Archive for May 9th, 2020

Essay Of At Least 550 Words Analyzing Explaining How Hackers Benefit From Stealing Medical Records. Use An Example From The News.

Write an essay of at least 550 words analyzing explaining how hackers benefit from stealing medical records. Use an example from the news.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles, place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line.The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

The creature is responsible for the murders he commits

Explain why the creature in Frankenstein is responsible for the murders he commits, at least 3 points to prove it. (Think of it as a debate, the creature needs to take responsibility for his actions)

Please get to know the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley first!



Create a 6-8 slide power point that includes the following:

  • Describe the differences between pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
  • Describe an example of pharmacodynamics.
  • Describe an example of pharmacokinetics.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your references consistent with APA guidelines.

NR534 Week 2 SR



Yahima & Group,

Part II & Response:  While both of us registered as being team leaders according to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid our personality types reflected a different perspective on how we both approach team leadership.  The types of personality will be different between most leaders and the same as other leaders.  Defining ones personality helps to determine the rational behind decision making and to understand the way a person acts the way they act (Gunawan, 2016).  These differences and likenesses do not necessarily mean that one personality is more suited to leadership over another but rather there are various approaches to being and effective team leader.  My personality identified that I was a ESTJ meaning I exhibited quite a few differences to your INFJ personality.  While I agree with my test I do sometimes feel that I slip in and out of being introverted and extroverted depending upon the situation thus affecting my specific approach or style of leadership from time to time.  When communicating a message with someone who is an INFJ I would take the approach of fully explaining my message and allowing the INFJ to process and analyze the presented message.  I would also be sensitive the feelings/intuitions expressed by the INFJ personality ensuring that the INFJ was heard and that their opinions on the message being delivered was received and is taken seriously.  This helps to present a message that is clear, validated and well received while giving time to analyze the presented message.  There are many different types of personalities to communicate with as a leader and interacting with all 16 types will inevitably occur through ones career.   The exact personality type with which one is interacting may not always be clear but it is important to foster relationships among one another in order to better understand the personality traits present among ones peers.  

If undertaking the task of determining the reason for recent call outs I would organize a group meeting with all of other leaders facing this situation.  In this scenario it would be the group.  The information would be presented and I would allow the other leaders to express their opinion/feelings and/or present additional data to support the issue at hand.  I would then seek the advice of the group to collectively come up with effective solutions to the issue.  This allows all ideas to be presented and discussed before enacting on a plan of action. 

Unit 2 Leadership Theories IP


Deliverance 6-7page 

You have been called in to consult with the new principal of a large urban high school. The principal has just transferred from a smaller school in the suburbs of another city in another state. Her educational background includes one of the most prestigious schools of education in the country. In fact, she has published a handbook for classroom management. Her performance at her previous school was praised for its easygoing and adaptable nature.

She has been at principal rank for three years but is just in the process of acclimating to this more energetic and complex school environment. Although the school is nonunion, its faculty has been in place for many years, and the staff has an average of about seven years of experience. There has been little change in the school administration or organization. At the same time, the student dropout rate is at 51% and climbing, and the student graduation rate is only 46%. The director of instruction for her district has expressed concern about the quality of education in the school.

To begin your consultation, you want the principal to adopt a leadership theory as a general framework for her own development as a leader in this new environment. You have focused in on three likely theories: hierarchical, transformational, and facilitative.

Write a document in which you address the most likely leadership theory for the principal to pursue in this situation and for this background. She will also want to take into account her own preferred styles, so explain how you might help her confirm and document those. For the theory you have selected for consideration, describe the characteristics of the theory, and explain why it is appropriate in this situation, given her background and current circumstances.

Be sure to address the following:

  • What      reasoning do you give her for using theory as a starting point for      behavioral change or organizational change?
  • How      will this principal distinguish between her management responsibilities      and her leadership responsibilities? What are the ethical considerations      in both?
  • What      are a few of the key management actions that this scenario may suggest?
  • What      are some positive and concrete things that she can do to implement the      selected leadership theory in tandem with management actions?
  • At      what factors will you and she look for in the school to find results of      her adoption of the selected theory?

It is not necessary to adhere to APA document style for this submission. However, it is advisable to support your arguments and explanations with citations and a reference page formatted in APA style.

Please submit your assignment.

1984 Writing Prompt

Please attach assigned prompt on 1984:

Page 14-18 in your book, 1984, has a scene about the “2 minute hate”. This scene is important because of the “herd mentality” and the way people can ride the emotion of a group around them.

In a well-written, 1 page essay in MLA format, write about how the “herd mentality” is evident in a real-life event in our country or community.

Health Care Organization Ratio Analysis

Wolfson Childrens Hospital Jacksonville, Florida is the heath care organization

This assignment allows the student to conduct a health care organization ratio analysis. The student selects a health care organization and collects data from an online search. Then, using the financial data collected from the health care organization’s website, complete the analysis using examples from the Ratio Analysis Practice Problem on page 70 (Chapter 3) as a guide. To complete this task, the student submits the health care ratio analysis calculations in an APA-formatted paper that:

  1. Applies data from financial statements on the health care organization’s website. 
  2. Extracts the necessary data from the health care organization’s financial statements.
  3. Conducts a ratio analysis completing the financial calculations using examples from the Ratio Analysis Practice Problem on page 70 and as provided throughout Chapter 3. 
  4. Documents all calculations and clearly defines the 4 major Health Care Financial Analysis ratios 
  5. Cites no less than 3 scholarly references
  • Your paper must include all calculations in three to five pages of written content.
  • Use  and cite sources, using in text citations, and a reference list as necessary. The course text may not be used as a reference. Do your resources meet the CRAAP test? Reference the  for more information.
  • In addition to the 3 to 5 pages of written content, please include:
    • Title Page
    • Appropriate Headings and Sub-Headings
    • Reference Page (minimum of 3 scholarly references)
  • Use a minimum of 3 scholarly references scholarly references can include peer-reviewed articles, textbook, journals, and scholarly news articles. The course text may not be used as a reference.

Page 70 is the attachments

HSA 3170 Healthcare Accounting and Finance 

Text Course:  Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations 7thedition Author Michael Nowicki Publisher Gateway to Healthcare Management 2018

Unit 2 Leadership Theories DB


Graduate Programs Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialog with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.

Minimum Weekly DB Expectations

  • Post      an original and thoughtful Main Post to      the DB prompt.
  • Respond      to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response      Posts).
  • The      first contribution (Main Post or Response Post)      must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week.
  • Two      additional responses are required after Friday of each week.
  • For      DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be      addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2      Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the      unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts.

More on DBs

At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 4-6 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 23 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.

Discussion Board Question Details

Part 1

Suppose that you have recently accepted a new administrative role in either a corporate or educational setting. Your new employer has requested that you select a leadership theory to use as a foundation for your role as a senior administrator. Focus your discussion on the following:

  • What      leadership theory would you select and why? Discuss why the leadership      theory you selected would be a good match for you and your new role within      this organization or institution.
  • How      does your approach differ from that of your classmates? How could that be      important in an organization with varied underlying theories?
  • Are      there ethical implications for the organization in which theories are      selected or predominate? How do leadership theories interact with ethical      considerations in an educational or corporate training setting?
  • What      might happen? As a leader, what can you do about it? Exchange your ideas      on this.

Part 2

Suppose you have recently accepted a new administrative role in either a corporate or educational setting. Imagine that the previous leader who was in this administrative role before you was a Great Man (according to the Great Man theory of leadership). Based on the leadership theory you selected in Part 1, participate in a dialogue on ways that your leadership theory and approach might be different from the previous person in this role. Focus your discussion on the following:

  • How      would you retrain members of your organization to respond to issues      according to your preferred approach?
  • If      training were not the answer, what actions might help affect the      organizational change?
  • How      does your approach differ from that of your classmates? What do you see in      common?

In your own words, post a substantive response to the Discussion Board question(s) and comment on other postings. Your response should address the DB question(s) and move the conversation forward. You will be graded on the quality of your postings, including mastery of the concept as well as critical thinking. If asked for your opinion, do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea; elaborate on your reasons and argument. Include enough detail to substantiate your thinking as well as your position on the questions or comments.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click to view the grading rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The assignment is 150min-online writing for two short essay.  The essay questions will be posted on March 16 at 8am, and the two short essays will need to be finished in 150 min which is due at 10:30am. The topic will relate to the global trade. Would you like to take this assignment? If you would like to do it, then I will send you the questions on March 16 at 8am. And I will send you all material that you might need for preparing.

Your Assignment Is To Write An Essay Of Five Or More Pages, Plus A Work Cited Page


Your assignment is to write an essay of five or more pages, plus a work cited page. Your
essay must have a title, a thesis statement, a beginning, middle, and end. I suggest you use
prewriting techniques to generate ideas. Write an essay in which you analyze the excerpt from
Niccolo Machiavellis book,
The Prince
, that appears in our Barnet book. The purpose of an
analytical essay is to divide a topic into several sections in order to give the reader a better
understanding of it. Machiavellis thesis is this: . . . it is necessary for a prince [political leader]
wishing to hold his own to know how to do wrong, and to make use of it or not according to
necessity (644). Machiavelli seems to be arguing here that the ends justify the means.
Based on Machiavellis arguments, does former President Richard M. Nixon (as
portrayed in director Oliver Stones film Nixon) represent a Machiavellian Prince? Why or
why not? If your answer is yes, explain how Nixon exemplifies the fictional Prince
Machiavelli writes about.
Please use examples from each of the following sources to support your thesis:
The Prince.
Oliver Stones film
Is President Richard M. Nixon, as portrayed in the film, a
Machiavellian politician? If you are arguing against Machiavelli, you may use
examples of Nixons failures (such as the Watergate scandal and the bombing of
Cambodia) to support your argument. If you are arguing in favor of Machiavelli, you
may use examples of Nixons successes (such as the opening of friendly relations with
China) to support your thesis.  
Your own knowledge of politics and politicians. You may include information on the
historical Richard M. Nixon, and/or other historical or contemporary figures.
You may use other sources to support your points, but you must use the film
the excerpt from Machiavellis
The Prince
in our Barnet book as sources in your essay. On the
next page is a sample works cited page using these sources. Your final draft must be typed word-
processed according to the MLA style.
Relax and have fun with this assignment!