Archive for May 9th, 2020

Data Visualization

the assignment about crating a website that handle (ref data) for 3 different type of users.
the first page should include links for each type of user.
each of user profile should visualize the data as required in the attached file.

the coding using d3v4 example of coding is similar to the attached zip file which include the data needed.

Correlation of Anxiety & Asthma

Hello, I need to change my research paper into PICO format. I need the following
1. PICO Question
2. Literature Review that answers & supports PICO question

The paper may need a lot of editing I am content with Chpt I and Chpt II (Introduction & Literature review). What needs work is Chpt III. I have attached a draft and a syllabus. The syllabus is a guideline to how the paper ought to be written.

Business Strategy

So the following needs to be done :

    Strategy ( as mentioned below using porters competitive strategy, Boston Consultancy Matrix, Ansoff growth strategies
    Target Group
    Five Ps
    Swot Anaylis

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Forum #2

Prior to attempting this week’s forum students are to read the week 2 lesson found in the lessons area of the classroom for this week. Students are to list the various databases and other sources utilized in their search for information on their topic. Students are to include their thesis statement in the first line of their post. Then, share with their classmates at least 2 helpful hints that they feel will aid them in their search for information. Also, students are to be sure to post any difficulties they have found in searching for information.

Each student’s answer to the question should be at least 250 words. A minimum of two references need to be used in the development of your answer. Also, be mindful of including references and citations whenever citing facts to support your position. APA 6th edition citations and references must be used always!

Thesis Statement: Community policing that aims at integrating the police and the public is the antidote to police bias in arrests and will lead to reductions in cases of police brutality.

metal toxicity on brain

Literature review about the metal toxicity in brain, please include just these metal, (nickel, iron, Aluminium, zinc)
provide information about nickel toxicity on new born baby (does it make any modification for the DNA and does it affect boys and girls differently)
How do all metal get inside the brain and pass the blood brain barrier, does it bind to any Low molecular compound (what are they and how to bind them) or just bind to  transferrin in the blood.

please be specific to brain and the side effect of metal on brain provide some studies from the literature that support that and please make sure all references are from high impact paper and new

communication and technology

please read the midterm prompt carefully answer each question with around 750 words and use all the sources that I provided including class slides and extra readings

you must reference lecture slides and readings in ur response thank you

for question 1 there is no extra materials just google and reference properly

thank you

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read and analyze Anna Akbari’s “Identity in the Age of Social Media” (Links to an external site.) and apply her ideas about the complexity of online identity to the plot and characters of the Black Mirror episode Striking Vipers. Remember to build your essay by repeating the formula claim, illustrate, interpret, comment, connect.

DB4- 556

Students will utilize the article Raising Capital: Equity v. Debt to complete this weeks discussion.

Students will discuss their understanding of the article and argue how raising capital is beneficial or detrimental to organizations.

The purpose of our discussion will offer an opportunity for students to discuss research findings of case study analysis with classmates and to gain a better understanding of course material. Students will be required to post about their understanding of the article.

DB4- 556

Students will utilize the article Raising Capital: Equity v. Debt to complete this weeks discussion.

Students will discuss their understanding of the article and argue how raising capital is beneficial or detrimental to organizations.

The purpose of our discussion will offer an opportunity for students to discuss research findings of case study analysis with classmates and to gain a better understanding of course material. Students will be required to post about their understanding of the article.

course work, make sure you provide the 2 responses

How would you describe academic writing to a co-worker who is considering returning to school to earn their degree? How is academic writing similar or different to the writing you do in work or life (everything from e-mails, reports, social media, etc.)? How are the audiences similar or different in these contexts?