Archive for May 6th, 2020


Chapter 14  Provided us with a brief introduction to the method of microsimulation that was introduced in the 1950s, and its utility for the development of public policy.  On the same token, the authors stated that microsimulations use for policy purposes has extended from the economic to other domains due to robust and abundances of data and technological advances.  From this revelation, we can state with the certainty that microsimulation as a utility has seen growing demand in recent times to address increasingly complex policy issues that require new approaches.

Lay-Yee, and Cotterell contend that microsimulation may come in various types.  Examples that they provided are along the dimensions of arithmetical or behavioral, and static or dynamic.  It has its own distinctive model-building process that relies on empirical data and derived parameters with an insertion of the chance to simulate realistic distributions. 

Q1). Utilities of microsimulation for policy development relies in their abilities to do what?

Q2). Looking through the chapter, the authors have identified five non-sequential and unique steps that must be followed when building a microsimulation model (Caro et al., 2012; Cassells et al., 2006; Zaidi and Rake, 2001).

Module 4: Challenge Impacting U.S. Intelligence Capabilities in Meeting Emerging Threats

In previous Learning Modules, we explored some of the challenges the U.S. and its intelligence community faces in staying in front of the emergence of new technology and the ability to use social media (Module 3), addressing AI capabilities that seem to be improving beyond our imagination (Module 2), and the evolution of digital communications that provide global interconnectivity of U.S. adversaries (Module 1). We also examined some of the challenges we face when social media giants like Facebook are left to self-govern (Module 3).

In Module 4 we will take a look at three other digital communication challenges that threaten our Intelligence capabilities, including:

Legal, Moral and Ethical considerations in controlling the U.S. digital environment;
The challenge of controlling cyberwar tactics and the digital influence of powerful Nation States, such as Russia and China; and,
Challenges in controlling newly developing cyberwar skills of smaller, aggressive adversaries who have the same access to emerging technology, such as:  Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and rogue terrorists.
Consider the legal, moral and ethical concerns of using broader government control of the digital environment such as Privacy Rights and Social Media.  How far should the Government go?   
In Module 3, we observed Facebooks knowledge of vulnerabilities and the companys failure to act.  Considering how widespread similar vulnerabilities maybe in corporations across the U.S., and the general laisse faire attitudes of businesses in addressing cyber threats, is there a need for stronger U.S. regulation and control to protect privacy rights and reduce unlimited access to social media?


1. Ethics and the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a complex network of interactive and technical components that allow objects to communicate while also allowing individuals to use apps to perform unlimited things in businesses, their homes and in their communities.  Yet, as IoT continues to grow and mature, little has been done to proscribe regulations that ensure IoT capabilities are enhanced with ethical considerations or that IoT opportunities cannot be used to open pathways to attacks through cyberspace.  Is there a need for stronger federal policy and government regulation of the IoT environment?  When considering this question, we may want to note that globally, upwards of nearly 27 billion mobile phones, containing countless apps can now be connected or manipulated.

See also:

2.  Consider the governments  challenges in controlling Russias and Chinas digital influence in the U.S. and abroad:

The Senate Intelligence Committee published reports in December, 2018, detailing how Russian agents have controlled social media against Americans and how technology companies have done very little to help curtail it.  According to the report, social media giants like Google and Twitter (similar to Facebook), have evaded and misrepresented themselves and the extent of Russian activity on their sites.  This type of activity may also open pathways for China cyberwar tactics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


3.  Consider government challenges in controlling access to emerging technology by smaller, aggressive nation state adversaries, such as North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia or any nation or terrorist group with sufficient funds to purchase technology.

Let’s consider the last question offered during our reading assignment with a few extra thoughts.

Considering all that we have discussed, the global interconnectivity of our personal telephones, the vulnerable nature of our businesses and home systems to being attacked, cybercrimes and the control of cyber criminals my rogue nation states, the accessibility to systems to apply ransomeware and malware, and the general openness of the social media tools we use…

PROMPT:  How can the Intelligence Community gather the intelligence from enough resources to ensure that the U.S. is not overly vulnerable or at a minimum, even in its most vulnerable state that the government knows “WHAT WE DONT KNOW” and can institute action to exert control or influence to counter possible impacts that could arise through IoT?

Please answer the above prompt by using the sources and articles cited above and please weave in points 1, 2 and 3 in answering the above primary question so it is a seamless and cogent response including all of the points the module touches upon.

U.S. Army resilience assessment programs

Construct a 2- to 4-page Argument Paper in which you identify and demonstrate ONE weakness in the U.S. Army resilience assessment programs Then argue for THREE solutions to that specified weakness. For each proposed solution, consider (a) how to implement it, (b) needed costs/resources, and (c) where applicable, potential counter-arguments. The essay as a whole should be SOLUTION-ORIENTED, using at least one full paragraph per recommendation.


Resilience assessment or training: Nicholas Browns A Critical Examination of the U.S. Armys Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program, published in The Winnower, dtd. 11 June 2015.

Project: Final Project

APA format. Scholar authors only. The religious tradition is Christianity. Please fill out all parts on the attach worksheet  from week 2 to week 4.


Kurtz, L. R. (2016). Gods in the global village: The worlds religions in sociological perspective (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Chapter 1, Religious Life in the Global VillageThree Pillars of Analysis: Beliefs, Rituals, and Institutions (pp. 2330)
Chapter 2, A Sociological Tour: Turning EastHinduism, or Sanatana Dharma (pp. 5362)
Buddhism (pp. 6974)
Taoism (pp. 8083)
Chapter 3, The Tour: Western ReligionsJudaism, Christianity, and IslamJudaism (pp. 9399)
Christianity (pp. 101106)
Islam (pp. 110116)
Chapter 4, Indigenous ReligionsThe Veneration of Ancestors (pp. 140141)

Shortage of healthcare professionals

Nuts and Bolts: For each of your 8 sources (Five Scholarly, Two Non-scholarly), please provide 200+ word annotations which describe, briefly:

the relevant content of the source
what it contributes to the conversation/discourse of your topic
in what way it is valuable or useful for you in your project.
Additionally, you should discuss what makes this source, in your eyes, credible (and, for your scholarly sources, how you know it is scholarly).

Generally, there are 3 types of annotations used summative (this is what it says), evaluative (this is how useful it is), and reflective (this is what I used it for).

Your annotations for this assignment should focus on a combination of summative and reflective.

The format should be as follows: A complete bibliographical citation followed by a single-spaced and thorough annotation.

PART TWO — Synthesis
Following the Annotated Bibliography, you will compose a brief synthesis document which utilizes a minimum of 5 of your sources.

The goal of this document is to identify important and relevant moments of OVERLAP and GAP amongst the research sources you’ve read.
You should use synthesis (using what is known information from 2 or more sources and combining it to conclude something new) to:

identify what are questions/answers that seem consistent across the discourse, as well as what are some unanswered/unasked questions in the discourse
attempt to find an “entry point” into the conversation — what can YOU contribute, having now caught yourself up on he scholarly conversation.
put multiple sources in conversation with one another (at least two per paragraph)
discuss similarities (overlap) and divergences in findings/perspectives/opinions/methodologies etc between related sources
draw conclusions about what is know and what needs to be further researched in the field/unknown

This document should be:

12 pt font
1 inch margins
In-text citations should be utilized and should refer back to the full citations of the Annotated Bibliography
a response of 500 words

“Patient-Centered Care”

Select a health care provider with which you are familiar and determine the role of patient-centered care by that provider, its impact, and the best way for that provider to leverage or encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Include the role of the marketing department and recommendations for improvement.

Discuss the best way to leverage the latest electronic interactive direct-marketing tools in health care. Consider the role of social media. Is Facebook today’s form of word-of-mouth?

Which one should Picnic pursue first and which ones should it choose not to do at the present time? What are the pros/cons of each? Outside research is strongly encouraged!


Clayton Wood, CEO of Picnic

Email: [email protected]

Profile: (Links to an external site.)

Company website: (Links to an external site.)

Press articles:

Michael Porter has said that the essence of strategy is not only what you choose to do, but what you choose NOT to do. Evaluate the following three potential customer opportunities for Picnic. Which one should Picnic pursue first and which ones should it choose not to do at the present time? What are the pros/cons of each? Outside research is strongly encouraged! [Click HERE  for more details from Clayton’s slides]!

Opportunity A: Disney
Opportunity B: Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut)
Opportunity C: Centerplate

Need Help Writing Paper Due Wed, March 18th, By 6pm CST

Course: Nursing Informatics

Assignment details:


Scenario: You are speaking in a meeting with the hospital compliance officer and the hospital representative for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) team, and have been asked How will we maintain patient privacy with our documents on the Internet?

Use the university library, journals, and your experience to create a strategic plan for a 200-bed acute care facility that considers possible data privacy breaches and proposes effective methods to avoid them. Additionally, explain what is required by the Joint Commission, the Health Information on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and the HIPAA regulations that must be followed for the protection of individually identifiable health information.

Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 years.

Topic Memo

Students will select a specific human services organization and prepare a report on the overall management and administrative function including philosophy, structure, programs, etc.  The focus should be how human resources functions and how human resources should be a strategic player in the human services agency.  (If you work for a human services organization, you may select your current organization, but a formal letter of permission should be acquired). 

Research should be gathered from meetings with managers at the selected human services organization, podcasts, organizational publications, and/or other published material.  The project is to be individually completed.  This is a policy analysis paper and not an employee analysis paper. 

Since no surveys or individual interviews are required, nor will be conducted with employees, the Saint Leo Institutional Review Board (IRB) process will not be necessary.  However, if any human subjects are involved in the analysis of the program, then a proposal will be sent to the IRB at Saint Leo University for approval before any research is conducted using human subjects. 

One or two pages that summarize the topic selected by the student.  The Topic Memo has three purposes.  (1) The Topic Memo helps the student begin planning for data needs, sources of information, and structure of the Final Report.  (2) The Topic Memo encourages the student to identify a human services organization that they will study.  (3) The Topic Memo provides an opportunity for the instructor to review and approve the students topic.

Pynes, J.E. (2013). Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. 4th Ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN-13: 978-1118398623 (paperback).  ISBN-10: 1118398629.  ISBN 978-1-118-46032-0 (SPDF).  ISBN 978-1-118-46034-4 (ePub). 

Implementing Health IT System

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
Select a health care setting within which to implement an electronic medical record product. Be as specific as possible.
Examples of health care delivery settings are as follows: a small community hospital, a rural primary care clinic, a home health agency, a medical unit within a correctional facility, a large multi-facility urban hospital system, or a specialty physician’s office such as oncology or endocrinology.
Consider choosing a setting that you currently work in or would like to work in later on in your career.
Describe this health care setting, the patient population it serves, the volume of patients that it serves, the needs of the setting, etc.
Identify a health care information system to meet the needs of this facility. Is there a vendor who offers such a system, or is a custom solution needed? Provide details.
Include the all necessary elements in the proposal:
Capabilities of the system, how the system aligns with the needs of the health care facility, initial and maintenance costs of the system, staff needs to support the system, the timeline and plan for implementation of the system, the strategy for introducing staff to the system, getting buy-in and cooperation, providing training, and how privacy, security, and confidentiality will be maintained.
Identify three to five (3-5) potential barriers in implementing the system and describe how you would work around those barriers.
Go to to locate at least three (3) quality resources to use in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Refer to the Strayer University Library,