Archive for May 16th, 2020

Project phase 2

Jackie was working today 2/9/2020 at Store #4 when she was inappropriately touched (wrapped his arm around her) by a co-worker that works with Store #4 in the furniture department. The situation happened at 2:30 pm. I was texted promptly by Jackie and suggested she takes the rest of the day off. The male formally graduated from the rehabilitation program for the second time for alcohol abuse. He’s no longer required to take a urine test. Jackie sent me a write-up on what happened, which I will attach to this email. I will interview the male tomorrow since his shift is now over. I’m suggesting we relocated the male and train him on what’s inappropriate work conversations. I believe this would solve the problem for both Jackie, and educate the male.


Human Resources Manager
The Salvation Army

Theory Analysis: Help the company leaders understand why the situation occurred. Select 3 relevant theories or concepts from the course. Familiarize the stakeholders with the theories or concepts and then apply them to the case by linking the evidence uncovered in the background section to each theory.

Select the theories and concepts from the attached slides.


Based on the attached reading:

write a substantial response that clearly answers the following questions while displaying an understanding of the reading:

1- What is the difference between status and class? How did this shift in nineteenth century Korea?

2- What were some of the repercussions of the shifts in the land tenure system?

do half a page for each question (a paragraph or so for each question).



Students will complete a weekly case study paper, which requires that they apply the concepts they are learning from the class textbooks to a hypothetical scenario between fictional employees. In each paper, students will need to demonstrate the ability to apply a thorough understanding of the nature of conflict, conflict management, and negotiation strategies to a fictional case.

Each paper needs to have at least two academic sources (i.e., academic textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles) beyond the class textbook will be required for each paper. No website citations will be allowed.

Include in your narrative response answers to the following questions:

1. Discuss how Dr. Jaymes is using persuasion to facilitate her goal. What methods or theories are being used?

2. Do you think these methods will be effective? Why or why not?

3. Do you think Dr. Jaymes approach is ethical? Explain.

4. If you were her boss, in other words, the department chair, and you found out what she was doing, what, if anything, would you do and why?

5. If you were a student thinking of taking Dr. Jaymes class and a former student of hers told you about her practices, in what way would this information affect your decision?

6. Consider the Christian worldview approach to this situation. Provide a Biblical scripture that would reinforce or support a preferred behavior to resolving this situation ethically, and describe how it might be applied in this case.


DeMarr. Negotiations & Dispute Resolution,  2nd Edition. Chicago Business Press, 2018-02-01. VitalBook file.


This is not rewriting or editing but adding to the existing essay to make it to meet minimum 1000 words requirement. One page worth of writing to either add to the end of the essay or to weave into the existing content will be sufficient. Please be specific where to add-in if extending existing paragraphs.

The paper for our final project includes 2 parts: (i) a step-by-step guide to teach others how to improve in their own life using your mental skills plan; and (ii) research support for your mental skills plan. This final paper should be no longer than 2

Step-by-Step Guide to Mental Skills Plan:
Based on your 2 reflections from your practice, write up how someone else could use what youve learned to apply to their own life.
Empirical Support:
Use concepts/skills from class as well as at least 2 references from academic journals/peer-reviewed studies to support your mental skills plan (e.g., 2 studies that demonstrate the positive benefits of mindfulness towards stress reduction or concentration)
References Section (APA or MLA style):
Include at least 2 references from academic journals/peer-reviewed studies that supports your plan (e.g., a study that shows using self-determination theory enhances intrinsic motivation)


Research paper topic cybercrime
For this week you will begin to research the literature in your topic area. The attached template will allow you to collect information about your sources and build your literature review.
The table columns are explained as follows:
Category: Enter the main topic area of the article you have found
Reference: Add the APA formatted reference in this column
Reference Link: Enter the link to the reference in this column
Quote: Copy an exact quote, or two, from the article that you find summarizes the main idea of the article
Summary: Enter a brief summary of the article and include how it supports the project. You can add additional information such as research methods used, population sample, analysis, etc.
This should be done as if it were being presented professionally, so no first-person speech, much of this may transfer into your actual paper.
For this week, find at least 20 credible, scholarly sources for inclusion in your literature review. Choose these carefully as they will help set the state for your research

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss the genetic and environmental causes that lead one to commit suicide. Who are at risk and how can the risk group be treated? Answer in 5 paragraphs please. Use simple language and you can use chapter 7 in the textbook attached and the PowerPoint attached. Only use those sources. No outside information.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read the assigned  Impromptu Speaking Notes Impromptu Speaking Notes – Alternative Formats

. To prepare for this speech, you will need to ask the member of your audience to come up with three open-ended questions that he or she will ask you. The subject of these questions can be anything from politics, environment, favorite foods, and travel to hobbies or home improvement. These questions are to remain secret until you are ready to start your impromptu speech.  When you are ready to start your speech, have your friend read all three questions. Then select one of these questions for your speech. Indicate the questions you have selected, take a few seconds to gather your thoughts, and then proceed to answer the question. Impromptu speeches can be a lot of fun, so just relax and do your best. Your video must be submitted by Wednesday of this session so that your classmates may give you proper feedback in time.
Remember, your response to the question should contain:

An introduction with main point
A body with supporting points
A conclusion to solidify main point

Marketing Plan

Write a maximum four-page, single spaced marketing plan for an imaginary
company / firm. If you already have a company you are considering for Capstone, please talk
with me before you start so I can steer you away from Capstone subjects that probably wont fly.
Use placeholder data for revenue, expenses, net income and all demographic and other
needed information. Follow this outline; you must include each of these as subsections to your
marketing plan. A cover page does not count as one of your pages! I expect excellent grammar;
use the Writing Center if you need help. Do not delay on this Marketing Plan. It will take you
most of the seven weeks to figure it out. Start outlining by at least the second class. If you have
not started, you are behind! There are no exceptions to the due dates on the Marketing Plan in
the syllabus. PLAN AHEAD!
Marketing and Sales Plan Elements All MUST be included in your document
1. Overview — Show a quick snapshot of your marketing and sales objectives.
2. Main positioning / message — who you are / what your product is. Describe the
problem, your solution and most importantly why your solution is superior. Product
must exist in real life — you cannot create an imaginary product (e.g., no antigravity
wrist watch). We will do a creative brief exercise that will help clarify this greatly.
3. Marketing & Sales funnel (the engine) — Demonstrate how you turn your
advertising dollars into impressions (traffic), prospects and customers, and
reference (normally this is researched) sources for all of your conversion rates
(impressions to prospects to sales)1
4. Product / Service Pricing Strategy — Why are you priced higher, lower, the same
as others in the market? What is your pricing and compare your pricing to
2 How are you allowing for sales (e.g., Presidents Day sale, Valentines
Day sale, etc.) or other discounts (e.g., quantity discount, discounts for early
payment, coupons or other promotions)? How does your pricing align with your
companys overall strategy?
5. Ideal Customer Profile — Who will you be advertising to? Need demographics
(income range, age range, education, etc.) and psychographics (hobbies, lifestyle,
culture, values, etc.). Be sure to mention any generational biases / differences and
how you are taking those into account.3
6. Annual Advertising Plan, including budget expenditure, per advertising platform
(Facebook is an ad platform, so is Google. You need a budget for each platform, and
you need to show how many customers from each platform you will acquire, and explain how you arrive at those figures based on industry research, competitor
estimates or other source).4
7. Customer Acquisition Cost. Be sure to compare your CAC with industry averages.
Youll need to research this, or estimate (guesstimate) it.
8. Monitoring — Monthly Key Performance Indicators, including target goals for
impressions, conversions, prospects and customers. How many sales calls per
month should your sales team complete? Think of this as your marketing monitoring
system. Explain your intention, and summarize your KPI in a table. Be realistic!
9. Contingency — What will you do if your ad plan and sales forecast dont work
out like you expect?
10. Ethical considerations What ethical / moral landmines potentially exist, and
what will you do to prevent them from happening?

welfare and safety

Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to understand the role FLORIDAs state Board of Nursing (BON) and explore how it protects the welfare and safety of citizens and regulates the practice of nursing. For this weeks discussion read chapters 70, 72, and 74, then provide simple and short answers to the following questions:

What is the structure and authority of the BON?
What is the code of conduct as described in the Nurse Practice Act?
How is professional misconduct defined?
What are the sanctions for misconduct?
How do nurses remain in good standing?
Name three (3) OTHER nursing organizations (include at least one APRN organization)  Board Seal

Reminder: 1)  275 words post. 2) All questions must be answered to receive full grade. 3)  Your original post by Wednesday 4/4/2020 and reply to ONE peer by 3/14/2020. 4) DO NOT forget your references.