Archive for February 6th, 2020

Assignment On Security Architecture And Design

 Annotated Bibliography 


Search the web (Google Scholar) and find 6 peer-reviewed articles published since 2015 that relate to the topic of security architecture and design and construct an annotated bibliography. If you have never written an annotated bibliography, please use the link below for guidance.


Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is a minimum of 600 words in length and meets the minimum APA formatting guidelines:

     12-pt, Times New Roman font


   1 margins on all sides

   Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.

   Paraphrasing of content Demonstrate that you understand the article by summarizing it in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.


In discussing Organizational Excellence, let’s start with an analysis of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Take the Organizational Diagnosis Questionnaire that is found above. Provide a detailed analysis of what is working and what is not working. It should be at least 300 words in length and you must extensively cite reliable sources, both as references at the end and as corresponding in-text citations (formatted according to APA standards)

PSYC 341


Essay Instructions

The Essay assignments occur in Module 2, Module 4, Module 6 and Module 8. Each essay should be in APA format and should discuss the required prompt. This assignment does not require a Title page or Abstract page, but does require a Reference page and in-text citations.  

Each essay will review a different topic from the text and will also link each topic with Scripture. Each essay should have a word count of at least 500 words.

Using the , select two full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to the topic for each essay. The textbook may be used, but does not count toward the two required scholarly references. 

Essay Topics

Module 2: Examine Adlers 3 safeguarding tendencies in the text. Select 1 of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture. Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved if safeguarding tendencies were not used.

Module 4: Identify Maslows 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslows Heirarchy of Needs. Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level. Include specific examples from Scripture regarding motivation. 

Module 6: Review the section in Chapter 13 titled In Search of the Big Five (pgs. 381 392) as well as the article Big Five Personality Factors and Facets as Predictors of Openness to Diversity (Han & Pistole, 2017). Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCraes Five-Factor Model of Personality?

Module 8: Analyze the 4 common elements in most human disturbance according to Kelly (threat, fear, anxiety, and guilt). Compare each of these constructs with what Scripture says regarding these particular elements.

Selecting Appropriate Journal Articles

If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, click to learn how to navigate through the .

When searching Liberty Universitys online library, from the Jerry Falwell Library home page, select Advanced Search and be sure to select the appropriate dates (within the last 7 years).  Under Show Only select the following: Items with full text online, Scholarly materials, including peer-reviewed. Under Exclude from results: select all three options. To find useful articles, narrow the search by selecting, keywords or phrases to use as your search parameters. 

The articles researched must be from scholarly journals. It is preferred that the journal have the word Journal in the title (Journal of Marriage and Family, etc.). Ideally, each journal that you review should have a Methods section as well as Data, Results, and Conclusion sections, but these sections are not required. Please note: You may not use book reviews, magazine articles, or online articles that have not been published in scholarly journals.


Art as Revolution

This week, we have studied works of art produced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that reflected, or in some cases, incited, social change or even revolution.

Carefully examine the following works, and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

  • Hogarth, Breakfast Scene, 1795
  • David, Death of Marat, 1793
  • Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830
  • Goya, Third of May, 1808, 1814-15
  • Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849

In an essay of 5-7 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions, making specific references to the five paintings listed above:

  1. How did each painting reflect or inspire social change or revolution? What was the social or revolutionary context of the painting?
  2. What additional historical events or social factors may have influenced the creation or interpretation of each painting?
  3. Explain how the style and specific visual characteristics of each painting contributed to or reflected its overall content or meaning.
  4. Do these paintings have the same impact or meaning to audiences today? Why or why not?

Include details about the visual characteristics and content of each painting in your response. Provide proper citations for any information from outside sources included in your essay.

Research: Quantitative Vs Qualitative

Background: Quantitative data can be measured and documented with numbers. Additionally, quantitative data can be represented as quantities. On the other hand, qualitative data is not measured with numbers, but it is represented by qualities. For example, I use quantitative methods to conduct my Ph.D. research because I like working with counts and measures.

Assignment: Write a research paper the contains the following:

  1. Discuss Quantitative Methodology
  2. Discuss Qualitative Methodology
  3. Compare and contrast qualitative data vs quantitative data

****The work submitted must be your own.  The work submitted must contain all sources used to complete all the content included.  All wording must be your own.  If you do include direct quotes, these must be cited corrected and must not be more than 3% of the total content. 

Dev Blk

aspect of app maintenance. describe the life cycle problem and how addressing your chosen problem in a blockchain environment differs from a traditional application development life cycle. Then think of three questions youd like to ask other students. 


query trade chaincode

prepare new trade chaincode and version

install new version of trade chaincode on the peers

upgrade trade chaincode on the channel

invoke trade chaincode

Role Of An Advocate

Role of an Advocate

Discuss the role of an advocate for a mental health issue. What potential ethical conflicts can arise when a mental health professional takes on the role of an advocate?

When you discuss the role(s) as you see them, refer to any specific standards that you may currently be using or considering. Feel free to add relevant examples, share relevant resources you have found (articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, quotes), share your relevant personal observations or experiences, and/or offer a short scenario as a realistic application of the concept.

When responding to your peers original postings, consider the role(s) as she/he sees them and the ethical standards they are considering.

Please provide an initial substantive answer 400 words in length


Required References

Cheung, R., & Ardolino, A. (2011). Behavioural science in public health policy. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 17(4), 140-144.

Durbin, A., Durbin, J., Hensel, J., Deber, R., & Hensel, J. M. (2016). Barriers and enablers to integrating mental health into primary care: A policy analysis. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 43(1), 127-139.

World Health Organization. (2003). Quality improvement for mental health. Retrieved from
Pgs. 54-58

Recommended References

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Katrina, H., Heather, P., Doris, C., Daniel, S., & Julian, E. (2015). Factors for success in mental health advocacy. Global Health Action, 8(0), 1-9.

McKeown, M., Ridley, J., Newbigging, K., Machin, K., Poursanidou, K., & Cruse, K. (2014). Conflict of roles: A conflict of ideas? The unsettled relations between care team staff and independent mental health advocates. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 23(5), 398-408.

Open States. (n.d.). Find your legislator. Retrieved from

United States House of Representatives. (n.d.). Find your representative. Retrieved from

Writing Due Tomorrow

1. Always include conclusion and at least 3 references, cite your sources.

In Chapter 7 of your textbook, Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, please read Case Study 9: Faith and Health.  Please be sure to particularly address the following questions related to the case:

  1. Using what you know about cultural intelligence, analyze the situation in terms of national, regional and individual levels.
  2. For each of the five behaviors and needs outlined,  find a strategy, or strategies, to resolve the issues.  Utilize the basics of developing and practicing cultural strategic thinking within the Unit 2 reading. 
  3. Determine how the hospital can increase their cultural strategic thinking to ensure patients are addressed with care and compassion regardless of their individual culture and beliefs. 

Submit a 2-3 page paper, (independent of the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. Be sure to use APA format.

2. Discuss how cultural strategic thinking plays a part within your current organization or an organization that you are familiar with.  What two specific cultural strategic thinking techniques have you observed within your team? Did you see evidence of Cultural Intelligence (CQ)? Using the article you read and your text discuss some of what you observed, both in terms of positives and deficits and discuss how CQ could have been improved.

APA format minimum 300 words. Cite sources. Include conclusion.

Lobbying Plan: Final Project Submission

Lobbying Plan: Final Project Submission

Structure your lobbying plan following this standard outline incorporating appropriate heading levels:

  1. Cover Letter (your letter of introduction)
    350-525 words introducing yourself and the issue to your state representative.

    For the first part of the assignment, you may use any appropriate cover letter or business letter template that your word processing software (e.g. Microsoft Word) likely offers for free. It is important to keep the format simple and free from distracting borders, images, and designs. You can also use to get started.

    Your letter must include the following: 

    1. Personal introduction, including any credentials or background information you feel are important to gain rapport.
    2. Introduction of the issue, including what you would like to see happen with the issue.
    3. A request for an appointment with the representative to discuss the issue. 
    4. You can continue your lobbying plan on the page proceeding your cover letter as follows.


  2. An APA Style Title page
  3. An Introduction Section (A Level 1 Heading)
    575 1,050 words that introduce the issue 
    1. Description of Setting (A Level 2 Heading)
    2. Statement of Objectives in Your Plan (A Level 2 Heading)
  4. An Argument Section (A Level 1 Heading)
    1,750-2,450 words where you summarize the research support for their issue. 
    1. Explain what you have found out about your issue and what areas need to be addressed. (A Level 2 Heading)
    2. Analyze the current status of actions being taken in the professional and legislative areas to support your explanations. (A Level 2 Heading)
    3. Provide examples of areas that are working well and may need to be enhanced, as well as areas that are not working so well and need to be changed. (A Level 2 Heading)
  5. An Action Section (A Level 1 Heading)
    350 700 words where define what action or legislative changes that they would like to see take plan to resolve their issue. 
    1. Explain what resources may be needed to execute the plan. (A Level 2 Heading)
    2. Analyze how executing this plan will provide better services. (A Level 2 Heading)
    3. Provide examples of the measurable improvements that you would expect to be the metrics for ongoing evaluations of the plan. (A Level 2 Heading)
  6. Conclusion (A Level 1 Heading)
    300 700 words bringing the paper to a logical end.


  7. References

This is your final submission. Your paper should be 3,325 to 5,425 words in length and be based on articles from the last ten years. You are required to use APA formatting for in-text citations and references. For further guidance, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).

Your assignment should be complete and integrate the feedback you received from your instructor following the submission of your rough draft.


Required References

Cheung, R., & Ardolino, A. (2011). Behavioural science in public health policy. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 17(4), 140-144.

Durbin, A., Durbin, J., Hensel, J., Deber, R., & Hensel, J. M. (2016). Barriers and enablers to integrating mental health into primary care: A policy analysis. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 43(1), 127-139.

World Health Organization. (2003). Quality improvement for mental health. Retrieved from
Pgs. 54-58

Recommended References

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Katrina, H., Heather, P., Doris, C., Daniel, S., & Julian, E. (2015). Factors for success in mental health advocacy. Global Health Action, 8(0), 1-9.

McKeown, M., Ridley, J., Newbigging, K., Machin, K., Poursanidou, K., & Cruse, K. (2014). Conflict of roles: A conflict of ideas? The unsettled relations between care team staff and independent mental health advocates. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 23(5), 398-408.

Open States. (n.d.). Find your legislator. Retrieved from

United States House of Representatives. (n.d.). Find your representative. Retrieved from

Need Help With Telos Essay For Psychology

 Identify the telos of Eriksons theory of human development. Compare this with the telos of Christianity.  What type of telos has shaped your development so far?  To what specific goals, already achieved or that you are working toward, can you point to illustrate your development? 

Must be 250-300 words