Archive for May 16th, 2020


This week’s exercise is to design a program for node.js that calculates paychecks for a small business. The program must read the two files “wages.csv” and “hours.csv” which are 2 column CSV files, an employee name and a number. In the case of “wages.csv” the number represents the hourly wage. In the case of “hours.csv” the number represents the number of hours worked in the last pay period. Some names in “wages.csv” may not be present in “hours.csv” (in case the employee has not worked). The program must produce the file “report.txt” with a line for each employee indicating the amount of the paycheck of this employee. Here are examples of “wages.csv”, “hours.csv” and “rapport.txt” files:

“wages.csv” file

Jean Dubuc, 25
Anne Gadbois, 20
Julie Tremblay, 40
Paul Tremblay, 20
Marie Valois, 15

“hours.csv” file

Jean Dubuc, 70
Julie Tremblay, 60
Marie Valois, 80

File “rapport.txt”

Jean Dubuc: pay $ 1,750
Anne Gadbois: pay $ 0
Julie Tremblay: pay $ 2,400
Paul Tremblay: pay $ 0
Marie Valois: pay $ 1,200
Your program must use the read CSV function seen in class. Note that the program should start with a comment that gives your name, followed by the following definitions for the readFile and writeFile functions, needed in the node.js environment:

var fs = require (“fs”);
var assert = require (“assert”);

var readFile = function (path) {
    return fs.readFileSync (path) .toString ();
var writeFile = function (path, text) {
    fs.writeFileSync (path, text);
Write a testCheques unit test function that tests your functions. As usual, in addition to doing the requested processing correctly, your code must be correctly indented, it must contain explanatory comments and significant identifiers.

I suggest you use emacs to develop your code.

Week 10 Discussion

Watch this video:

Read Powerpoint attached

Choose one or two topics or issues covered within the reading to discuss and respond to. Some prompts to get you started are:

How did what you read change what you knew (or didnt know) about the topic?
What are you thinking about in relation to the topic?
How will the information be applied in your career or life?
What are you hoping to learn more about?

Institutional Theory

Institutional Theory is the subject. Everyone needs to provide a short review of the concept in your main post.

Please remember the following as you construct your initial post:

Post should be a 300-400 words
Post should fully answer the question (s) in a substantive manner
Post should demonstrate critical thinking and applied learning
Post must use complete sentences, proper grammar, and correct punctuation
Post should include cited support: 3 scholarly sources & 3-4 citations- one per paragraph
Post should use APA format for citing in-text and for reference list entries

Module 4 Quantitative Critique Part 3 Assignment

1.  Describe the research design (examples include but are not limited to: experimental, quasi-experimental, or descriptive) and discuss design decisions made by the researcher. 

2. Discuss steps implemented by the researcher to control for confounding variables.

3.  Identify threats to internal validity in the research study.

4.  Discuss the sampling design used for the research study. Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria established by the researcher. In your opinion was the sample representative of the target population?

5. What instruments were used for data collection? What information does the researcher present regarding reliability and validity of data collection methods?

Answers must be provided using complete sentences, correct grammar, spelling and APA format. Please list the question with your response then submit as a word file and label as follows:

Article uploaded and assignment rubric to follow

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In detail, analyze and evaluate “Othello. Make sure to review, in detail:
-Scene design (including lights and sound)
-Overall show

600 word minimum. College level writing. Double spaced.

You have been asked to write an argumentative essay for your school’s blog in which you support or oppose the use of an artists music in advertising.

cited their sources using parenthesis, (Title and Author) or (Author and Paragraph Number). You should also use a 1″ margin framing all four sides of the essay.  In addition, please justify the essay to the left; using Times New Roman, 12 point font is also suggested.


visit  museum  by taking  a virtual trip, e.g. the Florida Holocaust Museum ( (Links to an external site.)) or the United States  Holocaust Memorial Museum ( (Links to an external site.)), or Yad Vashem in Israel ( (Links to an external site.)).  Then you are required to write a six page paper
In order to write this paper, you can consider the following questions: Could a Holocaust happen in the U.S.?  Why or why not?  What social, economic and political factors contributed to the creation of the Holocaust in Europe?  (Students should note: historical roots of anti-Semitism in these countries, economic depression, rising nationalism, scapegoating of different people, authoritarianism in Germany). Then compare that climate with the present climate of the U.S. and even mention nationalism here and abroad.

Include 6 references from legitimate sources such as professional and academic journals. Some examples are the American Journal of Sociology, Foreign Affairs, American Sociological Review.  Other sources to be considered are The New Yorker, New York Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, and The Atlantic. Dictionaries and online encyclopedias will not count as references.


Please cite your source for your statistics and all references in APA format.
Please focus on the application of economic terms. Please focus on the calculations of life projections. Also, you will want to focus on economic value and ability to relate this in your analysis.


Assignment 1: Chapter 4 of Alan Jacobs, How to Think, is entitled, “The Money of Fools.”  What are Jacobs most important points and arguments?  What is their value, and why are they important?

Assignment 2: Chapter 4 of Alan Jacobs, How to Think is entitled “The Money of Fools.”  In this chapter, he writes of the importance of being able to summarize another person’s argument to their satisfaction. please review videos of Malala Yousafzai and Bryan Stevenson.  Summarize their arguments and positions in ways that you believe would be satisfying to them.  What do you learn from this exercise, and why is it important?
Malala Yousafzai video Noble Peace Prize acceptance speech
Bryan Stevenson video – The Forum: Professor of Clinical Law Bryan Stevenson on Just Mercy

Assignment 3: Please rewrite the following statement without plagiarizing:
In Chapter 4, The Money of Fools, Jacobs makes a case that the intellectual currency of words may incline a person either to wisdom or foolishness. The keywords in our vocabularies may cultivate and reinforce our prejudices (8991). While keywords have a place, as they sum up areas of meaning, they also have a tendency to become parasitic: they enter the mind and displace thought (95). When it comes to differing with others we lose something of our humanity by militarizing discussion and debate; and we lose something of our humanity by dehumanizing our interlocutors (98). By dichotomizing arguments we distance ourselves from our opponents and dismiss complexities and nuances.

Assignment 4: Review links to a talk by Alan Jacobs, an NPR segment, and an article by Washington Post columnist Max Boot.  After reviewing the three links, compose a forum which answers these questions: What are the facts and thinking processes that each piece embodies?  What is the message and/or argument of each piece?  What is its value for life in America today?  What are your most important take-aways from each piece.  What are your personal feelings about each piece?

Alan Jacobs: How To Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds – Alan Jacobs (ACU Summit 2018

NPR Segment: The history of using dehumanizing language to stoke fear and hatred of outsiders – Code Switch .

Washington Post Article by Max Boot Why send her back is even worse than lock her up

Nationalist composers in Europe

Extreme Nationalism began in Europe 1840 -1925 and composers became heavily involved in aspects of patriotism and protectionism in support of their native countries.  These composers used their music to make deliberate statements about political difficulties their countries were facing such as foreign interference and domination, to invoke national pride among citizens, to showcase unique ethnic characteristics they were proud of, and to celebrate their county in the concert-halls of world. 

Choose TWO (2) Nationalist composers from the list below, from 2 different countries, and thoroughly address the items about each one using the following format:

COMPOSER #1 ___________________________ Country___________________
1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);
2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved;  how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?  (20 pts.);
3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written;  what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts).  

COMPOSER #2 ___________________________ Country____________________
1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);
2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved; how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?   (20 pts.);
3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written; what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts). 
Your Paper must discuss each composer separately and be divided into sections 1) 2) 3)  as shown above. 

RUSSIA:    Glinka / Rimsky-Korsakov / Borodin / Tchaikovsky
POLAND:     Chopin / Moniuszko
CZECH REPUBLIC:    Smetana / Dvorak / Janacek
NORWAY:   Grieg
FINLAND:   Sibelius
SWEDEN:   Alfven
HUNGARY:    Bartok / Kodaly
ROMANIA:   Enescu
SPAIN:     Albeniz / de Falla / Granados
MEXICO:     Ponce
ENGLAND:     Elgar / Vaughn-Williams / Parry / Holst
USA:    Copland / MacDowell / Ives

When submitting your Research Paper,  DO NOT copy from Google. docs and attempt to paste directly into the Text Box!  The coding in Google. docs does not allow your text to “wrap” appropriately, and your assignment comes out with single line sentences that are 7 miles long!  
If you are using, please copy/paste from Google docs. into a program like Word Pad or Note Pad, and THEN copy from one of those into your Text Box space.   This process removes the code that prevents the text wrapping and your Paper will appear in normal and readable paragraph form.  Papers that do not have the proper format (“wrapped”) will not be counted.

All sources must be credited (any bibliographic format is acceptable, but MLA preferred) and all submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign & Turnitin.   Any papers found to contain plagiarized content will receive an E for failure (See MOD A Grading Policy and Course Syllabus). This assignment is worth 100 points.