Archive for May 9th, 2020

300 Words – APA – 1 Scholarly Reference – Due Tomorrow @ 9PM EST

Based on your review and analysis of the The Invisible Sponsors case study (Kerzner, 2017, pp. 451-452), address the following key discussion topic elements:

  • Describe the role and responsibilities of the project sponsor in the subject organization. Why did this affect the project schedule development?
  • The project manager needs direction from the project sponsor concerning whether to base the schedule on best time, least cost, or least risk. Why is this important for developing the project schedule?
  • Which project organizing or initiating documents, or artifacts, would typically provide an answer to the project managers question? Explain.


 Please review the Sports and Entertainment Law: The Bounty Program and  the New Orleans Saints portion of your textbook.  Why do you think  everyone was so willing to go along with the bounty program?  As a  penalty, the Saints lost their head coach (Sean Payton) for one year,  and Greg Williams was suspended indefinitely.  Various other coaches  were suspended, and the Saints paid a $500,000 fine.  What are the flaws  in thinking processes when we make decisions to go ahead with the  bounty program?  In your answers, you should also discuss the different  ethical theories and standards being applied and how the ethical  dilemmas should be resolved. 

Help Me 2

Discuss the similarities you see between a biblical servant leader (such as Joseph, Moses, David, Esther, or Paul) and the type of contemporary servant leader identified in, “Inno-Versity Presents: ‘Everybody Matters’ by Bob Chapman.”

Provide specific examples to illustrate the similarities you have identified, and include discussion about what you think makes the principles of servant leadership applicable regardless of time or place.

Case Study Assignment – 8 Hours Max. A+ Work. 0 Plagiarism

Please bid ONLY if you can deliver in 8 Hours max

Case Study Assignments – Case Study attached. 

Exercises must be presented in a neat, well organized and professional manner as follows:

The problem statement should include the essence of what is given and what is to be determined, not the question as provided to you. Include figures as appropriate.

Problem solution presented in a logical, orderly fashion, and enough but brief text (such as headers) to clearly explain the procedure used. All calculations shown separately, including units and conversions; and four decimal places. 

BOX your Answer and Recommendation. 


1) Case Study #14 page 277: Northern Gushers ( 

One-page report of your Proposal to answer customer needs on:

a) Introduction & Summary Question(s); Concerns; or problem at hand (25%)

b) Assumption; Calculations (50%)

c) Recommendation (25%)


2) Case Study # 16 page 337: Great White Hall (

  One-page report of your Proposal to answer customer needs on:

d) Introduction & Summary Question(s); Concerns; or problem at hand (25%)

e) Assumption; Calculations (50%)

f) Recommendation (25%)

Week 1 Case Study


Growth Champions:

Read Chapter 5 in Growth Champions then answer the following questions in no less than 500 words.

Describe how Nestle and Pepsi approached the changing health  expectations of their products. Considering the changing focus on health  and well-being, do you believe they were successful?

Be descriptive and provide specific examples.  


Two Best Posts Assignment
Step #1
To date all students should have completed at least 6 weekly discussion posts. For this
assignment review your groups weekly discussions and select the two discussion posts that you
believe offer your best comments.
Step #2
Copy and paste the two discussion posts into a new WORD document. In order to distinguish
your original discussion post from your reflection, please single space your original discussion
Step #3
Below each single-spaced original discussion post write a reflection about each post (write two
separate reflections, not one big reflection). Consider the following questions and answer each
component thoroughly in your reflection:
What makes this post one of your best?
How did this post make a difference in the discussion? Did your post add to the ongoing
discussion? Did any of your classmates respond to your post?
How did this particular weekly discussion contribute to your understanding of female
Each reflection should be between 250 to 500 words, typewritten and double-spaced.
Please DO NOT:
1. Do not: Copy the entire discussion we are only interested in reading your contributions.
2. Do not: Submit your reflection without your copied single-spaced original discussion post.
We need to read your original post to understand your reflection! Papers without original
posts included will not be graded and you will be asked to resubmit this assignment.


Two Best Posts Assignment
Step #1
To date all students should have completed at least 6 weekly discussion posts. For this
assignment review your groups weekly discussions and select the two discussion posts that you
believe offer your best comments.
Step #2
Copy and paste the two discussion posts into a new WORD document. In order to distinguish
your original discussion post from your reflection, please single space your original discussion
Step #3
Below each single-spaced original discussion post write a reflection about each post (write two
separate reflections, not one big reflection). Consider the following questions and answer each
component thoroughly in your reflection:
What makes this post one of your best?
How did this post make a difference in the discussion? Did your post add to the ongoing
discussion? Did any of your classmates respond to your post?
How did this particular weekly discussion contribute to your understanding of female
Each reflection should be between 250 to 500 words, typewritten and double-spaced.
Please DO NOT:
1. Do not: Copy the entire discussion we are only interested in reading your contributions.
2. Do not: Submit your reflection without your copied single-spaced original discussion post.
We need to read your original post to understand your reflection! Papers without original
posts included will not be graded and you will be asked to resubmit this assignment.


Two Best Posts Assignment
Step #1
To date all students should have completed at least 6 weekly discussion posts. For this
assignment review your groups weekly discussions and select the two discussion posts that you
believe offer your best comments.
Step #2
Copy and paste the two discussion posts into a new WORD document. In order to distinguish
your original discussion post from your reflection, please single space your original discussion
Step #3
Below each single-spaced original discussion post write a reflection about each post (write two
separate reflections, not one big reflection). Consider the following questions and answer each
component thoroughly in your reflection:
What makes this post one of your best?
How did this post make a difference in the discussion? Did your post add to the ongoing
discussion? Did any of your classmates respond to your post?
How did this particular weekly discussion contribute to your understanding of female
Each reflection should be between 250 to 500 words, typewritten and double-spaced.
Please DO NOT:
1. Do not: Copy the entire discussion we are only interested in reading your contributions.
2. Do not: Submit your reflection without your copied single-spaced original discussion post.
We need to read your original post to understand your reflection! Papers without original
posts included will not be graded and you will be asked to resubmit this assignment.


Two Best Posts Assignment
Step #1
To date all students should have completed at least 6 weekly discussion posts. For this
assignment review your groups weekly discussions and select the two discussion posts that you
believe offer your best comments.
Step #2
Copy and paste the two discussion posts into a new WORD document. In order to distinguish
your original discussion post from your reflection, please single space your original discussion
Step #3
Below each single-spaced original discussion post write a reflection about each post (write two
separate reflections, not one big reflection). Consider the following questions and answer each
component thoroughly in your reflection:
What makes this post one of your best?
How did this post make a difference in the discussion? Did your post add to the ongoing
discussion? Did any of your classmates respond to your post?
How did this particular weekly discussion contribute to your understanding of female
Each reflection should be between 250 to 500 words, typewritten and double-spaced.
Please DO NOT:
1. Do not: Copy the entire discussion we are only interested in reading your contributions.
2. Do not: Submit your reflection without your copied single-spaced original discussion post.
We need to read your original post to understand your reflection! Papers without original
posts included will not be graded and you will be asked to resubmit this assignment.

Capstone Part 1


Capstone Paper, Part I

Introduction (Completed in Week 1) 

o State the practice problem in measurable terms and that reflect quality indicators. 

This is the same problem described in the Week 1 Practice Experience discussion. 

Provide the rationale for selecting the practice problem

o Include a purpose statement.

Analysis of Evidence (Completed in Week 2) 

o Synthesize a minimum of 5 evidence-based practice resources that support your practice problem. Include a minimum of two to three research studies obtained from the Walden Library. 

Quality Improvement Process (Completed in Week 3)

o Describe the quality improvement process and a brief overview the quality model that will be used to improve your practice problem. Include a description of a quality tool that will be used in the quality improvement plan. 

o This process will be used to support the detailed proposed quality improvement plan in Week 4

o Explain why the specific quality model was selected and document your explanation with references.

o Summary  

Summarize the key points discussed in the paper.