Archive for February 21st, 2020

M6D1: Examining the Results of the Research

One of the critiques of research is its lack of practicableness to the real world. Please 1. clarify whether you agree with this critique or not and explain. In your opinion, how can the results section of a research article be enhanced to be practical and useful for the average consumer?

Now incorporating what youve learning during this module and from the reading, answer the follow questions:

2. Use the Excelsior Library to find a research article of your choice. List the full APA citation for the article.

Answer the following questions and justify your responses. Give examples from the article that helped you determine your response.

a)How did the researchers report their findings? (For example, charts, graphs, narrative, etc.)

b) Please explain one key take away from the results section.

c) Did the way the researchers reported their findings make it easier to understand?
d)Why or why not? How are the results that were reported related to the objectives of the study?
e) If you were the researcher conducting this study, how would you enhance the results section?



In a post of approximately 250 words, choose one of the following prompts to discuss:

1. The Shipman’s Tale, like the Miller’s Tale, is an example of a fabliau. The humor and narrative action of this tale is precipitated and sustained by transactions that occur between the characters of the Monk, the Merchant, and the Merchant’s Wife. Read lines 43 – 51, 170 – 192, and 269 – 294 closely. Interpret and analyze what happens in these lines and attempt to answer the following: How would you describe the nature of the transactions that take place in this tale? What goods or services are being exchanged? What does each character gain and/or lose? Of the three characters in this tale, who fares the best? Explain your logic. 

2. The Parson’s Prologue, the Parson’s tale (as described in the footnote), and Chaucer’s Retraction, taken together, can be read as a significant effort towards rectifying a wrong. Can you speculate as to why Chaucer “renounc[es]” several of his works and calls them “sins” for which he seeks “mercy”? Consider the fact that Chaucer’s retraction does not actually erase, destroy, or take any of his works out of circulation. What function does the retraction serve? What about the Parson’s Prologue and Tale?  Feel free to draw from any and all of your readings of the Canterbury Tales, and discuss whether or not you believe Chaucer’s retraction and apology is sincere. 

IDEA, 504, ADA

IDEA, 504, ADA

Discuss the three major pieces of legislation that affect people with disabilities. Include a discussion on similarities and differences between the laws. Describe the six pillars of IDEA.
    At least two references (one should be our text).
    One important court case
Format Requirements: Use APA style for citations and references. 
Include a cover page, running header, and a reference page.
Approximate length is 4-7 pages.
and headers of each topic


  • Use the Research Methodology Matrix to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following (in 12 pages):
    • The full citation of each peer-reviewed article, in APA format.
    • A brief (1 paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
    • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
    • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific and provide examples.
    • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles that you selected.

Strategic Risk analyses

    A description of risk governance and relevance of leadership, including the importance of having a clear definition of roles and accountabilities, in risk management;
    An identification and critical evaluation of the contributing factors to the organisations emergence risks, and how they can be addressed;
    Critical evaluation of the utilities of enterprise risk management using appropriate theories and models, and how the organisation can implement an enterprise risk management approach within its risk appetite;
    Critical evaluation of the organisations approach to HSE and employees wellbeing, and discuss how the organisation can adapt and build a resilient culture in achieving the strategic growth of the organisation;
    A summary plan of how the organisation can develop and embed the culture of risk in managing its day-to-day activities.

Why you want to be an officer in the Air Force.

Why you want to be an officer in the Air Force. 
*About 2-3 paragraphs. 

Make this about the Air Force, and NOT about you!
(DO NOT discuss, benefits, money, Air Force Core Values). 

How your leadership would benefit the organization, team, success of people working with you, not for you

Email Communications

Lets begin with a question based on your opinion, experiences and what you have learned over the past 5 weeks:

1. Emoticons have become increasingly common in email communications. In what circumstances might emoticons be appropriate and when should they be avoided in professional communication?

Now applying this weeks learning materials:

2. How do we decide whether a message can be appropriately conveyed in an email message versus when a message should be delivered in person or over the phone?

3. What are some of the common mistakes people make in crafting emails? How should we respond to some of these mistakes? Please provide examples.

4. For people new to writing in the health professions, what sorts of training might be helpful in avoiding some of the common email mistakes?

Week 7


Question 1:

After reading Chapter 12 in the course textbook – privacy and data quality must be managed properly managed in order to ensure a successful business model.  Discuss the recommendations that IT managers group collectively provided.

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 250 300 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


McKeen, J. D., & Smith, H. A. (2015). IT strategy: Issues and practices (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

Question 2:

For your assignment – Search and find articles concerning Reported Malware Incidents. You may use Google Scholar or any news website. You could also include the following: any tools mentioned in the article that were used? What was the outcome of the situation? How could this issue could be prevented or mitigated?

Please, include at least 5 references for the topic as well as to support your views and your paper

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 750 800 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.

Question 3:

What interest you the most concerning Digital Forensics?

Note: Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 250 300 words with at least two references. Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. References should always be below each question as they are a different topic and not related in any way.


Malin, Cameron, Casey, Eoghan, and Aquilina, James (2012). Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems: Digital Forensics Field Guides. Syngress

Wk 1 – Amazon.Com Case Study Analysis


Assignment Content

  1. Read and complete the .

    Submit your assignment.



Symbolic Interactionism & Masculinity

Define the theory of symbolic interactionism using at least two articles. Then, apply the theory to a case study from the readings attached on masculinity (i.e. choose one of the assigned articles and discuss how symbolic interactionism can be used to understand what is being discussed in the reading).

When discussing symbolic interactionism in related to your chosen reading, be sure to use the definitions of toxic masculinity and hegemonic masculinity (also from the readings) when defining the terms in your own analysis. Analyze how these terms function in the case study/reading you choose to write about. Are they at play? Why or why not? What are the implications and what can we do about the influence of toxic/hegemonic masculinity?

Make sure to use proper APA citation.

Here are links to some articles: