Archive for February 21st, 2020

Discussion 5

n Chapter 3 Andragogy: The Art and Science of Helping Adults Learn of our course textbook, Merriam & Bierema discussed Malcolm Knowles original (1980) 4 assumptions about adult learners and then added the two later the fifth and sixth assumptions. Take motivation and relay specifically how adults are different when it comes to internal motivation vs. children and external motivators.

Persuasive Essay

500-750 words 

I attached down below all the instructions and what you need to deliver the perfect paper, I also attached a file the big idea : I want you to fill it out after writing the paper. palagrisim free paper!! 

M6D1: The Effect of Stovepiping

This is a basic discussion post pertaining to The Effect of Stovepiping. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.

    Why is stovepiping a problem, especially in relation to disasters and emergency management?
    What can organizations do to address this problem?

Industry Analysis

1.    Choose a publicly traded firm
2.    Identify the industry in which a specific business of that firm operates
a.    Clarify why you chose that industry in particular
3.    Describe each of the five forces that operate in that industry
4.    Predict the average profitability in the industry
5.    Select 3 other firms in the industry and see if their profitability measures match your prediction
Sample of Delta Airlines is included

personal contruct theory

For the topic proposal you will be including 2 components: a) description of a theory or concept, and b) description of your media example. Your media example should be from the past year, i.e. it should not be before Jan 01, 2019.

Give a summary of the situation/context/background and provide enough detail to show that this is an example of the concept you choose. Please make sure it is a media example and not an example from personal experience. Please provide enough detail so that I will be able to understand the example without having to view the show/movies. If you are planning to use a newspaper or (maga)zine or web article, please provide a copy of it (a photo/scanned copy will suffice). If you are planning to use a song, please provide a copy of the lyrics. Be sure to properly quote and cite your sources in APA style. You can find the proper citation for the different types of media on The Purdue Online Writing Lab:

the concept i chose to write my essay on is : PERSONAL CONTRACT THEORY BY GEORGE KELLY (1966)

C# platform game

Game should be created using c# monogame (which is very similar to XNA).
A two players game with movements (but animation isnt necessary) they should be able to shoot each other and there should be health bars. Asteroids should randomly be generated which can kill either of the players, and the dead players opponents will win the game. Diamonds should be randomly generated on the platforms and can add one health to the players health. When a player has won it should change the background to the colour of the player.
There should be a menu : play, setting – music (on/off), a how to play guide. When clicked play the game should start.
I can discuss this further.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part I of the paper is a 7 to 8 page (NO MORE, NO EXCEPTIONS) written analysis and narrative of the family. Note, length does not include title page, references or appendices. Use A.P.A. 6th edition style for format. Analyze your chosen familys needs using the following tools: Bowens Family Systems theory, the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and a community resource that you identify as supporting the health and integrity of your chosen family. (Please see the rubric for all requirements)*****

*****Samantha and Eric Gunther are married and are having there first child a daughter this april. THey live in East Long meadow Massachusetts in the USA. The own a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home in a nice close knit neighborhood. They are both nurses at baystate hospital, Eric is a ER nurse and Sam is a medical surgical nurse.They have a 2 year old poodle. They love traveling, movies, and spending time with their extended family. They are both 34 years old. They eventually want to have more children. They do charity work for the pediatric population dressed as the ghost busters which they are huge fans of. Samantha also belongs to a poodle club which involves socialization with other owners and their poodles. Sam also takes lessens to learn how to play the guitar.*****

*****That is some background information to use. Please expand on it .I will also attach a rubric to follow***Also I will attach the genogram and ecogram to follow to add information about extended family members and how they are connected***

All outside sources must be peer reviewed, from the USA, In the past 5 years

Sojourner Truths famous 1851 speech Ain’t I a Woman?

I ask you to consider the actual words or works of an important spokesperson for their times. After reading that speakers words, you will write a two-page response that shares your thoughts about the work in question, the historical events happening during the time the work was produced, and the relevance of the work in the present day. Give real insight into the thoughts and feelings of an actual participant in historical events. You will also begin to see how learning from past perspectives helps us better understand the issues we face in our own time period.Summarize thoughts about an author’s work, including the historical events happening at the time it was produced and the relevance of the work in the present day.

PowerPoint Technology


A major component of being a teacher is the collaboration with the other teachers in your grade level to share ideas, resources, and learning activities in order to enhance instruction and meet the diverse needs of students.

For this assignment, create a 7-10 slide digital presentation professional development, for your peers, highlighting two forms of technology that can be used to enhance math instruction.

Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenters notes.

For each form of technology, include the following components:

  1. A detailed description and how the technology works to engage students and enhance math instruction
  2. A rationale for the benefits of using the technological tools to facilitate the creation or transfer of knowledge and skills
  3. The safety precautions including the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology both at home and at school.
  4. Description of how each form of technology can be used to support collaboration with families, students, and school personnel. 
  5. Description of how each form of technology engages students in collaboration with others in face-to-face or virtual environments

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Follow instruction

The nature of case studies is to demonstrate your ability to determine the problems, to use your knowledge to analyze those issues, and to devise strategies to solve the problems.

This week, read the Everyday Organizational Communication article entitled: The Dilemmas of Participative Management of a University listed on pages 216217 of the text. Keep in mind that you need to illustrate your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in your analysis of the case study. You can fulfill this requirement by arguing your perspective well, supporting your points with the text material and concepts and providing experience from an organization of which you have been involved. Be sure to include all the elements in the directions and use proper APA formatting. Use the heading for each section in your project including: Introduction, Summary, Communication Problems, Analysis, Solutions/Recommendations, Conclusion.

Case Studies Guidelines:

Introduction: Provide an introduction into the role of communication in teams and critical thinking. Include why this analysis is important to the study of organizational communication.
Summary: Summarize the background of the case. Provide specifics of the important elements to analyze.
Communication Problems: Clearly state at least three of the communication problems in the case study scenario. Use the material in the text to support.
Analysis: Analyze the problem and include each of these elements:
How did the group develop initiatives that differed so much from President Brittles expectations?
What steps could President Brittle have taken to avoid groupthink in the team members? Why is avoiding groupthink important?
What does this situation tell you about benefits and challenges of encouraging employee participation in decision making?
Knowing what you know about systems, teams, networks, and organizing, how would you approach the problem of designing a strategic initiative for the university presented in the article?
What or who has caused the breakdown of communication and what are the effects? (Target the problem)
Why does the communication problem exist? (A cause and effect argument)
What patterns of communication would you encourage?
Based on your reading about teams, what would you advise the president to do now? Why?
Use the class text to support your analysis.
Use a personal experience that applies to the problems of this case to demonstrate your understanding and application of course information.
Solutions/Recommendations: Present solutions to the communication problems. Include each of the following elements:
What steps need to be taken to improve communication in this organization?
How can these steps fit into the present organizational structure, or what incremental steps need to be initiated? Do rules and regulations need to be changed, enforced, or modified?
What training of managers/employees is needed?
What processes need to be in place to change current attitudes and practices?
How should the organization begin the implementation of the recommendations?
Detail how your suggestions would have clarified/eliminated the current situation if they had been in place.
Use the class text to support your analysis.
Conclusion: Add an overall conclusion and wrap up/ final thoughts.
Your case study of 700800 words should be written in Standard American English with proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, APA citations and Reference page and be edited well. You demonstrate understanding of the course material when you use the course language and concepts to explain the communication problems, and when you support your points with the text material. Your solutions should include suggestions for improvement of the communication problems you have noted, as well as steps for implementing your ideas. Details and specifics are important.

Be sure to edit your project well by reading out loud before submitting.

Format for your case study (use as headings):

Case study title
Case summary
Communication problems
Solutions/ Recommendations
Reference page (Document sources in APA format with both in text citations and a Reference page)