Archive for May 16th, 2020

Accounting (Analyze profit and loss account + balance sheet)

3. Exercises Financial Statements
3.1 Analysis Statements of Financial Positions (Balance Sheet)
Part 1: What do the two corporations own?
Define assets and describe the current and the non-current assets of the two companies you analyze. Which percentage of the total amount of assets is occupied by current and which percentage do non-current assets represent? Which assets do you find on the corporations balance sheets and how do the two companies current- and non-current assets differ? How do the two companies differ from a volume point of view (total amount of assets) and differ regarding the split between a current and non-current point of view.
Part 2: How are the corporations financed?
Define liability and differentiate between current and non-current liabilities. Define equity and differentiate between Paid-in capital and Retained earnings. Which percentage of the total amount of assets is occupied by liabilities and which percentage does the total amount of equity represent? Calculate the percentage of liability and equity compared to the total amount of assets. How do the two companies differ from a volume point of view (total amount liabilities and total amount of equity)? How do the two companies differ from a split of liabilities and equity point of view (in other words: how much of the total assets is financed by debt and how much of the total assets of the corporation is financed by equity (measured in percentages)?
3.2 Analysis Income Statement (Profit and Loss Account)
What is the business of the company? What kind of services do the offer or what kind of products they produce? Please come up with an outline comparing at least two accounting years of each corporation with regard to revenues, expenses, net income and net profit margin (before and after tax).
How do the two companies differ regarding revenues, expenses, expense ratios, net income and net profit margin (before and after tax)? Are the differences linked to the industry they are active in?

The two cooporations you will analyze are walmart and royal dutch shell.

I have attached the profit and loss acount + balance sheet so you dont need to go searching for it.

Diversity and Ethics

The paper is made up of two essay questions. Some material to help answer the essay questions will be attached.

Essay Questions (Answer TWO questions)

Select ONE  question to answer from the following (in about 400-500 words):

When considering the contemporary situation of African Americans today, do you think the glass is half empty or half full? Explain your answer.


What are some current challenges faced by Native Americans in relation to retaining control of resources?

Answer the question below (in about 400-500 words):

How important is it to consider the collateral harms (the social and moral impact) of mass imprisonment on communities into our ethical deliberations about punishment?

Personal Statement for applying for University

Your Personal Statement should be between 350 and 500 words in length and contain a number of paragraphs that link together in a logical, well-written style. In the first half you need to explain why you want to do the course, why you are well suited to it and what do you plan to do in the future. This part should be between 150-250 words. The second half should be about yourself and your interests.

please refer to the structures of the course I intend to apply and you must mention this as a part of the personal statement:

IPV or Stalking case risk assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to apply risk
assessment concepts learned in this course by conducting informal risk assessments based on
case materials. To that end, you have been provided with case examples and lecture materials
covering: Risk Assessment (for IPV & Stalking), Case Conceptualization, Risk Management,
and Victim Safety Planning. For this assignment, please select either the Intimate Partner
Violence case or the Stalking/Criminal Harassment case. These cases are fictional in nature.
Please complete all four parts of the assignment for b

vehicle dynamics- modeling with matlab simulink

A bump profile has been provided, which provides a vertical displacement over time for one wheel, based on the profile shown. It is suggested that you use a quarter-car model initially, in order to familiarise yourself with this system before proceeding to the half-car model.
2.  Create a half-car model in Simscape Multibody with the given parameters, using joints which appropriately allow motion. .
3. Identify a location on the car body where the drivers head is likely to be and use this as a point from which to measure driver acceleration and displacement (use a transform and a transform sensor).
4. model output:
Driver displacement (absolute and relative to car), driver upward acceleration (absolute),
Tyre displacement (compression)
Force at suspension mounting (top)
5. Evaluate  the  sensitivity  of  the  response,  in  terms  of  acceleration  and  displacement experienced by the driver, to TWO OF THE LISTED PARAMETERS AS ALLOCATED TO YOU over the required range of speeds.
6. Investigate the sensitivity of the model to change of solution algorithm (use a single instance from your models above (i.e. one velocity, one set of parameters) and run with a range of algorithms. Consider the effect of step-size also. Be sure to look at acceleration as well as position in your analysis.
7. Develop a set of lagrangian dynamics equations for the quarter-car model, subjected to a vertical force applied to the body, and solve these using one of the matlab solvers such as ode45, comparing your results with your simscape multibody quarter-car model for one set of parameters.
8.  The following will attract extra credit:
a.    Implement a separate body to represent the driver on a suitably sprung seat and compare the effect on this separate driver with your earlier results for each scenario.
b.  Car dampers often have a different damping constant for the bump and return. Find a way to implement this logic.

psychological treatment plan

The Assignment: Change Project (25%) A mock case study will be posted on Canvas. You must develop a treatment plan for this fictional client. Your plan must include a formulation of the client consider information about the clients background and provide a possible diagnosis based on the clients symptoms. You must prioritize treatment goals and determine a course of action to help the fictional client make change. The treatment plan should be based on one (or maximum two) therapies covered in this course. Papers must be submitted on Canvas by March 29 at 11:59 pm.

A detailed rubric will be provided on Canvas to clarify expectations for the assignment. Basic formatting must be adhered to including:
Only Word or PDF documents will be accepted. Submission of other documents (e.g., Pages) will result in late penalties and will not be graded until an appropriate document is received.
Five pages maximum (double-spaced). Margins must be 1 inch and font must be Times New Roman size 12. Any assignment that exceeds the maximum page limit (or uses font size/margins to work around the page limit) will be docked 2 points.
All papers must be in APA style (including a cover page with a header, title, and your name/student ID) and must include an APA reference list for cited sources. Sources must be cited in-text and in the reference list. There is no max/min for sources. Lecture content should be cited if utilized.
Papers should be written in future tense (as though you have met with the client once to gather information and are now planning the treatment).

Business Analysis Report About Kmart Australia

Please do the business the business strategies used by Kmart Australia, using Porters 5 forces.Please the criteria i’ve used uploaded.This assignment was done previously by another writer but the content is wrong.The Introduction and conclusion is correct.

for the body part need to write about  about porters 5 forces for kmart:

Threat of new entrants
Threat of Substitution
Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Rivalry amongst existing competitors

please write roughly about 200 words for each topic

Did Elvis really die?

I need an alphabetized Annotated bib for 7 sources that I will attach below. I will also be attaching a list of annotation questions that are required to be answered for each source. In addition to that, I will be attaching a specific format that the professor requires. Don’t worry about the header or title just the instructions below the example.

Revise my paper

Hey there – the articles needed to be 2015 or after then information needed to be in the white area next to where the grey description is that the instructor had typed out. Some of the columns weren’t quite filled out and the qualitative article/journal wasn’t done, some of the descriptions are ok but others either aren’t there or just a little comment that isn’t what the instructor is looking for. Are you able to fix this ?



Consider these discussion questions based on chapters  5 – 6 (SEE FILE ATTACHEMENT) and answer at least two of them, and reply to at least four other students’ answers or questions with answers of your own or pose questions for them to reply to.  You could also add your own questions to any of the topics within each question; if you don’t understand something, ask others to answer your question.  In other words be actively engaged with not only my questions but the answers and questions others provide.

1) Comment what you learned about the Electromagnetic Spectrum such as visible light, infrared, X-rays, etc.  What did you learn that you didn’t already know and what was surprising to you?  Do you understand the nature of Transverse waves and the relationship of the Energy, Wavelength and Frequency of a wave?  Do you understand the difference between AM and FM radio waves and why one is better heard in tunnels and why the other is better heard in valleys and mountains?  Do you understand the nature of infrared light and UV, X-ray and Gamma Rays?  How about the section of the notes on the Absorption of the EM waves by our atmosphere and the SETI project.  What was new and surprising for you?  What do you still not understand from this section? Do you have any feelings on protecting and nourishing our Ozone layer so it won’t be depleted?  How about the message that the SETI project sent to another Galaxy M13 in 1976, do you think it’s a good idea to be sending out messages to other galaxies, is there danger in that, what precautions should we take.  Also, in the Pioneer 11 & Voyager spacecrafts there is a plaque and a record containing important information about us.  What’s your feelings about that?  Have you ever read Space Odyssey 2001 or other such books about space exploration and the dangers involved in that?  What are your feelings about that?

2) Comment about the section of the notes covering Wien’s Law, atomic Spectra, Kirchoff’s Laws and Doppler Effect.  What was new and surprising for you?  What did you already know?  What is still hard for you to understand?  Did you make connections with what you have learned from Chemistry about the different orbitals that electrons occupy and the possible jumps they can make.  Watch my video (Links to an external site.)

from the YouTube playlist (specially starting from the 1:30 minute mark) and see the spectral lines of the different elements.  How did this video enlighten you and shed light on this topic?  Do you understand the difference between Absorption vs. Emission spectra and why Stars yield Absorption spectra?  What do you think about the Doppler effect?  Watch the video (Links to an external site.)

and the  video (Links to an external site.)

about the Doppler effect.  How did this enlighten you?  How does the Doppler effect relate to other phenomenon in our daily lives?  How is the Doppler effect related to our discovery of the Big Bang theory?

3) Comment on the section of the Notes on Collecting Power, Resolving Power and Magnification of telescopes as well as the section on CCD chips, Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Segmented Mirroring.  What did you learn that was new and what surprised you?  What do you still not understand and would like to find out more information about?  Do you understand how CCD technology works in cameras, telescopes and smartphones, if not, try to find out the answer!!  Do you understand how Adaptive Optics helps give better images and how it works?  Why isn’t adaptive optics needed in Outer Space?  How does Interferometry technique work and why does it help improve images?  How does Segmented mirroring work and why does it help improve images?  What other technologies can you think of that has improved telescope images?  Do you understand why Stars twinkle and Planets don’t and how Adaptive Optics technology helps counter the twinkling effect?

4) Comment on the section of the Notes on different Kinds of Optical telescopes such as Refraction and Reflecting?  What did you learn from this that was new and surprising?  What do you still not understand?  Which ones are better, Reflecting or Refracting Telescopes and why?  Which type of telescope would you like to own some day?  Do you have a preferred brand, aperture size or mounting type such as German Equatorial Mount, Altitude-Azimuth Mount or Dobsonian Mount??  How about Newtonian Reflecting telescope versus Cassegrain Schmidt vs Refracting telescope?  How about the Famous Telescopes of the World for each of the Electromagnetic Waves?  What did you learn that was new and surprising?  What did you already know?  Which ones do you like the most (Arecibo, Very Large Baseline Array, Cobe, Sofia, Hubble, Chandra, Swift)  You can compare some of the images given by these telescopes and what purposes they are used for and see which one(s) you like!!!  Are there any other famous telescopes that are being built?  What do you feel about the upcoming Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)??


These are my comments about what I learned about the AM and FM radio waves. The AM and FM radio waves is a form of the Electro Magnetic Spectrum. The AM radio waves have a larger wave length, which have a lower frequency and also a much larger broadcast range. The larger wave lengths of the AM radio waves travel very well through solid objects like mountains. Whereas the FM radio waves are much shorter in their wave lengths and shorter and a much higher frequency. The higher energy and shorter wave lengths from an FM radio station aren’t absorbed or blocked as much, instead they tend to bounce around and get reflected off of surfaces much like the inside of a tunnel.

Here are some more answers on the Doppler Effect. Astronomers use the Doppler Effect to study the motion of objects across the universe, from nearby extrasolar planets to the expansion of distant galaxies. The Doppler Effect is the change in length of a wave, light, sound, etc. due to the relative source and receiver. For example, the pitch of a siren on an ambulance or fire truck. You may have notice that as a fast-moving siren passes by you, the pitch of the siren abruptly drops in pitch. At first, the siren is coming towards you, when the pitch is higher. This sound effect was first described by Christian Andreas Doppler in the 1800a and is called the Doppler Effect.

Known as the doppler shift, has to do with the apparent change of frequency of a source. It could be a source giving out sound waves, giving out water waves , it could be a source giving out light waves, we use it to study how fast stars are coming towards us or moving away from us. The change of frequency that you hear or see you can tell that the source is coming in faster.

The atmosphere over our heads is moving and changing density, and the starlight passing through it is similarly refracted. Air density changes rapidly, the resulting changes in refraction make the stars appear to change brightness and position an effect we see as twinkling. When photographed from Earth for more than a few seconds through a traditional telescope the twinkling smears out a star’s image, causing it to look like a fuzzy blob rather than a pinpoint star.
Adaptive optics is a computer instrumentation which is connected to the mirrors of the telescope and continually changes their focal lengths to compensate for atmospheric blurring. It uses sensors to determine the amount of twinkling created by atmospheric turbulence. It effectively eliminates atmospheric distortion of a star and produces a clear image with resolution as fine as 0.03. Telescopes can capture better images from Earth. I did not come across any info. which gives an explanation to why planets do not twinkle like stars?

I learned more in depth about the electromagnetic spectrum and how it’s composed of all electric and magnetic fields that that we both can and cannot see. This spectrum begins with radio waves that have the largest wavelength of all waves in the spectrum, then moves onto infrared, followed by visible light (the only part of the spectrum we can see with our naked eye). The next few waves can be dangerous if exposed to without any protection such as Ultra-Violet, X-Rays, and Gamma Rays that have the shortest wavelengths in the spectrum. What was surprising for me was the way that Transverse waves actually work; it was shocking to learn that even though the energy in these waves is carried right to left or left to right, the particles themselves travel up and down. This was best demonstrated to us in my opinion when Mr. K used a springlike rope and used his hand to move it up and down but the waves traveled from the point where his hand was to opposite end of the rope (left to right). I also learned that AM radio waves are the biggest wave that exists and that is why it is best heard in places like in areas such as mountains and valleys and why FM radio waves are heard better in parking garages and tunnels because they are shorter than AM waves. I also learned that the SETI project also allows and encourages civilians to help them in their search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence by listening in on the radio spectrum for signals picked up within the WATER HOLE range. I’ve always favored more green “approaches” not just for our planet and the ozone layer but for overall health in general such as riding a bike when you can as oppose to using a car and properly recycling waste. I think it’s great that we’re trying to send messages and plaques to other galaxies but we do need to exercise caution because even if we don’t get to hear back within our lifetime it can still pose a threat to generations to come. 

Pretty much everything I learned in lecture 6 was completely new to me with the exception of reflection and refraction telescopes. I have heard the terms and new slightly about them I did learn about these telescopes more in depth. I learned that Charged Couple Devices is the most basic way of improving an image on a telescope. Instead of using CCD’s however, astronomers use Adaptive Optics to connect to the mirrors of the telescope to compensate atmospheric blurring which is a result of the light rays being shifted from side to side by refraction in air pockets; this is why stars appear to “twinkle” in the sky with our naked eye. In comparison, planets don’t twinkle because they’re a lot closer to us than stars are.  Adaptive Optics aren’t needed in outer space telescopes because this refraction doesn’t happen since the telescope is already outside of our atmosphere. Interferometry is the technique of connecting the signals of 2 or more telescopes so that act as one large telescope. This is beneficial because the more telescopes connected to a single computer/receiver, the more increase in aperture you have. Segmented mirrors on the other hand build large mirrors out of small hexagonally shaped mirrors which are more economical because the mirrors can be made separately. Another benefit of segmented mirrors is that they are thin and therefore weigh less and cool rapidly in the nightfall as oppose to thicker mirrors. 

What I learned about the Electromagnetic Spectrum is the order of how much energy our body can handle to the point that it can kill us in a matter of seconds or minutes. Before the class, I have seen the Electromagnetic Spectrum in school but I havent learned it in depth and I did not know the frequency in hertz and the spectrum arent unlike sound waves where they use vacuums. The difference between Am and FM radio is FM radio waves has waves that have a higher frequency but are more impacted by physical barriers and AM radio waves are longer wavelengths with slower frequency than FM but FM can travel farther and can listen in a tunnel and AM can travel on valleys and mountains. Infrared light is the heat of an object and living thing and has a faster frequency and is more energy. The UV is the after with more energy and an even faster frequency and X-rays have a higher frequency that is given off by stars and explosion caused by them. The most with energy with even faster frequency is gamma-ray giving off radioactive elements dangerous to the human body. I am very surprised at the idea of the SETI project and the fact that is it approved by the U.S. but very fascinated. We should try and protect our Ozone because that is the only reason keeping us alive and not get killed by the rays of the sun. Also, it is a good idea to send a message to another Galaxy because it shows us that civilization around the universe are not alone and the plaque from the pioneer 11 and Voyager is smart because it shows us our anatomy and the things humans like to do. I have seen Interstellar and I feel that danger is involved because in the movie the main character went into a black hole an he was weird making it seem that he was seeing everything mirrored to him.

I know that Collecting power is a measurement of how much light the telescope can get from space determining the brightness of the image. Also, resolving power is how clear the image the telescope can get. Getting something magnified can enlarge the image by a telescope or by a camera. The different types of CCD chips are Coupled Device, silicon chips which have million of light pixels that are used photographic plates, giving brighter images. Adaptive Optics is a computer giving off information connected to mirrors on a telescope and continually change thier focal length to compensate for the atmospheric blurring making the image clearer. Interferometry is a technique, connecting signals from 2 or more telescopes that can make the image enlarge making the photo brighter and clearer. And Segmented Mirror is a strategy that involves making a large mirror out of small hexagon-shaped mirrors. What was new to me was everything I did not know that they were so many ways of making an image better. Different types of CCD technology were transferred to any camera making it its ability to make the image clearer. Adaptive optics are not needed in Outer Space because the atmosphere of the earth is not interfering with the optics. The reason Stars twinkle and planet dont is because the light gets slightly disturbed by the atmosphere making it seem twinkling but in reality, it is not and to counter the problem you need an optical system making the mirror counter the effects of the atmosphere.