Archive for May 6th, 2020

Week 10 Discussion


Please respond to the following:

  1. Many social networking sites make the behavior of employees much more visible. Discuss 12 implications social networking sites have for government employees. Provide examples to justify your response.
  2. Employees sometimes reveal information about their work on social networking sites. Recommend 23 policy steps an agency could adopt to help ensure incorrect, sensitive, or unauthorized information is not put on the sites by agency employees.

Wk 4 Apply: Strategic Management Research Journal, Part 4 DUE SUNDAY


Familiarize yourself with the following terms and concepts discussed this week in preparation for completion of this assignment: vertical integration, taper integration, backward vertical integration, forward vertical integration, strategic alliances, global strategy, international strategy, innovation.

Create a 700 to 1,050-word entry in your strategic management research journal. You will use information from this entry in your presentation due in Week 5. Respond to the following prompts in your journal entry:

  • Identify Caterpillar Inc.s short-term versus long term goals. 
  • Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.s performance.  
  • Assess Caterpillar Inc.s global strategy (international, multi-domestic, global-standardization, or transnational). 
  • Discuss the types of innovation Caterpillar Inc.s uses such as radical incremental, disruptive, and architectural innovation. Identify types of innovation Caterpillar Inc. has used over time.

Submit your assignment/Journal as a 6th edition APA Microsoft Word document to include a Title page, Introduction, body, conclusion and Reference page.

CLC – Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation On Diabetes


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice.

Create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.

Include the following:

  1. Describe the intervention or treatment tool and the specific patient population used in the study.
  2. Summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. The research presented must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and nursing practice.
  3. Provide a descriptive and reflective discussion of how the new tool or intervention can be integrated into nursing practice. Provide evidence to support your discussion.
  4. Explain why psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects are important to consider for a patient who has been diagnosed with diabetes. Describe how support can be offered in these respective areas as part of a plan of care for the patient. Provide examples.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the for assistance. 

Exposure Analysis

Answer the following questions: Book Attached.

1.    How does an ADD calculation differ with carcinogenic vs. non-carcinogenic compounds? Please explain the rationale behind this. 1/2 PAGE

2.    Why is calculating a reference dose important? Name at least two UF or MF. 1/2 PAGE

3.    Why is calculating a margin of exposure (MOE) important? What would the MOE of dioxin be and why? Does this pose a concern and why? 1 PAGE

Practice Activity 7: Qualitative Article Critique



1. Select one of the research studies from the choices provided below and locate it through the library using your research skills from RES 1500.

2. Read the article in its entirety and complete the Detailed instructions are provided in the on-line module.

Research Studies

Nordheim, K., Walderhaug, E., Alstadius, S., Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E., & Duckert, F. (2018). Young adults reasons for dropout from residential substance use disorder treatment. Qualitative Social Work, 17(1), 2440. .

Or may be retrieved from



As humans, we become aware of ourselves as belonging to a group and we learn how to behave through the process of socialization. In addition to reading Chapter 4 of the text, you will also read . After reading the required resources, describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

In your post, be sure to discuss how an individual’s race, class, and gender can influence the way that he or she is socialized. Support your answer with detailed examples.


Air Quality

ANSWER: How do we as a society define acceptable risk? Is this/should this be a cost issue?  What is the cost value of a human life? Interesting philosophical, but also practical questions.

What are your thoughts about these issues – the value of human life and our (the government’s) obligation to protect and prolong life? What is government’s obligation? When does it stop? Does it stop?
By the way, as you ponder this, take a look at this article in Time Magazine Europe about the impact on life expectancies and premature deaths in Europe.

Go deeper into how to quantify the potential public health effects of air pollutants, what researchers are doing, and their approach. This lecture examines how scientists estimate the portion of a population that may come down with a given illness resulting in shortened lifespans given their exposure levels to certain air pollutants. As we discussed earlier, there certainly is a relationship between length and degree of exposure with the health effect. Again, I know some – perhaps many – of you have practical public health experience, so certainly share with the class your comments about this lecture and “war stories” from your experience.

This deeper understanding and rough quantification of risk begs the question of how we respond to the risk of disease and shortened lives as a society? How important are the human and economic costs of shortened lives, more and more complex medical care for those who suffer, the loss in productivity for our economy? See the New York Times article – albeit a little old now – on the value of a human life and how governmental agencies wrestle with this question.
Do we spend whatever it takes – maybe hundreds of billions of dollars per year – to reduce toxic emissions stringently to reduce exposure at ground level such that the public health risk of all air pollutants to virtually zero? Isn’t this the obligation we have to protect the public? And, if so, who should pay? The polluters? Maybe, but that may raise the price of what you buy at the store tremendously or entice companies to move their operations to other countries that have more lax (or no) air pollution laws or don’t care about the value of human life. And this could cause us to lose jobs, resulting in other public health impacts (greater domestic violence, alcoholism, opiods, etc.). The taxpayers? People don’t like to pay more taxes, especially for things that are not palpable or measurable like reduced mortality (how do I know it’s my life being prolonged?).  A combination?  And who has that much money? On the other hand, if we spend/invest little to regulate air emissions, we “save” money by not spending so much upfront, but we could also have hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans with diminished lifetimes annually due to pollutant-caused diseases. How would we as a society feel about this both morally and in terms of the high costs (loss in productivity, increased medical costs and hospitalizations)? Could we adopt a middle course? What would that be? What might be the number of “allowable” deaths we should accept as a society? Who makes this decision?

ANSWER: How do we as a society define acceptable risk? Is this/should this be a cost issue?  What is the cost value of a human life? Interesting philosophical, but also practical questions.

What are your thoughts about these issues – the value of human life and our (the government’s) obligation to protect and prolong life? What is government’s obligation? When does it stop? Does it stop?
By the way, as you ponder this, take a look at this article in Time Magazine Europe about the impact on life expectancies and premature deaths in Europe.

Cultural Influences On Perception


Respond to the following prompt in a primary post of at least 150 words.

Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli? In other words: provide an example of something that people from two different cultures may perceive in completely different ways (for example holding up two fingers, with palm facing the signer, is a very rude hand gesture for folks in the U.K., but in America, we hold up two fingers to mean peace). Create a post using examples from the text as well as your own experiences. This post should be completed by 11:59pm PST on Thursday to give your peers lots of time to create meaningful responses. 

Research: Composition

Kirk (2016) states composition is reviewing every visual property of the design.  The final layer of design thinking concerned composition: how to position, arrange and size all the chart elements, interactive controls and annotated components across the entire project and the construction decisions within each chart. Meeting the optimum readability and meeting the intent of the project is the objective. Dividing composition into project-level and chart-level composition options can help review and address areas of opportunities.
Pretend you are now the designer developing new composition choices in the face of having to accommodate new contextual factors listed below.  Provide two project-level and two chart-level composition options to address each of the three listed below and provide the reasoning for each option.
1.           You had to demonstrate the worst possible data visualization composition practices (in the same space)
2.           You had to force yourself to use as small a space as reasonably possible
3.           You have to transpose the work from landscape > portrait or vice-versa
4.           The initial data provided includes scales that will not fit onto one page, but a refresh of the data is indicating a change is needed
5.           The trustworthiness of the entire project is being questioned by upper management
Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Students name, Universitys name, Course name, Course number, Professors name, and Date.
Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Leadership Styles And Nursing

# 5 of this question is the only one you will write

CLC – Leadership Styles and Nursing 



This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. 

The purpose of this assignment is to assess leadership styles, traits, and practices as a nursing professional, establish the importance of effective interprofessional communication as a leader in nursing, and to explore the role of servant leadership in nursing practice.

Read the study materials on leadership and complete the topic quiz activities to better understand your leadership qualities.

Upon completion, summarize and share with your group what you learned about your specific leadership qualities, so you can become familiar with how you are similar and different from your peers when it comes to being a leader.

As a group, review the study materials related to servant leadership. Using what you have learned about the tenets of servant leadership and traits and practices of successful leaders, create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Add an additional slide for references at the end of your presentation.  

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Each group member: Create a slide that summarizes your leadership style, traits, and practices.
  2. Compare the personal leadership styles of your group members, including commonalities between group members’ strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Explain why it is important for nursing professionals to be aware of their personal leadership style, traits, and practices.
  4. Discuss what leadership traits and styles are necessary to be an effective communicator. Explain the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working interprofessionally (across ancillary departments, vendors, community members).
  5. Discuss how nursing professionals can benefit from integrating the tenets of servant leadership to empower and influence others as they lead.
  6. Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. 

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style. 

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the for assistance.