Archive for February 19th, 2020

Discussion General Forum Week 7


week 7 article for forum
Post your first forum comment by Thursday & response by Saturday. You must respond to at least one post from a classmate.

There are 2 forums due each week: Faith Integration forum & General Discussion forum. Please refer to the rubric for discussion forums for posting guidelines. Rubric discussion forum.pdfPreview the document

Week 7 forum

WE HAVE DISCUSSED VARIOUS TYPES OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONIN THIS CLASS, and last week in the forum you discussed the Amazon CEO’s 6 page memos. This week address the importance of the time of communications; specifically optimal meeting times.

Rear this short article: Why Jeff Bezos schedules all of his.pdfPreview the document

Post your initial comment by Thursday 11:59 PM that addresses a point made in article. You are required to post at least 1 response posting by Saturday 11:59 PM. 

Discussion Forum Faith Integration Week 7
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Patient persuasion can break down the strongest resistance and can even convince rulers. Proverbs 25:15

Discuss how the scripture for this weeks discussion ties in with the textbook chapter reading on persuasion (pages 15-17) and particularly

with Persuade with credibility on page 16.  How can living a Christian life aid in your credibility in the workplace and business environment?

Linking Brain and CNS Structure to the ASQ-3

This is a crosswalk activity that asks you to add your information to the table with a one sentence rationale.

How to approach this assignment:

Start by looking over the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ);
Now very carefully read Chapter 8 of Children with Disabilities text. Read it twice or more if necessary;
Review the instructions at the top of the Content Crosswalk table attached the the submission link below. The ASQ has 6 domains (e.g., fine motor, problem-solving, overall) with 6 applicable competencies (e.g., Does your baby make high-pitched squeals?) under each domain.  This assignment requires that you do only 3 competencies under each domain. This means that your final response will provide information for a total of 18 competencies;
Now, using the textbook, primarily pp. 121-129, locate all of the parts of the brain that might influence the ASQ competencies that you’ve chosen;
Review the rubric for this assignment; and
Fill out the Content Crosswalk as instructed.  Remember that exemplary responses provide additional supportive detail and use more than one cited section .

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Pick any topic in psychology in which you are interested.
The article must come from a research-oriented periodical. (Remember, a webpage is not a periodical.) The article must (a) describe an experimenters research, and (b) cite several other correlational or experimental research studies, e.g. (Gatton, 2009). Check with me before it is due, if you are not sure.
The original articles text must total to be two pages, or more. Text doesn’t include photos, artwork or diagrams. Please attach the articles APA style reference and its working URL link at the end of your response.
Submit online your approximately 1.5 page (no less than 300 words) personal connection to the article, and the APA style reference with working URL link.  The personal connection written response to the article doesnt have to be personal per se, but please engage with it and write how the article relates to you, anyone else, and/or the world.  Dates will be given in class.  Late or incomplete reviews will not be accepted.

Managing the Contractor-Customer Relationship

Assignment 3: Managing the Contractor-Customer Relationship
Due Week 10 and worth 165 points
Your CEO realized that in order to complete the various high-profile projects, your organization will need to rely on resources outside of the organization. Your firm typically does not rely on external resources so this will be a new adventure 

Write an 8-10 page paper in which you do the following:
1.    Discuss the ethical issues that can arise in contracting.
2.    Analyze and discuss the benefits that can arise with contracting.
3.    Describe the importance of the communication process in the contractor customer relationship.
4.    Describe the risks and responsibilities in the contractor customer relationship.
5.    Go to to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS (Strayer Writing Standards). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    Review the risks and responsibilities of the contractor-customer relationship, including potential ethical issues, benefits, and the importance of communication.

Political and regulatory stability

Business Environment Analysis Report (BEAR)  

In the BEAR, students will analyze the business environment in the market.  Students should remember that this is about developing a market in the selected country, not going there to have fun as a tourist.  Therefore, your work should not include data which is not directly relevant to the goal of deciding whether the market should be developed or not.  Data that would be relevant could include, but may not necessarily be limited to, the following items:

Talk about: Political and regulatory stability (Japan) Students will need to describe and discuss the political and regulatory system with reference to their stability and receptivity to international business, including foreign investment. 1-2 pages

Questions for a Negotiating Session

Use the Rubric attachment for specific questions.

Use the Profile attachment for case study.

Use “MOD 5-Negotiation Questions Sample Outline” attachment as a template.

Links in the rubric:


Exam 3 will be another non-traditional examination. 10 days before the due date (2/13/20) you shall select a macro ethical issues for which you shall complete a 10 minute TED talk ( Please submit the name of your topic 10 days prior to the due date to the instructor for approval.) The topic will not be a specific case, but rather a larger issue such as health care, immigration or other current issues related to the ethical practice of social work. Please review the rubric to provide guidance in the set up of your presentation

Ban the box

You will choose a topic and argue one side of the topic, but also include the counterargument to remain unbiased in your writing. Remember to review the fallacies to avoid these in your argument. The essay will be objective, so do not use I.

The Final Argumentative Essay will follow APA format. Including an APA title page. At the end of the document, beginning on a separate page, put your references, the word References is at the very top of the page, with references listed alphabetically by author, with a hanging indent of .5 inches. APA format also means using 12 point font, times new roman type, and the double-spacing the entire paper.  The Final Argumentative Essay is five to six pages of text. This does not include your title or reference page.

This Final Argumentative Essay will include at least four academic, scholarly sources to support your claim. Scholarly resources are found using the Wahlstrom Library online database. Be sure to search for journal articles that have been peer-reviewed and have been published in the past five years. Links to websites are not considered scholarly. Though website information may be used in your paper if properly cited and in addition to the four scholarly resources.

“Ban-the-box” Refers to that laws require employers to remove criminal-history questions from employment applications.

own ethical decision-making process

Final Paper (see rubric in appendix): This paper will be a fairly substantial (8-10 page) typed paper involving your own ethical decision-making process that you will take with you as you leave this course. In a very real sense, this paper is important because it represents the goal of transforming this course from books, lectures and discussions into an internal operating system for you to use when encountering ethical dilemmas in your professional practice. APA format is required for this paper.

Pay equity trends and issues

The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate your ability to evaluate multiple perspectives on a topic, understand business impacts of legislative or social changes, and recap detailed information in a way that is easy to understand. This is an individual assignment, as the unique perspective of each student adds to the richness of the exercise.

You will be assigned to a panel group outlined below and are asked to read a series of professional trade articles to build expertise within a area.  You will participate as a member of a 4-person expert panel who will be interviewed by instructor and students within the class on the topic.  Panelists must prepare a one-page executive summary/outline to structure their discussion points and share prior to class.  Grades will be based research, subject matter expertise, unique perspective, command of topic, and professionalism in delivery.