Archive for May 6th, 2020

Week 1


In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that 70% (seventy percent) of managers and executives say data are extremely important for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users hands.

Based on the company you have identified for your Final Paper, discuss 1) the data that matters to the executives in that industry, 2) who, within that industry, needs that data, and 3) some methods for ensuring that the critical data gets into the users’ hands.  Remember to respond to two other learners’ post, letting them know if they missed any data or details in their industry.

The Health Care Delivery System Then and Now

The first question in this discussion is opinion and/or experience-based, so jump right into the discussion immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes into your posts.

1. In your opinion: how does the health care experience differ for you today compared with that of your parents and grandparents generations?

Now, lets start applying your course materials as we go through the questions together, one at a time. I will guide us through.

2. Looking at our history as a nation, what historical events do you believe may have particularly impacted how the health care delivery system is today? Please explain.

3. How have the roles and functions of the US health care delivery system changed over the past 50 years? How about the past 10 years? Consider how these changes in function and role have also altered the way we structure the health system and how various stakeholder groups are impacted.

4. To close out our first discussion, we have talked about the history and the makeup of our health care delivery system. You had opportunity to read about the health care systems of several other countries. How do we compare with other countries? Do you find our system stronger than one or more other countries in certain ways? Weaker? Were there facets of another countrys system that you would like to see the United States potentially incorporate? Provide examples from your course materials.

Schools and businesses partnerships

I have two similar studies about Schools and business partnerships, but one is from special education teachers’ perspectives and the second one is from employers’ perspectives. I wrote the introduction, literature review, method section, and results. NOW, I would like someone to write 4 pages as a discussion for each study. I will provide a draft for the necessary information.

Politics And Government


Politics and Government 

A community assessment begins with a basic windshield survey where each community subsystem is explored.  Explore the political influences on determinants of health

Click on the Enter Sentinel City and continue your virtual experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City.  Since this is your second tour, feel free to choose any bus speed and/or get off the bus at any time to walk around.  As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically focused on the subsystem: politics and government.  Meet with Mayor Hill to discuss the subsystem: politics and government.  Compile your observations and any demographic information addressing each item listed in the first column of the rubric.  We encourage you to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column as you complete this activity. 

Reading and Resources

Harkness & DeMarco (2016) Read Chapter 14 & 15

Review Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). 

Review the VoiceThread Tutorial (PDF included in this module) to help you with the VoiceThread activity

Additional Instructions:

  1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  2. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Option


  • 1 to 2-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Deliverable 7 – JBH Project Plan


Deliverable 7 – JBH Project Plan



  • Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
  • Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project.
  • Classify the components of project planning.
  • Evaluate project implementation techniques.
  • Evaluate project performance.
  • Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.


You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.


Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment.


The , or CAPM, is used to price an individual security or portfolio. The general idea behind CAPM is that investors should be compensated in two ways, for the time value of their money and risk incurred. The model helps investors calculate risks and what type of return they should expect on their investment. The time money value is represented by the risk-free rate, usually a 10-year government bond yield, and compensates the investors for placing money in an investment over a period of time. That is added to the other half of the formula which represents risk. It calculates the amount of compensation the investor needs for taking on additional risk. This is done by taking a Beta, which measures a stock’s volatility, and multiplies by its premium. The premium is calculated by subtracting the risk-free rate of return from the expected return of the market. For example, the expected return of a stock can be figured out in the following way using a model. If the risk-free rate is 3% the Beta or risk measure of the stock is 3 and the expected market return over the period is 11%. The stock is expected to return 27%. In short, if the expected return does not make the risk worth it, the investment should not be made.

Respond to the following questions:

  • You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a multi-physician clinic. Do you see weaknesses or strengths in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)? Explain your response and support it with examples. Include a consideration of the small market line (SML).
  • Your chief executive officer (CEO) asks you to decide between debt and equity financing. Explain which the best option is. Discuss the factors that influence your decision.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format and using in text citations. Please include questions and references.

Detrimant of Demand and Supply

Select a market for a product or service and then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. A graph is not required; however, it is helpful and illustrative to help you fully comprehend this weeks material.
Hint: To economists, the word determinant has special significance. Please pay particular attention to the listed determinants in Chapter 3 prior to posting.

M1D1: Introduction to Health Informatics

The first question is an opinion question:

The authors of your textbook make the following statement Health informatics will provide the right tools to enable the production of the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time.

1. Do you agree?  How difficult would this be to achieve with the use of current technology such as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) or CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry)? What are some of the challenges in facilitating the exchange of information amongst providers, between patients and providers, and between organizations?

Now applying what youve learned from the readings and the Microsoft Future Visions video, lets go through the rest of the discussion together, one question at a time:

2. Refer back to the
Microsoft Future Visions (
[Video file, 4:07 mins] video, are some of the technologies shown in that video currently in place commercially or even at your own workplace?

a) Please cite an example of how this is being used.

b) If not in use, why do you think, it is not in place yet?

3. What would be some of the challenges for deploying this technology?

4. In what ways does this video support the textbook and article authors statements?


Research: Policy Informatic Analysts


A policy informatic analyst is the second type of practitioner. Additionally, policy analysts must possess the capacity to understand how policies are made and implemented. The following are competencies needed by policy analysts:

  • Advanced research methods of IT applications
  • Data visualization and design
  • Programming skills
  • Modeling skills

Discuss the competencies needed by policy analysts.

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references

natural and social philosophy

Write an essay in which you explain the development in natural philosophy and the developments in social philosophy from the mid- 16th century to the early 18th century highlighting the ways in which these strands of thought interacted.
My thesis- During the mid-sixteen century- eighteen century  there was a  tremendous amount of change in regard to man and the science of man .This essay seeks to discover the changes between the natural and social sciences and the linkages between these two . You will be writing a descriptive writing . I