Archive for May 16th, 2020

Individual Reflection: Other Examples of Musical Nationalism

Module 5 describes nationalism as a trend in the arts in the 19th and 20th centuries and then centers on the expression of nationalism in the United States, as an intersection of popular, folk and classical music traditions. In an individual reflection please expand these geographic horizons to consider musical nationalism in a country or area of your choice (from anywhere in the world, except the United States). Compose a submission that explains nationalism in the music of this region by answering the following questions:

How is nationalism expressed in the music of the country/area you chose?
What musical characteristics may be associated with this expression of nationalism?
Describe this expression of nationalism by describing one representative musical example with composer or artist.
Your text entry submission should be 300 to no more than 350 words long, total.

Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow

Project Subject
Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow
    Create a power point that explains the project subject including;
    Introduction, methods used in journal articles you reviewed, results, discussion and conclusion.  You must include a section titled: Future perspective and recommendations – this section will reflect your thoughts.

Please use the MAIN ARTICLE I attached as main reference. You may use other articles I attached too as supportive articles. But specifically use the MAIN article

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sportstar International
You are the recently appointed Marketing Director of Sportstar International plc. The company is multinational marketer of sports equipment, selling a range of well-known brands in virtually every part of the world.

As a company, and somewhat unusually compared to competitors, the company has never used commercial sponsorship as a promotional tool for the company or any of its brands. In fact, several of the companys branded products are used by leading sports persons in a number of sports. For example, Mia Rees (currently the worlds number 1 female tennis player) uses the companys Spinner brand of tennis racket. Similarly, most of the Australian cricket team use the companys Century brand of bat. Their basketball brand Bouncy is the official ball of the American Basketball Association. None of these brands or usages are connected in any way with any form of sponsorship.

The company has considered sponsorship on several occasions, particularly as it has seen its major competitors use this form of promotion to good effect. The main reason why the company has not used sponsorship before is that the chairperson, the original co-founder of the company, feels that any form of sponsorship is demeaning to the company and its products. The view held by the chairperson is that a good product will sell itself, in some ways a viewpoint substantiated by the selection of many of the companys brands by leading sports persons and sports organizations without any sponsorship. In addition, there was a feeling in some parts of the company that sponsorship through product endorsement by a leading sports person was not particularly effective in as much as everyone knew that this person would be in receipt of large sums of money for endorsing the product. In other words, there was a source credibility problem. Finally, there was always a concern about what would happen to the companys brand image if there was some sort of scandal with the sponsored party.

You are a firm believer in sponsorship. Your previous company used it to good effect. Sportstar spends large amounts of money on advertising and sales promotion. You have decided to make your case to the rest of the Board for introducing sponsorship as a major part of the promotional mix. You need to prepare your case for the next Board Meeting.

Instructions: Prepare and deliver your case for the company investing in sponsorships. For this project you will be making a report to the board of directors. You may do this in Memo format.


A business memo is a short document used to transmit information within an organization. Memos are characterized by being brief, direct, and easy to navigate. They are less formal than letters but should maintain a professional, succinct style. Often, the purpose of a business memo is twofold: to identify a problem and propose a solution. Other times, memos may provide or request factual information.

Business memos are designed to accommodate busy readers who want to find the information they need from the memo quickly and easily. In writing a business memo, you should structure your memo to accommodate three kinds of readers:

Those who read only the executive summary
Those who skim the entire memo for its key points and a few details they’re interested in
Those who read the entire document for the details that support its major claims or recommendations
Bear in mind that these readers may have different purposes in reading the memo. Often, readers need to make policy and action decisions based on the recommendations. Others may want to obtain specific information (evidence) needed to understand and justify policy and action decisions. Readers may also want to get a sense of your professional ability and judgment.

In determining the purpose and audience of your memo, ask yourself: Who is the intended recipient of this memo? What do I want the recipient to do after reading the memo? What information will the recipient be looking for in the memo? These kinds of questions will help guide your content, structure, and style choices.


As stated above, an effective business memo is brief, direct, and easy to navigate. The following five writing strategies help readers to navigate business memos easily and quickly:

Present the main point first. This may be the single most important guideline about the structure and content of memos. Readers should quickly grasp the content and significance of the memo. If readers have a question or problem, they want to know the answer or solution immediatelyif readers want more information, they can continue reading. In other words, supporting details should follow the main point or conclusion, not precede it.
Maintain a professional, succinct style. The style of your writing should be appropriate to your audience: In this case, your audience is your boss, your coworkers, or both. So, your style should be professional, straightforward, cordial, and easy to read. To achieve such a style, use short, active sentences. Avoid jargon and pretentious language. Maintain a positive or neutral tone; avoid negative language if possible. In addition to making memos easier to read, a professional writing style also improves the writers credibility.
Create a very specific subject line to give the reader an immediate idea of the memo’s (or message’s) subject and purpose. The subject line should orient the reader to the subject and purpose of the memo and provide a handy reference for filing and quick review. Suppose, for instance, that you were writing to request authorization and funding for a business trip. You’d avoid a general subject line like “Publisher’s Convention” or “Trip to AWP Conference” in favor of something more specific like “Request for funds: AWP conference.” The last example would tell the reader the subject and what she was being asked to do about it.
Provide a summary or overview of the main points, especially if the memo is more than one page. Often referred to as an executive summary, the first paragraph of a long memo or message serves these functions:
Presents the main request, recommendation or conclusion
Summarizes then previews the main facts, arguments and evidence
Forecasts the structure and order of information presented in the remainder of the memo
Like the subject line, the executive summary provides a quick overview of the purpose and content of the memo. The reader uses it to guide both a quick first reading and subsequent rapid reviews.
Use format features, such as headings, to signal structure and guide readers to the information they’re seeking. Headings provide an outline of the memo, enabling the reader to quickly see what the major topics or points are and where to find them in the memo. Make headings parallel with each other and as specific as possible. Other format features that signal structure and guide readers include short paragraphs and blocks of text, lists set off by indentations, numbers or bullets, or generous use of white space to guide the eye.

Though the format for a memo may vary from one organization to another, the standard heading consists of a series of clearly labeled lines that convey key information about the memos contents and its distribution. The following are standard elements of a memo header:

Date: The Due Date

To: Sportstar Board of Directors

From:  Your Name

Subject: Concise statement of the memos topic

marketing flyer

Assessment 1: Create a flyer that will be provided to potential donors using information from: Use any design software to complete. Free tool

Assessment  2: You have received (an example of) expenses on the Entrpreneurship-minor account 123456789 for March 2020 Organize the following data in any way you see appropriate.
Deliverable: Excel Document
Please see attached directions below for information as well

Design a plan to implement a business strategy throughout an organization

Design a plan to implement a business strategy throughout an organization.

In this Assessment, you will culminate one course outcome based on the development of an implementation plan for your organizational strategy:

MT460-5: Design a plan to implement a business strategy throughout an organization.

Designing and developing a business report has become an essential skill for professionals to master. In this Assessment, your business report will contain a company analysis of resources to aid in the implementation and execution of strategy. Your research, organization, planning, and critical thinking abilities will be critical in the development of your business report and execution of the Assessment requirements.

Strategists must master the art and science of decision-making. In this Assessment, you are given three options to choose from in order to analyze and develop your business report:

Option 1: To complete this Assessment, you may choose to analyze one of the following case studies from your textbook: Case Study 3, Case Study 25, or Case Study 26. You can find a list of videos that may accompany your chosen case study in the supplemental resources spreadsheet.
Option 2: You may choose an award winning company from the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program website to study. You will evaluate the Award Application Summary of your chosen award winning company as a business case.
Option 3: You may also choose to analyze your current employer instead of the business case studies based on the criteria below. You must have access to study all topics listed below. If you do not have access to the necessary information in your company, you must choose a case study or a Baldrige award-winning company as indicated above. Please seek approval from your professor if you wish to conduct this analysis based on your employer to ensure you are able to cover all requirements sufficiently.
You will find the following resource to be a helpful guide in the analysis of your chosen case study: Guide to Case Analysis.

Step 1: Explore the templates within MS Word that can be used to develop your Assessment (search for business report templates). You may choose to design your own business report without a template if you wish. Additional business report templates can be found in the supplemental resources spreadsheet to aid you in the design elements of this project. Use desktop publishing skills to professionally design your business report.

Step 2: Provide a brief synopsis of the company from your chosen case study or your employer (if approved by your professor). Include the company name, industry sector, products, target market, and any other pertinent background information.

Step 3: Identify and explain at least three of the companys strategic priorities as indicated in business documentation. If none exist, you must create them by analyzing the business situation and using strategic management and leadership abilities.

Write a broad statement of what is to be accomplished in relation to each identified strategic priority. Be specific.
Indicate how the accomplishment of each strategic initiative is monitored and measured.
Identify by job title, the people that are accountable for the success of the strategic priorities that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
Step 4: Analyze and explain the allocation of resources (financial, labor, capital assets, time, supplies, etc.) within the company based on strategic priorities. Conduct research on the company to learn more about the allocation of resources as necessary.

Using the 5-Ws and 1-H analysis technique, explain the proper allocation of resources that will help the company reach the identified strategic priorities.
Explain how successful resource allocation is measured to ensure progress is being made. State specific performance and time measurements to determine success.
Identify by job title, the people that are accountable for the success of the allocation of resources that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
Step 5: Analyze and explain the value chain activities of the company.

Identify and explain the best practices and process management tools that drive continuous improvement in the performance of value chain activities.
Explain how the company value chain activities help reach the identified strategic priorities.
Indicate how the achievements of value chain activities is monitored and measured.
Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the value chain activities that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
Step 6: Analyze information and operating systems that enable company personnel to carry out their strategic roles proficiently. Conduct research to identify and make recommendations on information and operating systems that may improve the companys execution of strategy.

Explain how your recommendations improve efficiencies to reach the identified strategic priorities.
Indicate how the effectiveness and efficiencies of information and operating systems are monitored and measured.
Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the information and operating systems that provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
Step 7: The goal of this implementation plan is to demonstrate your ability to apply effective managerial leadership in achieving superior strategy execution. Aspects of the culture of a company can be fragile and must be monitored at all times to ensure alignment with strategic priorities.

Analyze and explain the key features of the companys corporate culture.
Analyze and explain the role of the companys core values and ethical standards in building its culture and why they are important to reaching the identified strategic priorities.
Analyze and explain how the companys culture drives proficient strategy execution.
Identify explain the use of incentives and rewards that encourage superior performance in reaching the identified strategic priorities.
Indicate how the effectiveness of the company culture is monitored and measured.
Identify by job title, the people accountable for the success of the company culture that will provide direction for the work that needs to be done, and who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
Step 8: Meet the following format requirements in this Assessment:

Use as many concepts from Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in your textbook to complete this Assessment as possible.
Use a minimum of three academic research resources (including your textbook) to substantiate your thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc
Outline your business report with headings and subheadings to ensure you include all required topics, and to control the flow of ideas for your reader.
You are the professional and will need to determine how long the business report should be to meet the requirements of this Assessment. You are capable of making such decisions at this level of your degree program. Take the initiative to be the problem solver and strategic decision-maker.
Your business report should be professionally designed using desktop publishing skills.
Be sure to review the Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric in order to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated.

Minimum Submission Requirements

This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word document.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style resources found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found in the Academic Success Center in the Academic Tools area of your course. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)

DHS paper

Week 4 will expand the student’s breadth and depth of the necessary restructuring of a massive government organization due to changing dynamics and responsibilities. Also students will better understand how protecting national critical assets is required for the safety and prosperity of the nation.

Student will read the two selected articles Critical Infrastructure Sector and Its Never to Late, Restructuring the Department of Homeland Security’s National Framework.

The article, Restructuring the Department of Homeland Security, students will present the reasons and rationale for restructuring DHS based on the articles findings. Part 2 of the assignment will be a review of the second article,Critical Infrastructure Sector.  Student should report on specific points including vertical and horizontal tactics, how cyber-security has changed operational and security initiatives, and the necessity for increased partnerships and higher levels of communication and collaboration between the private sector and government agencies.

Globalization, Societies and institutions

Students can choose among 4 different topics (in attachment). The paper must be clear, precise, motivated, insightful, and well written. Students are expected to elaborate their personal view on the topic, and to avoid repetitions as well as restatements of the course readings or of other materials. Writing an academic essay means fashioning a set of ideas into an argument. Answering the questions can be helpful to break down the essay into its component parts, but obviously you need to write a unified, coherent, and consistent text, NO’n merely a list of separate answers.
I put the 4 topics in attachment, once you have chosen the subject I will forward you the documents.

Leadership in Practice MASTERS DEGREE

Identify a critical incident within an organisation where leadership performance is essential to achieve organisational goals. NB: A critical incident can be defined as any non-routine event where the effectiveness of the behaviour and decision-making of those involved, especially those in leadership positions, could have a significant and adverse impact on the likely outcomes.

Based on your research and exploration of leadership theory in the mid module assignment develop a hypothesis about the appropriate leadership behaviour for dealing with the critical incident to be examined.

Assess your own leadership behaviour and own ability to develop leadership capability in others (based on structured assessments, insights into your own performance as a leader and formal and informal feedback you have collected) and, using appropriate techniques; critically reflect on how you would have behaved in the same situation and how you might change your behaviour in future.

Design and implement a plan for modifying your own behaviour.

nurse caring

Criteria for Content

Take a moment to reflect on how you demonstrate caring in your current professional practice.

Create an original artistic representation of your perception on caring in nursing.

Drawings must be original and hand drawn by the student. It is strongly advised that you sign and date your original drawing.
Drawings should be formatted on an 8.5 x 11inch document and submitted as a PDF.
Poems or short-story – Word document 1 page in length.
Submission Requirements

Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013 to create the written component of this assessment.
The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least one but no more than two pages.
Artistic representation submitted as a PDF or Word document.
Best Practices in Preparing the Project

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

Review directions thoroughly.
Follow submission requirements for selected type of artistic expression.
Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly.
Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.

Assess investment options based upon cost of capital and expected returns

There are two parts to this Assessment.

Introduction: The Assessment requires the application of the Net Present Value (NPV) model to assess investment options given cost of capital, commonly referred to as discount rates, and required rates of returns. You will explain the role of a discount rate in evaluating the NPV model and compare investment options as cost of capital increases or decreases.

The use of a financial calculator will be required in this Assessment. Both Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted to the same Dropbox.

This part of the Competency Assessment assesses the following outcomes:

MT480M4: Assess investment options based upon cost of capital and expected returns.

Assessment Part 1:

Read the scenario and address all of the checklist items.

Scenario: A new product manager presents to you, the Chief Financial Officer, a proposal to expand operations that includes the purchase of a new machine. The product manager is certain that the positive cash flows, which exceed the initial outlay by $20,000 by the end of year 4, will bring both praise and approval. You explain the company uses a 12% discount rate for cash flows and project related budgeting. You take the time to present the details of the Net Present Value (NPV) model used to assess product proposals. The data is below.

Project Outflows to Buy Machine           

Day 1 Cash Out                          -$70,000 12% discount rate applied.

End Year 1 Cash Repayment        $10,000

End Year 2 Cash Repayment        $20,000

End Year 3 Cash Repayment        $30,000

End Year 4 Cash Repayment        $30,000

To educate the new manager, and as CFO, you take the time to evaluate the following:


Evaluate how the Time Value of Money concept results in a discounted cash flow in year 4 (an amount less than $30,000).
Assess the investment option using a 12% cost of capital discount rate by applying the NPV model. Include values in your assessment. Provide the NPV at a 12% cost of capital discount rate. Include values in your assessment.
Assess the investment option when a 7% cost of capital discount rate, versus a 12% cost of capital discount rate is applied.  Include values in your assessment. Provides the NPV at a 7% cost of capital discount rate.
Submit a 23 page paper with an additional title page in APA format. Please label your Assessment submission as MT480-M4_Part1_your name and submit it to the Competency Assessment Dropbox together with MT480-M4_Part 2_your name assessment (as seen detailed below).

Note: See Part 2 for the entire Assessment rubric.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Address all the checklist items.
The main points of the response should be developed and explained clearly with appropriate financial and accounting terminology.
Support all arguments (no errors in logic) in responding to checklist items.
APA formatting dictates that you use Times New Roman 12-point font, with correct citations, uses Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors. For assistance with APA formatting, go to the Writing Resources accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.

Assessment Part 2:

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

GEL- 7.02: Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of study.

As legal considerations in the financial world are often changing, the managers need to be aware of current as well as pending legislation to stay up-to-date with compliance issues. In addition, consumers and executive boards are scrutinizing ethical considerations more rigorously. In this Assessment you will review legislation as well as examine ethical considerations to apply them to a scenario.

Prior to the passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) some of Americas largest corporations were able to apply questionable, yet legal, schemes to book profits in offshore accounts to avoid (not evade) higher levels of tax expense. These tax savings were substantial; it is estimated multinational corporations had been able to avoid an estimated $90 billion in federal income taxes each year.

Scenario: The Board of Directors, shareholders, and stakeholders are just now learning that the corporation employed offshore banking transactions to minimize tax burdens.

Checklist: As the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) address the following items:

Explain to what extent the corporations shareholders might feel the corporation breached any measures of an entity of the highest ethical standards.
Explain to what extent the corporations Board of Directors might ever feel that you as CFO breached any measures of an entity of the highest ethical standards.
Use at least two of the ethical viewpoints as presented in ethical approaches to provide the ethical reasoning you would use to address your companys offshore profits issue (also specify the approaches you use).
Submit a 23 page paper with an additional title page in APA format. Please label your submission as MT480-M4_Part 2_ your name and submit it to the Competency Assessment Dropbox. Remember to submit Part 1 as well to this same Competency Assessment Dropbox.
Access the rubric


Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 115 Cong., P.L. 115-97 (2017). Retrieved from

Minimum Submission Requirements

Address all the checklist items.
The main points of the response should be developed and explained clearly with appropriate financial and accounting terminology.
Support all arguments (no errors in logic) in responding to checklist items.
Your content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. APA formatting dictates that your paper includes a cover sheet, the paper is double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, with correct citations, and uses Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors.