Archive for May 6th, 2020

Construction project for building a daycare

This activity will enable you to apply what you will learn during this course. You will complete a term project that requires you to define the scope of a project, project charter, project plan, budget, and project schedule. You will also undertake a risk analysis for this project. You should use the models in the textbook as examples to complete a detailed document for each assignment.
This term project is broken down into various parts, which are due throughout the course. You will use all comments provided from the instructor, as well as feedback and learning from the discussion board, to complete a final integrated project plan, which includes the individual assignments. The final product is due in Module 7.
You may construct the elements of your project using Microsoft Word and Excel, or you may use Microsoft Project. You will be able to download the full version of Microsoft Project as part of the MSDN Academic Alliance (also known as Microsoft Azure, formerly Imagine). Go to the Start-Here Course Information module for details about this website and registration information. It is also possible to complete the project for this course using the Microsoft Office suite or the Apache Open Office Suite. Students who desire to use Microsoft Project will find instructions within the course to assist them in learning this optional tool.
For now, you are required to choose a suitable topic for your project. You can choose your topic from real events or situations at your current workplace. You can even use an imaginary situation. There are often examples of projects in the news that may be appropriate for this project.
Some examples of projects are:
Business projects such as incorporating a company or running a marketing campaign.
Construction projects such as buildings, roads, or mobile towers.
Manufacturing projects such as setting up new production capabilities.
IT projects such as upgrading hardware or software, or installing an office network with access controls.
Organizational projects such as implementing a quality management program or continuous process improvement program.
Once you have selected a topic, you need to inform your instructor about your choice before you start working on the proposal.
The following items will help you identify a project with a sufficient scope to use throughout this course. Assuming you are the project manager:
Describe the topic of your project briefly, along with the goals or deliverables of the project.
Explain why the project is being undertaken, what it intends to achieve, and the human and physical resources at your disposal to complete the project.
The project needs a timeframe of at least six months to allow for suitable material to complete the project. Please specify all dates in complete format using month, day, year or month/day/year format.
Your project should include at least four team members in addition to you acting as project manager.

Your project will need a budget. Even if all members assigned to the project are salaried employees, there is a cost associated with their work and that needs to be specified. All amounts should be in US dollars.

In preparing your project proposal, you should:
Create a Project Proposal Form similar to the form in the Larson and Gray text displayed in Figure 2.4A. (Note: Your form may be a Word document with the topics noted in the form. It may be a plain document without floor or bubbles or check boxes.) Consult the form to ensure that all areas are addressed in your submission.
Please use dollar signs ($) to denote monetary values and format all dates in Month, Day, Year or mm/dd/yyyy format for ease of understanding. These are a deviation from normal APA formatting, but are standard practice in project management for quick reference and readability.
Submit the Word document to the appropriate dropbox. See the Course Calendar for due dates.
Write a 35 page paper in Word format. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition) for writing your assignment.

Explain the logic of Islamic law

I have attached all the resources you need below. No outside resources. Please use the book “The Future of Islam” as the main resource. All the notes as references, if you use it, please cite at the end.
Please use simple sentences and words.
No plagiarism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Historic Algebra

Imagine you are living in the 1400s and, as most people did then, you live off of the land. You raise cows, sheep, goats, etc., to provide food and clothing. Limited money exchange is available, most commonly in the form of silver and gold coins, though you most often barter for goods using what you could raise, grow, or build.

Think of some kind of common activity you might be planning or you might need to do in the course of your daily living. It might have to do with increasing the size of your fields, adding space to your house, fencing around your animals, how milk production would change if you bought another cow, how much cloth you could make from the wool from your sheep, how you might barter with your neighbor or at the marketplace, etc.

How would you express these ideas, which are quantifiable, in words? Remember, it is 1400. Everything is in wordsno symbols. For instance, I might say “The wool from three sheep is equal in value to the milk produced in three days time from two cows.” Or, “If I make each side of my fence twice as long, the grazing area for my animals would be… Try to come up with at least two examples. Include your examples in your initial post

advertising campaign

The topic for advertising that I choose is Nike 2019 “dream”. So that is the campaign I used please use that campaign. I also Put a link with the instructions on what has to be done. I also added the rubric as well just in case.

The use of chatbot as a positive psychology (Gratitude based Intervention)

The key aspect of the research is in two folds
1. The beneficial effect of chatbot as a gratitude-based interval (positive psychology) instead of the typical gratitude listing, or gratitude writing
2. Using the chatbot to track the mental status of a subject over a certain period of time

Advocacy Parts Two

    Identify your constituents, allies, and opponents
    Identify your primary and secondary targets for advocacy
    List your short and long-range goals
    List networks, agencies, organizations, and/or coalitions that you could serve as a partner in your efforts
    How will you address the following as you advocate for your issue?
o    Education: How will you educate people about this issue?
o    Persuasion: What strategies will you use to encourage people to adopt your side of the issue?
o    Mobilization: How will you call people to action regarding this issue?

Please address these questions in the paper


Going back to the public health problem, issue, situation, or concern that you identified for W1: Assignment 3, develop a concise statement of your problem. Your statement must be clear and well-articulated including a description of the problem, potential solutions, data sources, and health-related outcomes. The statement of your problem will serve as the basis for your research purpose or objective, which will be very critical in the application of the evidence-based process which in turn leads to better program planning, program intervention, and program evaluation.

Using the strategies and concepts taught for searching, evaluating, and retrieving EBPH resources and literature, identify five (5) peer-reviewed scientific articles that have information that can be used to quantify the extent of your specific health problem (diabetes). Ensure that none of these articles are more than 5 years old.
Analyze and evaluate three of the five articles with the intent to quantify the extent of your public health problem, issue, situation, or concern.
Use the epidemiology training and skills from the course to assess the extent of your problem, issue, situation, or concern by identifying and evaluating the risk factors being considered, the population affected, the size and scope of the problem, prevention opportunities, and potential stakeholders from the three peer-reviewed articles.
As part of quantifying the public health condition, obtain the disease rates of the health condition or risk factor in an affected population and analyze and assess if any patterns of the disease exist within subgroups of the defined population.

Global Studies Public Forum


Do you think the threat posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19) justifies the deployment of mass public health surveillance systems? What are some of the dangers associated with this kind of mass public health surveillance? Could this health crisis be used to justify expanding other surveillance systems in countries such as China, Russia, the United States? Use material from the course readings, lectures, and guest speakers such as David Byler, to make your argument.

Some possible sources to provide context:

In Coronavirus Fight, China Gives Citizens a Color Code, With Red Flags (Links to an external site.)

Congress Scrambling to Combat the Coronavirus and Resolve a Fight Over Surveillance Laws (Links to an external site.)

Authorities from China to Russia are using COVID-19 outbreak as an excuse to increase surveillance  (Links to an external site.)


Use concepts and examples from the assigned course readings and course lectures to respond to the prompt. We are not asking you to summarize the readings/lectures/news sources or answer all the questions above. We are not asking for your unsupported opinions. We are asking you to make your own coherent and well supported argument about the topic. Cite specific concepts, short quotes and examples from the assigned readings and lectures as evidence to support your own argument. Your paper needs to include a thesis statement that outlines your argument and how you will support it.
(Assigned course readings are uploaded)

Essay Requirements:

Word count: 1000-1200 words.
Word count includes the title as well as the in-text citations, but excludes the header and the end-of-the-paper bibliography.

Include your name and ID number on page 1 of your essay.
Include page numbers and an essay title.
Your essay should be double-spaced, 12-point font.
Include a works cited or bibliography at the end of your paper.

Citations: citations are required for both paraphrasing and direct quotes from either the text or lecture.

Citation format:
In-text parenthetical citation (Author year, page number) with a bibliography of works cited at the end of the document.
e. (Darian-Smith and McCarty 2017, 13)
Darian-Smith and McCarty. 2017.The Global Turn: Theories, Research Designs, and Methods for Global Studies. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520293038.

Moral development and the effects of cyberbullying on psychosocial development in adolescence.

Human Development Project
You had your topic approved for your Human Development project in Unit 2, began searching for resources in Unit 3, and started drafting your project in Unit 4. In Units 7 and 8, you were directed to submit your draft to Smarthinking and make any necessary revisions. In this unit, you will submit your project to your instructor.

For your course project, you will explore an area of lifespan development of your choosing. You might select a topic that applies to your professional goals, or one that is simply of interest to you. You have two options for the format of your project:

Option A: Research-based examination of an area of human development, analysis of research findings on the topic, and how the findings are useful in a professional setting.
Option B: Service-based examination of how theory and research apply to real-world settings.
From the research articles you located in the library (and possibly online), try to narrow down the articles to the three that best address current research, which supports or negates the developmental theory (or theories) you have selected. You may choose to organize your project in this way:

Title Page.
Introduction (12 paragraphs). For both options A and B, the introduction should provide an overview of the human lifespan development topic area, stage of development, and the related theories you have selected.
Body (34 pages).
Related Research:
Options A and B: Summarize each of the articles you are using for this project. Each summary should include the following:
The purpose of the research. Note: The purpose of the research will be discussed in the abstract, introduction, and discussion or conclusion sections of the articles.
A description of the specific methods used by the researchers to conduct the study. Note: This information is addressed in the methods section of the articles.
An explanation of the research findings and their implications. Note: This information is addressed in the discussions or conclusions of the articles.
Summarize your survey findings.
Which answer had the largest mean (percent) for each question?
Were there large differences in the mean (percent)?
Do people have personal experience with your topic?
Do people think your topic is a problem area?
What can you conclude from the responses?
Analyzing the Research:
Option A: Describe any flaws or inconsistencies between the research and your survey results. Do the authors discuss any factors that may have affected the findings?
Option B: Describe any flaws in the research or inconsistencies between the research and your own observations and your survey results. What factors might explain the inconsistencies?
Applying Research:
Option A:
Explain how the research findings influence personal behavior and values.
Explain how the research findings can be used by a psychology professional in a professional setting.
Option B:
Explain how your experience and the research findings influence personal behavior and values.
Explain how your experience and the research findings can be used by a psychology professional in a professional setting.
Conclusion (12 paragraphs). For both options A and B, explain how the research studies, your survey results (and your own experience for Option B) support or negate the lifespan development theory (or theories) you selected. Consider the implications of the research studies for changing or guiding social thinking.
Reference page (minimum of three scholarly resources).
Be sure that you have addressed each section as completely as possible and followed APA guidelines for format and style.

Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and is consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (current edition) style and formatting.
Resources: Minimum of three scholarly or professional resources. Please note that popular resources such as Wikipedia or are not considered to be appropriate.
Length: 45 typed, double-spaced pages, not including title page and reference page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Theresa and Mike fully support creating a code of conduct for the merged organization. They have asked you to recommend how they should approach the development of the code of conduct, especially given the need to merge the companies into one team with a shared mission, vision, and values. They are interested in knowing how the code of conduct will help establish the new organizational culture.

Review the scenario for this course, and prepare a 500 word executive report that includes the following:

What set of steps should be used to create the code of conduct?
What should be included in the code of conduct?
What impact does a code of conduct have on an organization’s culture?