Archive for February 21st, 2020


500 words MAX exclude the work cited.

Corporate Research Funding: Assume you are an advisor to a major university, and you are asked to develop a policy on research ethics and corporate funding. Prepare a memo to the university leadership with your recommendations. Your recommendations should address issues related to these (and possibly other) questions:  Should a university accept funding from for-profit corporations to pay for research related to the business interests of the corporation offering the funds. For example, should a school of medicine accept cancer research funding from a biotech company that sells cancer therapies? Or should a climate science program accept funding from an energy company? Or an engineering school working on engine technology and an automobile company? If not, how should the university find funding for its research? If so, what steps should be taken to avoid the appearance or actuality of a conflict of interest?

reaction paper

Reading Response 6: Kendon (1997)
1. Do you think gestures are linguistic features? With reference to Kendon (1997), explain why or why not.
2. What is the difference between gestures used in conversation and gesture systems that replace aspects of speech entirely?
3. How does Kendon suggest the role of gesture in conversation may be researched and better understood? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this research method?

Reading Response 7: Gries (2009)
1. Say you were to put together a corpus of UCLA students’ emails to professors. How could such a corpus be both representative and balanced?
2. What are the relative benefits and drawbacks of processing corpora using a programming language vs. using a corpus tool with a graphical user interface?
3. In terms of linguistic research, what sort of questions does Gries say that corpus linguistics can help answer? Are there any you can think of that cannot be answered or explored with corpus linguistics?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The name of the class is Advanced Information Management and the Application of Technology.

This powerpoint has to be 10 slides. There is not a certain number of sources I will upload the instructions
Please note every slide must be 300 words                     

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Medical technology has advanced to allow numerous ways to fertilize an egg and induce pregnancy.  This has even allowed post-menopausal women and same-sex couples to conceive a baby.  This means some children have as many as three mothers (genetic, birth, and social) and two fathers (genetic and social).

The growing options of fertility treatments and solutions have created increasing complexities (social, ethical, and legal) for the children born from these technologies.

Ariel and Karl have been married for 15 years when they decide to start a family.  Ariel is 48 years old and Karl is 51.  They enroll with a fertility clinic in their city.  There is an upper age limit of 50 at this clinic, so Ariel is anxious to get started.  Although healthy in all other respects, Ariel is in menopause and no longer ovulates.

Consider what Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures may be available to this couple.  Use the SART FAQ (link can be found in your reading list) to gain understanding of types of ART.

a)Describe at least two different ART processes and discuss which process you think would be better for this couple..and why.

b)Do you think it is appropriate for the clinic to have an upper age limit? Why or Why not?

c)If a donor is used, do you think the child (and parents) should have access to the donors medical/family history?

Donors may be paid for their sperm or eggs.  Should parents of IVF embryos have the option to donate (or sell?) their unused embryos for use in stem cell research and applications?

Psychology and the Legal System

1. The role of psychology in the legal system from a historical perspective.
2. The historical and contemporary roles of psychology and the legal system.
3. The changes in the legal system that may pose ethical dilemmas for psychology.

An abstract (not more than 250 words)
An introduction
A literature review
Discussion or conclusions

Brank, E. M. (2007). Elder research: filling an important gap in psychology and law. Behavioral
Sciences & the Law, 25(5), 701716.
Bull, R. (2004). Legal psychology in the twenty-first century. Criminal Behaviour & Mental
Health, 14(3), 167181.
Flanagan, C. L. (1986). Legal Issues between Psychology and Law Enforcement. Behavioral
Sciences & the Law, 4(4), 371384.
Giorgi, A. (2013). Reflections on the Status and Direction of Psychology: An External Historical
Perspective. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 44(2), 244261. https://doi-
Wells, G. L. (1984). Experimental Psychology and the Courtroom. Behavioral Sciences & the
Law, 2(4), 363373.
Woody, W. D. (2003). Psychology and the Legal System: An Interview With Edie
Greene. Teaching of Psychology, 30(2), 174180. https://doi-

Lazarus Black Article

Use the reading is attached to answer the following question.

Lazarus-Black lays out a set of ‘rites of domination’ that she argues advance hegemony in the court. Using an example from your own experience, or one you know about, show how at least two of these rites could apply.

Please do not just regurgitate a summary from the article, reflect on it in some way – either conceptually, or as it relates to something else. Make sure to cite accordingly (APA citation).

Guideline review for quality of research

A judgment as to the quality of the guideline related to evidence-based practice in nursing.

Main article:

Article update:

A very brief judgement of this guide as to the quality of the research in creating these guidelines. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Does the use of technology improve student outcomes in a global educational environment? If an affirmative response is supported, what are the best methods for teacher leaders to manage existing and emerging technologies for improved student learning in a global educational environment? If a negative response is supported, justify your rationale. Support your view with relevant theories or research.

2. What are the most promising emerging technologies for teaching and learning in a global society? How might these technologies influence curricular development and instructional delivery? Support your view with relevant theories or research.


1. Steyn, G.M. & Van Tonder, S. (2017). Exploring learning experiences of female adults in higher education using a hybrid study: A case study. Gender & Behaviour, 15(1), 8135-8159.

2. Uslu, O. (2017). Evaluating the professional development program aimed technology integration at the era of curriculum change. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 17(6), 20312055.

3. Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Atmotiyoso, P., Siregar, M., Ahmad, R., Azmi-Jasmi, K., Basiron, B. (2018). Big data emerging technology: Insights into innovative environment for online learning resources. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 13(1), 23-36.

4. Safar, A. H. (2017). Educating with PREZI: A new presentation paradigm for teaching, learning, and leading in the digital age. College Student Journal, 49(4), 490-512.

Business strategy

Assess business strategy using a variety of seminal theories, principles, and concepts.

GEL 1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Assessing Strategy

In this Assessment, you will culminate two course outcomes by analyzing a business case. Choose an award winning company from the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program website to study. You will evaluate the Award Application Summary as a business case. Use the following criteria to evaluate your chosen award winning organization to determine how its business strategy positions the company to achieve competitive advantage over its competitors:

Provide background information about your chosen company to include the company name, industry sector in which the company operates, products, and target market.
Critically evaluate the strategic decisions that led to the organization winning the Baldrige Performance Excellence award.
What is your chosen companys business model and why is it important?
Explain the organization’s type of competitive advantage.
Explain how your chosen company develops a sustainable competitive advantage?
Critically evaluate the vision, mission, and values of your chosen company.
Critically evaluate the award winning companys strategic objectives.
Explain how your chosen companys strategy is proactive and/or reactive.
Explain strategic management hierarchy and how it is used by your chosen company to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
What makes you chosen companys strategy a winner?
Explain the future strategic direction of the organization by analyzing key decisions in the business case. 
Use creative desktop publishing skills to create the title page and layout of your business report.
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed academic research resources (library resources, textbooks, books) to help substantiate your position.
Apply proper APA style format. Be sure to use headings and subheadings to create a flow of ideas and topics within your writing.
Write in third person to develop your business report. 
Use as many concepts from Chapters 1 and 2 of your textbook to complete this Assessment as possible.

Be sure to review the Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric in order to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated.

Minimum Submission Requirements

This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word document.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style resources found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found in the Academic Success Center in the Academic Tools area of your course. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)

HIS 320 HW#2


In what specific ways does the film On the Waterfront illustrate the key themes and arguments of A City Built for the Mob?

In writing this essay you will need to pair textual evidence in the form of direct quotations from both the reading and the film. To help you quote accurately from the film, here is the full screenplay (on_the_waterfront).

You will write a stronger essay if you focus on the authors explanation for both: (A) the causes of waterfront crime (B) the nature and internal dynamics of that crime.