Archive for May 16th, 2020

Stem Cell Therapy and Rehabilitation for Musculoskeletal Injuries

A review paper, written in 12 point font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins.

Should include:

Title page
Short summary or abstract (no more than 350 words)
Short introduction leading to a hypothesis or objective
Body of the paper divided into logical sections.
A brief conclusion

8.6 Discussion Question

The question should have a response of 500 words and there should be 2 peer reviewed sources. Each should also have 2 scriptural or biblical principles applied. Each question should have its own references and not combined for both questions. The full question should not be included in the text.


A lighting company seeks to study the percentage of defective glass shells being manufactured. Theoretically, the percentage of defectives is defectives is dependent on temperature, humidity, and the level of artisan expertise. Complete historical data are available for the following variables on a daily basis for a year:

a.    Temperature (high, normal, low)
b.    Humidity (high, normal, low)
c.    Artisan expertise level (expertise, average, mediocre).

Some experts feel that defectives also depend on production supervisors. However, data on supervisors in charge are available for only 242 of the 365 days. How should this study be conducted?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Details: The term paper proposal should be a one page research proposal detailing the testable question you want to investigate. You should be framing your proposal and topic as a causal question: What is the impact of A on B? ; Does A cause B?, etc.
The term paper proposal should be a one page research proposal.
You need to include:
your proposed hypothesis
why it is interesting or useful
how you will approach answering your hypothesis question
at least 2 sources on your topic (in APA format).

Reaction to show

If you guys are bored as a result of quarantine/ social distancing, here are some shows and
movies that relate to this course! If you watch any of these and write up a short reaction to it (~ 1
page double spaced) I will give you extra credit. These dont have to be argumentative pieces or
anything formal like the response papers, just write something so I know that you actually
watched the tv show/ movie and thought about it in the context of this class!
Movies, Documentaries, & Short Films
The House I Live In (2012)
13th (2016)
The Panama Deception (1992)
NarcoCultura (2013)
Blow (2001)
Kill the Messenger (2014)
American Made (2017)
Plan Colombia: Cashing in on the Drug War (2002)
Traffic (2000)
3 1/2 Minutes, 10 Bullets (2015)
Warning: This Drug May Kill You (2017)
Heroin(e) (2017)
Gideon’s Army (2013)
Television Shows
Narcos: Mexico (season one 2018, season two 2020)
Pablo Escobar: El Patrn del Mal (Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord) (2012)*
La Ley Secreta (Undercover Law) (2017)*
The Day I Met El Chapo (2017)
1994 (2019)*
Weeds (Season one, 2005)
The Pharmacist (2020)
The Wire (2002)
Snowfall (2017)

Apple case study

case link:

Key questions to consider:

Review Apples supply chain for its iPhone product. What differences set it apart from competitors?
What are Apples key advantages in how it manages its supply chain operations?  Support your analysis with data from the case.
What are the challenges that Apple faces in the future, and what are the implications for its supply chain?
Jessica Grant needs to think about a supply chain investments strategy. How would you frame analysis, recommendations would you make to the companys vice-president, Phillip Duchene, and why?

UPMC and Pinnacle Health Merger

Internal Scanning and Core Competencies (VRIO approach)

Apr 7

Construct an Internal Factor Analysis Summary matrix (see page 164-attached) including a minimum of 5 Strengths and 5 Weaknesses for your company.  Clearly identify Core competencies following the RBV approach. Provide a brief explanation for your weights and ratings assignment. Max 2 pages.

PLEASE NOTE: I will need the excel file as well as the word document.  I was missing the actual excel file for part 1 which he will deduct points for.

I have attached the first portion of this assignment which is the external factors and now we need to add the internal factors.

I am providing you with an Excel file containing a complete case analysis. In this excel file you will find several worksheets (see tabs) with corresponding IFE, EFE, TWOS, etc, analytical tools useful for strategic management, identification and formulation. In addition, I am also providing you with another excel file for financial ratios analysis and strategic audit (See links above). You can use the excel file as your template to construct your Live Case analysis (make sure not to erase any formulas!). I am also providing you a template for the case analysis in a pdf file. This template should serve as a guideline to assess all elements that need to be included in your analysis. There is also an excel file that is useful to this end. In the excel file, please scroll to the left in the tab bar to see all spreadsheets used.

The final written document you prepare should follow the format but not presented in a bullet or outline format as is presented in Chapter 12. You should prepare it in a research paper format with main and sub headings and references. In addition, you should include a completed Strategic Flow Diagram as an appendix to your document see format provided in D2L. I have included a blank model and a sample of the College of Business Administration diagram as an example. It is of the utmost relevance that your report clearly and specifically identify the firm’s core competencies and how they translate into Competitive Advantage(s). In addition, a clear identification of Core Products and End Products is expected.

DB5 US Debt Clock

The National Debt Clock is a billboard-sized running total display which constantly updates to show the current United States gross national debt and each American family’s share of the debt. To use analyze the US Debt Clock place your cursor over a specific box and you will gain an understanding of what you are viewing. You can also view debt by individual states. To view the US Debt Clock, simply click the link.

Students will review the US Debt Clock for preparation of this weeks discussion board exercise.

After reviewing the US Debt Clock, in real time, students will submit a brief summary of their thoughts on what was the most interesting aspect of their observations and why?

NFL Passing Effect

Refer to Dataset 7.7 NFL Passing Effect and analyze the results in the following way. Submit the analysis as a Word document by the due date.

    Review the results of the of the three Linear Models. Select the one that is the best model for predicting Points. Explain the results of the following values in support of your decision
o    Scatterplot and Correlation Results
o    Significance of F-test
o    Standard Error of Coefficients
o    P-value of Coefficients
o    Result of Residual
    Review the results of the of the three Multiple Models. Select the one that is the best model for predicting Points. Explain the results of the following values in support of your decision
o    Scatterplot and Correlation Results
o    Significance of F-test
o    Standard Error of Coefficients
o    P-value of Coefficients
o    Result of Residual
    Write a 4 page double-spaced paper summarizing your findings.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write a short essay telling me how you think this  writing class will go for you this quarter.  Use a title, use paragraphs, use details and some analysis; this is a way for me to get to know a little about your writing, but do not over-concern yourself with making it perfect.  It will not be graded.

Consider touching on some of the following topics:

Where are you sheltering in place, what are the limitations you see in terms of access to technology, challenges of time zones or competition for bandwidth, or not having a quiet space to work, etc.  What are your concerns and what do you think you can do about them?

What is your sense of yourself as a writer and how does having this class occur in an online writing environment fit with that? 

What would you find most valuable to learn from this class this quarter?

Or, you can write about broader issues that are affecting you that you think will come into play: are you working?  are you living with a lot of family members, including some who might be ill?  do you have physical issues that make you concerned about whether you might get sick yourself?

As you can see, there is a lot of latitude here. 

Take about an hour to write this.  Produce about 500 words but don’t add more words just to get it to the word count.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each week, you will post a reading journal that responds to the week’s reading and viewing assignments. This journal should engage with the reading, not just summarize it. You may begin with your gut reactions, i.e. why you liked or disliked the reading, but you should also consider why you feel this way. The journal is a good place to draw connections between texts, raise questions, and initiate discussions with your classmates.
Journals should:
Directly reference at least three different readings/videos.
Utilize/explore/question at least two key terms
Pose questions for the class to consider
Make connections (between course materials and life, current events, other classes, past readings, the questions and observations of classmates)
Not repeat what others have already discussed

Concept of this journal: Resisting Violence

