Archive for May 16th, 2020

Application to UBC Master of Management

Applying program : The 9-month Master of Management (MM) at UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School is for university graduates with non-business undergraduate degrees. Whatever your degree – from math to music – this is an opportunity to gain the business skills needed to impress today’s employers and gain an edge in a competitive job market.

What motivates you to pursue an MM at this time? (200 Words)

Why do you feel Sauder’s MM Program is a good fit for you? How do you plan to get the most out of your MM journey and the cohort community? (200 Words)

What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

I have attached my personal profile and general info about myself for referene.

Markeis McGlockton Case

Summary/overview of the factual and procedural background of the case or law
Substantive/procedural issues what issues are involved in the case; why is this case even
newsworthy or taking center stage in our media in the first place
Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, functions and
dysfunctions, comparisons and contrasts, arguments for and against, intended vs.
unintended consequences of your law or legal topic
Outcome discuss how this case was decided; the courts rationale for its decision;
whether you think the outcome was fair/unfair
Policy Implications discuss how the case or law has impacted society; ideas/suggestions
for modifying the law or reforming the justice system in the future
References may include any relevant source but must include at least 3 reputable,
academic/scholarly sources. Please cite your work.

Chapter 7 Discussion

After viewing the videos on wealth inequality in the United States and poverty, please give a brief synopsis of the videos using chapter seven terminology.  What were some of the key points that stood out to you and why?

videos to watch:

I will provide pictures of the chapter


Research Hunt Assignment

1)    Using the electronic card catalogue on the Library webpage (OC Library Catalog) or the card catalog at your own school or public library, locate a non-fiction text related to your research topic (e-text/e-books work, too).
a.    Look at the table of contents based on the chapter titles or information given, how might this text be useful for your research?
b.    What is the most interesting sounding chapter/section of the work and what pages does it appear on in the text?
c.    Cite this entire book on the Works Cited page.

2)    Access the OC Databases from the LRC Website by clicking on FIND ARTICLES in the left-side menu. Select General Topics to access a list of databases. For the following four questions, you will use at least one of the following databases: Academic Search Complete, CQ Researcher, or FirstSearch Databases that are found on the OC library website.
a.    You may choose to switch between them or only use one for all the questions; the choice is yours.

3)    Using the basic search function, search for your research topic using the general terms of your topic/research question.
a.    Select 2 of your results (at least 1 should be a journal article) from your search results. Based on a quick skim of the title, abstract (if available) and/or first page, which source do you think would be most helpful to your research and why?
b.    Cite the source you chose as most helpful on the Works Cited page at the end of this assignment.

4)    Use the basic search function again, but this time revise your search terms use specific vocabulary or key words/phrases. For example, instead of searching for how toys affect self-confidence search for how Barbie affects self-image.
a.    How do these search results compare to the broader search in question 3?
i.    Are any of the results from the general search present? Do you have more or less hits?
b.    Select 2 of your results (at least 1 should be a journal article) from your search results. Based on a quick skim of the title, abstract (if available) and/or first page, which source do you think would be most helpful to your research and why?
c.    Cite the source you chose as most helpful on the Works Cited page at the end of this assignment.

5)    Use the Advanced Search two times to search for your topic, but change up your search terms each time. For example, if you search for gender, image and Mattel the first time, search for girls, self-esteem and Barbie the second.
a.    Is there a large variation between your Advanced Searches?
b.    Which search terms/phrases brought back your best hits?
c.    Pick one article to cite on the Works Cited page from each of the two searches performed for this question (meaning youll cite two articles).

6)    Use Advanced Search for your topic (you can choose to use the general or specific search terms), but specifically search in 3 ways:
a.    Search for your terms in the title only. If you get any hits back, cite the #1 hit on the Works Cited page.
b.    Search within the abstract only. If you get any hits back, cite the #1 hit on the Works Cited page.
c.    Search using the NOT option. If you get any hits back, cite the #1 hit on the Works Cited page.
d.    Out of the #1 results you get from these searches, which sounds most promising to your research & why? (If none of them sound helpful, explain that.)
e.    If none of these searches produced any results: write a brief paragraph (3-5 sentences) as to why you think there was a problem and what you could do to fix it when you search for more sources.
i.    If you got hits back on this question & have citations from it, you DO NOT have to write this paragraph.

7)    Take the search terms/phrases that have proven most helpful from this assignment and use them to do a basic search with OC Super Search when your search results appear, select Full Text from under the Refine Results options at the left before looking at your results.
a.    Are there any new results (compared to your individual database searches in earlier questions) that look helpful?
b.    Looking under the Refine Results column on the left, how many of your current results are books, ebooks, and academic journal articles?
c.    Select TWO sources located for this question (of any kind) from the first page of results that look helpful for your topic and cite them on the Works Cited at the end of the assignment.
d.    cite 2 items on this question.

8)    Create an MLA formatted Works Cited page with the results from the previous questions.
a.    The Works Cited page will start on its own page, with Works Cited centered at the top.
i.    The sources you cite need to be formatted in MLA 8th edition. This also includes the order of the sources you wont cite them in the order of the assignment. This isnt a bulleted or numbered list. Your sources will need to be in alphabetical order, arranged either by the authors last name or the title of the source, whichever comes first in the citation.
b.    If you use Words reference/bibliography tool to create the Works Cited page, or or any other automatic reference page creator you MUST check the results against the MLA 8th edition guidelines in the MLA folder on Blackboard or OWL at Purdue to make sure it is correct. Failure to do so will result in loss of points.
i.    These tools rarely create entries correctly; they often get the order of information or punctuation wrong, or are in the wrong font/style when created or pasted into the essay. You MUST check to make sure it is correct.

HEA/733 Critical Analysis and Evaluation

hat all research analysis and evaluation within this assignment will contain components that will be included, or are a part of, your dissertation. You will advance to synthesis when completing the literature review for your dissertation.

As you complete this assignment, also consider assumptions, assertions, and inferences made by the author and yourself in relation to each of the content-specific research components within your discipline.

Review two journal articles (one qualitative and one quantitative) from the Week 5 Electronic Reserve Readings.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing and evaluating the methodology, results, and conclusion and the consideration of the ethical treatment and protection of human subjects in the content articles provided in class.

Consider the following questions and the criteria in the relevant sections of the practitioner Dissertation Criteria and Rating Scale (DCRS) as you complete your critical analysis and evaluation of the journal articles you reviewed.

How did the researcher establish the stages, theoretical/conceptual framework, elements, and appropriateness of data collection? What data collection procedures were used?
How are ethical considerations for data collection, analysis, and reporting described? How could ethical treatment and protection of human subjects have been improved or made clearer to readers?
How was the data analysis aligned to the method and design of the study? How did the analysis and presentation of the results support the claims or conclusions stated in the research study? How did the theoretical or conceptual framework used help provide a lens for the researcher reviewing the results of the study?
How was the generalization supported based on the design of the study? How was the scope of the generalization of the findings presented?

Describe the findings of your analysis and evaluation.

Explain the steps you took to analyze and evaluate the research components of the theoretical/conceptual framework, methodology, results, conclusion, and ethical considerations. What insight have you gained from this process that will help you to develop these sections of your dissertation?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Read Article and description of fourthing you learned

Read Barron’s *Painless Grammar. See the attachment
a four-page description of four things you learned from the book and how
those things will help you as you edit the work you’ve done so far for this
class and as you write new things. Provide examples by editing two sections
of your revised drafts for each lesson you learned (so eight edited
sections in total). Use each lesson correctly in two new sentences that you
write about your local social issue, or 12 sentences total. Include these
edited sections and new sentences in the four-page essay as examples of how
the lessons in the book have and will the grammar

quantitative research article

Search the healthcare data base for a nursing quantitative research article.  Identify the limitations faced by the researcher.  How did the researcher overcome the limitations or potential limitations that could threaten the study? List the citation for the article in APA format.

Please attach a copy of the article with your post.

An Annotated bibliography

I need you to follow the rubric with a summary and three sentence evaluation and I needs to be about each of these three stories, as well as ten sources
By: Gina Berriault- The Stone Boy
By: Albert Camus- The Stranger
By Laszlo Krasznahorkai: I Don’t Need Anything
Here are the Links:

Sexual Problems

Develop a 34-page research paper based on a selected case study related to sexual problems.

Most sexual behavior problems must be delineated within the context of the individuals personality, lifestyle, and relationships with others. It is usually simplistic to label any particular behavior automatically as a problem. Several criteria are given that can be used to define sexual problems and that can help put problematic sex into a more realistic and sensible perspective. Determining when a sexual preference behavior becomes a problem is highly subjective and requires a look into different aspects of an individuals life, including his or her lifestyle and cultural and social belief systems. Sexual abuse, coercion, and assault of others represent serious sexual problems (Hyde & Delamater, 2017).

STDs and a variety of other medical conditions can affect the sex organs and sexual activity. Whereas STDs once were discussed only briefly in most human sexuality courses, they are emerging as important issues again. Considering that the incidence of several diseases is on the rise and that more organisms are being recognized as being capable of sexual transmission, such a trend may be timely. One of the most significant findings of the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) was the direct correlation between the numbers of sexual partners people have had and the likelihood that they will have had a STD (National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, 1992).

Defining sexual dysfunctions is somewhat subjective, and individual differences in the sexual response cycle are often perfectly normal. Rather than simply labeling each dysfunction and explaining it separately, we must examine it based on the broader picture of sexual responsiveness and the total sexual relationship. In recent years, there has been greater emphasis on potential organic conditions that can manifest themselves in sexual difficulties, including the effects of alcohol, other drugs, and certain medications. On the other hand, it is still a safe assumption that many sexual disorders of this sort are caused by a vicious circle of anxiety and fear of failure generating lack of responsiveness, or by difficulties within a relationship.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply basic psychological terminology and concepts related to human sexuality.
Describe one issue associated with a case study.
Competency 2: Apply basic psychological theories to topics in human sexuality.
Apply psychological theories to a case study in human sexuality.
Competency 3: Apply basic scientific and research concepts and findings related to human sexuality.
Apply scholarly research findings to a case study in human sexuality.
Competency 4: Write using a clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.
Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text.
Use appropriate tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Hyde, J. S., & Delamater, J. D. (2017). Understanding human sexuality (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago (NORC). (1992). National health and social life survey. Available from

Sexual Problems and Development
Hyde, J. S., & Delamater, J. D. (2017). Understanding human sexuality (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 10, Sexuality and the Life Cycle: Adulthood, pages 244270.
Chapter 14, Variations in Sexual Behavior, pages 350377.
Chapter 18, Sexually Transmitted Infections, pages 452473.
Boskey, E. (2013). Sexuality in the DSM 5. Contemporary Sexuality, 47(7), 15.
Brotto, L. A. (2013). Mindful sex. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(2), 6368.
McLelland, M. (2017). Not in front of the parents! Young people, sexual literacies and intimate citizenship in the Internet age. Sexualities, 20(1/2), 234254.
Content Media (Producer). (2011). Sexual addiction: Is it for real?-Infidelity [Video]. Films on Demand.

Assessment Instructions
Develop a light research paper based on case studies provided in the following interactive media piece:

Human Sexuality Case Studies: Confronting Issues in Human Sexuality.
Read the case studies and select one on which to base your paper. Try to choose the case study that you feel best applies to the requirements for your paper, which are provided in the instructions below.

Use your selected scenario to write a 34-page paper in which you complete the following:

Issue: Describe an issue raised in the case study.
Theory: Describe a concept or theory and the general perspective or approach to human sexuality that the concept or theory falls under (such as gender theories, instinct theory, psychodynamic, or developmental) using correct terminology from the course. If the concept or theory is closely associated with the writings of a particular theorist (such as Freud, Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and so on), then provide that information. Apply the concept or theory to the issue in the case study.
Research: Select a minimum of two scholarly sources that support your explanation of how the concept or theory relates to the case study. Connect what you have learned in your research by integrating and combining information from your source articles with the case study.
Note: Do not restate the case study within your paper; you should only identify and refer to the selected case study as needed to illustrate your points.

Your paper should follow a logical structure and be evidence based. Use the MEAL plan to help guide the organization of your paper.

Main idea: Present the main point or idea that you are making about your case study related to sexual problems.
Evidence: What does the research say? Support your statements with evidence from the literature.
Application: Summarize main ideas from articles related to your chosen case study. Apply concepts that relate directly or indirectly to your main point. Make explicit links between source articles and your current paper.
Link: Integrate and combine information from your source articles with your main point or idea.
Conduct independent research for resources and references to support your paper. Provide a reference list and in-text citations, in APA format, for all of your resources. You may cite texts and authors from the suggested resources as well as any additional reputable resources you find on your own.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Number of resources: A minimum of two scholarly resources.
Length: The research paper should be 34 double-spaced pages in content length. Include a separate title page and a separate references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Use Microsoft Word.
Template: You may use the Sexual Problems Template to complete the assessment.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.



–> Q3) Analyse the factors (other than price of the product) that determine the level of its supply and how they have changed in the last few years.



-Analyse the factors (other than price of the product) that determine the level of its supply
-How they have changed in the last few years