Archive for May 16th, 2020

Write a five paragraph essay using the following prompt. How have you been able to stay in touch with your beloved ones during the past two weeks of Social Distancing? What kinds of things have been difficult? For example, a lot of people are fee

In the second, third, and fourth paragraphs, tell us some details and examples of the ways in which your social life has changed in the past two weeks.  Each paragraph will contain one example.

In the concluding paragraph, reflect and tell us what your final thoughts are in regard to what youve written in the first four paragraphs.   

Social Structure Analysis Assignment – Bullying

In this exercise, you will:
1) identify a social structure (e.g. family, the education system, patriarchy, a governmental institution) and select a contemporary issue that relates to a structured element of social life. This will be to further understand how a social structure influences and/or is influenced by a dimension of social life (whether successfully or unsuccessfully) or how the social structure influences or is influenced by other social structures and/or the goals and practices of individuals
2) locate an example of a discussion of, or controversy about, the social structure in a popular media source (i.e. non-academic source); describe what is at stake and who are the stakeholders (i.e. whose interests are being discussed) according to the popular source, which may not be reliable/capable of addressing the topic with rigour E.g. Is whats at stake the continued existence of a traditional structure like the family? Is the social structure changing? Is it influencing social groups? (e.g. by oppressing them or empowering them)
3) review scholarly, sociological research to provide an evidence-based or scholarly-backed argument about the current state of the social structure in relation to the contemporary issue, supporting your analysis of the social structure via two scholarly, peer-reviewed sociological sources; use the scholarly sources to help you frame/situate the issues in cultural and historical context and to clarify what types of power relationships are at stake (e.g. are power relationships being reproduced, redistributed or threatened?)
4) practice up-to-date elements of style used in sociological research papers e.g. how to cite sources and document references

Institutional theory

Topic: Systems and Institutions


In this second exploration essay, we are looking deeper into the ideas of systems and institutions. As such, youll need to explore the following topics.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of institutionalization from the perspective of an organizational member?
How does systems thinking allow managers to see the big picture?
Are some stakeholders more relevant to the organization than others? Why/Why not?

Essays must be 5-6 pages in length (excluding cover & reference page) and formatted in APA style. Exploration essay will require 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the attached Employee Handbook Template to develop an Employee Handbook for your own specific small business concept. Be sure to change the information to fit your particular type of business.  Record all of your changes to the template in red or another brightly colored ink (not black).

Air Quality

Discussion question this week: There are certain processes that are a necessary as part of our society that result in odors. An example is a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). When we flush the toilet, we get rid of our waste. Out of site (and nose), out of mind. However, it must be treated properly elsewhere or else we would have a serious water pollution problem. Odorous compounds volatilize in the treatment of many millions of gallons of sanitary wastewater every day created by a community, in plants located far from people. Another example is the food or perfume industry. The sellability of their products is due in part to odors which, while pleasant, can be overwhelming at or outside the factory they are made. In the “old” days, all kinds of odorous facilities were intentionally located in “out of the way” places where few people lived. However, with urban sprawl, more developers are building condos or homes near these “out of the way” odor sources like a WWTP, paper mill, or perfume factory. The new residents, having spent perhaps their whole life savings on their “dream” home, will understandably complain bitterly about odors (even if pleasant) from the nearby facility which was there first and chose that out of the way location long ago in order to impact as few people as possible. With protests, the facilities may be forced to spend considerable money to control odors as best they can. But remember two facts: first, even with robust controls, a very low emission rate of an odorous compound may still be detectible and elicit responses.

And second, in most cases, these odorous compounds have no or little public health effects. So, how should such a situation be resolved? If a family buys a house but did not do their research to determine that there was an odorous neighbor operating nearby or were fooled by a real estate agent or just got too good a deal to resist, does the family lose the right to complain about odors (“buyer beware”)? Or does the facility still have the obligation to spend a lot of money to reduce odors, money that they are unlikely to make back, even though they were there first and the odors are not toxic? Remember this money spent will not likely reduce any health risks of the neighbors, “only” improve their quality of life, for neighbors that moved into the area much later? Share with me your thoughts on situations like this because they do happen (I’ve seen it!). Who should be responsible, the factory owner who was there first or the later-arriving residents? What should government do?

Marketing Plan Project

Marketing Plan Project SP 2020
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to give students experience in a range of marketing problem-solving and decision-making scenarios, including researching target markets, deciding on marketing mix elements, and determining an action plan.
Project Intro:
Students should prepare a written report marketing plan using the following guidelines.  There is no set page limit for this assignment. Please refrain from writing more than 20 pages.  Most successful projects will be around 10 pages.
This project will require both creativity and critical thinking.  You should include at least 5 credible outside sources to support various components of your project. For example, if you are introducing a new fitness app, you may want to research current markets for fitness apps when discussing the target market you will be pursuing.  Other places to include citations include company introduction, situation analysis, etc. 
Step 1) You will develop a marketing plan for a new product or service you believe an existing firm should offer.  Examples of past projects/product include : Nike introducing a new sports drink, Chick Fil A offering delivery services, ModCloth opening physical retailers, etc.  Students generally either 1) think of a new product and then think of a firm that would be appropriate or 2) think of a firm they are interested in and then think of a gap in that firms product/service offerings.  So, Step 1 is for you to think of a product/service and firm
Then, complete the project using the outline below.  Remember that you should be researching the firm, industry, competition, target market, etc. There will be videos on the CougarView site to help you identify and find appropriate sources.
Please note that the following is a proposed project outline.  You should cover most, if not all, of the following topics. You can find more information about creating Marketing Plans in Chapter 2 of your text.
Executive Summary
–    Introduce the reader to the chosen company and give highlights of the Marketing Plan.
Company Intro
-name of business, mission statement, brief description of existing products and services; introduction of new product/service   

Situation Analysis
–    Internal Environment – Marketings role in chosen firm, corporate culture, past marketing activities, resources, value proposition
–    External Environment Competitor analysis, overview of existing markets, relevant key trends in economic, technological, regulatory, social, and cultural environments
–    SWOT Analysis identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the firm and discuss their implications for the firm
–    Detail at least 3-5 specific marketing objectives (total) you believe this company should strive to achieve over the next year, 3 years, 5 years
–    Provide specific justification for each objective (HINT: these objectives should connect with situation analysis).
Marketing Strategies
–    Target Market (Customer Analysis)- Identify organizations final customers in terms of geographic, demographic, social, psychological and behavioral dimensions; Identify organizational customers in terms of market structure, buying situation, and major buying influences;
Segment the target market based on similar needs, wants and characteristics;
Select the market segment(s) to target;
Describe your positioning strategy and create your positioning statement;
Describe the consumer buying process and buying behavior(s) as it pertains to products.
–    Products/Service Analysis Strategies- Identify key products; describe how product meets customers needs; value proposition
–    Pricing Strategies- Overview of the company and product/service costs that must be considered for break-even calculations; Estimate demand for your offering based on your pricing objective; Identify the pricing strategies that are most appropriate for the company; Detail the price change tactics to be used by the company/organization.
–    Place/Distribution Strategies- Describe the channels of distribution used by the company to distribute its products based on the geographic area; If your business has a physical retail store location that serves as a touch point for customers, describe your physical location and how it fits with your overall marketing strategy (services, products, price, etc.)
–    Promotion Strategies- Detail the promotional mix used to communicate with current and potential customers.
Identify and explain the companys main promotional objectives. Evaluate the organizations strategies.
What changes or suggestions would you propose for this company with regard to their marketing mix?
–    Action Plan
–    Responsibility
–    Timeline
–    Budget
–    Measurement and Control
–    Address expected results & organizations potential for future success.

You will be evaluated based on the completeness of your project, use of adequate and appropriate support, and readability of your report (including grammar, formatting, etc.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Information for the Topics Please choose one from the following three topics. 1The neighborhood of Socialist cities (base your discussion on understanding of Lu Duanfang’s work, lecture, and your readings of Yu Yuan clips of Antonioni’s, Cina and clips Jiang Wen dir., Under the Heat of the Sun) 2) The Tiananmen Square and Socialist Capital (demonstrate your understanding of Wu Hung and Lu Duanfang’s work and your reading of clips of Antonioni’s film) (The clips is attached here: Due Dates: 1) 150-200-words exercise of an tentative first paragraph of (or proposal to) your final essay is due March 31 or earlier (worth 5 points). Whatever ways you choose to write in this first paragraph, it must include a tentative argument/thesis beside other things. You will receive a brief comment. The exercise or its revision can be included in the final essay. Please submit to “Exercise of First Paragraph” 2) A 1500 word final essay is due by NOON April 7. You may include the tentative first paragraph or the revision of it in the final essay. Worth 25 points.

Communication Disorders

After learning about speech-language pathology (1. Links to an external site..), and watching Dealing with Communication Disorders in Children (2.Links to an external site.) and Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids ( 3. to an external site.), post a one-to-two paragraph response to the prompts below.

What impacted you the most after viewing the videos of communication disorders?
Considering your own professional goals, how might you work with students or adults with communication disorders?
How do you see yourself playing a role with individuals with communication disorders?





Forum 2

Reply to two discussions about a research paper I will be writing. Each reply needs to be at least 100 words in length. Label them 1 and 2. I will provide an example of what it should sort of look like.

1. For my research paper, I have chosen to discuss the topic of generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD. In our textbook, people with generalized anxiety disorders can be described as someone who is always anxious in nearly every situation (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2020, p. 129). I have chosen this disorder because I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder back in 2012. Unfortunately, I not only suffer from GAD, but also social anxiety. I also have a cousin who is about to be 12, that I love him like he is my own, who suffers from anxiety as well. He is constantly worrying about something like the what ifs and how sos and whether so-and-so has done what he is supposed to do. I have done some research on the topic, but I would like to take this opportunity to further my knowledge. According to the article I chose, generalized anxiety disorder is very common and can even be disabling (Cuijpers, 2014, p. 131). Treatments that may be available for GAD includes the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These treatments have large effects on worrying, anxiety and depression (Cujupers, 2014, p. 137). The researchers tried different types of treatments along with CBT like applied relaxation. While applied relaxation was effective, it seemed that CBT was preferred and most effective amongst the two. Test subjects seemed to feel at ease about situations once CBT was administered over a period of time. Unfortunately, because of the study limitations, the researchers were unable to gather follow up information on the test subjects. Thankfully though, this meta-analysis has shown the effectiveness of CBT in adults facing generalized anxiety disorder.

2. I have chosen to research paranoid schizophrenia as my specific mental disorder. In an article called Schizophrenia, it goes into depth about this specific mental disorder by stating what it is, how it is diagnosed, medications used to treat and help with the disorder, and the outcomes typically associated with it. The article begins by stating that this disease is characterized by a combination of symptoms that can alter a persons sense of reality and change the ability to attend to normal life functions, such as work, school, and relationships (Lukens & Devylder, 2014). The article mentions the numerous ways that having schizophrenia affects society. Because the person diagnosed, which is only one percent of the population, is in a state of vulnerability, they seem idiosyncratic and as a result they are given a variety of different labels, mostly negative. Overall, I am excited to learn more about this type of disorder and just from reading over this single article I can already tell how vital it will be for professionals dealing with this disorder, families of the person diagnosed, and even the community to understand what this mental disorder is so they can know how to handle people with schizophrenia.

Thank you for your discussion on anxiety disorder. It would appear that anxiety disorder is becoming more and more common, especially with younger and younger people.  I work in the youth group at our church and have many young ladies who have been diagnosed with some kind of anxiety disorder.  Several are even taking medication for it.  I also have a little fellow in my AWANA group who suffers from anxiety.  According to the textbook, social anxiety disorders often develop earlier in life (Nolen-Hoeskema, 2016, p. 121). It would be interesting to explore the effects of social media, or the overuse of technology on social anxiety issues.  These would be some areas involving anxiety that I would like to know more about.
While there are many contributing factors to anxiety, once the possible physiological causes are explored, as a counselor, I would attempt to bring clarity to the perpetrator of anxiety and fear, at the same time, helping clients to turn toward the source and sustainer of peace.  We are reminded in Isaiah 26:3-4 that God keeps us in peace.  We can trust Him because of who He is! Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock (Isaiah 26:4). These references to God remind us of His mightiness and His ability to handle anything because He needs no one or anything.

merkle Trees (JAVA)

Goal: The purpose of this assignment is to write a Java program that implements a MerkleTree to be
used in a blockchain. Then you will write a brief report describing your results, in the comments of your
program; see the end of this document.

1. This assignment is self-contained. We do not expect you to know how Blockchain works. However, by
the end of this assignment, if you read the code well enough, you will learn Blockchain in detail.
2. You will be surprised how this Blockchain technology, considered revolutionary, is built on such simple
ideas that a beginner student can code. And later in life you can mention that you were writing
blockchains in your second year of undergraduate.
3. A transaction is a transfer of coins from a set of addresses (i.e., senders) to another set of addresses
(i.e., receivers).
4. Each sender or receiver is an address, which is stored in a String variable (see In
real life, people can create and use many addresses. We cannot know the owner of an address by just
looking at the string.
5. A Bitcoin transaction can have many senders and receivers. This is why transactions in Figure 1 have
dierent shape sizes. For this assignment, we simplify the transaction model to only one sender and
one receiver (see
6. A transaction has sender, receiver and amount attributes. In Bitcoin, transactions are created by ordi-
nary users and sent to a Peer to Peer network. Miners listen to the network, discover new transactions
and create blocks out of them. In this assignment, we will not have a real Peer to Peer network.
The simulates this, and returns a random number of articial transactions
whenever someone calls the collectNewTransactions() function.
7. A miner is a user (anyone can choose to be a miner) who wants to create a block. The process of
getting transactions, putting them into a block and solving the Proof-of-Work puzzle is called mining
a block.
8. Proof-of-Work (see mineTheBlock() in involves creating a string from the block-
Hash of the previous block, topHash of the MerkleTree, and a long integer (called nonce). Once the
SHA256 hash is applied to this string, a 256 bit integer is computed. If the integer is less than a
predened diculty, the nonce is said to satisfy the diculty. The block is said to be mined.
9. Any helper function that you need (e.g., to hash SHA256) is already given in the les.
What you should implement: Implement the following algorithms and methods (you can