Archive for February 22nd, 2020

Argument essay about a Physcial Therapist Assistant (That is my anticipated career)

Your essay assignment is:

Argument (Your Choice)


Your last essay is another argument essay. The topic is your choice, as long as it directly relates to your anticipated career path. Consider doing an Internet search asking: What are the top five issues in _____ field? Filling in the blank with your anticipated career path. (As a college professor, I would ask: What are the top five issues in higher education field?) Look at that list and consider writing about one of those topics. Take a position on the topic: argue for or against.


Standard MLA formatting with a four-line heading, a centered title, and a header.

Times New Roman
Size 12
Consistently double spaced
Point of View

You must write using third person, objective point of view. You may not use first person (I, me, we, our) or second person (you) in this paper, unless it is within a quote.


Your audience are people in your anticipated career path.

Word Count

Remain within the 1300-1600 word count. (Your heading, header, and works cited information are excluded from your word count, according to the grading rubric.)


Your thesis statement should include the word should.


Your essay must have a clearly defined and established argument. Take a position.

A good argument will acknowledge (concede or refute) counterarguments.


This assignment does require research; therefore, you must have in-text citations and a works cited page in your essay. You must use three secondary sources; all three are your choice. The secondary sources are your choices but at least two of the three may not be the same type of sources. (You may not have three Internet sources. You may not have three interview sources. You may not have three of any one type of source.)

Since you must use at least three sources, you should have at least three sources listed alphabetically on your works cited page and you should have at least three different in-text citations in your essay.

Embalming Microbiology

The Assignment  Lilly has just received a case in her preparation room that has thick, pus filled scabs around the eyes and nose, a large “pimple” looking lesion on the chest that is inflamed, and the cause of death was cardiovascular collapse. The contributing cause of death was pneumonia.The deceased also has necrotic tissue with bubbling blisters on the lower left leg. The right leg has been amputated at the knee recently. Answer the following questions about Lilly’s case:

2) Once you have identified the bacteria that have caused the infections, what types of symptoms do you think the deceased suffered in life?


After completing this assignment, you should know how to
write a class with multiple constructors
write the toString and equals methods
throw an exception
Read the instructions and coding standards before uploading your code.
Your code should not contain compiler errors and it must run with my test file to receive
Copy your output into Canvas when you upload your assignment.
Very important
Changing an array value in the main method should not change an array value in
a Student object
Changing an array value in a Student object should not change an array value
the main method
Changing an array value in a Student object should not change an array value in
another Student object

1. Write a public class called Student with the following features
o private instance variables
String firstName
String lastName
int[] grades
int age
o constructor with the following header
public Student(String firstName, String lastName, int[] grades, int age)
use the input parameters to initialize the instance variables.
o constructor with the following header
public Student(Student student)
use the input parameter to initialize the instance variables. This
constructor creates a copy of the input parameter.
o mutator and accessor methods for each instance variable
o A method with the header
public String toString()
this method returns a String that contains the firstName, lastName, age,
highest grade, and average grade. The average grade should contain
exactly two decimal places of accuracy. You must use the
getHighestGrade and getAverageGrade methods to find the highest grade
and average grade. The output should be in a user-friendly format.
Hint: Use String.format; see an example.
o A method with the header
public boolean equals(Object o)
this method returns true if the parameter o is a Student object with the
same name and age as the current object. Otherwise, the method returns
false. (The Book class contains an example of how to write an equals
method.) Do not compare grades in the equals method.

o A method with the header
public int getHighestGrade()
this method returns the greatest value stored in grades.
o A method with the header
public double getAverageGrade()
this method returns the average grade. If there are more than four
grades then drop the lowest score before computing the average.
o A method with the header
public void incrementGrade(int i, int value)
throws an IllegalArgumentException if value < 0 or value> 100.
Otherwise, add value to grade[i]. If the revised score is greater than
100 set the grade to 100.
Very Important
To avoid side-effect your code should not contain statements similar to
this.grades = grades;
return grades;
In the constructors and mutator method
allocate memory for this.grades; the length should be identical
to the length of the parameter grades.
copy the data in the parameter grades to this.grades.
In the accessor method
declare a local int array; the length should be identical to the
length of this.grades.
copy the data in this.grades to the local variable
return the local variable

Coding Instructions
1. Do not use any Java classes or methods that trivialize the problem.
2. Remove all irrelevant statements. For instance, do not declare a variable that is
not used in your code.
3. Only declare the instance variables described in the problem description.
4. Each instance variable should be declared on a separate line.
5. You can write additional methods but they should be declared as private.
6. Use consistent notation to format your code. Indent 4-spaces.
7. Variables and methods should start with a lower-case character. Each
abbreviation or word that appears in the middle of the identifier starts with an
uppercase character.
8. Use System.arraycopy instead of manual copy.
9. Do not use break statements.
10.Do not change the value of a counter variable to terminate a loop:
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (arr[i] < 0)
i = arr.length;
11.Loops should not perform any irrelevant iterations.
12.Each method should have at most one return statement.
13.Do not use a return statement in a void method.
14.Do not use a while loop when an if statement is appropriate for the code
segment. (In other words, do not write a while that is guaranteed to iterate at
most one time.)
15. Do not double space. Separate code segments with a most one blank line.
16.Do not compare a boolean variable to true or false.
17.A block comment near the top of the Java file with the following information
Author: Your name and an acknowledgement of any person who assisted you in
this project.
Date: The date you completed the assignment.
Purpose: A description of the class.

18. Write a block comment above each method and constructor with the following
Purpose: A meaningful description of the method/constructor.
Parameters: Describe the purpose of each parameter
Return: A description of the return value.

discussion question

Because this is an online course, we will use discussion boards to encourage class interactions. You must post one original question about any of the content in the learning unit by the assigned due date. You must also reply to at least 2 other students posts by the due date. All questions should be related to the chapters 7, 8, or 9. A students original question should apply the content to an interesting experience/thought and should invite discussion (E.g. I heard on the radio that 1 in 4 people have $0 saved for retirement. Is this surprising to you, and if so, why? What do you think their sample was and how do you think the sample could change this statistic?). Student responses should address the questions asked by other students and should be substantive. Students should not just restate the original posters questions or simply state I agree or Thats interesting. Responses that are in agreement with previous posts must build on or extend the commentary (E.g. Provide an additional example of the concept). Lastly, be considerate, appropriate, and professional when replying to classmates.  Any inappropriate comments will be removed and will not receive credit.

Please title the your post as the topic of the question (e.g. Retirement savings)

Discussion Board Rubric:

Question (5 points): Due 3/15

4 – 5 points: Question applies the units content to a personal experience or utilizes real world examples, is thought provoking, and invites discussion or a question calls for clarification of a concept

1 3 points: Question is unrelated to the specific units content but the question is still related to the course.

0 points Student does not submit a question, the question is unrelated to the course, or the question is inappropriate, offensive, or unprofessional.

Diverse Workforce

This is a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation for a Staff Meeting that addresses the scenario and proposes a solution.  There must be notes on each slide and references on a separate slide per the professor  See assignment for the specific outline of each slide presentation.

Corporate Psychopaths – Author (Robert Hare)

Write a 500-600 word essay fully exploring the topic, focusing on the questions below. Follow APA style, including a cover page, appropriate in-text citations, and reference page. An abstract is not required.

Question 1: assuming that the PCL-R could be legally administered to employees before acceptance into a management training program, should it be done?

Question 2: very little research has been done on psychology in the corporate world. What are possible explanations for this?

Planning: Budget and Risk

Please read the attached document and answer what are the risk management process steps, what are the tools/techniques/methods used in risk management.  and answer either a or b below.

a. would like to explore more and why

b. don’t agree with or find questionable

AplusLearning online

  Use internet explorer if not then use Google Chrome. To get to the online website you must type “Denison isd aplus anywhere” then click on the link that says “A+LS denisonisd” and once youre on the website you click the burton that says “browser playback” the tops bar ussrname is: yareli Prado and the Bottom bar password is: 40319     
There are 35 lessons. for each lesson the only thing that has to be done is a test that only has 10 questions, and you have to make an 80 or above to pass onto the next lesson. And once you’ve cored and 80 or above there will be a red Apple to the next of that lesson that means you can go onto the next lesson. But if there isnt a red Apple Next to the lesson, click on it again and press where it says PRACTICE and spend at last 5 minutes,  just stay on that screen for 5 minutes then there should be a red Apple next to the lesson to let you move on.

Theodore Roosevelt has been called the first modern president; in what ways did he change the presidency?

Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence. Organize your
paper with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your
reader understand the logic of your organization. Edit your paper thoroughly to avoid errors
and to improve readability. Give your paper a title that reflects your argument.
Grading criteria:
    Argument: 25% Does your paper have a clear, singular, specific argument that answers the question?
    Evidence: 25% Do you use all of the relevant evidence to defend your argument?
    Organization: 25% Does your paper have a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions?
    Clarity: 25% Is your prose efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting spelling or grammatical errors?
    12-pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced
    1 margins
    Citation in MLA or Chicago/Turabian Format
    3 to 4 pages

It’s a Goals Paper

Create short-term academic goals for the semester and long-term goals necessary for degree completion. You will identify the specific steps necessary to reach your goals. In addition, you will identify factors that may prevent you from reaching your goals AND specific solutions to overcome those challenges. Your final paper will need to be 2 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font.