Archive for May 16th, 2020

Law and Psychology: Historical and Contemporary Reality

Your executive summary will be 3 pages and must include a problem statement, an overview of your selected issue in your state, and a summary of existing research (within the last 3 years) on the topic.

The specific steps are as follows:

Select any 1 of the following contemporary issues:
Interrogations and Confessions
Involuntary Civil Commitment
Competency Restoration
Implicit Bias and Criminal Justice
Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification
Solitary Confinement
Trauma and Memory
Eyewitness Testimony
In 1 paragraph, write a problem statement.
In 2 paragraphs, supply an overview of the contemporary issue in your state.
In 4 paragraphs, create an overview of existing research (within the last 3 years) associated with your selected contemporary issue.
Use no less than 6 scholarly resources.

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Assignment Overview
The first part of your reading in Daniel Terris book will include an overview of Lockheed Martins organization and will lay out the research plan that Terris used to obtain information necessary for his work. This will be followed by a general overview of the evolution of business ethics in America.

Case Assignment
Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to reaching a balance between profits and stakeholder concerns. Please support your position by giving some examples from the text or from other sources where CEOs did a good or poor job of finding this balance.
Terris discusses the history of business ethics in America since the late 1800s with respect to anti-competitive practices, seeking unfair advantage through immoral arrangements with suppliers and public officials, failing to adhere to laws and regulations, and lack of transparency. Discuss to what extent you believe things to be better or worse in the present day for businesses in general.
On page 41, Terris discusses the ideas of Howard Bowen regarding the evolution of social responsibility of businesses. To what extent do you think his predictions held true since 1953?
Assignment Expectations
APA Points:

According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, there are three reasons why we need to use proper citations and references.

They are:

To ensure the accuracy of scientific knowledge (p.11). How do we know if what you are reading is really the truth? We can look at the citation and the reference and do further research to make sure what you are reading and what you are basing your research on is correct.

To protect the rights and welfare of research participants (p.11). People deserve to get credit for their work. When you earn a degree and go on to do research, you will want credit for the work you have published.

To protect intellectual property rights (p.11). When we refer to inventions, we should give credit to the person who invented the item, trademarked the item, or developed a design. This protects their work.

A reference system also allows the reader to use the in-text citation and reference page to find out how to do further research when they find a topic of interest. It can save a lot of time.

As educated students, we should know the APA Style rules and work to perfect them.

Below are three common mistakes that cost Trident Students. Reviewing these examples should help you improve your grade and also make future assignments easier.

APA Point 1: Where does the period go?

The use of a period. The period indicates the end of a sentence. However, if we put the period before the in-text citation, we are actually beginning the next sentence with the citation. Therefore, the period goes after the citation.

Another misuse of the period is putting it before the citation and another after the citation. This is not correct. The period goes after the in-text citation.

Example: Intercultural Communication is quite important in how we deal with individuals from different Countries and even from different neighborhoods of our cities (Pearson, 2015b). Notice where the period is.

APA Point 2: Do we need to use Quotation Marks?

When using information word for word from someone elses work, quotation marks are necessary. This example illustrates the use of quoted material at the end of the sentence, followed by a citation and reference. The reference will also include the page numbers.

Example: When we are writing a Negative Letter, there are numerous authors who recommend starting the letters with a buffer. Remember, Openings for negative messages are often called Buffer Beginnings because they are designed to buffer the negative message that will follow (Bowman, 2002, p. 1).

APA Point 3: Arranging entries on a reference list.

Once again as we dive into our Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, we get guidance on how to arrange our references on the reference page. Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by initials of the authors given name (p. 181).

One may ask why. When there are two or three references, it does not make a great amount of difference. But with numerous references, it is much easier if we arrange the references by the authors last name. Remember, one of the purposes of a reference page is to help readers find additional information. If there are 10 or more references listed in random order, it is difficult to find the appropriate reference. So lets use the alphabetical ordering.

Go to any of the Background Pages in our Modules to see an example of a reference page.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page containing the full citations corresponding to the in-text citations you choose to use in the body of your paper. So in addition to the 2- to 3-page body of your paper you will have a title page and a reference page. So overall, you will be submitting a 4- to 5-page document.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

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Any topic (writer’s choice)

You additionally need to include a cover letter, addressed to me and roughly one page long addressing how you chose your topic, why it is interesting to you personally, any challenges you expect to face in researching or writing about your topic and your plan of action going forward on your paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go on the internet and research the following information:

1. Define the Renaissance Period – include dates, the characteristics or descriptions of the stylistic period.

2. Cite 3 visual artists.

3. Cite 3 composers.

4. Cite 3 styles of vocal and instrumental music that was predominant during the Renaissance Period

5. Name 3 titles of musical works that represented 3 different types of styles of music in The Renaissance Period.

6. Cite 2 philosophers and their works (describe the work).

7. Cite 1 literary author and the name of at least 3 of his plays that are popular today in the 21st century.  This research should not be plagiarized.

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Assignment Overview
Moving Toward an Ethical Workplace

A multi-generational workforce can be challenging for managers to handle. The question becomes, what to do with the new talent coming-in, and also the experienced talent who is approaching retirement? The following Case Study allows you to make an ethical decision based upon your morals and values.

Case Assignment
Michael Kennedy is fairly new to Company XYZ. He was hired as the VP of HR and has many years of experience in the HR field. At Company XYZ, he quickly gains the respect of his peers because he follows all rules and regulations and does not make any exceptions. He is a baby boomer and has great recollections of the 70s. From time to time, he shares his interesting stories with his close colleagues at work. He served in the US military and was a Sergeant in Vietnam. Michael has dealt with a lot of organizational changes throughout his tenure and has a unique philosophy that he strongly believes inone should be prepared for anything, but should expect nothing.

The CEO of Company XYZ (John Smithson) has been trying to trim the fat at his organization so the company could hire some fresh new talent. John Smithson believes (without any documentation in their performance evaluations) that some of the senior employees are not as productive and do not bring much to the table. In fact, he shares with Michael that the sooner they start with Project New Blood, the sooner Michael will get his well-deserved raise. Michael devises a plan to lay off 10 senior employees and hire five fresh college graduates.

Michael believes he is an ethical individual and is happy to provide his employees with a notable severance package. He uses the following chart to discuss the savings with the CEO. His rationale is that if 10 senior employees are laid-off, then they can easily hire 5 fresh desperate college graduates to do twice the work at a lower salary.

Senior Employees    Salary    Years at Company XYZ    New Hires    Salary
Employee # 1    $100,000    20    Employee # 1    $70,000
Employee # 2    $120,000    22    Employee # 2    $65,000
Employee # 3    $110,000    21    Employee # 3    $72,000
Employee # 4    $100,000    20    Employee # 4    $68,000
Employee # 5    $120,000    22    Employee # 5    $70,000
Employee # 6    $110,000    21    —    —
Employee # 7    $100,000    20    —    —
Employee # 8    $120,000    22    —    —
Employee # 9    $110,000    21    —    —
Employee # 10    $115,000    21    —    —
Total    $1,105,000    210 years of experience    Total    $345,000
In his eyes, the plan will save Company XYZ approximately $700,000 per year. The CEO is satisfied with Michaels plan and gives him the green light to start. The CEO reminds Michael of the At-Will employment clause in all employee contracts that is very helpful for the organization.

Assignment Expectations
After reading the Modular readings and conducting your own research, please answer the following questions in a 2-3 page paper using APA:

Do you think it is ethical to lay off 10 of the senior employees, to hire five new college graduates, and to double the work of the new employees? Justify your response.
Is it worth laying off 10 senior employees for saving $700,000 per year? What are the pros and cons to the situation? Justify your response.
Is it ethical to pre-screen potential employees by using the internet (i.e., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, and YouTube)?
What are some solutions to this case study? What is the best solution for this case study? Justify your response.
Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page containing the full citations corresponding to the in-text citations you choose to use in the body of your paper. So in addition to the 2- to 3-page body of your paper you will have a title page and a reference page. So overall, you will be submitting a 4- to 5-page document.

Use APA style, and proofread your paper.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

marriage culture in Austria

This submission represents the first of my draft paper and should incorporate all the the research. This is more than just a list of sources, it should also briefly explain the information
contained in that source. For each source, give a complete reference (either in MLA or APA format) so
that I can locate the source if I chose to do so, and provide approximately a paragraph description of the
information you intend to use from that source. You may use sources from the internet, books,
publications, movies or tv. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source. Wikipedia is a great jumping off
point for ideas on where to locate information, but it is, at best, a secondary source. If you find
something interesting in a Wikipedia article, look for the footnote/reference for that information and track
down the original source for the information.
Grade Breakdown for Paper 1 (50 Points)
Topic presentation and description (25 Points)
Annotated Bibliography/Reference List (25 Points)
I will provide feedback on your topic and approach, and your identified sources at this stage.
Paper 2: First Draft (Due: March 30th for those Without Trip; Due: April 15th, for those With Trip)

Salmonella in the Carribean


Launch Salmonella in the Carribean Epidemiologic computer-based case study.

There are seven steps to completing an epidemiologic outbreak study.  Work through the seven steps that are located throughout the downloaded program.

Assignment:  Describe each of the seven steps of an epidemiologic outbreak study using the Salmonella in the Carribean case study as an example.  You will need to summarize each step that you complete.  Make sure to include specific details of the Salmonella in the Carribean case study in your response.  Also make sure to incorporate the answers to the questions embedded with the program into your summary.

Discussion Question 8.10

The question should have a response of 500 words and there should be 2 peer reviewed sources. It should also have 2 scriptural or biblical principles applied. The question should have its own references and not combined for both questions. The full question should not be included in the text.


What type of experimental design would you recommend in each of the following cases? Suggest in some detail how you would design each study:

a.    A test of three methods of compensation of factory workers. The methods are hourly wage, incentive pay, and weekly salary. The dependent variable is direct labor cost per unit of output.
b.    A study of the effect of various levels of advertising effort and price reduction on the sale of specific branded grocery products by a retail grocery chain.
c.    A study to determine whether it is true that the use of fast paced music played over a stores public address system will speed the shopping rate of customers without an adverse effect on the amount spent per customer.

Paper #2- Supreme Court Landmark Case

Research a Supreme Court landmark case. Use the case brief to discuss what the case was about and how the case ended up being reviewed for its constitutionality. Do you believe that judicial review should be used more often? Why or why not?

1. Title
2. Paper Format
a. Typed
b. Times New Roman
c. Font size 12
d. Double-spaced
e. 5 pages (not including works cited page)
3. Sources
a. Each paper should utilize at least four outside sources to support your position
b. A works cited page citing the source material used in the preparation of your
paper must be attached to your essay and does not count towards the five-page
writing requirement.
4. Proper citation rules must be followed

Video games

Editing notes: It looks like youre on the right track with this draft. As I read, I made some comments, and I was very impressed with the way you analyzed the the effects of music in various kinds of game. For the final draft, you’ll need more engagement with readert. Try to consider possible questions your readers might raise and respond to them. You might consider using an exhibit source like a detailed description of the music in a very addictive game to illustrate your ideas. It would also be helpful to add a counterargument and respond to it.
This academic research paper is very informative and thoughtful. With a little attention to increasing its specificity (with more quotes, examples, and details), I think it could be publishable.