Archive for May 6th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you will select an article from The Economist Magazine and connect it to Mexico. The article must be current with and must be properly cited in the paper. You will then write a 2-page analysis demonstrating how the article relates to your Country and identifying course ideas and concepts (below) for the unit reflected in the article.

course ideas and concepts:
Rise of Nationalism
The Nation State
Classical Authoritarianism       
Modern Authoritarianism   
Forms of the state

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you will select an article from The Economist Magazine and connect it to Mexico. The article must be current with and must be properly cited in the paper. You will then write a 2-page analysis demonstrating how the article relates to your Country and identifying course ideas and concepts (below) for the unit reflected in the article.

course ideas and concepts:
Rise of Nationalism
The Nation State
Classical Authoritarianism       
Modern Authoritarianism   
Forms of the state

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you will select an article from The Economist Magazine and connect it to Mexico. The article must be current with and must be properly cited in the paper. You will then write a 2-page analysis demonstrating how the article relates to your Country and identifying course ideas and concepts (below) for the unit reflected in the article.

course ideas and concepts:
Rise of Nationalism
The Nation State
Classical Authoritarianism       
Modern Authoritarianism   
Forms of the state

Direct Marketing

This assignment requires face-to-face conversation. Write up a description of your Shark Tank product. With this description include a solid “reason why” your market segment should purchase this product.

Show your Shark Tank product description and “reason why” t0 6 people in your target market segment and ask them if they would purchase this product and why. If they would not purchase the product, find out why not. 

Write up your 6 responses and submit.

Persuasive Essay Assignment

Persuasive Essay Assignment

  1. Grading Rubric You will be graded on how well you:        
    1. State your position on the topic
    2. Describe the points in support, including your position and other evidence
    3. Anticipate and address readers concerns and arguments against your position
    4. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (1 point each)
    5. Formatting (2 points each)
    6. Late Papers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!
  2. Paper Guidelines        
    1. Paper should not exceed 7 pages. PAPERS LESS THAN 5 Pages and MORE THAN 7 Pages, WILL RECEIVE AN AUTOMATIC ZERO!!
    2. Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
    3. Double Spaced. Do not add spaces between paragraphs
    4. 1 inch margins all around. This is not the automatic setting for Word. Pay Attention!
    5. Stapled upper left hand corner
    6. Reference/ Work cited page: Minimum 3 ( Does not Count as part of 5 page minimum.
    7. Cover Page (DOES NOT COUNT PART OF 5 PAGE MINIMUM)          
      1. Title
      2. Name
      3. Date
      4. Instructors Name
      5. Class
      6. Class Date and Time
    8. Must Turn Online via Blackboard under the assignments tab (No excuses)!!
  3. Proofread and Edit. 
  4. Revise Have you used specific details to persuade me?        
    1. Have you answered questions that your audience might make?
    2. Do you have a thesis?
    3. Does the ending contain a clear call to action?
    4. Did you include transitional words and phrases? 
    5. Did you check for nominalizations? Passive Voice? Faulty Predications? Subject / Verb Agreements?
  5. Reference in APA style

Risk Index Worksheet For Comparing And Prioritizing Risks


We have almost completed the process of developing our HVA. Once an Emergency Manager had completed the HVA and it has been approved by the community partners and organizations you would publish it for those involved in Emergency Management. To get there you need to ensure that you have a priority assigned to each of the hazards. You need this to also assist you in your mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. For this assignment, I want you to complete the Risk Index Worksheet for Comparing and Prioritizing Risks for each type of hazard; natural, technological, and manmade.


  1. Download the EDMG101 HVA Risk Index.xlsx.  This contains a cover sheet and 3 blank tabs to fill–Natural, Technological, and Human.
  2. Fill out your name and date on the cover tab.
  3. Copy the hazards you identified in all 3 tabs from the HVA Vulnerability workbook.  Use the drop-down values in each of the column categories.  Type in any special characteristics & planning conditions.  Determine and set the risk priority.
  4. Add your first initial and last name to the filename. ie: AJones HVA Risk Index.xlsx
  5. Submit here in the classroom.

Supporting Materials

7 Journal

You have been asked to speak at a local high school about the opportunities and what students could expect if they decide to pursue a degree in information technology(IT). During the question-and-answer portion of your presentation, you are asked about why Windows XP, Server 2003, and Server 2008 are still so prevalent in most organizations, and what prevents these same organizations from upgrading to the newer operating system. How will you respond to these questions?

ow does a learning need (dyslexia) affect the learning and English usage of an adult? Give specific examples, and some strategies with which to manage this

the requirement is to select a particular learning need, and how that applies to an adult in particular adults in a university setting, this learning need being dyslexia.

please use no less than eight sources

please use in text referencing


This week, we will again watch a video, “Good Night and Good Luck,” about one of journalism’s biggest heroes, Edward R. Murrow. He takes on Senator Joseph McCarthy and his destructive hunt for Communists in the U.S. in this film. Murrow sets the agenda of news people in America (and hence, Americans) in his fight against McCarthy. McCarthy’s Blacklist of Hollywood people and people on Broadway and in literature (after all, how best to spread propaganda if not through movies, plays and books?) was very destructive. In this film, think of these questions as you watch and then as you respond to this dialog: what tipped Murrow over the edge and made his TV show a single-issue show? What finally occurs that destroys McCarthy? News people are supposed to be impartial and tell both sides of a story – does Murrow violate this principle? Is he overly fixated on McCarthy’s lies and lose his objectivity?

Roger Ebert said this “is a movie about a group of professional newsmen who with surgical precision remove a cancer from the body politic.”


This week, we will again watch a video, “Good Night and Good Luck,” about one of journalism’s biggest heroes, Edward R. Murrow. He takes on Senator Joseph McCarthy and his destructive hunt for Communists in the U.S. in this film. Murrow sets the agenda of news people in America (and hence, Americans) in his fight against McCarthy. McCarthy’s Blacklist of Hollywood people and people on Broadway and in literature (after all, how best to spread propaganda if not through movies, plays and books?) was very destructive. In this film, think of these questions as you watch and then as you respond to this dialog: what tipped Murrow over the edge and made his TV show a single-issue show? What finally occurs that destroys McCarthy? News people are supposed to be impartial and tell both sides of a story – does Murrow violate this principle? Is he overly fixated on McCarthy’s lies and lose his objectivity?

Roger Ebert said this “is a movie about a group of professional newsmen who with surgical precision remove a cancer from the body politic.”