Archive for May 9th, 2020

Disccussion Part – 1

In order to have a successful IG program, one of the eight (8) Information Risk Planning and Management step is to develop metrics and measure results.   From your required readings, discuss the value that metrics brings to the organization, and identify critical measures of success that should be tracked.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

design a single air conditioning system for a specific automobile using an ideal Carnot refrigeration cycle.

1. Choose an A/C refrigerant for car: r-410a
2. The eight aspects of refrigerant consider factors such as desirable physical and thermodynamic properties, toxicity, cost, corrosion properties, etc.
3. Cite an academic reference
4. Online literature is not limited
Because this is a group work, you just need to write down my above requirements. Attached is the content reference of the whole part

Patient Engagement & Education.

this is a one-page discussion board that consists of a series of questions that need to be answered bu using the articles and links provided as well as by using other resources.

My community settings include patients

Here are the instructions:
Respond from a third person perspective to these guiding prompts:
As a DNP nurse leader, how can you use the knowledge gained from Module E to affect system-level change to meet the current and future needs of communities and populations?
Consider the community and population you serve or provide care for as you compose your response. For example, is your ‘community’ setting in the community or within an organization? Does your population include patients or are they a department or group of employees?
How can you use patient education, engagement and patient activation to create change and improve health outcomes in your identified community and population?
2) Skill (Psychmotor) Questions:

You may have heard change is the only constant in life a quote from Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. However, people respond to and handle change differently.
How can the skills of effective communication, collaboration, shared decision-making, and leadership enhance peoples ability to adjust to change and respond to change in their health care? Approach your response through the lens of patient education & engagement.

Remember to respond in the third person and bring in supporting literature and scholarly resources from Module E.

Here are some links :

Discussion Week 4

Group DevelopmentWk 4 – Group Influence [due 


Due Thursday 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Locate an article in the that describes the stages of group development. Then, describe the model of group development, providing an example of how a member of a group member can impede or accelerate the growth of the group at one of the stages. For this discussion, you can use a committee, a task group, or a club as an example.


Chapter #7 discusses the many details of entrepreneurship, but what does it take to be an entrepreneur?
Identify and discuss new ventures that fit each of the four cells in the entrepreneurial strategy mix (Exhibit 7.5 pg. 199-200).

Submission Details:
> Make sure you write APA format and mention page numbers for citation.
> I have attached the images of the book for information about the contents. You can use the web and use books to explain.

First Horizon National Corporation

I would like a research about the corporation:
Analysis of the market, industry
Technological, economic, and social forces. Threats and opportunities
Control System
Goals, core values, mission
Recommendation for the organization, evaluation
Human Resources ways
Analysis of the improvements
Conclusion and analysis of the future of the corporation

Short Essay For Discussion Board

Think about how certain aspects of identity (age, race, gender, sexuality, class, etc) are defined, understood, and ranked in American society. Taking as many examples as you can from the chapter and films, what are some ways we might improve upon the system we have now, in terms of those categories? What are some of the values, beliefs, or practices you learned about in this unit (e.g. Native American tribes, hunter-gatherers, the Nuer, the Musuo) that might be useful in creating a better (or, “ideal”) society?

Discussion – Strategic Management Process


Respond to the following in a minimum of 185 words: 

The strategic management process is key to the leadership of a company.  Discuss what is involved in the leadership of this process and how it differs from the day-to-day management of the company. 

Short Essay For Discussion Board

Once again we’re going to imagine our ideal world that we began creating last week.  This time, we’ll specifically think about issues of human-environment relationships, and what that relationship might be in an ideal world.

How do you imagine what the relationship between humans and nature ideally should be, and how does that differ (if at all) from the actual relationship we currently have in our society? There’s little debate that we live in a society that is environmentally unsustainable in the long term. What kinds of cultural changes might lead to creating a more environmentally sustainable society (customs, norms, behaviors, beliefs, etc)? Thinking about the concept of the “two-toolbox” approach, how might this approach benefit the modern world? Is there anything from the examples discussed in the chapter (The Elder Brothers, the Australian Aborigines, the Dagara, the Lakota, the Hadza) that we could learn from, and/or incorporate into our culture?

Critical Thinking Assingment 6

Because Coates’ essay is so big, you will use his essay again to write your next week of work. 

Pick three different quotes from The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates (604).

2. Write three abbreviated body paragraphs, using the PIE format: (Point, Illustration A, Illustration B and Explanation).

POINT: What is the problem presented by the quote? (1 sentence)

IllUSTRATION A: Write how the author presents the quote-summary. (1-2 sentences)

ILLUSTRATION B: Insert the quotation with page number. (1-2 lines)

EXPLANATION: Why is the point or quote a problem?  (1-2 sentences)

3. In this PIE formula, do not write the words I, you, us, we, and me.  These words are considered informal or non-academic. Instead use people, society, student, reader, person, or individual. Make sure that the PIE structure is typed, using the MLA format.

Please note that the Reflections must have:

1. MLA format-look up the link if you are not sure
2. Single spaced the entire assignment or page
3. One page only
4. Times New Roman, font 12
5. Quotations with page numbers
6. Point and Explanations do not have the author’s name in it.
Be careful. I will deduct a point for each error. If you don’t single space your writing, I will not read it.