Archive for May 6th, 2020


1. Choose and answer A or B – including specific examples. Use research, and cite properly. Include a bibliography.

A. What do you think is the meaning of Plato’s ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE? (Do NOT just repeat the plot. Go deep). What does it mean? How does it relate to what you have studied thus far? How does the ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE apply to your life? Cite sources.

B. Is the contemporary United States more similar to Classical Greece or Classical Rome? Defend your answer. Cite sources. (Do NOT just list things. Really consider contemporary life and make a point.)

2. Write your response – 5 pages Word document. Identify which question you are answering.

Bibliography doesn’t count towards 5 pages! If I have to create my own bibliography that is fine, I just need 5 pages of content.

Phase 1, Organize for Success/Partnership Development

According to NAACHOs MAPP User Handbook:

Completing Phase One answers the following questions:

Who should be included in the MAPP process?
Is the community ready to conduct a MAPP process?
What are the resource needs for implementing a MAPP process?
How will the community proceed through the MAPP process? (NACCHO, 2013)

There are six steps to completing Phase One:

Step One: Determine the Need
Step Two: Identify and Organize Participants
Step Three: Design the Planning Process
Step Four: Identify Resource Needs
Step Five: Complete Readiness Assessment
Step Six: Determine How the Process Will Be Managed (NACCHO, 2013)

Complete the following steps of Phase One: Organize for Success/Partnership Development.

Step One: Determine the Need:
Answer the following four questions as found on page 11 of the MAPP User Handbook:
      i.      Why should we complete the MAPP process?
      ii.      What critical issues do we hope to address?
      iii.      Who is driving the process?
      iv.      What do we want to get out of the MAPP process?

Step Two: Identify and Organize Participants

Use the Community Description attached below and review the Local Public Health System Jelly Bean Diagram to identify the key organizations that should be invited to be part of the MAPP Steering Committee.  The list of potential candidates should be listed in an appendix using the MAPP Steering Committee template. A narrative description of the MAPP Steering Committee should be included within the five page paper.  Refer to Phase One in the MAPP User Handbook for assistance in identifying partner organizations.

Read all of Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the MAPP User Handbook.

View the Week 2 PowerPoint, Moving Toward MAPP, to learn about how the strategic planning process in public health has developed over time. Be sure to read through the lecture notes for additional information.

View the Week 2 PowerPoint, Planning With Vision, to learn about the first two phases of MAPP. Be sure to read through the lecture notes for additional information.

Be sure to include research resources for Nassau County, NY.

For additional information and resources for Phase 1 of MAPP, click here:

For additional information and resources for Phase 2 of MAPP, click here:

As these will be discussed frequently through all phases of MAPP, review the Ten Essential Public Health Services here:

As you will be assessing how your community is impacted by them in the MAPP Assessments, review the Social Determinants of Health here:

This website is also an excellent resource for your Week 2 Discussion.

For an example to follow for your Week 2 Written Assignment Organize for Success, view DuPage County, ILs here (click on the Organize for Success link):

To help you with your Week 2 Written Assignment Visioning, view this website for example vision statements:

For an example to follow for your Week 2 Written Assignment Visioning, view DuPage County, ILs here (click on the Visioning link):

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: Write an essay proposal

Length: Two paragraphs*

*Paragraph = 140 – 200 words


Introduction of  topic/issue
Brief overview of the two films you will be discussing/analyzing and using as evidence in Essay 3. Please explain why you have chosen these two films and how you will use them in your essay
Essay 3’s thesis statement
The A+ Essay Proposal: clear explanation of the topic/issue; excellent organization; excellent descriptions; excellent transitions; excellent sequencing and pacing; compelling word choice, demonstrating insightful use of figurative language; sentences are carefully formed and positioned with attention to emphasis, rhythm and pace to engage the reader; avoids ambiguous pronouns, passive sentences, and clichs; no grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors; follows the essay proposal assignment handout; correct documentation style (MLA)
Assignment: Write a researched argument

Length: 5 pages; MLA format

Make sure you choose an interesting topic

Does this subject really interest you?
Are ample (credible) sources of information readily available?
Can you focus the topic?
Does this topic offer a challenge? In other words, you should select a topic that will allow you to go beyond your current base of knowledge, ideas, opinions, and insights
Well discuss possible topics in class 🙂

Well also discuss the essays structure.

The Rules

Present a well-organized analytical argument about an approved topic
Use convincing reasons, appropriate quotes, and specific evidence to develop your main points
Incorporate credible sources. You will have five sources (two films* and three credible** articles or books)
Use MLA style to format your paper and to document your use of sources
Avoid long quotes; try to paraphrase or summarize the authors words/ideas
Remember: Quotations only support or illustrate a point; they cannot make the point
Essay length: 5 pages (Double-Spaced; Times New Roman; Size 12)
Don’t forget to include in-text citations
Dont forget the Works Cited page
*2001 – 2020

**At least one of your secondary sources has to be a scholarly source (e.g., academic journal article)

The A+ Essay: clear and original thesis; strong organization; strong analytical content; excellent use of textual evidence; clear discussion of textual evidence in relation to thesis; excellent transitions; excellent sequencing and pacing; compelling word choice, demonstrating insightful use of figurative language; sentences are carefully formed and positioned with attention to emphasis, rhythm and pace to engage the reader; avoids ambiguous pronouns and overused words; no grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors; follows the Essay 3 handout; correct documentation style (MLA)

Juvenile Sentencing Policy

Your policy report must be between 4,000 words and 5,000 words in length (and this includes the title page and the reference pages). Your policy report needs to be double-spaced with 1.0-inch margins and using a 12-point Times New Roman font. Your policy report must be based entirely on published research (and not your opinion or non-scholarly opinions). For your capstone research project, you are charged with examining policies through a critical, social-scientific, empirical lens, and producing an action-oriented policy report targeting policymakers and agency executives (e.g. chiefs of police). It will serve the purpose of informing policymakers and agency executives on what they can do to improve on what scholars and many people in communities of color call the criminal injustice system. Thus, your policy report will include dozens of in-texts cites referencing journal articles, books, book chapters, and reports from reputable agencies such as the Vera Institute, the Prison Policy Initiative, the Sentencing Project, and government agencies, such as the Department of Justice.

Title of the policy reportThe title aims to catch the attention of the reader and compel him/her to read on and so needs to be descriptive, punchy, and relevant.
Executive summaryThe executive summary aims to convince the reader further that the report is worth in-depth investigation. It is especially important for an audience that is short of time to clearly see the relevance and importance of the report in reading the summary. As such, a 1 to 2 paragraph executive summary commonly includes: A description of the problem addressed; a statement on why the current approach/policy option needs to be changed; and your recommendations for action.
Context and importance of the problem (i.e. Introduction)The purpose of this element of the report is to convince the target audience that a current and urgent problem exists which requires them to take action. The context and importance of the problem is both the introductory and first building block of the report. As such, it usually includes the following: A clear statement of the problem or issue in focus; a short overview of the root causes of the problem; and a clear statement of the policy implications of the problem which clearly establishes the current importance and policy relevance of the issue. It is worth noting that the length of the problem description may vary considerably from report to report depending on the stage on the policy process in focus, e.g. there may be a need to have a much more extensive problem description for policy at the evaluation stage than for one at the option choosing stage.
Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Alternatives, and ResearchThe aim of this element is to detail shortcomings of the current approach or options being implemented and therefore, illustrate both the need for change and focus of where change needs to occur. It also should detail the evidence about what will likely work better (or not suffer from the shortcomings). In doing so, the critique of policy options usually includes the following: A short overview of the policy option(s) in focus and the evidence illustrating why and how the current approach is failing and why and how another option is not failing (and is hopefully working). It is also important for the sake of credibility to recognize all opinions in the debate of the issue.
Conclusionyou need to summarize what the readers should take away from your research review.
Policy recommendationsThe aim of the policy recommendations element is to provide a detailed and convincing proposal of how the failings of the current policy approach need to change. As such this is achieved by including: A breakdown of the specific practical steps or measures that need to be implemented. You may also include a closing paragraph reemphasizing the importance of action. The recommendations should follow the conclusion.
References and In-Text CitingSince your policy report is research-driven and evidence-based, you should include a reference page that includes all the journal articles, book chapters, books, and reputable reports that you used to inform your policy report. You should have at least 10, but likely more. Also, you should include in-text cites throughout your policy report. Remember, this is not original research by you, thus you should have a copious amount of in-text cites.

Discussion Posts


Listed below is the assignment, the resource link and attached are additional resources. 


Engage: Study guide; (optional: F&H Chapter 9) 

Consider the following antebellum events:
David Walker’s “Appeal to The Coloured…” (1829); William Lloyd Garrison’s “The Liberator” (1831) and Nat Turner’s revolt (1831); the “Underground Railroad,” 1850s’ events: 1850 Compromise, the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, the 1856 Dred Scott Supreme Court case and John Brown’s 1859 Harper’s Ferry raid/revolt.

In essay format (a full paragraph for each question/answer), answer the following questions:

-Generally, how effective or ineffective were the activity/creation of the following 3 “militant abolitionists”: David Walker, William L. Garrison, Nat Turner?

-Of the four 1850s national events listed above (1850 Compromise, etc.), which in you view caused 11 southern slave states to secede from the U.S.A., sparking the Civil War of 1861-1865; why?

-In your view, which one of these 4 events was least impactful in causing southern slave states to secede from the U.S.A./Union; why?

-How significant and impactful were the following other events: Harriet Beecher Stowes novel, Uncle Toms Cabin; the 1860 election of Republican President Abraham Lincoln; in causing the 11 southern states to secede from the U.S.A./Union?

-After exploring the issues leading up to the U.S. Civil War, what questions or wonderments remain in your mind? (Mandatory!)


Engage: All relevant unit  resources; (Optional: F&H Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12)

Reflect on the Civil War (1861-1865) victory of the Union (U.S.A) over the Confederates (C.S.A.) and the benefits that victory facilitated for Blacks including constitutional promises of freedom, citizenship, universal male suffrage, opportunities to compete for and hold political offices, etc. 

In essay format (a full paragraph per question, and with detailed resource support) answer the following questions:

-In your view, was the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) fought to end enslavement or to stop the expansion of slavery into the growing numbers of western states; why were Blacks eager to fight on the Union side of the war?

-Based on your reading and understanding of President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 “Emancipation Proclamation”, how did the so-called “Great Emancipator” use this document and African Americans to help the Union side win the war? 

-Describe how the following 6 Reconstruction and Reparations efforts were used to help the “freedmen” recover from enslavement:  
A) Gen. William T. Sherman’s Special Order 15 (“40 Acres & a Mule”),
B) 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution,
C) Freedman’s Bureau,
D) Charlotte Forten (Grimke),
E) African American elected officials (approximately 1,465)
F) American Missionary Association,

-How did ending the Reconstruction Period (1865-1877) by the U.S. government in 1877, betray and set-back African Americans?  

-Relative to the dynamics and the opportunities of the Civil War and the Reconstruction period, what are you left wondering about? (Mandatory).

Link to F & H chapters PPT’s:



53/3 Assgn

Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs. 

The Assignment (4-5 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:

  • Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. 
  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policys strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.

Presenting Evaluation Findings To Stakeholders


In their professional roles, counselors engage in relationships with other human service providers and use strategies for interagency/interorganization collaboration and communication to make improvements for clients.

After reviewing the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations multimedia piece earlier in this unit, create a 10-slide PowerPoint that could be used for presenting the results of your hypothetical program evaluation plan, if you were able to carry it out. Post your presentation for comment and constructive feedback by your peers.

Your presentation should include the following slides:

  1. Program Description (name, mission, stakeholders, and broad aims).
  2. Program Evaluation (model and methods used).
  3. Populations Served (including implications for cultural considerations).
  4. Counseling Services Provided (types of programs, such as after-school groups, parent education, et cetera).
  5. Needs Assessment (hypothetical assessments to determine needs and their results).
  6. Outcome/Impact Evaluation (hypothetical results obtained from administration of selected measures).
  7. Conclusions of the Evaluation (hypothetical results about what is successful and what needs improvement).
  8. Ethical Use of Results (cautions about the application of findings).
  9. Recommendations to Stakeholders.
  10. References.


Should high school students be required to complete a parenting class? I do believe so. Classes like that can really help accidental pregnancies and future mothers and fathers. It can prepare them for what is might to come if they were to get themselves into this situation.


1. prepared for the future

2. not go into it clueless

3. knowledge of child/responsibility/financial

Music Video Analysis Assignment

Select one of the readings between 2-27 and 3-10 and in no more than one single-spaced page, do the following:

1.State the author(s) main argument/thesis. What is the main argument/thesis? Include the passage that best summarizes this thesis and include the page number in an in-text citation. For example, Hartman argues that (p. 3).

2.  Tell me what remains unclear or underdeveloped in text/work. What might lead to this gap/weakness?

3.  Relate the reading to your life experiences.

Remember, your reading summary is due at 11:59pm the Monday or Wednesday before the reading is to be discussed in class. Those received after 11:59pm but prior to the start of class will be considered late and graded accordingly. Reading summaries submitted after the start of class will not be accepted.

For example: Responses for Tuesday 1-21 are due Monday 1-20 by 11:59pm. Responses for Thursday 1-23 are due Wednesday 1-22 by 11:59pm. And so on…

Mini Project For This Assignment, You Will Research The Different Ways That Managers And Leaders Use Communication To Guide Their Organizations.


For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations. 

Feel free to use the same organization you researched for the Unit VI Case Study. You are not limited to this organization, but it may be easier to complete the assignment since you have already researched the organization in Unit VI. You can use the same sources for both assignments, if applicable. 

Find an instance where the organizational leader communicates directly with his or her employees, investors, or customers. Analyze the message, the channel, and the potential for feedback. Do you believe that it is effective? Do you believe that it is the same type of message that a manager would send? Why, or why not? 

Remember to focus on the communication styles of both leaders and managers. Strive for an equal balance between the two types of communication styles in your assignment. 

Example: The Apple events that occur in Cupertino whenever Apple unveils a new product or service are examples of the type of communication you should be analyzing in this assignment. During the events, CEO Tim Cook addresses an audience of employees, investors, and the general public. Cook uses multiple channels to communicate with the audience, including a live face-to-face discussion, live streaming of the discussion, and a recorded video. For the assignment, you would view one of the events, analyze Cooks message and the effectiveness of the channels, and discuss the potential for feedback. Analyze whether or not the message is an effective example of leadership. Explain whether or not you believe a manager could, or should, use the same types of channels to relay a message. Would it be effective? 

Note: You do not need to use Apple for this assignment. It is provided as an example only. 

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). Include at least two academic sources. APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.