Archive for May 9th, 2020

Early modern Japanese history–reading response

For this assignment, you have two options:

1.Try your hand at a bit of kabuki. Write a scene or a short act of a kabuki play, emulating the style and thematics of the examples you’ve read in Jones. (For additional examples, try these plays: Yotsuya ghost storyPreview the document, SukerokuPreview the document)

2.The shogunate regarded kabuki as scandalous and dangerous entertainment. appropriate only for commoners, and then only when carefully regulated. Why the concern? Assess the subsersive potential of kabuki theatre. Where did its “danger” lie?

Reading    Epic Yotsuya Ghost Tale, Osome and Hisamatsu, and Benten the Thief, in Jones, 168-82, 219-46, 301-21.
“Portrait of an Onnagata: The Female Impersonator in Kabuki (Links to an external site.)” (Films For The Humanities & Sciences, 1990).


1. you will have to take your Globe Smart Cultural assessmen at and follow the instructions to take the assessment)
2 . Compare your profile against your home country and at least about 4 other countries. Two of these countries should be in your immediate home country proximity and two other countries should be in a completely opposite side of the world. For instance, say you pick India, Vietnam, Australia, China, or Japan in the one set, you pick Britain, United States, Canada, Brazil, or Peru in another set.
3. Seek advice from the GlobeSmart again how your style matches against the various countries.
4. Develop a Personal Leadership Profile that will best suit all these competencies should you work in any of these countries, have team members in your project or in your department, or need to interface with people from these countries as clients, suppliers, vendors, etc.
5. Your paper should be 12-point font excluding Coversheet, Appendix, References section below.
1. APA Style Coversheet
2. Introduction (high-level findings from taking this Globe Smart Self-reflection)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7. For every five traits (Independent vs Independent, Egalitarian vs Status, Risk vs Certainty, Direct vs Indirect, Task vs Relationship), address the following. 
    a. Summarize your understanding of this trait
    b. How was your profile different from the countries you selected?
    c. What do you think was the reason behind the differences?
    d. From the list of recommendations given by the Globe Smart tool, what do you relate and can implement?
8. Conclusion
9. Appendix (Pictures of GlobeSmart profile analysis and recommendations given by GlobeSmart)
10. References

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Class, go onto and listening to the following listening examples several times:

1.  Ave Maria by Franz Schubert sung by Luciano Pavarotti
2. Ave Maria by Franz Schubert sung by Beyonce Knowles
3. C Jam Blues by Duke Ellington
4. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow by Carol King and sung by Carol King and James Taylor
5. Peace Be Still by Rev. James Cleveland and sung by Rev. James Cleveland and his choir
Identify the sound (voice or instrument) that is on the melody throughout the sung.  Also, note if the melody changes from one voice or instrument to14 another.  Also, cite every sound that is the orchestration.

Recreate an Experiment conducted in a recent research paper

Assignment: Recreate an Experiment


Throughout the course, you have been learning about different areas of research in databases and business intelligence. Your task for this week is to recreate an experiment conducted in a recent research paper. Select a study to recreate which has been published in the last two years. Be sure to select a study that is repeatable using a provided dataset.

Once you have selected an interesting research paper, address the following:

      Describe the issue addressed. Indicate why is it important and if this is an agreed-
      upon concern.

      Describe what was accomplished by the study and what was not achieved.

      Describe the methodology utilized in conducting the study. Determine if it was
      appropriate and justify your response.

      Describe the study results and the contribution it made to the body of knowledge if

      Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be
      enhanced or modified to provide additional value? Discuss any limitations or
      assumptions held within the study and how they can be addressed.

      Present the studys experiment that will be reproduced. Be sure to outline the setup
      and resources utilized.

      Determine how you will reproduce the experiment. Explain how your experiment
      differs from the original and in what ways were they the same. How do your results
      compare with the original results, and what conclusions can be drawn with the
      additional data provided by your experiment?

      Finally, reproduce the experiment and document the setup, procedure, and results.

Create any tables, graphs, raw results, or aggregate reports that would allow for direct comparison with the original study.

Support your paper with scholarly and industry resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included. There should be a total of at least 10 external scholarly references.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Listen to the songs all the following songs on Youtube.  There are 11 questions to answer for each song. Please do not rewrite the question.

1.Title of song 2.Composer/performer/arranger 3. Style of Music 4.Melodic Treatment (the instrument/s or voice that is playing or singing the main tune) 5. Orchestration 6.Instrumentation 7. Tempo 8.Dynamics 9.Repetition 10. Other unique features: 11. Individual Artistry ( improvisation style of playing; description of musical sound):

Song List
1. Hellhound on My Trail by Robert Johnson
2. I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
3. Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillip Sousa
4. Sing, Sing, Sing by Bennie Goodman
5.  You Were Always on My Mind by Willie Nelson
6. My Funny Valentine by Sarah Vaughan
7. Blowing in the Wind – Peter, Paul, and Mary
8. I Feel Good by James Brown
9. The Happy Song by Pharell Williams
10. My Girl by The Temptations
11. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross by Mississippi Mass Choir

The Myths/Stereotypes about the White Working-Class

A proposal is exactly what it sounds like: it proposes an idea, a statement of purpose, and provides evidence intended to convince the reader why that idea is a good or bad one.
This section should be brief and only discuss what your actual proposition is. Do not include details about how you will carry out the proposal in this section.
The word cap is very important because it allows you to be very specific about your argument/topic and also allows conveners to judge quickly whether or not your proposal is in line with the overall general topic of the conference.


A 3-year-old boy has been diagnosed with hemophilia A. His father and mother have requested a meeting because they do not understand how their son could have this disorder as neither one of them have the disease.

*Explain the pathophysiologic concepts of genetic disorders that should be discussed with the parents.

*Identify what teaching would be necessary for the short-term and long-term for the parents regarding their child.

*Include reference to the ANA Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice assigned reading to support your discussion.


Support your initial response post with a full-text, peer-reviewed nursing journal article published within the last five years.


Option 1:  How Can Health Care Workers Inspire Patients?


We hear a lot of horror stories in health care. A middle-aged man sits in a waiting room for four hours without getting attention. A medication error harms an elderly woman. A child dies because his condition was not properly relayed up a chain of command.

What about when a patient has a great experience? Why dont we hear those stories? This is one of those stories.


Questions (answer all)

1. Have you or a loved one ever been in the hospital because of an injury or an illness? Even as an RN, did you or your loved one understand everything the clinicians said to you? If not, what hindered your understanding and what could have helped you in that situation?

2. How did Melba, Luis, and Julie all contribute to a better patient experience for Gilbert?

3. How can you contribute to a better experience for your patients?

4. Gilbert believes Melba, Luis, and Julie represent what the face of health care should look like. What do you want your health care system to look like? How is your ideal different than what you typically see?

5. Like Gilbert, are you passionate about the work you do? Why or why not?

Case Study: Tata Nano: The Peoples Car

We move to  the country of India,  home  to  1.35  billion  people  and  local  car  manufacturer Tata  Motors.  The  Tata  Group,  a local Indian conglomerate,  is  important  to  the  social  fabric  of India  with  companies  in  media,  telecom,  retail,  and  real estate, among  other local industries.  Tata  Motors  saw  a  need  for an  inexpensive  automobile  that  could  be  built  with  a family  in  mind  and  came  up  with  the  Nano,  dubbed  The  Peoples  Car.  Reflecting  on  this  weeks  content  focusing  on  ethical  leadership;  develop  an  essay  making  decisions  for  the following questions. 1.  What inspired  Tata  Motors  to  build  the  Nano?  2.  What innovative  steps  did  Tata  undertake  to  design  the Nano  in  a  way  that  would  meet  the  $2,500  price tag?  3.  How did Tata  Motors  address  quality  issues  while  developing the  budget  car? 4.  What was  the  political risk  of developing  a low  budget  car in  India? 5.  Would it  have  been  advantageous  for  Tata  Motors  to  have  formed  an  alliance  with  another automobile company  in  developing the  Nano?  If  so,  why? 6.  Would this  car  be  popular  in  countries  outside  of  India?  Why  or  why  not? 7.  Would you say  Tata is  an  ethical leader in  the  automotive  industry?  Why  or  why  not?

Please include abstract, introduction and conclusion also use 10 references including this book as main reference Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2018) International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (10th ed.) McGrawHill Education, New York, NY ISBN 13: 978-1259705076 Case study in attachment

The Oddsey

Pick ONE of the essay prompts below, write an essay around 10 pages. Be sure to ground your ideas and thoughts in the primary texts, Hesiod and Homer. Your secondary assigned reading will be helpful in formulating your thoughts.

1. Ancient religion often differed greatly from today, especially with regard to how people imaged the interrelationship between the gods and human beings. By way of example, reflect on the nature of one or two gods as presented in the Theogony, and illustrate how the ancient Greeks saw their interaction with them as illustrated in the stories preserved in Homer’s Odyssey and Hesiod’s Works and Days.

2. The figure Odysseus in the Odyssey is more than simply a central character, he is a commanding presence throughout the epic poem. For this essay, reflect on how you think this epic functioned for either the author(s) and/or its classical readers. Is the figure of Odysseus meant to be prospective, that is a guide to how readers and hearers of the Epic are expected to behave, or is the character descriptive of the classical hero; simply a description of heroic behavior removed from the exigencies of everyday life? What do you think readers of the text were meant to take away, or why was it important enough to preserve?