Archive for May 16th, 2020


Think of 3 variations for the flex offense that you could run. Explain why you chose this variation and how effective you think it would be. Provide 2-3 sentences (or more) to explain the variation and the reason for it. Refer to material sent out this week about how to run the flex. I have linked it again below:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There is consistent evidence that hookah use is as, if not more, harmful than cigarette use. Yet, hookah users underestimate the potential deleterious effects of hookah use.  Studies show that Hookah users were more likely to use other substances, including cigarettes, cannabis, alcohol, cocaine, and amphetamines. The strongest association emerged between hookah use and alcohol and cigarette use.
As a future health educator, what are some recommendations or facts that you would supply college students as the schools only health educator on campus. How would you get the word out on campus on the dangers of hookah use. Please be sure that your response is at least 2 paragraphs long and that you incorporate at least 2 peer reviewed journal studies in your response.


You will choose a popular film and analyze it in terms of the cultural anthropological concepts we are studying in class. This will take the form of a 2-page (~ 500 words) academic paper. You should work with at least 2-course concepts in your analysis, and provide examples from the film as your ethnographic data.

Ad campaign

please carefully read the pdf to understand how to write a good ad. Follow the instruction!
Advertising Copy/Campaign
This assignment has three parts:
1)    A single-page print advertisement

2)    A narrative script for a 15- to 30-second radio spot

The Print Advertisement Create the text for a single-page print ad.  This should contain the following: 1) a Headline, 2) a Body Copy, 3) a Call to Action, and 4) a tagline.  You can also create the layout for the ad, including a doodle where the visual would go.
The Narrative Script Write the script for your 15- to 30-second radio spot.  The voice/tone of the radio spot should be evident in the writing.  Describe any audio effects you intend to include in the actual radio spot.

Personal Statement for Gradschool

I am applying for grad school for an MS in real estate development.
Outline of my personal statement is: Tell us about your academic and professional goals and why you would be a good fit for the school and what will you bring to the program. This should be about 750 words.

My plan is to start the statement with an anecdote from my life as a hook and a theme to my statement. Then talk about my background. And finish up with what I want to learn in the school, why the school is the best fit, and what I would bring to the program if accepted. And what my plans would be upon graduation.

I have attached some drafts that I wrote quickluto give you some thoughts to work off of.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to connect to hear more about my experiences so that you can write the best possible paper that is interesting, coherent and answers the questions needed.

Project Managements’ Constraints

This order is for a project management class. The following is a paper with a group project. I need to do some parts while others will do another parts of the paper. The paper is about an imaginary project with an imaginary company that they need to have an item locator in their stores around the U.S (more details will come later). My part is this time is
Project Constraint. the Constraint section in the RFP (Request For Proposal). First, before you start writing read what is the constraint section is about. Open the attached file and read (Discussion of Constraints) part. This part should give you a better understanding about what I need from you in this order. Second, read the next file (Term Paper – Draft). This paper talks talks about an imaginary company that do retail business (like Walmart or Target) and they are looking for proposal to develop devices to locate items in their stores and help their customers to make the shopping easier. Also in this file you will see Request For Proposal (RFP) is the part that my groupmates wrote so far. Read this part and go through the requirement that should be in the part you will need to write about it. Make sure you understand the last part because your writing will be about the requirements from the RFP.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Clinical decision making is the process by which we determine who needs what and when. While not exactly arbitrary, this exercise can be quite subjective. Each provider compiles their own data (hence the emphasis on learning to perform an accurate H&P) and then constructs an argument for a particular disease state based on their interpretation of the “facts.” The strength of their case will depend on the way in which they gather and assemble information. There may then be no single, right way of applying diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to a particular case. Medicine involves playing the odds, assessing the relative chance that a patient is/is not suffering from a particular illness. Codifying the way in which providers logically approach problems and deal with this uncertainty is a difficult task. Relying solely on the classic features of a disease may be misleading. That is because the clinical presentation of a disease often varies: the symptoms and signs of many conditions are non-specific initially and may require hours, days, or even months to develop.

Generating a differential diagnosis; that is, developing a list of the possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs, is an important part of clinical reasoning. It enables appropriate testing to rule out possibilities and confirm a final diagnosis.

This case portrays a poor patient outcome after a misdiagnosis.

Case scenario

A previously healthy 35-year-old lawyer presents to a primary care office with a chief complaint of chest pain and a non-productive cough. The pain started suddenly 2 hours prior to coming to the office while the patient was sitting at his desk. The patient describes the pain as sharp in nature, constantly present but made worse with inspiration and movement, and with radiation to the base of the neck. His blood pressure in the right arm and other vital signs are normal.

On physical examination, the only findings of note are chest wall tenderness and a faint cardiac murmur. The ECG in the office is normal. The patient is observed for an hour in the office and assessed. He is diagnosed with viral pleurisy and sent home on non-steroidal analgesics.

The following day the patient collapses at home and cannot be resuscitated by the paramedic service. An autopsy reveals a Type 1 aortic dissection with pericardial tamponade.

Discussion Assignment:

Developing a list of possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs is an important part of clinical reasoning.

As an NP in primary care, what would you have done differently?
Discuss the importance of creating a list of differentials for this patient. How could it have changed this outcome?
If a serious diagnosis comes to mind based on a patient’s symptoms:

Ask yourself: Have you considered the likelihood of a serious diagnosis and whether it needs to be ruled out by testing or referral?
Because many serious disorders are challenging to diagnose, have you considered ruling out the worst-case scenario?
Ask yourself: Do you have a sufficient understanding of the clinical presentation to offer an opinion on the diagnosis?
What other diagnoses could it be? How might the treatment to date have altered the patients outcome?
What other diagnostic and laboratory or imaging was needed in order to make a complete differential list? What support tools would you consider using in helping to create a differential diagnosis list?
Are you familiar with the current clinical practice guidelines for the investigation of a suspected condition such as chest pain?
Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a textual analysis of at least 1000 words.
Your essay should be at least 1000 words and follow the formatting guidelines for all our essays and papers in this course. Any quotes or paraphrased content from the readings (or outside research, if you choose to use it) must be properly cited in text and with a reference list at the end of your document. The format of all essays is a double-spaced paper using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and MLA style guidelines.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Healthcare

Discuss Implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) deployment and utilization in healthcare industries.

10 Pages of content, 2 to 4 pages of which have to be an annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed resources. At least 7 are needed.

I have attached a list of articles that could be used, they do not have to be those specific ones, just a suggestion

APA formatting.

critical research paper about selected aspects of health and illness in later life and the health and policy or practice responses to them.

1. For assigment 1, the only information I have is only the PPT photo, it might be a bit difficult to read when zoom in, but still readable.

2. Assigment 2, there is an essay outline feedback from instructor, very valuble as the instructor marks very hard.

I also attach reference reading for the assigment 2.