Archive for May 9th, 2020

object orianted

The Task You have been given the task to create the basis for a system to help cinemas to handle its business. The system must work for a number of cinemas, for example being shared with New York and Las Vagas. It is important that you create an object-oriented solution for this task. Attributes (fields) need to be properly encapsulated and classes for different parts of the system must be created and sent to various other parts of the system. At the foundation of this system is the Cinema which holds the name of the cinema (like “Filmcity New York” or “TheaterPalace Las Vagas”) as well as an address. Each cinema consists of a number of screens, that is the rooms in which the film is projected and you need to keep track of the number of seats in each room. For each screen there is a show, that is the film that is shown in the room at a specific date and time. It is important to keep track of the date and time, but the time can be a simple integer representing the time of day as a whole number (that is, there is a showing at 18, another at 20 and so on). A Film is just that, a film like Fast and Furious 9 or Midnight Sun and we need to know the length and release year of all films. Each film needs to know at what times it is shown and on what cinemas. Remember that a film can be shown at different times during a day and in several screens in a day as well for example, the movie Midnight Sun can be shown at 18 on Screen 1 and at 19 on Screen 2. The important part here is that for each cinema, a class (presumably called Cinema), needs to be in control of connecting screens with show dates and films. This should be done in a method called createShowTime() which will need a number of parameters to work. This method, therefore, is the key method to set up the program (or list of films) for a specific cinema. Objects of other classes can be created in a main program and sent as parameters to the cinema. A part from that class, you will need at least three other classes, you decide which classes are needed to create the system. In the cinema class you also need a method called listShowsAtDate () that takes a date as parameter and returns an ArrayList<String> where each string is the information of when a film is shown and on which screen, for ex- ample Fast and Furious 9  at 18:00 in Room 1 and, as another string in the list, Ford vs Ferrari at 20 in Room 1. This is a way to see what films are shown at a specific date at a specific cinema. 
To hand in
To summarise, the following must be handed in:
Source code for all four classes plus a class with a main method that shows that the classes work.
The class Cinema with the methods detailed above, called createShowTime() and listShowsAtDate().
Three more classes in addition to Cinema.
All classes will need more methods than the listed above.
A well-encapsulated object oriented solution.

Quiz 1 and 2

I Would prefer that you answer the questions by hand as a hand written response is not only easier but it looks more as though that i have done it. All questions and assignment details are in attachment. I have also included lectures and the study module for your convenience.

Was Greta Thunberg wrong?

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic. Choose the aspect to speak about yourself.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –

Data Management in Clinical Research –

Clinical research data management is in an evolutionary period because of the improvements in electronic health records, other forms of electronic data capture and harmonization of data collection standards (e.g., CDISC).
  Data integrity is a primary requirement in FDA review and approval of a new medical product.  The aim is to ensure generalizability of reliable and valid safety and efficacy data.
Develop a detailed Level III discussion posting about clinical research data management (5 paragraphs + references)
Identify and discuss three important issues in data management and how these issues impact the activities of clinical research site personnel and sponsor data monitors.
Search the internet and report on an example of a Data Management SOP. Is this an SOP for a sponsor or a site? Attach and critique the SOP .(STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE)
Search the internet and report on an example of a drug that was not approved by the FDA and discuss the key pertinent issues that led to FDA rejection of the NDA application.
Include references and URLs

Criteria    Points
Description of three important issues in data management and how these issues impacted site personnel and sponsor data monitors   
Description of a data management SOP found on the internet. How does the SOP follow standards for SOP development? (Include URL for the SOP)   
Cited example of a drug that failed to achieve FDA approval and a discussion of related factors that prohibited approval   
Clarity of presentation, references

Functional Analysis Assignment

Solutions need to be clear and preferably typed out. (unless your handwriting is neat and I can understand and read your writing easily.)

Proving need to be done in a step by step fashion with clear headings of what you are trying to prove. Workings need to be very detailed and explicit.

I need THREE examples for qn 1 part(c) instead of an example as stated in the question.

I would like to receive an update of the first part of your solution by Monday 5pm.

I would like the expert to complete the questions in the following order: Q3, 5, 4, 2 and 1.

Please only bid for this assignment if you are able to solve all the questions. If expert show from the initial update of solutions that he is proficient, deadline can be re-negotiated. Thank you.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are required to submit a Personal Statement for our program. The personal statement should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the Viterbi School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study. There is no required/recommended format or length for the personal statement.

Marketing Brand Building

You are seeking a job at leading research group MBA:Foresights.

They have asked you to demonstrate your skills and abilities in marketing by looking at the main issues firms need to take into account when building their brand(s) and also crafting their marketing communications strategies. They want to see how you can find leading-edge academic thinking on the subjects and how you can, from this research, craft clear and logical proposals for how firms can build branding strategies and communications strategies.

Specifically, they would like to have guidance from you on:

1. How they should approach drafting a well-integrated marketing communications plan using both top-down and bottom-up approaches.

2. Why getting customers engaged with a firms brands in a media channel saturated world of hyper-connectivity, and complexity will help them to grow their business.

you are provided with four core readings from which you can develop your thoughts and thinking. they are attached – PLEASE USE THEM!!! it’s quite a lot to read…

Art historical analysis of modern architectures

The main aim of this research paper is to analyze modern architectural theories based on a book review of Antony Vidler’s “the Architectural Uncanny”. Please provide examples in the book and reveal their architectural methodologies by using academic scholarly sources ONLY! This research paper accounts more than half of my final grade. Please treat it seriously!!

wealth disparity and health

Health equity: challenges in low-income countries …

Wealth Inequality. Sources are attached123

Health equity: challenges in low-income countries …