Archive for May 9th, 2020


One of the writers wrote my paper & it was TOTALLY off the mark, not formatted and didn’t use any of the resources I gave to her. I revised the first 4 pages, you can skip over the first two sections in your review (up to end of section 2 page 4), but I just don’t have time to do the rest.. It was awful. I released funds assuming that what was I was just supposed to do. PLEASE HELP!


Breaking news about Coachella being posponed due to Coronavirus

BREAKING NEWS: make sure this is packed with fact, detail and written in a snappy, compelling and persuasive fashion writing style.
500 words.

The News article should be about the coronavirus affecting Coachella festival and what impact this has on fashion events. also how the virus will affect autumn winter trends. and how it will affect shops sales which rely on the festival goes

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the United Nations millennium development goals.  The goals can be found on the United Nations website
Then, write a Letter to the CEO of your former, current, or future desired company.  The purpose of the letter is to solicit the CEOs support for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in the form of a business solution.  The due date for the assignment is in the course syllabus. The letter should utilize the Franklin Covey Writing Advantage framework.
A good letter will define and discuss targets and other researched, fact-driven information related to the selected goal, and will explain how the selected goal relates to the other Millennium Development Goals and global issues.
The letter should then recommend a business solution (a solution that aligns the companys resources/capabilities with the goals needs) to achieve the goal.  The letter should solicit the CEOs support to implement the proposed solution and explain thoroughly how implementation will work.  Requests should be realistic (possible for the company) in nature. Implementation details should answer questions such as: how much will this cost the company, what responsibilities does the company have in the requests implementation, how do you expect the company to handle those responsibilities, and other similar questions a CEO might ask about such a request.
Documents will be graded using the Social Responsibility Grading Rubric posted in Blackboard.

Essay assessment in four parts

Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment in four parts:

Part One: Discussion Forum (200 words)

All students are expected to regularly contribute to the discussion forums. At the end of the course, students will be asked to select one of their own posts from the academic forum contributions for this course and justify how this post added value to the discussion (no more than 200 words). An image of the post and a justification will be submitted for marking. The course lecturer will consider the quality of the submission in determining the final grade. Instructions for taking the image and some hints on what makes valuable addition to the conversation are in Academic Skills. I will share the discussion post in due course.

Part Two: Essay One (1500 words)

Select an additional need and describe the potential impact on a child. Discuss the inclusion of a child with this need from their perspective as well as their families/whnau and teachers. Outline a plan for their inclusion that also takes into account the environment and other children at the centre. Justify your decision making in light of equity and social justice.

LO1, LO2, LO4

Part Three: Essay Two (1000 words)

A child, whose family has recently immigrated to New Zealand, arrives at your early childhood centre and appears to have very limited English language. Suggest range of strategies you will implement to begin the process of acquiring English as an additional language at your early childhood centre, and to support the childs sense of belonging and wellbeing.  Justify your strategies by drawing on literature about cultural responsiveness, intercultural pedagogy and critical multiculturalism.

LO3, LO4

Learning Outcomes (LO):

LO1: Articulate multiple perspectives on inclusive practice for children with diverse needs and their families/whnau

LO2: Debate issues related to ethics, social justice and rights for inclusion in early childhood settings
LO3: Articulate theoretical perspectives on intercultural pedagogy and critical multiculturalism in relation to inclusive practices in early childhood education
LO4: Justify inclusive strategies for implementation in early childhood settings.

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature to inform your assessment. Reference list must be attached.

Further information on Part Two and Part Three in

Part Four: My Teaching Philosophy (300 words)

Inclusive practice for children with diverse needs. First person style.
If I can have Part Four before 20th March please.

Part One – Discussion Forum: 200 Words
Part Two: Essay One: 1500 Words
Part Three: Essay: 1000 Words
Part Four – My Teaching Philosophy: 300 words
(Total Word Count: 3000 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit

REMINDER:  this is a level 7 course so make sure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all four parts. Avoid using direct quotes.

Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers a must

100% Plagiarism free

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

– Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
– Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
– Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
– Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policys strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
– Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
– Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.

Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Write an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review the following setup information:

Karen, your Administrative Assistant, peeks into your office. She asks to talk with you as soon as you have a minute. She says she wants to talk about your direct report Peter Jergen’s behavior at the off-site. Although she doesn’t want to get Peter in trouble, his behavior at the off-site was disturbing. After checking your calendar, you tell her you have time at 10:00 am. First, you check your emails…
        In-Box of Jeff
From                          Subject
Mario Espenoza            G-BioSport Field Trip
Mario Espenoza            re: G-BioSport Field Trip
Bill Kevichek            Great Field Trip!
Alita Terry            Field Trip Concerns
Peter Jergen            re: Great Field Trip!

Before you have a chance to talk with Karen, you run into Jo Lowell, the Customer Service Manager. She stops you in the hall and asks if you’ve seen the e-mail from ‘Dr. Jekyll’ yet. She tells you that she couldn’t believe that someone who is as nice in the office as Peter could be so different under the influence. Laughing, she says he must not get out much because he sure can’t handle his alcohol.
As you reflect on the situation, you realize that its all a pretty sticky mess. Peter Jergen reports to you and is one of your top producers. Alita Terry is in your department and reports to Judy Birch, the Director of Public Relations, who reports to you.

From: Mario Espenoza
To: All Employees
G-BioSport Field Trip
Please mark your calendars now for an important meeting on Friday, followed by a special celebration party with the employees of our new supplier of organic produce, Organic Options. The agenda is below. Lunch, dinner, and a celebration to follow will all be provided. Dinner will be held at “Dave’s House of Blues” where the special guest will be Charlie Vegas & the New Blues Combo.

Field Trip Agenda

8:00    Bus leave Parking Lot A for trip to Organic Options
8:45    Arrival at Organic Options
9:00-10:15    Tour facility
10:15-10:30    Break
10:30-12:00    Presentation by Natalie Logan, CEO, Organic Options
12:00-1:00    Lunch
1:00-3:15    Joint sales & marketing meeting
3:15-3:30    Break
3:30-5:00    Production planning meeting
5:15    Board bus for celebration dinner and party at Dave’s House of Blues

Mario Espenoza
Executive Assistant, Product Development

From: Mario Espenoza
To:    All Employees

re: G-BioSport Field Trip

Just as a follow-up . . .

Several people have contacted me and asked whether there will be an “open bar” at the dinner following the tour of Organic Options. There will be an open bar from 5:15-8:15. After that, alcoholic beverages will be at the expense of the employee. Non-alcoholic beverages will still be available for no charge.

Mario Espenoza
Executive Assistant, Product Development

From: Bill Kevichek
To:    All Employees

Great Field Trip!

Just wanted to thank everyone for a great field trip last Friday!

I had a great time and learned a great deal. These sorts of trips really help me to understand G-BioSport’s mission and purpose. Plus, the party was a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company. I can’t wait to see what great products we will be able to produce with this new partnership! It bodes well for the future of both our companies.

Bill Kevichek
Senior Market Researcher

From: Alita Terry
To: Jeff

Field Trip Concerns
I am writing to express some concerns I have following the field trip on Friday night. In general, I thought the day was a success and had a good time at the celebration afterwards. My concern is in regard to the behavior of Peter Jergen at the bar.

I was sitting at one of the smaller tables by myself in the corner near the stage. Mr. Jergen, who appeared to have been drinking heavily, joined me. We chatted pleasantly for about an hour. Over the course of this time, he kept moving closer to me. Finally, he draped his arm around my shoulders and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and left the table and then found a more crowded area of the bar in order to watch the rest of the performance.

I also noticed that Mr. Jergen seemed to be “overly friendly” with several other women and was quite unfit to drive home from the G-BioSport parking lot. He would’ve been a danger to himself and others if he’d gotten behind the wheel of his car that night. I lost track of him on the bus so I’m not certain how he got home that evening, but I think G-BioSport bears some of the responsibility in this matter.

Thank you for your time

Alita Terry
Executive Assistant for Public Relations

From: Peter Jergen
To:    All Employees

re: Great Field Trip!

First off, I would like to agree with Billthe meeting on Friday was a valuable learning experience.

However, I am certain I must also apologize to my colleagues. I have very little recollection of the events of the evening due to the extremely inappropriate and inexcusably large volume of alcohol I consumed in the evening. I have no clear memory of the evening, but feel that I must apologize for my drunkenness and ask for everyone’s forgiveness. If I have offended anyone, I would like to make amends.

Pete Jergen
Sales Manager

As a mid-level manager in the company, write a letter to Peter Jergen or Carol Tempest (Vice President of Human Resources) that describes the situation, the problem, your recommended course of disciplinary action to address the problem and details of the associated implementation plan, the reasons for your decision, how your decision addresses all of the obvious and implied concerns, and a forward looking conclusion. Be careful NOT to make up any facts that are not in the case/prompt as part of your response. Your paper should use the following format, based on Franklin-Covey’s Writing Advantage framework.
1.    Optional setup
2.    Purpose of the document
3.    Introductory statement and preview list of the main sections of the document
4.    Development of main sections of the document
5.    Restated purpose and forward looking conclusion
6.    Your contact information

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of this essay is to give you the opportunity to further the critical analysis skills you acquired in ENC 1101.  All analysis begins with a personal judgment or evaluation: like or dislike. The Evaluation Argument asks you to explore, deepen, explain, and logically defend your evaluation. For this assignment, you will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Robert Reiner’s Stand By Me in order to judge whether it is good, bad, or some combination of both. You will judge the film, considering how it utilizes elements of style and story, cinematic techniques, and whether or not it conforms to or defies the conventions of a particular genre.

Give details about your experience abroad

A brief about me:-

I was an international student,

I studied abroad for six years and then worked there for a half a year,

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration concentrated in finance, took multiple different business courses throughout my time as a student, and I also worked as an international student assistant. I volunteered and was member of the finance club at the university.

After graduation, I worked there for a while then returned back from abroad.

I currently work as an auditor

Now, I am trying to obtain a master degree abroad in a different country and region and these questions are for the admission to the university.

Please let me know if you have any questions..

3) Describe an achievement you are particularly proud of and explain why (100 words):

4) Describe an experience that has fundamentally changed the way you see the world. How did this transform you? (400 words):

5) What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the MIB ? (400 words):

6) What matters most to you and why ? (400 words)

7) What else would you like us to know as we consider your application?

C# Abstract Class Implementation

/ Hello! The instructions on this one are below. The instructor says it should only take 5-10 minutes to do! It mentions an abstract class example of the animal. I will include the image shown to us in the attachments as Animal.jpg! Thank you!!

Lets go back to our D&D game program idea. You are now creating the character generator explanation portion. So eventually we want to make our program so that, if the user has no idea what he wants to be, he can select one of the character types and it will explain to them what that character can do.

So, using the abstract class example of the animal, you will create a base-class called characterinfo.
In this class you should have two modules (like in the Dungeon and Dragons style game program that you developed and altered previously):
The introduction module will simply say: You are looking at the fighter style classes. Be warned, you will be in the thick of all the fighting!
The second module will be the one you will override and be used for text. You may name this how you wish.

Using the abstract class you should have two derived classes: Fighter and Paladin.
You will override the second module to give more specific details of the fighter and paladin.

Fighter: The fighter is one of the standard classes in Dungeons & Dragons. A fighter is a versatile, weapons-oriented warrior who fights using skill, strategy and tactics. Fighter is a generic and broad class but can be tailored the players ideas.

Paladin: The paladin is a holy knight. Paladins crusade on behalf of their chosen deity and could be either good or evil (anti-paladin). Because the deity grants their powers, they are also considered a limited divine spellcaster.
In the main module you will call both to show that they work (Like in like in the Dungeon and Dragons style game program that you developed and altered previously).