Archive for February 21st, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello, attached is a copy of the instructions please follow them exactly and follow exactly what the professor wants please. Also please site the information and do it on this article: “they call me muslim, muslim women in media” it is the first option

thank you
let me know if you have any questions

Pre-draft Assignment (Ancient Near Eastern Death & Burial Course)

Pre-draft Assignment I: Recontextualizing the evidence: Identify an interesting object in the Zettler book and one of the individuals in the Molleson and Hodgson report. Using the Woolley report, locate the sections of the Woolley report where the archaeologicalcontext of each is described. Using all three sources, write a one-page single spaced description of the objects, individuals, and contexts in your own words. Turn in the assignment in class. Please be careful when photocopying old books, please!!!(Hint: Use your phones camera to take a picture of the page)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello, i have another review essay. can you please follow the instructions as they are. i liked your work last time. please let me know if you have any questions
The research question is the same one:

How does the role of fashion in Paris impact the identity of American students at the American University of Paris?

please let me know which article you choose and make sure it is form the correct source!

Medical Records Filing and Numbering

Information & Technology Presentation Outline

topic : Medical Records Filing and Numbering


Provide a detailed outline for your Informatics Paper, outlining your focused topic and including a statement of the key challenges or problems currently associated with the topic in US healthcare.


Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format as shown below.  The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your paper, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your paper. At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your paper.

Outline Format

I. Introduction & Background, 10 points

    A. Introduction

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Background

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

II. How is your topic applied within a health care organization? 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

III. Discuss relevant data, statistics, and legislation related to your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

IV. Discuss challenges & opportunities for improvement, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

V. Conclusion & Future Research, 10 points

    A. Closing

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Future Research

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint       

VI.  APA Style in-text citations and references where appropriate, 10 points

*Be sure to insert additional subpoints and details where necessary to meet the content requirements.

Discussion: Informative Speech

As we begin working on our speeches the first major decision we must encounter is our topic of choice for this speech. We must remember that the goal of this speech is to teach, to inform, to demonstrate. With this in mind there is no shortage of topics but it can become increasingly difficult when we factor in our audience’s interests and our desire to successfully

Look at what your audience has in common. From there, look inward…what have you experienced or what knowledge have you gained that is rare and interesting? What would captivate, excite or astonish us?

I want you to submit 3 ideas for open criticism/critiques from our class. State your ideas and what drives your interest about them. Then maybe pick one you are most interested in as a suggestion.

You get to provide your list of ideas/topics.

nuclear arms

my presentation is ready. so as I`m a foreign student I need from you to reorganize the transcript which will make it easy to read it for me as a presenter because I`m planning just to read it.

for the PowerPoint could you modernize it and rewrite it as a bullet point and then arrange the transcript to follow the PowerPoint as a note for me

The Scarlet Letter

Rather than writing a traditional analytical essay, you will identify essential elements of the book The Scarlet Letter and respond to the following questions. Be sure to use specific examples from the book and to cite the chapters from which you pull your examples (to accommodate differing publication versions). Also, your paper must be in 12-point Times New Roman font and a minimum of 750 words (or about 10 solid paragraphs). You may choose the spacing.

Author: Research the author, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Identify five facts about him that you think readers should consider when reading his book. You may list these, but be sure to cite the sources you consulted. (10 points)
Historical Context: Briefly evaluate the historical context of The Scarlet Letter. In which time period is the novel set? How does this compare to when the novel was published? What considerations might we need to make when taking modern perspectives on the past? (20 points)
Early New England Communities: Explain what we learn about Puritan New England society from this book. How does this book portray New England in the 17th century? What did this community value? How did this community function? What were important roles people played in the community? Consider these and related questions as you identify and analyze at least three examples from the book that help you better understand early New England society. (30 points)
Would You Rather: In this book, we see different approaches to wrongdoing. On one hand, Hester Pryne lives with the public shame that resulted from her sin. In contrast, Arthur Dimmesdale faces no public shame but struggles with his conscience. Which approach do you think is more admirable? What about more liveable? How would you react if caught in a similar situation? Use at least two examples from the novel to back up your viewpoint. (20 points)
Modern Application: If you were to rewrite this book for the 21st century, what might you change? What would be modern issues that cause someone to be outcast? How do our societys values and accepted behaviors compare to those portrayed in the book? Rewrite at least two aspects or scenes from the novel into a 21st century setting. (20 points)
Include a bibliography/works cited list! I am not picky about format on this as long as you are letting me know where you got any information that didnt come from your own thoughts. If you want to be a true historian, use Turabian format. I will not accept or grade your paper without this portion included!

Diverse Sports Zone

Only one year required not 2-3 as the feedback note says. I also attached a cash flow income spreadsheet for help if needed. I also attached an exist marketing plan spread sheet that I completed so u dont need to do that part

Humanity: I CHING

Questioning to the oracle. My question is: Will the vaccine for coronavirus come out before June?
I tossed coins six times, and the answers are: Young Yang, Old Yang, Young Yang, Young Yang, Old Yang, and Young Yin
It leads to HEXAGRAM XLI: Kuai from I Ching.
Look for the answer in I Ching and divining the oracles answer. Also, use
The Daodejing of Laozi to respond to the answer.

Life Span and Development

The task is a non-participant observation of videos of children playing OR verbal accounts from young people, selected from those available on the internet or published texts. There are banks of child observation clips linked to universities, usually of children in childcare settings (for instance, this one, of 177 clips to select from ranging from 4-7 minutes.

The assignment should summarise your observations and include the following:

The child and the setting: a description of the child and the setting for each of the clips/extracts, or reflect on what is unknown about context

The childs development: Select one or two of the areas of development listed in the Observing Children Pro Forma that are particularly relevant to the child/children/young person in a particular clip/extract and draw on your knowledge of milestones, the research literature, and social work theory. If it is not stated, offer your estimation of the childs age and say on what you base this.

Reflection on the observation task and the relevance of human development for social work: Discuss your role as an observer indirect (child) and indirect (i.e. video) observation and what you have learned about the process and its relevance to social work practice. (How) have you developed your observation, monitoring and recording skills in relation to child development and behavior? What have you learned in your application of developmental theory? Draw on your reflections about the observation tasks and any class exercises, considering the potential impact and ethical issues raised by direct child observation.