Archive for February 21st, 2020

Submit THREE Questions And Explanations In Total.


Submit THREE questions and explanations in total. 

1-2 pages, double-spaced, Time New Roman 12

After you read the chapter, come up with 3 questions on your own.

You are required to formulate questions in the way in which they address the main points of the assigned texts and the questions should demonstrate that you have read the readings. For each question, you are also required to provide an explanation of why the main idea of the readings is important. 

Ethics In Assessment

PART1– Chapter 1 introduces the topics of testing and assessment. These terms are often used interchangeably. Are they the same based on the information you read in Chapter 1? What is testing? What is assessment? What are the similarities and differences?

PART2- Resource:  

Select a legal case from the list in Table 2-1 in Ch. 2 of Psychological Testing and Assessment or another case related to psychological assessment.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing:

  • The background of your selected case and the legal implications of the decision
  • An analysis of the biases related to the assessments in the case
  • The ethical implications for diverse populations in relationship to the case
  • The role of norming in creating bias

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

International Relations Midterm Assignment


Before you begin this assignment, please review the course materials from the first three weeks of class with a special focus on the three mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism and constructivism. Please pay particular attention to the definition of each and avoid pairing them with domestic perceptions of conservatives, liberals, etc. I also recommend reviewing the week 2 forum’s Wrap up.  While you may select an outside source to present a world event, it is important to study and incorporate the week 2 readings to explain IR theories. Outside sources on IR theories can be quite confusing for students new to International Relations. 

For this assignment, you will choose a world event. You can choose one of the ones listed below or come up with your own. I suggest that you message me if you choose your own event.   Explain which states are involved, if there are any non-state actors, (for non-state actors’ definitions, see Week One Lessons), international governmental organizations or non-governmental organizations involved in the conflict. Also, identify a few of the key individuals involved.  Then lastly, and here’s the tricky part, decide which theory would best explain the event and explain your choice. Be sure to define the theory.  Lastly, remember that IR theories are not characteristics or states or processes. Think of them as guidelines that help leaders make foreign policy decisions. For example:  Instead of claiming that North Korea was a realist, think about its leader as a realist.

Your response should be 3 – 5 paragraphs. Remember that one paragraph is about a 1/2 of a page long.  Use 12 pitch, Times New Roman font. The paper should not be more than 3 double-spaced pages, including References. 

Important: the US southern border wall or other immigration matters are domestic policies. We don’t cover them in this course. Please get in touch with me if you consider a topic other than the ones listed. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Terrorist attacks in France

Russian hacking of US computers

The Korean War

The Cold War

Presenting Research

Using the feedback you received from your instructor and colleagues over the last few weeks, you will now revise your rough draft into your final research paper. As you revise, feel free to continue to expand your paper by adding additional supporting evidence and analysis where you see a need. Have you incorporated the information related to technology, corrections, and any theories or policies related to the issue you are researching?

Your final draft must be no fewer than 3 pages, not including the reference page. It must be longer and more refined than your Unit 3 Individual Project. This paper must follow APA-style format and include in-text citations and a reference page. Be sure to proofread your final paper and run the spell and grammar checks before submitting.

Psychopathology and Discrimination for Race, Religion, and Gender Issues

Assignment Details

Scenario: Generally, we have considered sexual harassment actions or verbal abuse of women to be done by men. Over the past several decades, the culture of society has evolved. The diversity of sex and gender has erupted from male abuses of females based on their biology. Now, there are gender reassignments which allow for persons with the psychological inclination to be the gender other than what they were born as being possible. Further, there are a number of transgender persons who, while retaining their biological configuration, adopt the psyche and outward appearance through dress and mannerisms of what is considered to be the traditional opposite gender of their physiology.

Recently, a newly assigned outwardly female officer was found out by her teammates in a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit to actually be a biological male. Several of the SWAT team members have come to you as the SWAT Command Leader and have voiced their concern because the transgender officer uses the ladies room, wears makeup, and dresses as a woman in her civilian attire at the end of the shift. The officers making the complaint are claiming that someone with a psychopathological problem should not be in the SWAT unit. You go to the Deputy Chief with their concerns and she tells you to prepare a briefing for the SWAT members concerning the requirements for SWAT team membership and that if an officer makes the grade, he or she has the opportunity to be a SWAT officer.

In a 3 page paper, you must explain to the officers, including those who complained as well as those who did not complain, that the department supports the assignment of the new officer and that according to law, she must be accepted as a valid member of the team so long as she is qualified. Further, explain that transphobia is not an acceptable attitude for members of the team and that any discriminatory action on the part of officers concerning the new officer would not be tolerated and would be met with appropriate disciplinary action.

Nursing, Change Paper

  Please check the grading criteria(Browse File)

 In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession. 


Construct a lighter and smaller Residual Network (ResNet) architecture.Train your network to perform image classication by minimizng the cross-entropy between the network’s prediction
and the CIFAR-10 targets.
As the training proceeds, plot the loss value and the classication accuracy on training and validation set,
and choose the iteration with the least error.


A 35-year-old comes to the clinic. He states, Its getting close to allergy season and I need something to keep me from getting sick. Last year the doc gave me a shot, a spray, some pills, and an inhaler. They worked really  well but I dont remember what they were. Can I have those things again? I just cant afford to miss work.

Please answer the following questions in a narrative format:

    Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.
    What are your treatment options (consider pharmacoeconomic)? Compare first and second-generation antihistamines.
    What education will you provide to the patient?

APA 6th format. All posts must be supported by peer-reviewed articles no older than 5 years of publication. Less that 20% similarities

Inforamation Governance

Chapters 17/18 From our weekly chapter reading, digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained.  Though this assessment holds true to the authors, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Q2: Looking forward, the authors concluded that, there is going to be a great need for collaboration between both internal and external stakeholders to develop governance policies and strategies to govern and control information assets over long periods of time, among other requirements.  For this to be achievable, the chapter has identified one most important consideration that must be met.  What is that consideration?  Identify, and provide a brief narrative to support your answer.

Chapters 17/18 From our weekly chapter reading, digital preservation can be defined as the long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required to be retained.  Though this assessment holds true to the authors, business organizations continue to face significant challenges in meeting their LTDP needs, especially those organizations whose primary mission is to preserve and provide access to permanent records.

Q2: Looking forward, the authors concluded that, there is going to be a great need for collaboration between both internal and external stakeholders to develop governance policies and strategies to govern and control information assets over long periods of time, among other requirements.  For this to be achievable, the chapter has identified one most important consideration that must be met.  What is that consideration?  Identify, and provide a brief narrative to support your answer.

Should also include 2 replies to each question

Research Essay 2 Of ENG106

Research Essay (See below for peer review dates: Final draft due: 2/27 ) Building on the six-word memoir you wrote and published in class, you will use the issue and hashtag a research paper that explores its significance from your own perspective, a popular perspective, and an academic perspective. Here are the things that you need to cover in your research essay: V Begin the first page with your image, six-word memoir and hashtag. Give an introduction to and provide background to the topic. The significance of the topic should be made clear here, and deciding who your audience is will be helpful to discussing significance. While it will be tempting, do not write a thesis statement here. (Due for peer review: 2/18) Show the significance of the topic in your life. Why did you choose to write about it-how does it affect you personally? (Due for peer review:2/18) V Show the how the topic is discussed and viewed in popular culture (how do you see it affecting other people on social media, the news, and the web?). (no peer review) v Show the significance of the topic from an academic perspective. What did you find in your library research? How does what you found speak to your experience and what you found in your popular research? (Due for peer review: 2/25) End your essay with a conclusion/discussion of your research findings. Here you can make new claims about the importance of your topic, why people should care, and how they should see it differently (and what the consequences could be if they don’t). (Due for peer review: 2/25) Reflection (No Peer review) This is not part of your essay, but it will be turned in at the same time. In this reflection, you will discuss your experience while developing this research project. Here are some questions that you will need to answer in your reflection: Why did you choose your topic? Describe the experience connecting your six-word memoir to a larger conversation via your hashtag? Did you find any challenges or surprises? Describe your experience conducting research. What were some differences in finding, evaluating and using popular sources vs. scholarly sources? Did you recognize any challenges in accessing information (i.e. free resources versus paid subscriptions)? What is the most important thing you learned that you expect will be useful in your future academic writing? What parts of the research/academic writing process do you feel like you still need practice with or have questions about? Requirements: V Your memoir and image should be at the beginning of your paper V Minimum 6 pages APA or MLA format APA or MLA citation guidelines V Minimum 5 popular sources V Minimum 2 scholarly sources Nore MLA formnt .