Archive for May 6th, 2020

Social Media Tracking Power point Disease/ HIV topic in Africa

Remember this is a 6 slide assignment
Slides should summarize the following: disease mortality and morbidity, programming to halt the disease, the political landscape, health technologies and potential for greater global threats in the future.
    Slides 1-2) the country and regional disease rates: morbidity and mortality due to the disease
    Slide 2-3) the realities of programming to address the disease burden: What programs are implemented? What are their impact?;
    Slide 3) the political landscape and multiple perspectives regarding the disease burden: What do Ministers of Health, Politicians, Doctors think of the disease and the health system or country’s ability to address it ;
    Slide 4- 5) health technologies to reduce the disease burden; and, national and global level implications around that disease burden. (what will happen with the disease in the future?  Will it spread or increase morbidity and mortality in the next 5 years, in 10 years?  What is the potential for it to increase in more countries due to global travel? Is it a threat to national security in some countries?
    Slide 6) minimum 5 numbered references and links to original sources of information.
Slides should focus on the following parameters (per your assignment guidance).  I was a bit lenient in grading for the first assignment submissions- please be aware missing

PowerPoint Parameters:
The student PowerPoint presentations should be a total of 6 slides, 5 dense content slides and one reference slide.
Slides should summarize the following: disease mortality and morbidity, programming to halt the disease, the political landscape, health technologies and potential for greater global threats in the future.
    Slides 1-2) the country and regional disease rates: morbidity and mortality due to the disease
    Slide 2-3) the realities of programming to address the disease burden: What programs are implemented? What are their impact?;
    Slide 3) the political landscape and multiple perspectives regarding the disease burden: What do Ministers of Health, Politicians, Doctors think of the disease and the health system or country’s ability to address it ;
    Slide 4- 5) health technologies to reduce the disease burden; and, national and global level implications around that disease burden. (what will happen with the disease in the future?  Will it spread or increase morbidity and mortality in the next 5 years, in 10 years?  What is the potential for it to increase in more countries due to global travel? Is it a threat to national security in some countries?
    Slide 6) minimum 5 numbered references and links to original sources of information.
Each slide should be filled with many graphics, quotes and facts (only one picture or quote per slide is insufficient). 
Students will post and share all presentations to bring other students up to speed on the global health buzz regarding their assigned disease
1) Search on Google to identify social media by your disease burden/ issue and the region of the month
2) Report on relevant topics around treatment systems/ guidelines, technologies, programming, political landscape and national and global level implications of disease burden issues
3) Check out the many websites hosted by key development stakeholders mentioned in lecture 2 on Fundamentals of Global Health: look at donor web pages, foundations, organizations posted on assignment discussion page and in lecture and course home page
4)  Be sure to provide a link to all materials in a reference slide to cite the source of your information
5) PPT slides should include lots of information, quotes and pictures- (not just one per slide!)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The CEOs need to create a new Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the merged company. They have asked you to work with them on this project. They will create a presentation that will be communicated to all employees. The presentation will help to support unity in the merged company.

Review the scenario for this course, and in 56-slide PowerPoint presentation, please address the following:

Write a mission statement for the new company, and analyze how it helps to serve customers.
Write a vision statement for the new company, and analyze how it guides leaders.
Write a values statement for the new company, and analyze how it shapes employee behavior.
How should the CEOs communicate the statements to establish alignment across the merged organization?


Complete a port scan.  Use NMAP for this.  Showcase the findings.

Use wireshark and perform a TCPFlood attack.  Record your findings.

Use Kali tools to perform a Hping3 attack.  Record your findings.

Write a 2 page paper that discusses your findings and what businesses should do to mitigate these attack vectors.

Lab 4

For Lab 4, you will need to perform the following.

Complete a port scan.  Use NMAP for this.  Showcase the findings.

Use wireshark and perform a TCPFlood attack.  Record your findings.

Use Kali tools to perform a Hping3 attack.  Record your findings.

Write a 2 page paper that discusses your findings and what businesses should do to mitigate these attack vectors.

Chapter 3 Assignment

Chapter 3 Assignment

ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments in canvas (15) are opened by the system at the beginning of the course and remain open until the assignment due date. No late work will be accepted. Each assignment will be worth 25 points, for a course total of 375 points. Assignments must be placed in the assignment in word document (.docx) format only (NO txt, rtf or PDF files). SCF Offers free to each qualifying student the 360 Suite for PC and/or MAC. Please follow the instructions on SCF Connect and install this software. No work in this course will be accepted for review if not in the proper file format.

Do not send assignment via email or as comments. This is an automatic zero for the assignment.
Remember formatting will be part of your grade. Assignment postings should consist of five complete paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences each. The following Link will provide you with some refresher one the five-paragraph model. Please apply the Critical Thinking rubric to your work. A Rubric will be used to review your assignments, look for changes and additions to the course and the Syllabus.

The Chapter Assignments:
For each chapter in the text, there is a Management at Work Case for your assignment, try and incorporate the questions presented to you into your assignment paper using the five-paragraph model above. Please use the material from the text chapter to support your position and only inject personal experience if it builds on the text materials. All assignments are submitted via TurnItIn.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will write a 5-page (double-spaced/excluding visuals and works consulted) policy brief which presents a succinct yet thorough analysis of an arts or cultural policy of your choice. Imagine you are presenting this policy brief to lawmakers. You are welcome to utilize the Stages Model or Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model in your policy analysis as needed. A general guideline for writing a policy brief and examples of arts policy briefs can be found here: (Links to an external site.)

Your paper should include the following key elements:

1) Informative, engaging title

2) Problem statement: introduce and explain the background to the problem/issue that your chosen policy is related to.

3) Policy Analysis: Analysis of  your chosen policy: history, purpose, current situation, major impact/outcomes…etc

4) Policy evaluation: you will come up with your own set of criteria to evaluate the policy – Quantitative (budget, number of projects funded…etc) vs qualitative (feedback from recipients, industry)

5) Policy alternatives: Are there any available alternative policy options? If there is no other policy option, discuss the lack thereof and why it is notable.

6) Policy recommendations: what actions are needed by decision-makers? Why this policy and not others? What are some expected outcomes? What implications does this policy have for arts organizations, artists, and arts insiders?

7) Works consulted

Your policy briefs will be graded based on their 1) persuasiveness (a.k.a. quality of supporting research evidence including facts and figures, your analysis), 2) brevity, and 3) scope of research whether you have adequately, clearly addressed your policy targets, actors, and beneficiaries. 

Please use an APA style formatting for your papers.

And please use some simple words and sentence structure(because my english isn’t very good).

Chapter #3 Discussion Question

Chapter #3 Discussion Question

There will be a discussion question for each chapter. The discussion question will remain open until the due date. No late work will be accepted. You can earn 25 points a week by participating in the discussion board. You will be graded on the quality of your responses, answers or questions, not merely on the fact that you participated. Please apply the Critical Thinking rubric to your work.

At the end of each of the Chapter in the text book there is a “Discussion Question” section. There are several discussion questions, choose one as the basis for your initial discussion topic.
Apply what you have learned in the chapter to the Discussion Question and share with the class your grounded interpretation and application to the question. Your discussion must be original and not just restate the questions and information presented to develop them. Reply to two of your peers postings, I want to see a fully developed paragraph, minimum of five sentence postings and replies.

Your posting must be Substantive:
Providing a new thought, idea or perspective
Citing and experience or example of what we are learning
Adding a new twist on a perspective
Critically thinking about an idea/concept
Questioning or challenging a principle or perspective

I do NOT consider the following types of comments to be substantive:

Very basic comment such as I agree or I disagree
Simply restating what has already been said unless there is a direct purpose in doing so
Disrespectfully disagreeing
Pat answers that are not thought provoking
Use of unedited dictation software comments

To receive the 25 points, you must do two things, First, reply to the posted topic, and Second, reply to at least two (2) of your classmates responses. The discussion board is meant to take the place of the normal in-class discussion that you have in a traditional class structure. Each posting and reply should consist of a complete paragraph of a minimum of five sentences. I will be using a rubric for grading of discussion boards so please expect some changes to the syllabus as the semester progresses.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize the results and the challenges.

Describe your approach, include screen shots as needed.
-creating 9 threads (one per column) to check that each column contains the digits 1 through 9
-creating 9 threads (one per row) to check that each row contains the digits 1 through 9
-creating 9 threads to check that each of the 3 3 subgrids contains the digits 1 through 9
-combining and printing the results from the threads

You also need to provide an analysis of your results. What worked and what did not and why ?

Include your conclusions. What did you learn? How would you improve on your approach?


For Lab two, run and map against your own network on Kali.  Run a ping scan in discovery mode and then check out the image and operating system showcased by the scan inside your network.  Write a one-page paper discussing your findings and how this might be used in black box penetration testing.

Math Across the Curriculum

For this assignment, select kindergarten and develop three crosscurricular athome activities that integrate math and reading. Each athome activity should be developmentally appropriate, easy to do at home with family members, and engaging.

For each activity explaining to families how to complete the activity. Include the following for each activity:
A math and an English language arts standard for the selected grade level
Specific objectives
A written resource to help reinforce math and reading skills (books, poems, stories, etc.)
Instructions for completing the learning activity
Developmentally appropriate technology options for students with language learning needs
Summative activity for students to complete and return

In addition, write a word reflection on the challenges and benefits of integrating reading and math. How will you apply this in your future professional practice?

Support your narrative with 2 resources.