending in social media.  Compare and contrast how different social media outlets are promoting your trend.  Consider the following and prepare a written analysis of 1 – 2 pages. 
    Are the messages comparable across multiple social media outlets?
    Are different outlets promoting different aspects of your trend?
    If you didn’t know anything about the topic prior, would you be able to gain adequate knowledge just by looking at a few social media platforms?
    Is the social media engaging (are the posts being shared, liked and/or commented on)? 
    If you had to prepare a content strategy for this trend or topic, what would some other messages be?

Advanced Strategy & Competition

One More Textbook for Case Study: On Strategy (by Michael E. Porter, in 2011)
ISBN: 978-1-4221-5798-5

1. Read Case #3: Ford Motor Company

2. Post a 2-4 page paper answering the following:

3. Describe the global car industry’s characteristics.

4. Describe and analyze Ford’s domestic and global corporate strategies.

5. Describe Ford in terms of product design, manufacturing, marketing, and corporate culture.

6. How do you suggest Ford increase its presence in the global automobile market?