Archive for May 9th, 2020

War and Violence

On the contrary. We discussed three general approaches to war and violence: (1) realism, (2) pacificism, (3) just war theory. Which of these do you support? Take some inspiration from Aquinas and give three reasons for a different position and answer those positions (in addition to stating reasons for your own position).

Book Review- All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Introduction Paragraph: Book title and author, main idea of story, main characters of the book, something unique and interesting about the story/book for readers to know.

Body Paragraph 1: Main Idea of the story/book, where the story takes place, when the story takes place, and something unique about the time/place in which the story takes place and how it affects the characters.

Body Paragraph 2: Main characters of the story/book, what are the relationships like between characters in the story/book, does something important or meaningful to the story happen to a or between characters and if so describe it in one sentence.

Body Paragraph 3: Favorite part of the story/book and why, what did you think about the way it was written, do you think other kids would enjoy reading this book an why?

Conclusion: Was the story/book entertaining, educational, amusing, etc., and why, why did you enjoy/not enjoy reading this story/book, and would you recommend other kids read this book?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Directions: Select a theme from chapters 10-15 from “Becoming” and compose a reader response paper connecting your theme to a current event in today’s society.

Implement 3 sources accompanied with a  Works Cited page. Type a minimum of 500 words, not to exceed 600 words using the MLA format

Online Booking and Management system for Beauty Salon

The main goal of the project is to create a web application that solves the issue of appointments in a beauty salon going unfilled, due to cancellations and time constraints. The project aims to provide a service to allow clients to book/cancel/modify appointments online. A dashboard with notifications for the business owner to keep daily track of appointments/activities/cancellations.  With this small business expanding its clientele, it is harder for clients to access appointments when needed.
A web app that not only provides a service to the business owner but also to customers via the Web to book appointments.
Software/Technology to be used
I have setup a microsft azure SQL database and a webapp sevice deployment through azure. using Spring IO to bootstrap and tomcat. JDBC
Coding needed fo this project- using Visual studio code with java(latest  version) with HTML CSS (some Javascript if possible).
The webapp will allow clients to book appointments in 30min slots from 11am to 8pm Tuesday to Friday. A drop down menu for specific treatments when booking a slot(nails,brows,wax etc).  Customers will be able to view available slots on date they select.

Literature Review on Outsourcing

Literature review
Presentation and discussion of literature you have found related to your topic
I will be looking to see that you have organized the research into sub-topics or themes, and that you are able to group different pieces of research together by making links between what different authors have written.
You should also identify where there are weaknesses (e.g., where are the gaps in the literature? what information would you like to know but couldn’t find any writing about?)
You will present your literature review so that the ideas are coordinated and your paper flows well. Use headings (and sub-headings, if appropriate) to help organize your work.
use atleast 7 academic sources
A list of references, formatted using APA style (annotations are not necessary).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice.

Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy.

To Prepare:

Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.
The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement)

Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid

Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Comparison Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.
Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.
Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.
Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees?
Is it receiving press coverage?
Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.
Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.
Recommend at least one amendment to the bill in support of your position.

The effects of e-commerce on the structure of fashion retail industry in the U.K.

higher education (college level) English

-need a 70% grade
-marking scheme already attached

1.    Abstract / Summary (max 150 words)
2.    Introduction (400 words)
3.    Exploration of Sources through Description of key Issues/Discussion/Development/Analysis (please note: this part of your report should have more than one section. The way you structure this should be decided by you, with support from your tutor. Your structure will depend on the topic you have chosen and the story you want to tell Secondary Research Review (2250 words)
4.    Conclusion (250 words)
5.    Reference list (not included in word count)
6.    Appendices (e.g. any data sets you have used not included in word count)

full instruction is attached


Create a class called Tour.  An instance of this class is to be instantiated with two US cities, and is used to fetch information from the web.  Specifically, the class must define:

1.    __init__  The constructor takes two strings as arguments, each giving a city name and state abbreviation, indicating the origin and destination.  For example: Tour(New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA)represents a tour that starts in New York city and ends in Los Angeles.
2.    distance  This method takes a single (optional) argument indicating a mode one of the strings driving (default), biking, or walking.  It returns the total distance (in meters) covered by the tour for the indicated mode.  This method is where you will use urllib functions to get data from the web to find the distances between two locations in the tour and calculate the total distance.  If a response does not contain a distance value, the method should raise a ValueError exception.

Graphical User Interface Description:
Create a class called TourGui. An instance of this class is to be instantiated in the main. Specifically the class must define:
1.    __init__ The constructor doesnt take any arguments. The constructor creates two frames in the window, a top frame and buttom frame. The top frame contains a  label and an entry widget for the following fields: origin, destination, and mode. The bottom frame contains a label and text widget for Distance and a button widget for Get Distnace. The GUI should like the following:

2.    onClick This method is the event handler for the Get Distance Button. When the button is clicked, the origin, destination and mode fields are read, the query is made and the distance between the origin and the destination is displayed. If the user enters an invalid mode, a message box shows up indicating invalid mode was entered:

If the distance was not found between the origin and the destination, a message box shows up indicating the distance was not found:

Create a zipfile of the project folder and submit on Canvas. You must name your project as FirstnameLastnameFinalProject.

Data visualization and Storytelling with Tableau

Assignment Summary
Create a dashboard with at least three visualizations for the data in your final project. This dashboard should present the key information for your intended audience and answer the business question(s) you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard).

You will also submit a short 2 pages single space paper with your dashboard.
Dateset: User_Projects.csv    Instruction: ProjectDescription.pdf
Variables requirement: use Viewers Website and Images; analyze correlation and correlation matrix for Viewers Website and Images.
Other material: Correlation from Wed Center for Social Research Methods
Upload for me: a Paper Document, Dashboard in Tableau Workbook twbx file, Dataset (after clean).

The dashboard requirement:
    Include as much different visualization as needed. These should be of varying types
    ANSWER the research/business question (Come up with business question before create dashboard) and display the key information that the intended audience needs
    Be easy to navigate and visually appealing
    Reflect the data accurately and generally communicate the data appropriately
    Tells a story

The paper requirement:
    Explain why you chose the visualization, how does it answer your research/business question and how they are more appropriate than other options you have
    Explain why you chose the data points you incorporated into your visualizations. This should also indicate how well you understand the data.
    Give an overview of the data presented and why it is important to your audience. Focus on how it answers the questions you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard)

Data visualization and Storytelling with Tableau

Assignment Summary
Create a dashboard with at least three visualizations for the data in your final project. This dashboard should present the key information for your intended audience and answer the business question(s) you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard).

You will also submit a short 2 pages single space paper with your dashboard.
Dateset: User_Projects.csv    Instruction: ProjectDescription.pdf
Variables requirement: use Viewers Website and Images; analyze correlation and correlation matrix for Viewers Website and Images.
Other material: Correlation from Wed Center for Social Research Methods
Upload for me: a Paper Document, Dashboard in Tableau Workbook twbx file, Dataset (after clean).

The dashboard requirement:
    Include as much different visualization as needed. These should be of varying types
    ANSWER the research/business question (Come up with business question before create dashboard) and display the key information that the intended audience needs
    Be easy to navigate and visually appealing
    Reflect the data accurately and generally communicate the data appropriately
    Tells a story

The paper requirement:
    Explain why you chose the visualization, how does it answer your research/business question and how they are more appropriate than other options you have
    Explain why you chose the data points you incorporated into your visualizations. This should also indicate how well you understand the data.
    Give an overview of the data presented and why it is important to your audience. Focus on how it answers the questions you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard)