Archive for May 11th, 2020

Meaningful Use

apa format, references within 5 years, A group of family practice physicians are having issues meeting stage 2 of meaningful use because the staff forget to provide patients with information on accessing the portal. The staff complain that they dont have enough time to go over the process with the patients and the printed information is stacked in the utility room. Which quality improvement process should the nurse leader use to analyze this issue?

Access the web site: and
Read about the Quality Payment Programs and EHR Incentives.
Then select up-to-date information available for CQM Reporting options and answer the following questions:
What information is the eCQM Library?
Using the educational resources available, how can the nurse leader use these resources when participating in the design of the eCQM program?

Include both topics in a 1200-1500 word APA essay, using a minimum or 4 scholarly sources to support your perspective.
The title page and reference pages are not part of the page total.

FORside for single currency .

Your topic will either be FOR or AGAINST the adoption of a single currency in an assigned region.  You will argue for only one side not both sides.

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia,
(every country should mention it)

US History

The United States established itself a representative government, at least  among its propertied white men, a concept that settled into place differently among the states.  In general, though, this created what some observers have described as an increasingly “democratic” way of life among them.  However, this process became markedly less so in the Southern part of the United States, which cultivated rather openly a more hierarchical society among those legally defined as white.

This is a two-part question.  First, explain some of the reasons for this sectional distinction, which came to play an increasingly important role nationally.

Secondly, why did those at the bottom of this arrangement accept it?  Put another way, how did those at the top of this arrangement manage to avoid the kind of demands for change that shaped a very different society in the North.  What sort of ideas did they foster and what kinds of mechanisms did they have to impose those ideas and values on the society?

Give me 4-7 pages on this, standard format by the end of the day March 28

FOR side for the single currency

Your topic will either be FOR or AGAINST the adoption of a single currency in an assigned region.  You will argue for only one side not both sides.

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia,(every country should mention it)

Marketing 10

Q1 – Review the website of FCB/Six  There are AdAge Data/Analytics Agency of the Year and one of the most decorated agency in Canada.  They punctuate the penultimate class of the semester with their mix of creativity and data.  Under their work look at their Pflag and Go Back to Africa campaigns.  What were the elements in these campaigns that brought FCB/Six global recognition?  Was it deserved?

Q2 – Generation Z is increasingly purchasing from companies whose values expressed values are consistent with their own.  What are the upside and pitfalls of companies responding to this trend?

Gender Stereotypes Activity

Look at websites where you might find kids toys, such as Amazon or Target (you are not limited: you can look at any childrens online store). Choose a toy in the $10-30 range. Post a photo of the toy and answer the questions below:
Discussion Questions
1. Describe the process you used to select the toy you decided on. What factors influenced your decision? What did you notice about how the websites market childrens toys?

2. As a child, what toys did you play with? Were these toy selections at all influenced by your parents, the media, or friends? Why or why not? Were these toys similar to or different from the toy you selected?

3. Name your favorite movie from elementary school. Describe the main character of that movie. Was it a male or a female? Were there toys available based on this character?

4. Do you believe that the choices parents make about their childrens toys or movies influence what children believe about what is appropriate for boys/girls or men/women? Why or why not?

5. Do you think children who play with toys marketed for the other sex (like boys playing with dolls or dollhouses) are treated differently from children who play with gender- typical toys? Why or why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this unit, we discussed the concept of market segmentation, which is defined as product positioning that subdivides the market to target specific customers. Identify a product that you have seen with either effective or ineffective market segmentation. Explain what makes the market segmentation effective or ineffective.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Examining image repair strategies used by those accused in the #MeToo Movement

An introduction and literature review examining the image repair strategies (using the image repair theory) used by those accused in the #MeToo Movements. Also, incorporating the use of social media as a dissemination platform and how that impacts the public reaction. I have included an annotated bibliography.

Disc 1

The health care industry is influenced by multiple accrediting bodies that are stakeholders in the operation of health care organizations. Periodically, the missions and roles of these accrediting bodies may be in conflict with one another. How should health care administrators navigate among the conflicting missions and roles of accreditors in order to assure that the health care organization remains accredited and has an increased opportunity for sustainability? Support your view with relevant research. Include documentation of the mission, role, and responsibilities of a specific accrediting agency (e.g., Joint Commission, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS]; the Center in Improvement in Healthcare Quality [CIHQ], etc.) as needed.

Part 2: An interview with an older person concerning his or her understanding of nature, changes in the environmental situation over his/her life, and his/her ethical, and cultural approach to nature. Part 3: Reflection on two class films which most clea

Part 2: An interview with an older person concerning his or her understanding of nature, changes in the environmental situation over his/her life, and his/her ethical, and cultural approach to nature.
Part 3: Reflection on two class films which most clearly speak to your own ecological and cultural sensibility and why.
3 pages double spaced for each part