Archive for May 6th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the materials I give to you, write the essay, the topic is “How important are these motivators (below) for you? What order would you put them in and why? Is there something missing?
Higher Purpose: Are we contributing to a better world?
Mastery: getting better at what you do
Being Self-Directed: people self-select who they work with, self-select what they work on, and decide how they will do it.”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the materials I give to you, write the essay, the topic is “How important are these motivators (below) for you? What order would you put them in and why? Is there something missing?
Higher Purpose: Are we contributing to a better world?
Mastery: getting better at what you do
Being Self-Directed: people self-select who they work with, self-select what they work on, and decide how they will do it.”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the materials I give to you, write the essay, the topic is “How important are these motivators (below) for you? What order would you put them in and why? Is there something missing?
Higher Purpose: Are we contributing to a better world?
Mastery: getting better at what you do
Being Self-Directed: people self-select who they work with, self-select what they work on, and decide how they will do it.”

Smart City in Hong Kong


You will take on the role of an Assistant Planner working in the Planning Department of Hong Kong and write a paper in a memorandum format, which you will address it to your supervisor, i.e. the Principal Planner in the Planning Department, in regard to the topic of Smart city in Hong Kong.

In this paper, you will need to address, at a minimum, three questions:
– Why should this problem be regarded as a planning problem?
– What is the significance of this problem at the local scale?
– What are the key challenges posed by this problem for planners/ officers working in your Department?

–    Word count: 1925 words
–    The paper should be in formal style
–    In this paper, please make reference to at least one or two planning concept, which could be extracted from scholarly works.
–    Please free to choose to focus on any concept, as long as they can show how this concept is relevant to the major theme/argument of their paper and, at the same time, could help shed light on, and/or strengthen, their deliberations and recommendations.
–    It is important to cite scholarly materials such as books, book chapters as well as academic journal articles to substantiate their arguments.
–    For factual details of their chosen topic, you can consult and cite government reports, newspaper accounts, as well as the grey literature (such as newsletters published, online, by NGOs and community groups).
–    Around 15 references needed in total depending on the needs.

Assessment parameters:
–    Clear identification of main problem
–    Analysis of key issues
–    Conclusion linked to the problem
–    Overall structure and organization
–    Use of English
–    Relevant reference materials

Smart City in Hong Kong


You will take on the role of an Assistant Planner working in the Planning Department of Hong Kong and write a paper in a memorandum format, which you will address it to your supervisor, i.e. the Principal Planner in the Planning Department, in regard to the topic of Smart city in Hong Kong.

In this paper, you will need to address, at a minimum, three questions:
– Why should this problem be regarded as a planning problem?
– What is the significance of this problem at the local scale?
– What are the key challenges posed by this problem for planners/ officers working in your Department?

–    Word count: 1925 words
–    The paper should be in formal style
–    In this paper, please make reference to at least one or two planning concept, which could be extracted from scholarly works.
–    Please free to choose to focus on any concept, as long as they can show how this concept is relevant to the major theme/argument of their paper and, at the same time, could help shed light on, and/or strengthen, their deliberations and recommendations.
–    It is important to cite scholarly materials such as books, book chapters as well as academic journal articles to substantiate their arguments.
–    For factual details of their chosen topic, you can consult and cite government reports, newspaper accounts, as well as the grey literature (such as newsletters published, online, by NGOs and community groups).
–    Around 15 references needed in total depending on the needs.

Assessment parameters:
–    Clear identification of main problem
–    Analysis of key issues
–    Conclusion linked to the problem
–    Overall structure and organization
–    Use of English
–    Relevant reference materials

Week 10 Discussion

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies.

Discuss the following: 

1. What are the benefits and challenges associated with public and private blockchain and which has the most potential for application in human resource management? 

2. How can blockchain technology improve employee safety and security? You are required to cite this weeks assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week’s reading assignments and external sources if you wish.

From the Text

1. Chapter 3 of Blockchain for Business

From the Harvard Course Pack Link:  

2. Berke, A. (2017, March 7). How safe are Blockchains? IT depends. Harvard Business Review, 51-60.

3. Patel, R., Sethia, A., & Patil, S. (2018, September). Blockchain: Future of decentralized systems. 2018 International Conference on Computing Power and Communication Technology. 369-374.

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Conclusion, References.

Submit your paper as a Word attachment in the discussion forum. I provide feedback within the paper and will not grade your post unless you submit it as an attachment. Your response to the discussion prompt should contain a minimum of 500 words.

Follow the following writing requirements for all of your discussion prompt responses (note that these writing requirements DO NOT apply to your responses to other students):

Writing Requirements for all Assignments:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions
  • Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.  
  • Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a power is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

in book <writing 1002>page 15, is the model for this essay.
Discuss what, in your opinion, would be the best way of describing international students who are studying in Canada. Should they be called ‘international,’ ‘ESL,’ ‘ELL,’ or ‘multilingual’? Do you want to create a new term? What is it? Give detailed reasons for your response.

only three sources, one from the writing 1002, two from additional reading
I am Chinese girl, I hope to be close to my country, and I study in Canada.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

in book <writing 1002>page 15, is the model for this essay.
Discuss what, in your opinion, would be the best way of describing international students who are studying in Canada. Should they be called ‘international,’ ‘ESL,’ ‘ELL,’ or ‘multilingual’? Do you want to create a new term? What is it? Give detailed reasons for your response.

only three sources, one from the writing 1002, two from additional reading
I am Chinese girl, I hope to be close to my country, and I study in Canada.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

in book <writing 1002>page 15, is the model for this essay.
Discuss what, in your opinion, would be the best way of describing international students who are studying in Canada. Should they be called ‘international,’ ‘ESL,’ ‘ELL,’ or ‘multilingual’? Do you want to create a new term? What is it? Give detailed reasons for your response.

only three sources, one from the writing 1002, two from additional reading
I am Chinese girl, I hope to be close to my country, and I study in Canada.

DA 200 Data Analytics Term Project

Using various tools learned in the course (and others if you wish), you will crunch some numbers and address the research problem identified in your project proposals (part 2 of the attached document). Specifically, you will find appropriate and relevant data from the sources identified and others, define your problem or hypothesis, analyse the data, and present the results and lessons learned in the form of a detailed report along with a separate file containing the original data. In addition, submit a summary of your project using the e-portfolio.