Archive for May 11th, 2020

Archeological Site

There are thousands of archaeological sites around the world. Choose from one of the options below & describe the site in addition to its history of archaeological investigation. Cover topics such as: Where is it located? Why is this site archaeologically significant? What do we know about its inhabitants? How long was it occupied? Be sure to include how archaeologists have answered their questions with scientific data.

Machu Picchu
Terracotta Army
Angkor Wat
Great Zimbabwe
The City of Ur
Lascaux Caves
Chavn de Huantar
Newark Earthworks
Chaco Canyon
Elmina, Ghana
Newton Plantation, Barbados

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the article The Roberts Court and Criminal Justice and Empirical Assessment in which the authors examine the role of the Court on criminal justice issues through an examination of courts decisions and voting patterns of justices. Discuss any insights you have gained regarding judicial policy making from this article.

On pages 429 433 of The Roberts Court and Criminal Justice and Empirical Assessment, the authors discuss the concept of judicial activism as it relates to the Roberts court.  What insight did you gain?  Did any portion of this discussion surprise you? If so, in what way? Discuss the concept of judicial invalidation of legislation as it relates to the Courts role of judicial review of legislation.

art history- the calling of st matthew

two parts to this essay. Describing a painting “The calling of st matthew” by caravaggio.
part 1: Describe the art work using subject matter and form. In approaching subject matter/iconography, be detailed in your description and try to organize your observations so that the reader can easily follow the flow of ideas as you describe the art work. Describe the subject matter in a broad sense and then in a very specific sense. Describe the use of line, shape, mass, space, value, color, and texture as building blocks of the art
part 2: Use a compare and contrast approach involving Leonardos Last Supper to
explore the ways in which Caravaggios Calling of St. Matthew
is a product of its time,

use some of these vocabalury words :
Mannerist Articiality
Renaissance Idealism
Baroque Drama
Realism (Gritty Realism)
Diagonal Composition
Unity Rather than Multiplicity
Linear Perspective
Council of Trent
Protestant Reformation
Dynamic Composition
Action-Oriented Composition

Research Action Proposal

Complete Section Three: Solution Strategy of your Action Research Proposal.

Action goal(s)

Provide the goal(s) for the action plan that you are proposing and include a brief overview of the action plan that you have selected.
The goal of the action plan is to increase the effectiveness of regular classroom teachers in implementing accommodations and modifications for special education students. A three-prong intervention will be implemented to meet the goal, which includes teacher IEP training, teacher/paraprofessional training, and weekly collaboration time supported by the administration.
Selected solutions (Discuss the intervention/innovation that will be implemented.)

This is a detailed description of the steps you would take if you were to implement your intervention plan to address or alleviate the problem in your current setting.
This section is analogous to a recipe. It should be specific and detailed so that another researcher can read this section and duplicate the method with few questions.
For example, do not say “Teachers or trainers will take courses on methods to modify instruction for diverse learners.” Rather, give the reader specific information and guidelines on how you will accomplish the goal of this plan, with step-by-step instructions to easily replicate the process.
Incorporate ethical guidelines you may need to consider for your research study.
Include copies of specific material needed in an Appendix, such as consent forms or other materials. Remember you cannot be too specific in this section.
Calendar plan (select a format of your choice: calendar, info listed by the week in a Word doc, etc.)

Include a week-by-week, operational calendar plan.

Include specific directions on how you would implement each component of your action research study.

Remember to give the reader the following information:
When the study would begin

Who would be involved

At what points specific aspects such as obtaining permission, data analysis, etc. of your plan should occur

The duration of each component of your plan

How often and when you would analyze results

To whom would findings be presented and how?

Remember: Use APA guidelines. Always include a title page, an introduction and a conclusion. Please review the faculty feedback form and the sample paper that I have attached to assist you in completing the assignment. The sample paper is provided merely as a guide for those students who feel that they need it. Please use your own words.

Submit your assignment.

Water Quality

The Delaware River in the Philadelphia area is designated as Zone 3 by the Delaware River
Basin Commission (DRBC). Imaging a wastewater treatment plant discharges 3 MGD
(million gallons per day) of effluent containing 25 mg/L BOD and 2 mg/L DO to the upper
stream of the Delaware River Zone 3. Is it still within the Philadelphia area when the river
reaches the Streeter Phelps critical point?
Deoxygenation rate constant = 0.2 d-1
Use todays temperature to determine the saturated DO.
Find the rest of the data of the Delaware River Zone 3 online.

Answer the questions

1.How do we create a partnership between the PM and line managers when the PM focuses only on his/her project and the line manager is expected to make impartial company decisions?
2.What is the source of the conflict between the PM and the line manager?
3.Should the PM or line manager have more of a say during negotiations for resources?
4.How do we handle an employee who is not performing as expected?

Article Review Assignments

This is two assignments, not one so do them separately, please

Article Review AssignmentsYou need to become familiar with the various publications that service the industry because they provide updates on whats happening in the real world.  The advertising business is undergoing constant change change that isnt always reflected in the textbooks.  Advertising
9professionals must keep current with the trends in advertising and in the industries they serve so that they can keep tabs on their competitors and so they can find better ways of doing their jobs.To help you become familiar with whats going on in the real world, you will read various publications and report on an article contained within them.  The articles you report on must deal with current issues in the advertising industry.

The rules:1.All articles must have been published AFTER December 1, 2019.2.Each article that you review must be about advertising or an advertising-related topic, which includes marketing, public relations, promotions, the media business, etc.3.You may only report on articles that are 10 paragraphs long or longer.4.Follow the format on the attached sheet.  (You will lose points if you dont follow this format.)5.Each report that you do will be typed (double spaced with one-inch margins).  Grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and so forth count.  You will lose points for errors.6.You may use only the publications listed below.  They are available in either Waterfield Library or in the L.J. Hortin Reading Room (Wilson Hall 218) or online.  You may mot remove the publications from either place.  7.You are to turn in a photocopy of the article with your report.  You MUST NOT rip the article out of the publication, especially any publication owned by the university.  If you do, you will face dire consequences, including earning a ZERO on the assignment.

One report is required from each of the following:

Advertising Age

Bloomberg Business Week

These are to be submitted at the beginning of class on the specified dates.Grading:  Each report is worth 20 points.  If you follow the correct format (see next page), and if you follow the directions listed above, you stand a very good chance of earning all points.

Your Name
JMC 394 Introduction to Advertising
Article Report No. ____


Full name of the publication, and frequency of publication.

II.  A brief summary of the kinds of articles contained in the publication.  This should be done in not more than three sentences.

III.  Article Summary

A.  Bibliographic information.  Use this format:Authors last name, Authors first name (Year, Month Day).  Headline or title of the article.  Publication Name, pp. ___ – ___.Smith, Joan (2017, January 21).  Ad agency hired to handle lottery crisis.  The New York Times, p. 1A.Arthur, Artie (2017, March 1).  The life and times of a busy ad executive.  Bloombergs Business Week, pp. 32-33.

B.  Summary.  This section of the report should be a concise factual summary of the article.  It should cover all the main points presented in the article so that anyone who reads your report can understand what is in the article without actually having to read it. It should be written as a prcis (look up the word if you dont understand what it means).  Your summary must be in your own words.  Do not use any direct quotations.  Be sure to indent your paragraphs and to double space the report.

IV. Article EvaluationThis is the place for your opinion of the article and its value to others seeking information about current trends in public relations.  You should discuss how well the article accomplished its purpose.  Comment on the quality and clarity of the writing and assess the validity of the research or analysis, if applicable.  Do not simply agree or disagree with the article.  Justify your opinion.  Also, identify any questions that the article raised but did not answer for you.

Be sure to turn in a photocopy of the article with your report.

Food Service

my school follows the mmu harvard style:
Quick Guide:

This is an essay where you need to go through the mis en place procedures and explain how you will implement Mise en place. Do not use bullet points but expand the list you were given in class.

You need to do the same with the Sequence of Service by explaining the steps without using a bullet point list but explaining in depth the service procedures. One section should be on how you will punch in the order in Micros by listing step by step the 3 courses and then firing the courses as well. ON Section 4

The essay should include cover page, abstract, table of content and the following subchapters:

1. Grooming and Personal hygiene
2. Mise En Place and Closing Procedures
3. Team Work
4. Sequence of Service
5. POS input ( The order is for 6 pax and will be 2 salads, 4 mushroom soups, 4 chicken and 2 vegetarian risotto and 6 chocolate mousse)

For section 3, Team work. I need to give 2-3 examples of how I communicate with my teammate as well. Such as polishing, serve the plates, tablecloth, tables, etc

And also closing procedures 2-3 examples.

You can use also citations when needed.NOTE, this is more practical so I would need a couple to support it but not too many.
This will be an essay where you need to go through the Mise En Place procedures  and explain how you will implement Mise en Place. Do not use  bullet points but expand the list that you were given in class.
You need to do the same with the Sequence of Service by explaining the steps without using a bullet point list but explaining in depth the service procedures.
One section should be on how you will punch in the order in POS by listing step by step  the 3 courses and then firing the courses as well. 
You then need to write the closing procedures as well.

PAY ATTENTION To CERT3 PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING, says what you need to have and percentage grading breakdown.

Engaging with Inuit knowledge of environmental change in the climatological research

Changes in wind speed and direction over the past 30 years have had considerable effects on sea ice and oceanographic conditions in Nunavik
(northern Quebec). These changes have significantly impacted hunting and travel for Inuit. This assignment explores changes in wind in eastern
Hudson Bay as identified by Inuit in collaborative studies of Inuit knowledge (IK), and by studies of observational meteorological data in
Kuujjuaraapik, Nunavik.
The assignment has two parts; the first part involves examining sources of knowledge from both Inuit knowledge and meteorological data. And the
second part you will write a brief report on wind changes.

3 functions in PowerShell

1)    Write a function called Get-DecimalNumber which will do the following:
    Test if the file conversions.csv exists, and if not display a warning message, create it and suppress all output to the console
    Validate user input as an integer (1-255) has been entered. If incorrect input is given display a message and exit.
    Convert the decimal input to hexadecimal and binary using string methods and display the result
    Send the output to a hash table and append to conversions.csv

2)Write a function called Get-HexadecimalNumber which will to the following:

    Test if the file conversions.csv exists, and if not display a warning message, create it and suppress all output to the console
    Validate user input that as a hexadecimal number beginning with “0x” (0x2A). If incorrect input is given display a message and exit.
    Remove the “0x” from input and convert to decimal and binary. Display the result
    Send the output to a hash table and append to conversions.csv

3)    Write a function called Get-BinaryNumber which will to the following:

    Test if the file conversions.csv exists, and if not display a warning message, create it and suppress all output to the console
    Validate user input that a binary number, string of 0’s and 1’s, was entered. If incorrect input is given display a message and exit.
    Convert the binary input to decimal and hexadecimal and display the result
    Send the output to a hash table and append to conversions.csv