Archive for May 6th, 2020

Exercise Assignment 10


Pretend that you are running a small business. Select something with a scale small and relatable (e.g. pizza place; coffee shop; small bakery) and something fun. Assume you are producing only one product (e.g. one type of pizza, one type of pastry, one type of beverage, etc.). Then consider the following:

  1. Describe the variety of inventory you will carry in stock (e.g. cheese, flour or maybe you will purchase a premade crust you decide). How much inventory will you carry (e.g. weeks or days worth of supply)?
  2. Where will you source from and how will you decide the frequency of orders (e.g. local with frequent deliveries or large distributor)? Why?
  3. Are there any other products you can produce from the inventory you have in stock? Be creative (e.g. a calzone can be made from pizza ingredients).

A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800, America’s First Presidential Campaign

    Dont forget to critic the authors background and reasons for writing the book.

    What are the positive and negative aspects of the book?
    Does it cover the issue adequately?
    Does it cover a historical or contemporary view?
    What would you like to see added to the book or taken out?
    How well does the book add to your knowledge of our American system of politics?
    Would you recommend the book to others? Why or Why not?

ECO508 Managerial Economics

Attached is my assignment for this week. Please follow instructions all the way through and give the best work you can. If there are any questions or you cannot open links or pdf. please let me know through email or chat once bid is accepted. The course book in pdf. format will be one of the attachments as well as this weeks assignment rubric. Thank you!  

Scm 10


  1. Briefly define holding costs and inventory costs, and explain the relationship between the two when defining an inventory policy.
  2. Find at least one business example of a fixed-order quantity system versus a fixed period quantity system. What are their differences? Which do you think is better and why?
  3. Briefly describe the concept of the ABC inventory classification model.
  4. Identify an example of VMI. Explain the benefits to both the vendor and retailer. Identify some of the risks for both parties.

Benefits of Traveling

Research essay about the benefits of traveling – the three main topics are – why Americans like to travel – health benefits of traveling – how traveling builds social skills
1. Paper includes an appropriate introduction and conclusion.’
2. Paper is organized is an appropriate and logical way. Adequate detail is
included. Paper is written in the correct tone/style.
3. Proper subject/verb agreement, proper noun/pronoun agreement, proper
parallel structure, proper sentence structure, correct use of punctuation
marks, etc
4. 12pt, Times New Roman, double spaced, minimum three pages, 1-inch
margins, etc. A complete draft is submitted. Appropriate header included.

Primary care medication management of opioids and benzodiazapenes.

Post your answers to the 6 questions corresponding to this weeks content on primary care medication management. Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high level evidence. (See Post Expectations)

    What is the role of Narcan with substance abuse?
    What medication is the newest to be used in the treatment of opioid drug addiction and featured in MAT treatment programs?
    What type of pain medication is preferred for all cancer patients?
    Are Benzodiazepines as addicting as Opioids?
    Why is dextromethorphan abused?
    What is the difference in NP practice in the Reduced vs. Restricted State?

Evaluating Contracts

Image your small business that produces very small remote control aircraft capable of long sustained flights. You are ready to expand your business by competing for Department of Defense (DoD) contracts. You already have added one (1) contract with the DoD worth over $600,000 to your expanding company and are now ready to venture into contracting for the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Compare and contrast fixed-price contracts and cost-reimbursement contracts in terms of the benefits and drawbacks of each for your business.
Analyze at least three (3) opportunities your small business will have compared to large businesses in general.
Discuss which element(s) of cost-reimbursement contracts tend to produce the biggest troubles for your small business. Provide a rationale for your choice(s).
Determine which form of contracting would benefit your business the most among all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16. Support your response.
Choose the most significant form of contracting that would support large companies (e.g., Boeing) among all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16. Support your response.
Develop a plan on how your company would justify the government to award your company the contract when the form of this contracting supports larger companies.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


Brazil Chapter 9- Regional Economical Integration

You will be doing the IB News Assignment on the same country throughout the semester.

Your assignment is to follow the International Business news about the country you chose. You are to find and briefly summarize and analyze an article that is related to the topic of each chapter we are covering in the unit. Your analysis should reflect a good understanding of the concepts in the chapters up to this point. You are required to use reliable sources (ex: The Economist, Business Week, scholarly articles, etc.; Wikipedia is NOT acceptable) and cite them in the APA style. You may also post the article in addition to providing its reference.

You cannot post the same news about the same country that a classmate posted earlier in the week. Several students may choose the same country, just make sure you do not post the same article.

You are welcome to comment on each others postings and enhance your learning experience.

How to reach reliable sources?
Through the .
ABI/INFORM, globalEDGE, Factiva are some of the databases that will be useful.

How to cite sources in the APA style?
Go to the  tab in the International Business Research Guide. 

Health In The Global Community/Women’s Health

Read chapters 15 and 17 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.  Once done, answer the following questions:(POWERPOINTS WILL BE INCLUDED): 

1.  Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease.

2.  Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care.

3.  Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health.

4.  Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women.

– PLEASE cite references within text!!!! 

– APA format word document

–  Arial 12 font

A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used.  

– A minimum of 800 words is required


Describe a culturally-derived communication misunderstanding encounter in a healthcare setting with a patient.

Describe a situation in which you have encountered a culturally-derived communication misunderstanding in a healthcare setting with a patient, physician, colleague; supervisor or administrator and its outcome. 

What actions could you, in an advanced nursing role, implement to prevent culturally-derived miscommunications?

Are there ethical implications for not addressing cultural miscommunications? (Use fictional names and places. Choose a situation from the peer-reviewed literature if needed).


Initial Post:

    Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm Central
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years