Archive for May 11th, 2020

Analysis of Epidemiological Study

Analysis of Epidemiological Study Overview: Search the literature for an epidemiological study that was conducted on an issue in your area of practice or DNP area of interest.
(Diabetes or Hypertension)

Write a paper that is no more than 8 pages in length, free of grammar and spelling errors, APA format, well organized, and reflects depth of thinking/analysis. Instructions: Your paper should include the following: Study purpose Study design Study sampling methods Study data collection methods Why do you think the authors chose the study design, sampling, and data collection methods over other designs or methods? Strengths of study design and methods Weaknesses of study design and methods Appropriateness of study design and methods Identify: Potential or actual study bias Potential or actual confounding Statistical power of the study Attrition Interpret the epidemiological findings, considering the potential effects of bias, confounding, power, and attrition on: Validity of results Reliability of results Generalizability of results Grading Criteria – Please review the grading rubric. You will be graded accordingly. Please Note: If you fail to submit a full-text copy of your epidemiological article along with your analysis assignment, your grade will be reduced by 5 points automatically.

Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it.

I have uploaded the format for the Essay; suggested _paper_format.pef. Please follow the instruction before writing the Essay. Also, a sample Essay called sample project.pdf is a reference to show you how the paper should be written.

Thank you!

should electronic devices be used as educational tools in the classroom?

Argumentative research essay
Position: FOR the use of electronic devices in the classroom.
including:: Abstract, Outline, Introduction, Body of essay, Conclusion and recommendations, References and works cited.
The body contains three (3) points which must also be indicated in the thesis statement.
There should be at least 8 references on the reference page and at least 6 citations in the body of the essay.
Please tone down the English to suite an 8th grader

*** This is for 8th Grade (EIGHTH GRADE) English Class

chapter assignment

After reading Chapter 2, complete 4 out of the 6 Chapter Activities:

1. Find a current job posting online for one group sales, inside sales, and premium sales position in professional sports. Based on these descriptions, describe the similarities and differences between these three types of sales positions.

2. Create a graphic or image that illustrates the typical career progression in sport sales, beginning at the entry-level and moving toward senior management levels.

3. Explain the hunter/farmer model of sales staffing. What is meant by the terms “hunters” and “farmers”?

4. What function does the CRM personnel serve within a sales team?

5. How does the sales staff differ between a major league professional sport franchise and a minor league franchise?

6. Explain why a college athletics programs have been slower to adopt significant sales structures compared to their professional sport team peers.

chapter assignment

After reading Chapter 1, please complete 3 out of the 4 Chapter Activities:

1. Contrast your opinion of sales prior to reading this chapter to your opinion after completing this chapter. Describe how your opinion may have changed.

2. Discuss your motivation for taking this class and your current attitude toward sales in relation to what you want to achieve through this class by the end of the semester. Then make a self-assessment about whether you think you have what it takes to be successful in sport ticket sales.

3. Go to LinkedIn and find five profiles of people who work in sport sales positions. Identify trends, themes, and other observations from examining the five profiles.

4. Find five sport sales job announcements on Teamwork Online or Work in Sports. Based on these job descriptions, identify and describe three skills that you have that are a good fit for sales positions. Then, identify and describe three skills you will need to improve on to be successful in sales.

Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?

Following are the requirements for the ppt:
(1) Having a slide that clearly states your research question.

(2) Having a slide that clearly explains why your research question is important and interesting.

(3) Having a slide that clearly lists the hypotheses 1, 2, 3… you will test.

(4) Having a few slides that explain why you expect those hypotheses to hold or not to hold.

(5) Having a few slides that list your data source(s) (web link, questionnaire, etc).

(6) Having a slide that demonstrates a screenshot of your data (Excel spreadsheet, Stata data editor view, etc)

My topic is “Have the infrastructure in China surpass the US?” My opinion is to discuss the infrastructure in China and does it surpass the US? Please shows the statistical evidence that can prove it.

This is an economic statistic topic. so the evidence that you provide needs to be statistical.

Thank you!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

USING THE RESOURCES BELOW. Reflect on what you have learned this week and how you will apply it to your current job.(CURRENT JOB IS A HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM DIRECTOR)

Textbook: The Ethics of Leadership by Joanne Ciulla, Chapter 6


TED is a small nonprofit which started in 1984 and since has a devoted mission of Spreading Ideas. It’s a community welcoming people from every discipline and culture who have just two things in common: they seek a deeper understanding of the world, and they hope to turn that understanding into a better future for us all.

Attached Article: “Importance of ethics in business”
Read this article by Philippa Foster Back, which discusses the business approach to ethics.

Library Article: “Confucianism and the art of Chinese management”
Read this article that discusses Chinese approach to management.

Attached Article: “Wyclef Jean Enters the Race to Rescue a Battered Haiti”
Read this article by T. Padgett and J. Desvarieux.

Article: “Rebel Reformer”
Read this article by Alex Perry that discusses the debate if Rwanda’s rebel reformer was a tyrant or savior?,9171,2007287,00.html

How to reduce crime and juvenile involvement


Public Policy Paper & Presentation:
You are expected to write a 12-15 page policy position paper (not including cover page, illustrations,
appendices and references) that addresses a criminal justice policy in the United States of America. You
are expected to choose a position, make relevant recommendations and offer a critical argument with
respect to your chosen policy topic. For this assignment, you must recognize that public policy is a
decision or action of government that addresses problems and issues. In order for a policy to be
considered public policy, it is widely accepted that it must to some degree have been generated or a least processed within the framework of governmental procedures, influences and organizations.
Public policies are funded through public resources and backed up by the legal system. The threat of
sanctions (e.g., financial penalties, loss of liberty, and possible loss of life) through the policy itself, or
failing to comply with the policy, are defining characteristics of criminal justice policy. The focus of
your public policy position topic must align with the focus of your theory and research methods
papers. In general, the public policy paper must demonstrate an ability to effectively formulate an
argument and provide logical and empirical evidence backing that argument.

personal finance

Write a minimum of a 2 page double-spaced reflection paper that summarizes the items above. Paper must be well-written to receive full credit

–I already did the interview and I will put the Interview conversation content in the document. Please use that to writeThank you

The essey need include
Although the interview format for this assignment is flexible, you must cover the following topics:
    Overview of the Financial Professional (learn a little about the financial professional)
o    Who they are,  where they work, area of personal finance they are an expert in
o    Explain why you chose this individual and what you hope to learn?
    Advice from their perspective 
o    Biggest mistakes for college students/young adults
    Identify and describe the three biggest personal finance mistakes college students/new college graduates make (this should be your interpretation of what they shared some quotes are ok)
    Why do they feel these concepts are important?
    Share a story from the financial professional that illustrates the importance of at least one of the concepts.
o    Action Steps/Take-away messages
    Identify two action steps/take away messages for you to consider as you continue to learn the concepts of personal finance (within their profession)
    Why does the professional believe these important for you to consider?
o    Reflection of the experience
    Provide a short reflection on the experience. What did you learn? What do you hope to take from the interview?
    As a result of hearing this information, how do you hope to implement the action steps provided?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Six Sigma versus Total Quality Management Research Paper
The research paper should  analyze ,compare, contrast, discover, balance, and seek to provide the reader with an excellent understanding of all issues.
I expect extensive research for this paper; I also expect to hear your voice, too. Provide a recommendation, summary/conclusion. There must be a minimum 9-12 bibliographic sources, of which, at least 6 must be from book sources. 

Rubics are:
Did you follow instruction.
Analysis and quality of content.
Balance between research commentary and student’s original thoughts — “voice-of-the-student”.
Flow, format, use of tables, graphs, charts and color is recommended.
You may use MLA or APA for documenting and footnoting. Minimum 12-15 pages.