Archive for May 14th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 1750 to 2400 words (about 7 to 8 double-spaced pages), discuss the following topics. When directed, briefly discuss one or more landmark court cases that have had an impact on the topic. Be sure to properly cite and reference your sources in APA style whether from your textbooks, supplemental sources, or other research. To organize your document, use short headings (three to five words) representative of the question you are answering (do not repeat the entire question). Your goal is to accurately portray the topic and the related law while remaining within the length requirement. If you have any questions about this assignment, please contact your mentor.
Identify and discuss the following circumstances in which the U.S. Supreme Court has found that no search occurred as there is no violation of a reasonable expectation of privacy:
Undercover agent/false friend cases
Abandoned property cases
Physical characteristics cases
Open fields and curtilage cases
Enhancement device cases
Focus on the principles that underlie why these areas are beyond Fourth Amendment protection as having no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Summarize Katz v. United States and its importance on the issue of seizures in regard to the Fourth Amendment. In your summary, include the key basic facts of the case and the final Supreme Court ruling. (The Katz v. United States link found within Other Resources will be very helpful.)
Discuss the Terry case, how the court determined the concept of reasonable suspicion, the factors which may and may not give rise to reasonable suspicion, and what articulable facts are. (The Terry v. Ohio link found within Other Resources will be very helpful.)
The particularity clause of the warrant requirement is different for arrest warrants than it is for search warrants. Explain this clause and when it is required for each type of warrant. Explain what is required for both an arrest warrant and a search warrant. Briefly mention the two landmark court cases associated with search warrants.
The courts have placed several restrictions on when and how the police may execute search warrants under special circumstances. Address at least two landmark cases in your response.
Identify and discuss the permissible level of force to effect an arrest. Include in your discussion the use of necessary force to gain suspect compliance during an arrest. Include a discussion of the use of nondeadly force (Graham v. Connor) and deadly force (Tennessee v. Garner).

King and Ghandis Cause

Its also the Cause of the Letter from the Birmingham Jail. The requirements is in the PowerPoint. You can change the quotes and the sentences in the outline. There just needs to be a quote from King and Ghandi and use of rhetoric in each paragraph.

Employment Law case study


Mrs. Jones is your client she comes to you with the following set of facts. Mrs. Jones is a 42 year old African American female with a high school degree, who has worked in many retail stores for over 20 years. Her positions have varied from stocking, clerking, purchasing, as well as Asst. store manager and store manager with 5 different companies. Mrs. Jones walks with a limp and uses a cane and weighs 275 lbs.      Mrs. Jones has seen an advertisement for a clerk job at XYZ drug stores. She sends in her resume and has an interview within a few days. One week later she calls to find out if she got the job and is told no.  Company gave it to a less experienced white male with no health or physical problems age 30.
Mrs. Jones sues XYZ Company for not hiring her.
List all issues that relate to the facts given for Mrs. Jones AND for XYZ Company as well. Intertwine these issues with the law and determine what the courts may find.
After 6 months of hard negotiations by you as the attorney and XYZ attorneys, a settlement is reached.  Mrs. Jones is hired as an Asst. manager of one of the many stores the company owns. She is being paid 50 pct. less than the other store managers which she was aware of in the settlement agreement. After working for the company for 3 years at the same store (age 45) she got a promotion to store manager and 3 annual raises. She is still however 50 pct. lower in pay than the other managers.  Mrs. Jones has difficulty sometimes because of her limp and use of a cane. It is very difficult for her to use the bathroom  because of her weight and the size of the toilet. 
Mrs. Jones had complained to her supervisor that the toilet was too small and needed to be changed. She also complained that 2 other employees were making fun of her and teasing her because of her weight ( now 290 lbs. ) They called her FATTY.  Her supervisor said just ignore it not a big deal and toughen up. He also told Mrs. Jones to loose weight and the toilet would not be a problem.  Mrs. Jones went to the HR manager and explained all of the above.  She also told the HR manager that her supervisor came drunk sometimes when he  checked on her store . Finally after this meeting the HR manager talked to Mrs. Jones supervisor and gave him a warning (as to the drinking only ) even though the supervisor and the HR manger  did talk about all the issues that Mrs. Jones mentioned. Mrs. Jones is feeling very emotionally distraught and needs to take a couple of weeks from work. After 2 weeks she comes back to work and 5 days later her supervisor terminates her for poor work performance
Like above , list up all the issues that Mrs. Jones has as well as all the issues XYZ Company has and the other employees involved in the facts have as well.  Again intertwine all of the issues with the law and determine what the courts may find 

Please use you:  1) class notes 2) Google scholar cases and articles    3) California labor laws 4) employment law discrimination 5) Findlaw    6) Equal Opportunity Employment Commission                                       

Here are helpful topics you can use. Try to incorporate as many as apply to the case given.

1 employment at will / exceptions  contract and tort theory and public policy

2 wrongful discharge / violation of the law or employment contract

3 employee privacy rights /testing and screening and monitoring

4 employment discrimination protected class    race color religion origin gender age (40 )  disability

5 disparate treatment discrimination  form of discrimination results vs the protected class intentionally

6  Prima face case  plaintiff has produced sufficient evidence of his or her claim that case will be decided for plaintiff  unless no evidence to rebut by defendant

7 disparate impact discrimination not discrimination on the face has a discriminatory effect    protected group of people affected

9 Constructive Discharge    so intolerable working conditions caused by employer that a reasonable person in same situation would be compelled to quit

10 sexual harassment demanding of sexual favors in return for job benefits or language and conduct that is so sexually offensive that it creates a hostile work environment

11 reasonable accommodation and undue hardship      disabled people as employees

12 defenses to employment discrimination    Business Necessity- related to job performance                Bona Fide Occupational Qualification / legitimate seniority system / after acquired evidence of employee misconduct

13  Civil Rights Act / Equal Employment Opportunity Commission / Old English Common Law

Letter of Inquiry

Write paragraph 3 and 4 of the Inquiry letter.
Paragraph 3 – Contain research and background of the local charity (Crisis Nursery). Short history? Brief financial information if available.

Paragraph 4 – State the amount of money being request and for what (in the end, these figures and purpose may change as you do further research into the local charity and their needs).

Case Analysis 7

Develop a case analysis on this topic: Analyze the application of helicopters into urban areas and select a related issue to the module content. Consider airspace challenges, heliport operations, noise issues, and various technologies. In your recommended course of action, include some discussion of future helicopter concepts.

-Follow Sample for formatting attached

-Make sure you isolate one specific problem and relate every section back to the problem. Try to be concise in the summary and the alt actions.

What are the factors that have prevented the death penalty from being carried out in The Bahamas?

The lecturer wants me to write an argumentative or expository research-based essay.

However, at this stage he wants an outline. I have already inserted the topic above.

I need you to write an outline. Attached are articles for your review pertaining to the topic.

A reader’s postcolonial Criticism of Half A life

Half a Life  Assignment

Apply critical approaches to the novel Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul to both respond to the storys various elements using Readers Response Criticism and to explore in the Postcolonial Criticism (AL, pp. 273-74) aspects of the novel. Include Biographical Criticism and New Historicism Criticism to aid in your analysis. Use ample evidence from the story to support your assertions. Your title should be

A Readers Postcolonial Criticism of Half a Life
The introduction will consist of a summary of the story. The first sentence should identify the authors full name, the full title of the story, and the overall substance of the story. Include at least two quotes in the introduction. The introduction should not exceed one paragraph that is approximately one page. You will need to reduce the two page minimum summary for the previous assignment by selecting the highest main points to present.

End the introduction with your thesis, which should include the author, the title, and your perspective of the story based on an idea of identity in a postcolonial character.

The body of the analysis should include an introduction, a minimum of eight body paragraphs, and a conclusion that is a minimum of six pages. Include at least two quotes per paragraph. Use quotes that follow the guidelines set in the Integrating Quotes handout to present your evidence. In addition, include at least one paraphrase and one block quote. The block quote must be a minimum of four lines and a maximum of eight lines. Include appropriate in-text citations.

Quotes must include at least one use of brackets and at least one use of ellipsis. Demonstrate a competent use of a variety of quoting styles (all four that the handout covers).

Use research to support and validate your assertions. Use a minimum of six sources; at least, two of those sources must be TCC database sources.

The Works Cited page should include an entry for Half a Life and the sources that you should include to support your assertions. You should have a minimum of seven entries that follow all of the guidelines for your entries found both in your text and on the Owl@Purdue website.

The conclusion should give an astute summary of your main points and restate the thesiss main idea.

Use proper MLA formatting

Use mid-formal academic language.

Proofread and edit for punctuation and grammar issues.

Readers Response Criticism.docx
Postcolonial Criticism.docx
Half a Life Assignment.docx

Java Program Sorting and Complexity Analysis

I am providing the program files that I’ve created already. I used Eclipse to run the code with the java pdk. If you wish to run the programs yourself, I can help you. I’m only looking for STEP 6 to be completed (the paper). The paper’s instructions are surrounded by the double line bars at the bottom. I ran all three iterations of the Bubble sorting method on the file named, and ran the 3 iterations of the selection sorting method on the file named

Module 7 showed that one way of comparing different algorithms for accomplishing the same task is complexity analysis. You will recall that in complexity analysis we express the time an algorithm takes to run as a function of the size of the input, and we used the big-Oh notation. For example, if an algorithm has a complexity of O(1), then it always runs in the same amount of time, no matter what the size of the input is; if it O(n), then the time it takes for the algorithm to run is proportional to the size of the input.

However, complexity analysis has a number of limitations. For example, big-Oh analysis concerns the worst case scenario. For example, some sorting algorithms with a complexity of O(n^2) often run considerably faster if the list that it receives as input is (almost) sorted; other sorting algorithms with a complexity of O(n^2) always take the same amount of time, no matter what state the list is in. Also, in big-Oh, we look at the dominant term in our calculation of the complexity of the algorithm. Thus, when we analyze an algorithm and discover that it runs in 75,312 + n time units, we still say that it has a complexity of O(n). It is therefore deemed to be better than an algorithm that runs in .007 + n^2 time units, as this algorithm has a complexity of O(n^2). We also saw the rationale behind this: If n becomes sufficiently large, the other factors become insignificant.

Fortunately, there is another way to determine how long it takes for an algorithm to run, namely timing experiments. In a timing experiment, you actually implement the algorithm in a programming language, such as Java or C++, and simply measure how long it takes for the algorithm to run.

In the term project for this course, you are going to conduct a timing experiment and compare the results with the results you would get from a complexity analysis. We will compare Bubble Sort with Selection Sort.

In its least sophisticated form, bubble sort ( works as follows:

    Assuming that the list contains n elements.
    Compare the first and the second element in the list, and swap them if the last element is smaller than the preceding one; otherwise, do nothing to this pair.
    Now, compare the second and third elements and swap them if the first of them is larger than the second; otherwise, do nothing to this pair.
    Move on the next pair and continue the process until you reach the end of the list.
    A little reflection will show that at the end of this iteration, the last element in the list is now the largest element in the list. The last element has bubbled to the top.
    Now repeat the process but rather than going to the end of the list, stop when you reach n-1.
    Now repeat the process again, but rather than going to the end of the list, stop when you reach n-2.
    Keep repeating this until you reach 1.

The Wikipedia entry has a little simulation that shows how bubble sort works. The code looks something like:

bubbleSort(array A){
  n = length(A);

  for(j = n; j > 0, j–)
      for(i = 1; i < j; i++) {
        if A[i-1] > A[i]
            swap(A,i-1, i);

swap obviously swaps the elements and can be defined as:

swap(A, pos1, pos2) {
    temp = A[pos1];
    A[pos1] = A[pos2];
    A[pos2] = temp;

Another sort is selection sort ( We saw selection sort in the question in the sub-module on how to determine the complexity of an algorithm. Array A contains n elements, the elements to be sorted.  The algorithm starts at the first position in the array and looks through the array for the smallest element.  Once it reaches the end of the array, it puts that element in the first cell of the array.  It then restarts the whole process from the second position in the array, and continues until the entire array has been sorted.

selection_sort(array A) {
    int i,j
    int iMin;
    for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
      iMin = j;

  for ( i = j+1; i < n; i++) {

      if (a[i] < a[iMin]) {

            iMin = i;



  if ( iMin != j ) {

      swap(a[j], a[iMin]);



If you like the Hungarian dancers, they perform selection sort at


The purpose of the project is to perform a timing experiment. You are required to complete the following activities:

1)    Write a computer program that prompts the user for a number, creates an array for that number of random integers, and then usees the bubble sort to order the array. The program should print out the array prior to the call to the sorting algorithm and afterwards. You can write the program in either Java, C++, C#, or whatever language you are most comfortable in. Do Not use an API from the language library. Write the program to perform the sort.
2)    Repeat 1 but use selection sort this time. Again, write out the program for the selection sort. DO not use the language library.

1 and 2 are primarily intended to make sure that your algorithms work.

Once you are convinced your programs work, do the following

3)    Write a computer program that prompts the user for one number, n for the number of items in the array to sort, and create and sort 1000 different arrays of this size timing the run to get an average time to sort an array of this size. Then do the following:

    Initiate a variable running_time to 0

    Create a for loop that iterates 1000 times.

    In the body of the loop,

    Create an array of n random integers (Make sure you make the range of the random numbers substantially bigger than the array, ie. if the array size is 500 have the random number generator pick numbers between 1 and 5000. For the largest array have the random number generator pick numbers between 1 and 50,000).

    Get the time and set this to start-time (notice the sort is started after each array is built. You want to time the srt process only). You will have to figure out what the appropriate command is in the programming language you are using to find the time (Important: Do not start the timer until after the array is created).

    Use bubble sort to sort the array

    Get the time and set this to end-time Subtract start-time from end-time and add the result to total_time

    Once the program has run, note

    The number of items sorted

    The average running time for each array (total_time/1000)

    Repeat the process using 500, 2500 and 5000 as the size of the array.
4)    Repeat 3 using selection sort.
5)    You now have 6 data points ( the averages from the three array sizes for the two sort algorithms) Create a spreadsheet showing the results of 3 and 4 and create a graph to graphically represent the information. Show both sort algorithms on the same graph for comparison.

6)    Write a one page document explaining the results, bearing in mind that both algorithms have a complexity of O(n^2) and what you know about complexity analysis. Use your knowledge of complexity analysis to explain your results.
The report. In the report, say which machine you ran the experiments on (type of processor, RAM, etc). Explain your experiment and why you feel you received the results you observed.

(I used a windows 10 Desktop with an AMD FX 8330 8 Core Processor, 12 Gigabytes of 1600 speed RAM, and the AsRock 970 Extreme3 FM+ motherboard

Please message me if you have any questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You have been the manager of a Dunkin Donuts store in the Midwest for the past two years. The store is owned by a Dunkin Donuts franchisee who owns 20 other Dunkin Donuts locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. It has been noted by the owner that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store and have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization, and people. In regards to the metrics that are used to measure their stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in their system.

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to district manager! The Dunkin Donuts franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth.

For this assignment, you will prepare a four to five-page paper in which you explain your chosen job design and organizational design as the new District Manager for Dunkin Donuts.

You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed:

IntroductionProvide a well-organized introduction to the paper.
Job DesignExplain your chosen job design including job analysis, job description and job specification.
Organizational DesignExplain why the chosen organizational design was chosen.

Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.


One one looks at Polybius’s treatment of revolutions in Book 8 of his History, it looks as if he never read Aristotle’s Politics book 5.  In fact Polybius’s account of the cycle of politeia looks more indebted to Plato and to Plutarch than to Aristotle.  What evidence is that Polybius knew of Aristotle’s Politics, or like most Roman authors, Aristotle’s Politics was unknown to him?