Archive for May 16th, 2020

Culture Essay

Culture Essay

You choose ONE of the topics listed in the attached instruction file.
Quick overview on the topics:
1. Equality and Equal Opportunity
2. The Nature of Democracy
3. Family Politics
4. Environmental Issues
5. The Century of the Child

(Preferred to take a neutral stand on the opinions).


Just write my fiance name on top . Its Evan DeVito. He is really sick sadly and can’t do all of his 5 classes. So as long as its a A or a B we would be happy.  And if it cost more than 120 just tell me. But i think 120 should be enough. But whatever you guys say. =)

Public Health

In an effort to reduce air emissions from mobile sources, the EPA instituted reformulated gasoline (RFG) regulations. EPA’s reformulated gasoline (RFG) rules, required oxygenates (e.g., MTBE, ethanol), reduced vapor pressure (Reid Vapor Pressure or RVP reduction) and reduced toxics. However, there were unintended problems with oxygenates and in May 2006, the EPA reversed the RFG rule’s requirement for oxygenates by eliminating the requirement.

While RFG continues in its modified form with some benefits to the environment, it is clearly not sufficient. So, it is time for us to put our “government regulator” hats on and decide what we would advocate as next steps. Some of the best opportunities are available to us by not only changing fuels but also the vehicles that run on those fuels. The following are some examples of vehicle/fuel combination possibilities:

traditional vehicle/gasoline (with or without a bit of ethanol)
diesel vehicle/ clean diesel (with or without added biodiesel)
hybrid (newer plug-ins or traditional hybrid)/gasoline and electric power mix
fuel cell/ hydrogen
flex-fuel vehicle/ E-85 gasoline
natural gas vehicle/natural gas
Once you review the above material, write up to a five (5) page paper that includes the following:

Select ONE of the above vehicle/fuel combinations that you believe offers us the most environmental advantages AND the least economic and practical hurdles to implementation. You may draw comparisons to the other vehicle/fuel choices, but try and focus on your selection in your paper.

Explain the environmental advantages, steps to implementation and solutions to problems in implementation. When you consider environmental advantages (and disadvantages), keep in mind that these may include more than air emissions from the tail-pipe. For example, a plug-in electric car may operate without tail-pipe emissions (a plus), but the electricity could be made from coal (a negative), as coal does generate air emissions. (Ah, life is never simple, is it?).

In your answers, try and include as much of the entire environmental impact of the vehicle as possible – from manufacture through end use. Also, feel free to consider economics and geopolitical factors as environmental issues as these also tie into environmental health.

There is no right or wrong answer here. What we project this year may, in fact, turn out to be the wrong answer as technological developments occur or fuel availability changes. The important thing is to provide a good basis for your choice and arguments.

The paper should be uploaded electronically via a dropbox available in Engage. Your paper should be typed and five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, double-spaced, 12 inch font (Times New Roman, Arial or Verdana) with a reference page.

Links to some References is attached.

Bio-medical ethics

Compare and contrast those positions sending attachment.  For bio-medical ethics.
A.) Jane and Bill are a deaf couple and they want a deaf child, so
Jane takes a drug while pregnant that will make the child deaf,
without hurting it in any other way
b) Mary and Bob are a deaf couple and they want a deaf child, so
they go to a fertility clinic, fertilize several of Marys eggs, and
implant the one that has the gene for deafness

What are the moral differences between these cases, if any. Do you approve of one, but not the other? Both? Neither? Who is being hurt
in each case?

The Value of Ethical Principles in Nursing

The Value of Ethical Principles in Nursing Instructions

The essay in this unit provides an opportunity to reflect and analyze the contribution ethical principles make to the practice of nursing. The essay should demonstrate an accurate understanding of the ethical principles covered in the readings.

Write an essay that identifies and discusses in some detail three to four of the principles addressed in the assigned readings for this unit.

In addition to an accurate description of the meanings of each principle, address why the chosen values seem helpful to you and how they align with your own understandings and values as well as new insights they offer as you contemplate the role of ethical decision-making in the nursing profession.

As always, the essay should have a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion, demonstrate your own thoughtful reflection, and draw upon ideas presented in the topic readings to help frame the discussion.

Follow accurate MLA style throughout, including a Works Cited page.

Be sure to proofread for spelling, grammar and citation accuracy.

TIP: Use brief and accurate quotes to help in the description and discussion of the principles. It is okay to use the 1st person in the essay (do not use 2nd person). Make sure that even when using 1st person, it is required that support for positions and reflections is provided.

Source for Essay-Healthcare Ethics.
    Chapter 1: Methods in Healthcare Ethics, pp. 1-12.
    Chapter 2: The Content of Catholic Healthcare Ethics, pp. 15-30.
    Chapter 3: The Person Seeking Health, pp. 31-40.
    Chapter 5: Personal Responsibility for Health, pp. 55-67.
    Chapter 6: Responsibilities of Healthcare Professionals, pp. 71-85

Link to book -free on google books:

Ethics of Health Care: An Introductory Textbook
By Benedict M. Ashley, Kevin D. O’Rourke

Presidential Impeachment: What are the political ramifications of Presidential Impeachment

The Thesis Question for the paper: What are the political ramifications of Presidential Impeachment?
The paper should be around 15 pages of text (not counting title page or references).

The paper should talk about each instance a US President was impeached or close to impeached (Nixon) write about the political atmosphere in each instance, which people from each party took front and center and what were the ramifications after each impeachment when it was all said and done…you can talk about the leading up to each impeachment and all the hearings and votes and trials you can talk about how its look on today in history

Executive Summary- Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow

Project Subject
Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow

Please use the MAIN ARTICLE that I attached for the executive summary.

1.    The executive summary must be no longer than 2 pages, single spaces, 0.5″ margins, 11 Arial font.
2.    Figures and captions if any should be embedded in the text and is part of 2 page limit.
3.    The executive summary should include introduction, methods used in journal articles you reviewed, results, discussion and conclusion.  You must include a section titled: Future perspective and recommendations – this section will reflect your thoughts.

A tool to help piano students track their practice schedule

Brief outline of program design, labeling the classes and objects
Make a flowchart and a data flow diagram
Create simple menu for user

Criteria for Success
1. To be able to add new pieces and remove completed pieces from the practice schedule
2. To be able to vary the assigned practice time for each day
3. To be able to prompt the user to input the amount of time they practiced a piece
4. To be able to compute the total time for the imputed amount practiced for each piece
5. To be able to provide a summary of success and failed days based on if they met the assigned practice time
6. To be able to provide a summary of time practiced for each piece at the end of the week
7. To be able to print this information

Hamlet and A streetcar named desire

For this paper, I ask you to read Lakoffs article and think about two characters we have encountered: Hamlets Ophelia and A Streetcar Named Desires Blanche DuBois. Questions to consider as you construct your essays: How does language place them in the social worlds of the plays in which they appear? How does each use language? How do other characters use language toward them? To what degree does each control the terms of her own story? To what degree do men determine their stories for them?

How you engage those questions in the paper is up to you, but I will ask that you follow this sequence of topics (whether you actually provide section headings, and what you actually title whatever section headings you do provide, is up to you):

Introduction and Thesis (The paper’s title is all that you need for this initial section.)

Lakoffs Article


Blanche DuBois

Conclusion (Don’t entitle your concluding section “Conclusion.”)

(Conclusions shouldnt just recapitulate what has come before. For this conclusion, I ask you to consider how Ophelia and Blanches lack of power through language might contribute to the descent of each into madness.)

Urbanization of Dubai

First document (Paper Topic) is basically the instructions of the essay.
Second document name (freeman) is my title for the essay and topic and a basic summaries, and also a bibliography of the books that could be used to complete the essay.

For any question please contact me